12 Most Amazing Ships In The World

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we all think we know what a ship looks like if it's an old ship it probably has a sail and if it's a newer ship it will run on an engine and it will have a space in the middle for cabins and crew members that's right 90% of the time but not every time for centuries and even today people have played around with the idea of what a ship should look and feel like that's resulted in some unconventional designs and as a result some of the most amazing ships in the world the Proteus experimental watercraft has been in use by the United States of America since 2013 but as many as six whole years before the first unit was built the design was attracting international attention that was because of its design it looks like a giant spider scuttling across the surface of the water the correct way to refer to it would be as a wave adaptive modular vessel a sort of catamaran that doesn't have a keel and has a separation between its hull and superstructure by using titanium shock absorbers in its legs Proteus moves with the waves instead of pushing through them thus lowering water resistance and decreasing fuel consumption as well as being faster than your average boat the cabin at the heart of the ship has room for four people and can detach from the legs submerge as far as 20 feet below the water and run under its own power it's an adaptable vehicle but its true potential is still unknown only one Proteus has been built and it's still considered a prototype as good as humans get it traveling on the water will never be as adept at the task as dolphins sharks or fish in general that leads us to a question whenever we've designed boats which can submerge for example the submarine why haven't we just copied the basic design of a fish that's what the manufacturers of seed reach your ex have done and it looks awesome the ship can do it all it's as fast as a speedboat it can jump and it can dive deep below the waves the shark inspired paint design might look a little hokey but there's an incredibly powerful vessel underneath the paint two passengers of no more than six feet and four inches in height can board the Seabreacher X and enjoy all the thrills and spills that come with firing up its supercharged 260 horsepower 1500 CC four-stroke engine it's 17 feet long eight feet across from wingtip to wingtip and it can jump out of the water and 90-degree angles that's pretty impressive for a vehicle which weighs 1,350 pounds the SS Pato alto was built in 1919 as an oil tanker with the difference she was made out of concrete making concrete ships might seem like a fool's errand but materials came at a premium during the first world war and concrete was deemed an acceptable alternative to more conventional substances she never saw service in the war it was over before the building process could be finished seemingly lacking a purpose she was towed to Seacliff State Beach in 1929 for a new life as a party boat the concrete behemoth played host to an arcade a dance hall and a casino but the Great Depression killed off most of her trade during the 1930s she never found a new purpose and is instead crumbling piece by piece into Monterey Bay large chunks of the ship are already below the water and so she now hosts fish beneath the surface and birds above it sadly she's no longer in a fit state to accept human visitors seismic exploration ships may look a little more like conventional ships than many of the other examples you'll see in this video but they serve a completely different purpose as the name suggests their job is to monitor and study seismic activity out at sea that's valuable to science but they also have a profit-driven motive a seismic vessel is able to identify the perfect place to locate an offshore oil drill a badly planned oil drill will do more than just bankrupt whoever builds it it can irreparably damage the ecosystem around the area of the drilling takes place the work of seismic vessels reduces the risk of such planning errors the ship's send pulses through the water and then extrapolate data to create an image of the seabed the ropes you see attached to seismic ships are known as streamers and contain geo phonic sensors to monitor pulse activity trained geophysicists and geologists can then identify whether hydrocarbons are present in the seabed beneath the ship and wells will either be drilled or not drilled accordingly [Music] the rich and famous people of the world who have been avoiding paying their tax liabilities behave like they are not part of the same world as the rest of us and so now a floating prison has been designed for them that befits their status known as the Panama papers jail this is currently just a blueprint and a design but there's no reason why it couldn't be built and used as our real prison in the future all you need is a giant cargo ship with enough space to fit the huge paper sails and you'd be ready the paper sails are more than just an unusual design they are essentially enormous paper waffles made up of 30 square-foot prison cells the prisoners wouldn't be too badly looked after they'd have a workshop into gym along with an agricultural deck to grow plants and a sewer treatment center to recycle their water the Panama papers jail would be self-sustaining so the inmates could stay out there forever each paper sail cell block would be 300 feet high and over 1,000 feet long making a reliable and commercially viable flying boat has been the dream of designers for decades the larger the intended flying boat the more elaborate some of the plans of the past have been what you see here is the design of Gianni caproni and despite its ridiculous appearance it almost worked caproni wanted to make an enormous transatlantic airliner which could also move on the water and transport 100 people his big idea was that flying boats would work as a desirable and cost-efficient mode of transport internationally and that by improving the speed at which people could reach different countries the world would feel more closely linked in 1919 just after the first world war ended it was a laudable ambition the finished product was called Transaero and featured three gigantic wings looking precarious as they balanced above the vessels hull eight engines were required to lift it out of the water and miraculously they did but only once the Transaero