Top 5 INCREDIBLE Helicopter Maneuvers

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the skills that these pilots have is unbelievable today we're doing the top by the incredible helicopter maneuvers number five the goal one five is a German anti-tank helicopter an incredibly skilled pilot demonstrates the types of maneuvers that would be used in a conflict situation the helicopter must fly low to avoid potential enemy fire but he also has to be careful to avoid hitting the trees [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] number four what do you do if you need to land a helicopter on a ship in heavy seas it may seem impossible but skilled pilots can pull this off the pilot needs to match the oscillation of the ship until a landing is possible [Music] [Music] number three these soldiers need to be resupplied but their base is on the edge of a mountain luckily the pilot had the skills to partially land the back of the helicopter quite a risky maneuver but given the situation it was a good solution to get the men the supplies they need it [Music] [Music] there's a similar landing technique but this time in water [Music] number two a Swedish pilot demonstrates emergency maneuvers in a Chinook helicopter such maneuvers are used in high risk scenarios for example if the helicopter is under fire or at risk of getting shot down [Music] to say about that [Music] passing [Music] and I thank you episode [Music] [Music] and finally number one if a helicopter needs to change directions quickly there's a type of a maneuver that pilots can use it involves flipping the helicopter upside down before rotating a hundred and eighty degrees to reverse direction this type of maneuver would only be used in an emergency situation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoy today's video be sure to subscribe for more and check out my previous video on helicopter landings [Music] [Music]
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 4,706,524
Rating: 4.7192168 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, helicopters, aircraft, flying, pilots, pilot, air show, helicopter show, flips, barrel roll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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