Essential E-Bike Accessories For Safety and Comfort…[MUST HAVES]

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hi I'm Shannon welcome to bike tricks today we're going to be talking all things accessories there are so many ways to accessorize your ebike for all sorts of things for style utility safety let's dig in as you can see on this wall behind me we have a ton of different accessories to go over I think today we're going to start with safety when it comes to safety while ebiking there's a few different things we can do to increase our visibility for others and our visibility of others we do have to share the road and the trail we got a few different ways we can do that if you are somebody who rides a lot of shared Trails or traffic I guess we don't know how bike Lanes work or just like to know what's going on around you is mirrors and there are several different options when it comes to mirrors and there's even more out there in the wild you're just going to have to find what works for you another little piece of kit that I'm going to categorize under safety but also May a little bit of style is cell phone holder this one mounts right to your handlebars and the reason I would say this is for safety is you can put your GPS on there call for help should you get stuck you know things like that it's very important to have along I mean you can just keep your cell phone in a bag and this promend one available on the bike trcks website actually holds pretty big phones like this is an s23 ultra and it will grip it just nice it also held my even bigger note 9 previously some of those Max iPhones you might need to read the specs those get pretty large but it does hold it pretty securely and also use it to turn on your music and you might say Shannon how come music's a safety feature well some people might think it's obnoxious but some people will hear you coming if you've got oh I don't know Dolly Parton 9 to5 blaring as you come down the trail act like it's raining every day and wear you rubbers speaking of hearing you coming I would strongly recommend a bell this is just a little lowprofile one that we sell on our website and sometimes folks get it and think it's a wireless throttle nope can confirm it's a bell a lot of places actually require these by law so check your local jurisdiction along with being heard on the trail being seen is also pretty important and I know black is the coolest color it's universally flattering and it goes with everything you know what black doesn't go with well safety it Blends into the nighttime it makes you harder to see the more visible you are the safe you are so you may want to consider like a hi VI best or some additional reflectors and lights on your bike now when it comes to safety this next part should be a no-brainer unless you want to be a no-brainer a helmet a brain bucket these are key they come in a ton of cool Styles lightweight full face they're just so important and I know they don't always look the coolest but you know what looks less cool tubes in the ICU consider protecting your brain but helmet when it comes to selecting accessories for safety remember it's important to see and be seen out there on the road on the trail wherever you're riding so think ahead and make sure what you are choosing is going to work for your bike and your location and don't forget to protect yourself too like your brain when it comes to comfort and accessories this is going to be super personal whatever works best for you good thing is there's a ton of options out there whether you're looking for something a little comfier to sit on or maybe you need a more ergonomic hand situation or shoulder situation riding position overall there are a ton of different options so that you can customize your ride for optimal personal Comfort now when we think of a bike seat you might think of something a little more like a little more traditional now a lot of people enjoy these they're great they do what they do particularly people who are really into like downhill stuff and maybe not just leisurely cruising the neighborhood now personally for myself this is not my favorite kind of seat my personal favorite seat something a little more little more like this this is our proman saddle super comfy nice and plush it's got air Chambers for breathability and some shock absorbers there too so it's just a bit more supportive and comfortable to ride a lot of our bikes too also come with Cruiser style seats like you can see on the bikes behind me these are just a little thicker a little squishier than those so if you're looking for Comfort consider a cruiser saddle or a nice plush proman we get a lot of folks who think they want a full suspension bike for Comfort full suspensions well comfortable are primarily designed for performance and keeping that rear wheel on the ground through technical terrain not saying you can't go with a full suspension for Comfort they are comfortable however there's a lot of other ways you can turn your hard tail bike or something that doesn't have a rear suspension into something a little more comfortable like suspension seat post for instance we carry the Cane Creek thud Buster which is a very popular model it comes in a couple of sizes LT for long travel longer tube St for shorter travel something to consider when looking at any sort of alternative seat post because there are a lot of options out there is to make sure you're getting the right diameter but also if you're getting something like this this is going to add a lot to your minimum seat height so if you're like me and kind of vertically challenged make sure you take those