TOP 10 MOST IMPORTANT TIPS For Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu And Eevee!

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it's going to be your guide to the top ten most important tips and Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee so the first thing I strongly recommend I've learned this through painful experience is what you want to do is you want to go to Madhav's eldan and you just want to go and set up a jolly nature and counter so that's gonna be pink and blue it's the berries it's the stats it's how this has been for years now so come on so you set that up and then Pokemon will appear jolly now there's there's a very specific reason and I learned this the hard way because you know what's cool I have a shiny Charizard I have a shiny Dragonite you know what isn't cool they don't have natures that I can really do anything with we have a docile and we have an impish it's by setting this up if you happen to encounter a shiny Charizard or shiny Dragonite while you're not really doing much of anything you know if you're not going for strictly competitive Pokemon if you're at the start of a chain or something and a shiny happens to appear it's gonna be jolly and you can use that also technically timid work special attacking Dragon Knight and Charizard y-yeah or jolly for Charizard X stuff like that but I mean please don't make the mistake I did it'll save you a lot of pain when you realize what happened oh and speaking of madam celadon if you're confused as to how she works it resets at midnight of your console time so try not to set her around you know 11:00 p.m. or anything like that also if you transition the next day remember to get her set up again and like I said it's for the sky Pokemon that you really wanted to be worried about but if you're going and chaining another Pokemon then don't forget madam celadon so just in case you happen into a 5iv even while shiny hunting or something you can have competitive pokemon on the side now we're going to be talking about catch combos and getting candies and all kinds of fun stuff like that so did you know that the more of a pokémon you catch after the same species the easier it becomes to catch so at 50 the pokemon gets easier you might notice this as the ring scale down in color Ultra Ball might go from like orange to yellow or red to orange or something like that and the great ball might go from yellow to green and eventually the pokeball will be something to where you can just keep catching that Pokemon so what support is this is it's actually an obscure mechanic from Pokemon go that's been brought into Pokemon let's go October 5th 2016 so after launch a Pokemon go but not initially with the game if you're paying attention then you get to be rewarded earn you a new capture bonus to increase the odds of catch we're Pokemon we are adding a new feature that grants a catch bonus when you earn medals based on catching certain types of Pokemon now in Pokemon goats by type in Pokemon let's go it's by species this guy showing as you increase the amount of catches on a specific kind of Pokemon then that makes them easier to catch speaking of catch combos this is something that I'm pretty sure everyone knows about by now but just in case you're not aware even if you encounter a species of Pokemon that your catch comboing you can run away from it and not break the combo about every day or so I see a few comments of people saying wait you can run away from a catch combo yeah so that means you can preserve it if you think that things are going a little fishy my general rule is after missing two pokeballs I just go I'm just gonna miss two for the sake of it you know I just go nope I'm not having any of that I'm out and that way you can try to reduce the risk as much as possible especially after a combo of ten so once you reach a high enough catch combo after ten of that species of Pokemon is more likely to spawn so really you don't lose anything by ignoring it you know you run away and you're good to go it is true that Pokemon do have a certain animation that they play a different kind of attack animation when they're about to flee but if you're in the get ready phase and you're about to throw a Pokeball and they use that animation there's nothing you can do about it by time your pokeballs in the air that pokemons gone I'd rather not chance it I just rather leave early so even with that little hint I don't think it's worth it bonus tip don't forget to leave a like on the video subscribe and ring the notification bell this will keep you updated for the best new Pokemon content as it goes live and the thing is if you've already done these things I recommend doing it again some people have had some pretty mixed results that by resawing rino defying for the Bell YouTube works again after being broken and another thing is if you have any questions about Pokemon let's go strongly recommend that you check out my Pokemon let's go Guide playlists in description down below I've probably covered it if you want to know what's going on rare Pokemon shiny pokemon finding Legendary's in the sky money making it's all here competitive bottlecaps fancy stuff so check that out and you might get the answers for what you're looking for when it comes to Pokemon let's go bonus tip number four always check the skies you never know when that's gonna be a Green Dragon Knight but and you don't want to pass it off so yeah you just run up get a little peek alright not shiny and then go back to what you were doing this goes with the madame celadon thing earlier because