completed one test flight in 1921 but crashed and broke up on the surface of Lake Maggiore in Italy when its second test flight failed [Music] conventional wisdom says that ships should be horizontal that is that they should be longer than they are tall french architect jacques rougeau disagrees with that and if he ever manages to finish building the sea orbiter he might be able to prove his point this futuristic the vertical ship will be 170 feet tall with as much of the vessel below the water as there is above Rouge air envisions his vessel to be a floating sea base constantly roaming the oceans and therefore allowing marine life to collect and grow beneath the hole because the hole will be transparent scientists will be able to observe and perform research upon it in a manner never before thought possible 18 marine scientists will call the sea orbiter home performing long tours of duty on it like astronauts do on the International Space Station the underwater portion of the ship will account for 102 feet of its height with a large observation deck on the surface allowing all the residents the chance to get some fresh air the first portion of the ship was built in 2015 but progress since then has been slow the ship doesn't need to have a great scientific purpose in order to be amazing it just needs to be strange enough to catch the eye that makes this cute and charming duck ship perfectly worthy of inclusion in our video making the duck boat was the work of one man Sweden's Christian Bolan who has a history of making eccentric water-based vessels it might look whimsical but within the duct shaped hull there are some trappings of luxury anyone who takes a ride on Bolin's boat has access to a luxurious sauna and a modern kitchenette as well as a sleeping space for two passengers it might not get you across the Pacific or Atlantic oceans but it looks like a fine way to spend a few days on smaller waterways it's also surprisingly cheap Bolin would be happy to build one for you for fifty eight thousand dollars if you have sixty thousand dollars burning a hole in your back pocket now you know what to spend it on having seen a duck shaped boat and a shark shaped boat already here's another marine themed vessel this time it's Moby the whale Moby might look a little ramshackle but that's because she was built by amateur adventurer Tom MacLean who was once a soldier with the British SAS Tom who is in his 70s has spent 20 years building Moby in his spare time he knows how a good ship should be put together in the past he's broken records for solo yachting and solo rowing all the way from Scotland to the United States of America he now hopes to be able to take Moby all the way from Scotland to the USA - at the moment the 65 foot long boat is on Loch Ness near his Scottish home and is pending a complete refit in order to undertake its planned journey it will need to be converted to completely electrical power if the voyage is to be a success the rugged little ship has been across the English Channel before and so it can cope with the tides Cleopatra was a ship built with a singular purpose in mind and there's a clue to that purpose in the name its reason for existing was to ship the enormous obelisk Cleopatra's Needle from Alexandria in Egypt to London England in 1877 the ship was literally built around the obelisk which weighs 200 tons first a cylinder of iron was built around Cleopatra's Needle and the cylinder was then rolled into the sea once there a team worked to fit the cylinder with a mast a rudder a deck house and steering gear it wouldn't have been capable of crossing the sea unaided and so it was dragged to its new home by a steamship named Olga Cleopatra succeeded in its mission but only just it got into trouble in the Bay of Biscay when it swamped and almost sank the Olga had to cut the tow rope and Cleopatra eventually drifted out into sea without her crew who had escaped onto the Olga she turned up five days later off the coast of northern Spain a new ship was dispatched to secure her and her journey was finally completed if you're the sort of person who's prone to seasickness on a boat you probably take tablets to deal with the issue that's the best way of addressing it because the most notable attempt to build a seasickness proof boat failed over 140 years ago the SS Bessemer also known as the Bessemer saloon was built by Henry Bessemer in 1869 it was a paddle steamer within which the cabin would swing from side to side and therefore cancel out the movement of the boat thus averting seasickness the trial run of the vessel in April 1875 didn't go well the ship responded to steering too slowly and damaged its paddle wheel by striking a pier in Calais as it attempted to reach the French port from Dover repairs were attempted including locking the swinging cabin to improve stability but when it repeated the same journey a month later it needed two attempts to enter colace Harbor striking the pier again on the second attempt and this time partially knocking it down it never sailed again the Plus D key is a catamaran built with environmental sustainability in mind every single part of its construction is made out of recycled materials the most visibly obvious recycled element of the design can be found along the hull where over 12,500 reclaimed bottles provide the ship with floatation it's not just the hull of the ship which is green though it runs on a combination of solar panels wind turbines and bicycle generators although the name Plus D key is obviously a reference to plastic it's also a salute to the kontiki raft of 1947 which sailed across the Pacific Plus Tiki has also crossed the Pacific using a virtually identical route to kontiki the trans-pacific voyage occurred in 2010 when it set off from San Francisco on March 20th and moored in Sydney Harbour on July 26 none of the sick crew onboard reported any issues with the journey and so presumably if it's ever taken off display at the Australian National Maritime Museum it could sail again subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 1,212,555
Rating: 4.6244268 out of 5
Keywords: Most Amazing Ships In The World, incredible ships, biggest ships, amazing ships, unique vessels, fastest ships, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: j2swoklHu_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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