measurements before you Splash out on one some of us have been desk jockeys for about 15 years and our wrists well they need a little help and a bit more ergonomic so consider getting a grip get a grip of yourself man or some alternative grips we've got a few different options the ones that come with most of our bikes are fairly ergonomic to start with but some people like something a little more robust so we've got different versions you want some support in your palm which is going to in turn support your elbow and your shoulder and your whole upper body we've got ones with well one what's that for I mean you could I guess hang your groceries off there if you really wanted but what it's actually for is an alternative hand position while you're riding now these are the exact ones I use on my personal bike and I absolutely love them so they are nice and ergonomic they got breathability and they're set up quite nice they're actually a lot squishier I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine then they would look and if you are going on a longer ride this piece right here and Gru both s super handy and it's very adjustable to the angle and that brings us to The Handlebar itself now a lot of bikes come with a more flat or straight across bar there are bars that are more of a Dutch Cruiser style where they come very inwards and those are great on well cruiser bikes where you're sitting more upright now if you're looking for something kind of on the in between might I suggest the a bar it goes into your handlebar clamp here going to sit like this on the bike got lots of room for all sorts of accessories as well as it brings your hands back a little more it's a little more ergonomic it's not as swept back as a cruiser bar nor is it flat across as a more traditional like aggressive style mountain bike bar now there are a ton of different types of handlebars out there in the wild going to come down to what you're comfortable with something to consider when looking at alternative handlebars is our circumference are your accessories and like your display and stuff going to fit now there's ways to make ones that are too big fit but not really too many ways to make ones that are too small fit and most importantly is clamp size so you're going to want to check on the clamp size of your stem on your bike to make sure this is going to fit and it's going to hold it in place otherwise well you're not steering anything I would also consider things that are comfortable like a water bottle M well Shannon why is that for Comfort because I get thirsty I'm thirsty so when it comes to comfort like I said there are a ton of op options out there and it's going to come down to personal preference this is just a selection of what we have on hand and we carry but there are a ton of different options out there different seats different seat posts different handlebars different grips find what works for you maybe let me know what works for you in the comments we always love to hear about it next thing I want to bring up and something we do get asked about quite frequently is security how to prevent your bike from being stolen that sentence right there is flawed you probably can't prevent your bike from being stolen at least not 100% but you can make it incredibly difficult and unappealing to try to take really I feel like the name of the game is just making it so much harder to take than the next bike so that you know yours doesn't walk away without you one of those ways is well locks and there are so many kinds of locks on the market and when it comes to locking up your bike my suggestion is more than one use multiple locks things like a heavy duty chain lock this one is in a neoprene sleeve the silicone shell it makes it a lot harder to actually access the chain that's in there to cut it uh you can get ones that have like a Kevlar style sleeve as well they are pretty bulky and pretty heavy but a lot harder to cut and you can see the locking mechanism in there pretty dense you can also get things that are a little more compact like a folding lock so this one will like like a Transformer flip out and wrap around things there are U locks and cable locks the key takeaway will be to use them in combination with one another put something around the frame and whatever you're locking your bike to as well as feed another one like maybe a cable lock through different components like your front and rear wheel as well as your frame and around the more pieces there are to deal with the a lot harder it is going to be to take you might want to even consider motion alarms and things so that if somebody tries to roll away with your bike it makes a real terrible sound and nobody's going to really want to ride away with something that's screaming so there's a ton of options find what works best for you and use them in combination with a lot of accessories the key is obviously functionality but it's kind of fun to have some fun with it too personalize it maybe match your bike or complement the colors of your bike and one of those ways you can do is alternate colors of things proman which is the petals that we carry has started coming out with pedalon a ton of different colors I have three here but there's a ton more on our website and really your imagination is kind of the limit when it comes to multicolor petals through different brands there's just so many I've even seen anodized metal it looks like a rainbowy oil slick it's really cool it's a really fun way to kind of personalize and dress up your bike while adding some functionality these ones have the little removable studs for extra grip not