as you're just naturally catching and chaining pokemon you're going to end up with a thirty-one chain especially if your shiny hunting for something else well what that means is the odds of those Charizard and Dragonite are also gonna be pretty low so they could be shiny and you don't even know it which is why say always check it you never know when things are gonna go crazy another tip that I have is get yourself a payday pokemon one of the best things I've noticed is just like have payday that way whenever you're going through the Elite Four you make a bit more money might top you off to where you don't need to make another run or also the daily events that you can battle the Gym Leaders again every day and they give you a decent amount of money adding a couple extra thousand pokey dollars to each fight means you might not have to go back to the Elite Four you know just kind of slow grind it up all day every day then you're just gonna have a lot of money cuz money it either goes from having way too much and let's go to suddenly being almost completely out of it so as we can see here this is the list of Pokemon that learn the TM payday and Pokemon let's go and what you want to do is you want to go for a normal-type pokémon they get stabbed they're gonna do the most damage get them to level 100 and things are gonna be great so Snorlax is the best one because it has the most damage and then you can just kind of like max it out with candies so mighty candy quick candy and then the snow lacks is gonna out speed and one-shot everything Persian definitely a Pokemon if you want to go with the classic on that payday a little easier to get a little easier trained especially weak on board me out on route 24 or route 25 I don't think Evie's gonna work out doesn't have enough damage then all of the other Pokemon are not stabbed so that's gonna be something to keep in mind now if you want payday as a TM because you could either just catch me out catch persian already knows payday but you want to get out as a TM we're all rating the right place to do it route 3 actually technically route for this guy this coach trainer battle him he gives you payday you put it on your Pokemon and then things are just going to be money everywhere and that's what I have to recommend so our next tip is going to talk about candies candies are really weird when it comes to Pokemon let's go because technically they're useless on a competitive level that if you go online you do the flat battling awakened values candies they do not apply to flat battles so if you're trying to get like plus 200 every stat to get a pokemon competitive you don't need to do that there's effectively no V's which means IVs and natures that's all that matters for competitive witch think is really nice make a team really quick go out start having some competitive fun however candies are still gonna be pretty important when it comes to making your pokemon stronger like I just said with that Snorlax or with a payday pokemon or grinding the Elite Four if you're faster than all the opponents and you're doing way more damage to where you're finding one-shots at that Pokemon might not naturally have yeah that's going to make it or your money makings bet better everything just kind of gets better with that so something to know now another thing about Candy's is the amount of candy you receive from a Pokemon increases with the number that you've caught of that species not necessarily catch combo so as you get a catch combo you're gonna get more candy as you caught more that species you're gonna get more candy you can increase this with pine a paries that's kind of it also going back to the payday Pokemon payday is a physical move so you need mighty candy might as well just change for Ekans here like everything's really nice that could be a shiny Charmander that pops up that could be a shiny dragon I just hanging out right there and shiny Charizard might appear and Ekans is pretty easy Pokemon - catch and combo there's other Pokemon give mighty candy that you might want to use competitively so just kind of mix and match it your way now for a quick candy you can catch wheedle in Verdean forest get a large combo of them really is the catch tons of quick candies then you can max it out make money on payday and that's kind of how candies work pretty much the biggest point being don't need them for competitive but you can also just get tons in general like that and it's just natural flow of the game I like it now this next tip is for shiny hunters standing still is bad you might see the occasional shiny hunter or guide mentioned that if you're standing still that is going to make your lure last longer and it means you encounter more Pokemon and the lure is a pretty crazy thing in Pokemon let's go increases shiny odds and also increases the speed that Pokemon appear so it's 100% necessary however because of how the game works it seems that Pokemon when you're standing still if they do spawn and respawn it doesn't reset their shot and shiny chance also takes a lot longer for that to occur because once you reach the spawn limit in an area well now you gotta wait at least 20 seconds for one Pokemon to go away that's slower than just hopping over here and spawning a new batch of Pokemon now some people might think well if you're wasting money on lures then that means it's just going to take longer because the money-making and stuff but now if you're doing your daily stuff for the gem leaders or if you're just clearing the elite 4 can actually pay for lures countered more Pokemon and end up with