The Siege VR game is Exhausting - Breachers

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[Music] you won't find it we keep coming up with more and more creative ways to make the most difficult tasks into VR games the bullet went through his head and into mine as of today I have now flown a plane in VR survived in a rainforest mixed a Mojito or limes 20 milliliters of sugar syrup uh muddle and then crushed ice ironically making the Mojito was probably the most difficult thing to do by far but now the top game on Steam is a game about responding to a barricaded suspect's call oh no oh God it's SWAT VR except you get to be the suspects too so it's more like Siege VR and it sounds simple in fact I would be as bold to say it sounds like a good idea how do you do that I want to do that give up these oh that's how you do all these oh nice grab this hello knock knock your Uber driver's here but the art of Close Quarters combat is a vibrant tapestry of tactics and angles that if we're being honest with ourselves most of our smooth little brains are not trained for oh come on and I learned that in the worst way possible because this game came out on a Thursday which is one of the days a week I go live on Twitch and try to figure out how to make two hours of unedited footage entertaining that's what the bot is gonna open up to is one message in chat that says man I wish sex was real and I don't think I've ever played a video game worse no no I need a different gun I think I need an SMG all right can someone oh because the time to kill is quick in this game as it should be in order to encourage tactics teamwork room clearing and most importantly situational awareness I just had a paradigm shifting moment when you're on defense they could come from any angle because it's like a building that they're infiltrating I see okay there is no front and back there is no two sides all right that might make all the difference but I want to shoot people as fast as possible and talk to nobody while I do it and to the FBI agent who just entered the chat I promise I'm normal in real life oh I can get this guy okay I'm doing something wrong they're killing me way too fast I'm doing something wrong you watched it I watched it we both live together I don't know why I said it like that that stream was an unmitigated disaster that dropped twitch's stock value and made the CEO resign but I didn't let it phase me I got back on the next day off of stream so I didn't have everyone distracting me and I did much much worse oh why no I'm kidding I did a little better but only because I got really into the room clearing Spirit you ready that's so cool all right here we go breaching time stand back and bunk 'd get in there get in there big guy the true magic of VR is when you start doing RP type things for the fun of it and you get rewarded for it in the game I'm still alive I think I got a kill I killed him I killed him while I was flashed for example holding your gun at the ready is tiring in regular Shooters you just have to right click but in VR you have to use your nervous system to tell your shoulders to raise your arms and then keep them there all while building lactic acid and burning calories and what am I an Olympian that's the problem with these tactical Shooters you really gotta be tactical but I started doing it because it made me feel cool and when I was walking into rooms that was a massive Improvement I'm on shotgun duty if anyone gets extremely close you'll you'll be thankful you have me and I also which I can't even do on stream against every fiber of my being forced myself to turn on game chat he's a famous YouTuber oh is it he's uh he's got a on 500 000 oh yeah yeah no I've seen this channel yeah bro 600 000 but you know all right no that's fine no that's fine I like the team cohesion I like that we're all sticking together this is a good sign but then we can just this was massive Improvement number two because there is no substitute for telling your teammate to check the corner first oh no they're gonna see my laser what do I do in this situation I'm not going in first paw eyes sugar says can't take it oh I can't take it thank you camaraderie camaraderie meat shielding however you want to look at it it keeps you alive and most of the time gives you a kill got him got him what an angle what an angle [Music] oh he's dead pause hello I apologize but because I have cultivated a community of cultists I have to send you to this time code to return to the F tier room clearing for anyone who's got their hands busy with dishes or food I'm sorry you have to hear this I still think you should play the wizard stop it get some help dact 78 just here to take away Russell's Discord what August by gamer Subs Link in the description and oh my God another one code having gamer Subs checkout you guys are paying me to do an ad for me it really wasn't an exaggeration to say cultist Behavior earlier stop it get some help we'll throw a grenade darkness my old friend and that's a big reward to get kills in this game because it's one life per round so usually it's either you get the other guy or you don't get to play again for a while oh no how is he already dead oh geez don't worry I got this oh that worked wow that that kind of worked really well and getting kills is how you get more points to spend on guns and equipment for the following round which is a cool system honestly stop talking to chat and buy your and on top of the guns there are also a lot of fun boot ads and gizmos to assist in this type of unforgiving environment oh hello drone come here drone imma get you imma get you including exploding foam that you get to paint on yourself in VR I got I got the boom boom foam let me use my boom boom foam oh not really sure why you'd use it though when you can just bash a wall in with your stock but it's fun to paint and that alone is incentive enough to get points to spend on it whoa okay how does it work do I then how's it work how's it work oh shoot oh and I've gotten better as this week has gone on and this is me from the future talking by the way hi how's it going and I'd love to prove it to two percent of you on stream today but hopefully if all goes well this is what I'm doing by the time this video goes up [Music] so no stream today we'll have to wait until Tuesday but regardless of the 90 of people who watch this video in the future who it never matters for anyways that's all I got I mean if you really think about it maybe just drink instead of try to solve your phone probably not probably not say that thank you for watching me fail at CQB on Loop for seven minutes straight I hope it was worth the chuckle I gave you on the toilet have a good rest of your morning noon or night internet stranger and if you give me the privilege of your time again I will see you [Music] in a house with six toad cats that is a reference that probably no one's going to understand anyways goodbye plant this in room I am here we go sorry how does this work yeah am I doing it how does this work
Channel: habie147
Views: 1,089,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breachers
Id: npy7SgX71EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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