everybody likes them I have love hate relationship I love the way they hold my shoes in place I hate the what they've done to my calves but that's a me problem you can also get some really cool higher-end ones that are like a sealed bearing which is great for wet or sloppy kind of riding conditions to help those petal bearings they dry there's a ton of other items out there that come in a wide of different colors different types of fenders that maybe zip tie on that come in cool colors I go old school and put some tassels on the handlebars if you want this guy is the just use your imagination another really common and probably the most popular category of accessories is well cargo a lot of folks are replacing their current car with an ebike and to be able to do that efficiently you need to be able to take your gear or your groceries or your kids with you and there's a lot of different ways you can do that and again it's going to come down to personal preference and what works for your ride there's everything from cute little frame bags that fit you know like your keys a small tool kit and your wallet there's even waterproof ones maybe you ride all year round or in wet conditions or you're doing some muddy technical tracks and you want to keep your gear nice and dry so there's a lot of options on that front there's also a lot of options for the back of your bike if you've got a rack like P bags or P bags but it's p bags that just fit over the back rack and have a ton of carrying capacity I once had a customer tell me he could fit 16 cans of wobbly pops into each side so do with that measurement what you will I personally have these on my bike and I fairly consistently lose my keys in them but that's only because they have so many pockets and I forget which pocket I put my keys in so are they really lost no just takes a minute to find them do you can even get single-sided Penny bag so this is a nice sneak peek at a prototype of some we'll be launching fairly soon water Pro and has a little bit different attachment Style on the back just to make them kind of easy to grab and go and take on and off and they're also waterproof and uh yeah it's pretty roomy in here you probably fit a lot of gear in there outside of bags there's also different types of racks and carriers and things like that on the front of a lot of our models you'll see little headpiece on the tube with four holes and people ask us all the time what's that for what are those bolt holes for well we added them due to customer demand for a place to mount a front rack now not all racks are compatible with all bikes so make sure you check the fine print before you order anything but you know something like this to go on the French they come in a bunch of different sizes whether you need something cute and little to put some fresh flowers and a baguette baguette for a nice afternoon date or maybe something a little bigger to carry your cute little pepperoni your dog with you on the trails or maybe you need something a little heftier to bring home the groceries if you have more of a cargo bike and you can get these for other bike racks as well you might want something like this for the back a nice big Cargo Carrier you can strap stuff down and secure it again check your compatibility before you place your orders a lot of cargo bikes also have options to put or convert the rear rack into a people mover so you can carry your kids or your spouse or a friend watch your weight capacities along with you you can get cushions and feet pads and things called monkey bars for older kids or you know what even a fullon child seat to put in the back so there's a ton of ways to customize the cargo capacity of your bike you just need to find what works for you and the type of gear that you want to haul let me know in the comments what you use for your setup another consideration to make when looking at accessories is well seasonality if you're going to ride all year long or in all weather there may be some things you can do to make yourself more comfortable able or protect your gear for example if you are a winter Rider or a cold weather Rider consider a barid now this doesn't look like any mittens I've ever worn however they're nice and roomy so you can wear your gloves and what it does is installs on your handlebar over top of like your brakes and grips and all of that jazz and keeps your hands warm while you're riding your hands are freeing and then it just stays on the handlebar between rides so FL handy very helpful particularly for well us Canadians but anybody who enjoys riding all year round also consider a rain jacket not only for yourself but for your gear some Pye bags do come with its own cute little rain cover just to help keep all of that important stuff dry it's also super visible so make sure you are not only taking care of yourself but your gear in all sorts of weather conditions we've covered a ton of ground when it comes to accessories everything from cargo security safety style and most importantly utility and the main takeaway is not everything out there works for everybody there are a ton of excellent options to customize your ride to meet your style so let me know in the comments what your favorite accessory is either from our video or just out in the wild I'd love to hear it while you're there give this video a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Biktrix
Views: 14,837
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Id: rm1JB3uUCyU
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Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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