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hi there today I'd like to talk to you about how to fly a helicopter why don't we quickly hop in there and I'll show you how it works okay now that we're in the helicopter I'd like to talk about the different controls that we have there's three of them for the helicopter the first one is my left hand over here and this is called the collective stick okay so what actually happens with this one I can raise this collective stick and I can lower it back down again and the pitch angle of each rotor blade is actually increasing and decreasing as I raise and lower this collective okay so collectively they call it the collective because collectively all three blades in this helicopter are increasing pitch and then decreasing pitch as I raise and lower this stick okay what that does is the more pitch that you is a more pitch angle that you have on a rotor blade the more lift it creates and then the helicopter is going to go up so to make this into simple terms when I raise this collective the helicopter is going to go up when I lower the collective the helicopter is going to go back down okay so the second control I'd like to talk about this is the most complex control here and that's the cyclic so you use the cyclic with your right hand and this one is what makes a helicopter fly forwards backwards left or right okay so all I need to simply do is I push this cyclic forward or I pull it back or I push it left or to the right here and what's actually happening is cyclically they call it a cyclic because cyclically as the blades spin around in a circle they change their pitch angle based on where they are in that rotor disk okay so if I push the cyclic all the way forward the blade over there is starting to decrease its pitch it reaches its lowest pitch angle at the front of the helicopter and that blade is literally flapping down or flapping back up as it goes to the back of the rotor disc okay and then it starts to increase the pitch angle as it comes around to this side of the helicopter and it reaches this Matt's maximum angle at the very back and the head and the blade is flapped fully up at the back so if you think about each played individually spinning around in a really really fast circle it creates a rotor disc and now that disc wherever I point this cyclic left or right forward or back that rotor disc is going to follow that cyclic control and that's where the helicopter is going to fly okay so if the rotor disk tilts forward the helicopter will fly forward if the rotor disk tilts backwards the helicopter is going to fly backwards okay so this one is most complex because this is the one that's actually balancing the helicopter in one position this is the hardest one to learn how to fly okay now lastly we have the pedal control input what happens is the helicopter has what's called torque so in this helicopter it's a European helicopter so the blades are spinning around clockwise the clockwise rotation causes a counterclockwise torque effect so the helicopter in this one specifically the torque effect is causing the helicopter to want to spin around to the left so if I were to pick this helicopter up in the hover it would naturally just start spinning out of control to the left and obviously that's not going to be very helpful for us so what we need to do is we need to have these pedal controls they control the tail rotor in the back and they control the pitch angle similarly to the collective that we talked about the pitch angle of the color of the blades on the tail rotor and so if I were to use my pedals here and I were to push right pedal that's going to increase the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades in the back and now I'm going to actually be able to counteract that torque and I'm going to be able to stop it and I'm going to be able to create the perfect balance between the tail rotor Authority and the balance of the torque and then I'm going to be able to sit the helicopter perfectly nice and straight without spinning left or right now if I were to use more right pedal the helicopter is going to spin around to the right if I already use more left pedal where actually I could technically say if I were to just ease off my right pedal then I'm gonna allow the helicopter to spin around to the left okay so I can control the rotation in one horizontal plane left and right by using my left and right pedals and that'll control the tail rotor in the back now helicopters are powered by different types of engines this one happens to be a piston engine you can also have a turbine or a jet engine for a helicopter now this one here has a torque gauge similar to pretty much all the turbine helicopters out there so what happens is on the collective I have a throttle control as well okay now something that's unique about helicopters is they actually run at a fixed rpm very unlike a car or any other type of machine even like an airplane so it's a fixed rpm meaning you usually have a governor control that controls your rpm I have this throttle control right here so I can roll on throttle once I've started the helicopter and the governor control will take it over it's gonna bring it up to full revs for me and then when I raise and lower that collective the engine is actually producing more or less torque and that has I have a torque gauge here that shows me how much torque I'm using and typically the the maximum that you can use in a helicopter is a hundred percent torque and so you can see here as I raise and lower the collective I can increase and decrease my torque setting right here up to a maximum of a hundred percent so if I was on takeoff on depending on how heavy I was I could be watching that gauge there and I could be monitoring how much power I'm able to pull and I can pull pull pull all the way up to one hundred percent but I can't exceed one hundred percent sometimes one hundred percent limit is due to the engine simply can't produce any more power and sometimes it's a gearbox limitation so they don't want you to pull more power than that because it's going to be over torquing your gearbox that wraps up the basics of how to fly a helicopter if you guys enjoyed this give it a thumbs up you can visit our website if you want to learn more about flying helicopters it's gonna be linked below is BC helicopters com follow us on Instagram if you're not already at BC helicopters we'll talk to you guys in the next video see you later [Music]
Channel: Pilot Yellow
Views: 2,629,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mischa gelb, pilot yellow, yellow pilot, bc helicopters, how to fly a helicopter, helicopter, flight instructor, flight training, cabri g2, how a helicopter works, learn to fly
Id: U6HjohDNRqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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