Top 5 Electric Bike Accessories

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(Bell rings) - So let's talk about like the top five accessories that people are looking for when they come in for the Electric Bike and what we would recommend for them. - [Man] Cool. Cool. - So to start out with, I'd say Seat. A lot of times the manufacturers of Electric Bikes will skimp on the Seat, the Pedals and the Grips. Those are the three areas that you as an individual can personalize the bike. And that's kind of a hunt sometimes, you know, of looking and finding and the average Electric Bike Shop might not even have what you're looking for. You might know of a really big bike shop that has a much wider spectrum of Seats to choose from. - [Mam] Yeah. - That you've already picked out for your cruiser at home that you're comfortable on. I literally have people who will take their bike from home and remove a Seat or their Rack and install it on their Electric Bike because they're comfortable with it. They've had it before that's what they want, or they'll seek it out online. - [Man] Yeah. - And there's some online purchases you can make for Handlebars for Grips, or maybe In Bars that swing up like this, you know? - [Man] Oh yeah, like Bullhorns, or whatever. - Yeah, Bullhorns, right. I've seen that recently. But let me show you like some average stuff that we would upgrade to. And a lot of times we'll throw this stuff in at a discounted price, just to close that cell. - [Man] Sure. - So instead of the OEM Seat, which might be a little bit hard for you, - [Man] Yeah. - We go with something like this a.r.s. Classic with has gel, and I can ride 20 25 miles on that seat without, you know, getting sore - [Man] When it's coming up of this cut, What's that all about? - You know, for your prostate and your, you know, a little bit more, What would you call that-- - [Man] Ventilation. - Near or not ventilation, but it's obviously there's been a lot of time. And in the old days, you never saw seats like this. And this is something that's come around and it's even on the OEM Seat it's a little bit cut out there and on bigger Seats, even the cruiser Seats, now you'll see that cutout as well. - [Man] Interesting. So that's kind of an ergonomic thing. - It's exactly. Then next would be, some bikes don't come with a Bell. - [Man] Ah, yeah. - Bell horn added on to the Handlebar. And I'm on your left because you're on Electric Bikes, you're gonna be passing a lot of people more likely. - [Man] Yeah. - Pass to the left, don't pass on the right. (man Chuckles] - [Man] And that's way friendlier than, hey you! - Yeah, and you know actually that's a good point you wanna put out if you get too loud of a horn, sometimes people get, you know, a little pissed about that, you know, the discreet, you know, use common sense. I'm coming up, that's plenty for somebody to hear. And as you passing by you use, you know, common sense discretion, when you're on your Electric Bike, be friendly. We all wanna share the trail together, you know. - [Man] Right. - Okay, now for the commuter, you know, the guys riding to work, he's going 12 15 miles a day. We put a Rack on there and the Rack, I like this setup here myself. This is by Topeak. - [Man] Yeah, Topeak Racks. - And it's real sanitary, there's no straps, there's no bungee cords. There's no Velcro involved with this kind of a rack system because the Trunk has a rail system on it. - [Man] Yeah. - And the rail system just slides right on there. And once you line that up, if I can line it up with-- - [Man] There we go. - So just sliding all the way forward and it clips. - [Man] That's cool. - Done deal. Now there's a Trunk Bag, I kind of relate this to like a Tank Bag on a motorcycle, and I've been riding motorcycles my whole life. Really small and compact like this but if you've gotta carry extra gear, you open up your little side compartments, (speaks foreign language) - [Man] That is cool. - And it's a nice, big cavernous Saddlebags. We were down in San Diego over the holidays and all four of us we had these setup on our Electric Bikes. I was actually carrying a spare battery and one of these Saddlebags. - [Man] But how're the chargers 'cause a lot of them have, you know-- - There's a lot of room for the charger in here. - [Man] Yeah, and top off-- - You can put your picnic in here, your wine, our cheese. - [Man] Yeah. - You know, whatever you wanna put it in there and off you go on your little-- - [Man] Oh Sam. (chuckles) - Adventure. - [Man] Awesome. - Right. - [Man] And I love that this rack in particular, it's using what I consider standard gauge tubing. So if you didn't have this particular bag, which is a little bit more expensive these Topeaks, you know, it's quality stuff, but you know, it's we're