more Chinese at the end of the day so that's just 100% the best way of doing it there's also some other areas that are just going to be different like don't stand still in a route that has an exit nearby that if you can quickly refresh the route that's just more Pokemon general and sometimes it's with a few steps but this also comes at the cost of certain Pokemon encounters that if you're going for rare Pokemon such as that Charmander over there rare Pokemon can only be on screen one at a time which means if I encountered this Charmander run away well that means I just cleared it and then it gets to respawn so you do have to understand the nuances of how Pokemon spawning works and these are gonna be the little tips about that so we can also run away from the seconds again we have a chain going but it doesn't matter we have a high chance of getting shinies we gotta run around and make sure everything's good there's Charmander again there's Ekans again we can catch it for the candies for for the payday everything just comes together guys so because of that just make sure you're keeping up and you're keeping like you just need to make sure your brain is keeping track of everything and then Pokemon let's go is going to be very rewarding for you now the next thing I want to say about Pokemon let's go is that unfortunately some of the routes are just completely useless that route 4 is almost identical to route 3 but you're going to find less Pokemon on route 4 and that just kind of goes to the spawn cap over here on the east side of mount moon you can only find that one little patch of grass right before you get to cerulean city only 4 pokemon can spawn there at a time and it's only about one patch grass as we can see right here there's two you can fly over two really easily it's a spawn cap of six and it's effectively the same Pokemon only Psyduck spawns here on route 4 you can find Psyduck in a lot of other places another route that just straight up worse is gonna be route 5 route 5 has those stupid ledges and it's kind of hard to manage the Pokemon it's hard to catch them all same exact spawns on route 6 so go do your research for the routes where Pokemon can spawn and then you're just gonna see that yeah you might be farming Pokemon in the wrong area because there's a better route for getting more Pokemon spawns and just the same exact Pokemon that would spawn in another area alright getting near the end of the video so what you want to do is take your flying Pokemon over to the seafoam islands and then head into this entrance if you are short on hearts kales hard skills they actually seem to have low supply but high demand in this game which makes things pretty interesting now the reason why you're gonna want them is for the movie she can be find and found in the Pokemon Center at the Pokemon League and she works just like in the seventh generation in the seventh generation things got mixed up quite a bit also this is location talk to this rock every day you get a heart scale but there's actually two heart scales you can find in the seafoam islands so you need to head back up to the entrance and then from this ladder we want to cross on over to the other side of the seafoam islands and hop down this hole twice there's gonna be a rock by here that does have the second heart scale so yeah this kind of like cut you off from the other side and it's kind of weird how this place is like an island let you go over here and that is gonna be where you get your second heart scale and the cool thing about the movie Lerner in this game is that like the seven generation access to all of the moves that Pokemon gets even if it hasn't learned it yet so that makes it a bit more interesting and then my final tip is that once you have a lot of money just by like 50 escape ropes you are going to thank me when you're just kind of wandering through a cave either catching pokémon farming items like this is really great for the cerulean cave they go into cerulean cave you go upstairs to the treasure room search for some items and then you escape rope out gonna save you a lot of time and it's just one of those things like going for items going for TMS trying to do some searching through the game peace out save you some time and once you're getting all that money from payday all the other methods like my money making guide which you can find in my playlist you're gonna be set and then you're gonna thank me for it later cuz like it's it's those little things I feel that really wear you down in these Pokemon games it's like oh I need to do this I have to go back over here just cut that out you know a little quality of life and that's gonna be awesome so hope you guys in enjoy the video maybe comment down below your favorite little hacks and tips and tricks when it comes to Pokemon let's go and that's gonna make things awesome so if you guys enjoy the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 429,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 pokemon, pokemon top 10, top 10 pokemon Let's Go, Best Pokemon Let's Go, top 10 pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, top 10 pokemon Tips, top 10 pokemon locations, Best Pokemon Let's Go Tips, Pokemon Let's Go Tips, TOP 10 MOST IMPORTANT TIPS For Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Let's Go Shiny, Shiny Pokemon Let's Go, Rare Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Verlisify, Verlisify Pokemon, Shiny Pokemon, Rare Pokemon, Pokemon Tips, Best Pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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