talking about - Dollars. - [Man] Yeah, quite-- - And the Racks, probably about 45. - [Man] But this Rack is cool 'cause as we're gonna show this is a Disc Brake setup on this bike. And the attachment parts have to be a little different. See how they create clearance for the Disc Brake over on that other side? - [Sam] It's gonna fit just well like that. - [Man] Yeah, that's great and look at the Pannier blockers on the side so even if you didn't get this bag, you could easily clip on other Panniers and then they're not gonna hit the Spokes or Wheel when you're riding, when you're turning. I like that, that's a good one. - And in today's age, I mean, we go to Interbike and there's so many different options that you can choose. - [Man] Yeah. - And pick from if you're in a more wet climate, you might want to go with something that's a little bit more waterproof. And there's different price points you can go with as well. As you're pointing out on the back someplace to mount your child like right there as well. - [Man] Or even there's a little strappy one right here that you can clip it into. - Sure. - [Man] And a bottle holder, oh man that is key 'cause I'm always like, a lot of Electric Bikes don't have anywhere to put your bottle cage 'cause the battery takes up all that space. So getting a bag like that or you know, something, maybe a Camelback sometimes you can wear. - And then also in that Saddle Bag, you could carry around some type of a little tool kit. - [Man] Ah yeah. - In a bag like this, I like to put my tool kit in a separate bag that keeps it from maybe punching a hole in the bag and the Trunk Bag or anything else you're carrying in there. That keeps it more sanitary, you can put your patches in here, maybe a little co2. I also like to carry my Tyre Pump. - [Man] And pump thing. - In the back as well. Sometimes you can mount a pump packed somewhere on the frame. - [Man] It it had a Bottle Cage Bosses. - And then the most common question that's asked is Locks, you know, What kind of Locks What do I do for a Lock? Any Lock can be broken in my opinion. And it's a very high theft item on Electric Bike, we've had a lot of customers come in, I literally had people buy Electric Bikes, load them up, go home and go inside the house to unlock the garage door and by the time they came back out, the bike was gone. - [Man] Jeewes! - Terrible, absolutely terrible. I Had a guy just a couple weeks ago he went to church on a Sunday morning, the battery and charger inside the house charging the bike was in the garage, they pried open the garage door and stole his bike. - [Man] That sucks. - Yeah, that's a third one. So you know Locks can go anywhere from $20 to $175 this is a nice Lock here from eBay, - [Man] Yeah. - It has the links on it. - [Man] Is that like kind of a chain or like kind of a like folds flat, but then it's somewhat flexible. - It's got these big like, six eight inch bars or links that are all linked out and it's you know, not as big as say a cable like this. But - [Man] Oh men, put it around your neck. - again, your cables, you're adding a lot of weight to your bike. So, what how much? That's a tough question to answer you know for the individual. And I think beyond the Lock, we should also recommend that there is Bike Insurance that you can buy. - [Man] Oh, yeah, that's right. There's like Spoke Insurance and Bell Assurance. - Yap. So I highly recommend that and I can attest to three customers who had gotten that insurance that I recommended to 'em that had their bikes stolen within the first year of ownership. They showed the receipt of what they paid for it and that insurance company gave them no depreciation whatsoever, exactly what they paid for the bike and all three of those customers came back in and bought it was almost like a stepping stone. (man laughs) They bought a $2000 bike and then they end up getting a 3000 $4000 bike with the insurance money. So insurance unlock steps that you can take to insure. And we just had a customer in two days ago, somebody stole her Seat. And so her Seat Post and Seat were gone. I see people run little locks little chains up and around the Seat and through the frame. - [Man] Yeah. - To keep that from being stolen. Anytime you got a quick release, let's say it's just attempted item, they can just open up your quick release and there goes your Seat. - [Man] And it depends on where you're at but you know, people just take it for fun. - Absolutely, I think it was nine times out of 10 if you just do a little tiny deterrent, it's like oh, well I can't take that one and move on to the next. - [Man] Or if you wire up the battery to shock anyone who touches your bike that is that's the optimal solution. It's a huge liability though, Sam so I'm not sure I recommend it. - I've never heard of that one. - [Man] In the future, we'll see it. That's cool and I've got a call out this is the ICB three dash 2015 model. The fact that they have these little, you know threaded Bosses on the Seats Stay it's all set up to add a Rack and I think they've even got it set up so you can wire in lights if you want to if you work with your local shop, but not every bike has that. - That's true. And then you've gotta look at the lights and I personally like you know, there's there's so many lights to choose from. And again, I have customers come in and say hey, I found a great Light online. And I got it for like 19.95, and in some cases, it's as good as a Light that costs 100 $150. So there's deals out there that are needed to be had, you just got to do your due diligence and look around and see what's available out there. - [Man] I don't know if these ones offer it but I especially like the ones that have sort of USB charger. - Absolutely that's what this has here. And I use these personally on my own bikes. And it's nice at the end of the day, and in some instances, some of the newer bikes actually have a USB port on the battery. - [Man] Yes. - So you can Charge lights right off your house battery from your bike. - [Man] That's kind of cool. We know we're just looking at one of these EG bikes a minute ago I was reviewing this one, as EG Oahu and Maui and see they do have like a little USB port right here on them on the battery. So that's kind of cool you know, you could end up with extra wires or whatever but it's the sort of thing where light lasts a long time but then they can drop off in power and so you could pull over and top them off or something you know, because it's illegal to ride without lights in a lot of places and could mean safety. - That port also will charge up your phone, your iPad, other devices when you're stranded out there on the trail. - [Man] Yeah. - And you need that emergency call to call somebody up and come get me-- - [Man] We were saying that we were doing the other overview a minute ago on maintenance and stuff and you were like hey, you know it's important to have a pump and a patch kit and all this but a cell phone is important. - Absolutely. - [Man] Being able to power your cell phone is also kind of cool. - Absolutely. And and more and more bikes have that option. - [Man] That's very cool. Okay, any last minute you know additions, other things that people-- - You know what a lot of people do is a lot of people come in and they're concerned with that flat Tyre again. So what do I do to avoid a flat Tyre? Do I put the liquid nails in there? Do I put the slime in there? Do I put the Mr. Tuffy liner in there? - [Man] Yeah. - There's so many different options you can do with that. And in some cases, you can just get a better Tyre - [Man] Yeah Kevlar Line like-- - Like something that has a liner already built in the Tyre as an option, maybe when you go to change the Tyres or in some cases, some people want it right to begin with, they'll upgrade and pay that extra money to get a little bit better quality Tyre. You're gonna understand the manufacturer is trying to keep the price point at a certain level. And that's why they have the Seat and the Pedal and the Grips that are on there. They leave you the end user the ability to go and change that stuff out and upgrade to what you want. - [Man] Yeah. - Right? - [Man] Yeah. That's why I call those out a lot of times on my reviews when they do upgrade it, because a lot of times it's a more expensive bike, but little things like on the Dash, we've got this aluminum alloy Chain Guide, and that's doubles as a Bash Guard and sort of a Pant Guard. - Absolutely. - [Man] You know that's the kind of thing that's it's a nice to have for sure, or those extra Bosses that let you add a Rack really efficiently or a nice display that swivels a little bit and the Brake Levers with like a rubber coating, those little things they do add up but in a lot of cases, you can also upgrade them yourself. - Absolutely. - [Man] That's awesome. Sam thank you so much again, here in Myrons Extreme machines in Fullerton, California. There's just a real diverse set of bikes here and of accessories and you're always out there actually testing stuff. And I feel like you give a pretty unbiased perspective on this and I appreciate it. So thank you so much Sam. - Thanks for coming by Cor - [Cor] Yeah, ride Save, later.
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Keywords: electric bike accessories, ebike accessories, bicycle accessories, top accessories, top 5 electric bike accessories, best electric bike accessories, top 10 electric bike accessories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2015
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