How minimalism helps me build wealth ✨

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you might think that minimalism means ditching the  materialistic life altogether but for me it was   more important to redirect my resources towards  the things that I truly value in life because   let's be honest money can enhance certain aspects  of our lives and provide us with opportunities my   dream is to slow travel in certain regions of the  world I want to buy a plot of land and build a   dream house with my husband and I want to work on  a cool project that can somehow give back to the   community these goals are meaningful to me because  they align with my values and they fulfill me in   a different way than buying clothes or a luxury  lifestyle ever could but still I know it requires money I believe that the simplest Joys and  the deeper meanings in life cannot be bought   but having Financial flexibility allows us to  build the life that we want so my goal was to   find a way to somehow combine the two and I  feel like minimalism has helped me find that   way there are so many things that can distract  us from our goals and I feel like if we're not   intentional it's really easy to fall into these  traps I've talked about how much money I spent   on clothes that I never wore and taking these  meaningless trips and outings that I really   didn't care about because I thought that as  long as my bills were getting paid I was free   to spend my money on whatever I wanted but over  the years I really did turn things around took a   lot of reflecting on what matters to me what  sparks my curiosity and my passion and what   brings me genuine joy and now I keep my lifestyle  pretty low maintenance so that I can prioritize   those things I love talking about this topic  so I'm splitting the video into two different   videos today I want to talk about the expenses  that I cut out from my life that made the most   impact on my finances and next video I'll talk  about how I redirected it to invest in my dream life the very first thing that comes to mind is  keeping lifestyle inflation under control when   our income goes up I feel like it's only natural  to think that we can afford to spend more or we   deserve something nice because we work so hard for  it but this really conditions us to think that if   our income goes up we can buy more things that  will make us happier so we continuously upgrade   our lives and seek happiness from external sources  but when does that cycle end I found that so many   of these life upgrades were just not worth it  especially when I think about how that expense   could have gone towards my other goals no matter  how fancy the restaurant I honestly still prefer   Pizza nights at home no matter how cool or  expensive the gym membership is I still prefer   doing it at home at my own schedule no matter  how expensive that piece of clothes clothing is   it's not that much more different than the ones  hanging in my closet already if we just slow   down and reflect on these new expenses I think  we would figure out that spending more doesn't   always mean that we will be happier I think it's  so important for all of us to figure out what is   our Baseline happiness and how much does that cost  maybe you love getting your groceries delivered or   you love getting takeout so include that in the  budget but having this rough idea will really   help us to be more intentional in our spendings  and it will keep our lifestyle inflation under [Music] control having access to the city has been really  cool if you are interested in culinary or sports   or theater the Arts it's all there and it seems  like there's always something happening on the   weekend but surprisingly my life C hasn't  changed that much maybe because I'm in my   30s but I just don't feel the need to spend  hundreds of dollars just to go out for the   sake of going out this wasn't always the case  I used to live in a really cool neighborhood   in San Diego and if it was a Friday night or the  weekend I always felt like I had to do something   I spent a lot of money just trying to fill my  time and distract myself and I feel like even   then I kind of need knew that these outings felt  very empty there is so much pressure to be always   doing something booking the next holiday planning  for the next big thing but are we really getting   value from this or are we just trying to distract  ourselves I don't mind spending money if there's   something that I really want to do but I want  these moments to be special not just a thing   I do every weekend I know this might sound crazy  but I actually have a lot more fun organiz izing   my closet for example I love watching those 4K  walking tours of a place that I've never been   something that I love doing on Friday night  is taking my dogs for a really long walk and   Society might think that this is not fun but  to me it is and it just feels like I am not   pretending anymore I'm not distracting myself but  instead I'm loving my life and that is all that matters my first car was a 97 Dodge pickup truck  and that thing had so many problems but it got   me and my friends around town and that's really  all that mattered and honestly my mindset really   hasn't changed that much as long as my car gets  me from point A to point B then I'm very happy   I really don't care what size or color or  brand my car is in a society that places so   much value on the things that we have I think  it's only normal to want to flaunt or status   and who we are on the outside some people spend  their whole lives working towards creating this   picture perfect life and I always wondered  how much of that was for them and how much   of it was for everyone else to judge think  about it if you were stranded on an island   with no one else around would you really care  about what kind of car you drove what brand of   clothing you wore what school you graduated  from if material things bring you Val and   jooy that's fair who am I to judge but I think  it's worth looking at our spending habits and   kind of questioning ourselves to see if we are  spending our money towards a life that we truly value when I started decluttering I noticed the  pattern and the things that I was getting rid   of I would say 90% of the stuff were things I  bought on impulse souvenirs that I bought when   I was abroad Tech stuff that went on sale on  Black Friday and even snacks and treats that   I bought um as I was passing through the aisle  at a grocery store I think impulse purchases are   often overlooked because it's usually not a big  Splurge but they do add up over time and it was   actually a really big reason why I couldn't save  up for the bigger things in life I always talk   about setting up a barrier between you and the  purchase so that there's a delayed gratification   but I do think the more important thing is to set  up a financial goal for yourself it's really easy   to get suede and influence when you don't have  a clear idea of what you want in your life but   when you have a clear idea of where you're  going I feel like everything else feels like   a distraction so what are your short-term and  long-term goals are you prioritizing Financial   Security Freedom experiences personal growth  or maybe supporting your family and why is this   school important to [Music] you in my YouTube  journey I have contemplated on maybe hiring an   editor or a videographer who can help me film  because I wanted to make more videos sometimes   delegating your work to others or hiring a team  is really helpful and it might be necessary but I   thought about why I started YouTube in the first  place and I really wanted to do this because I   love creating videos from start to finish I  actually really enjoy wearing different hats   even the hours and hours of editing and I really  value the lessons that I learn along the way so   hiring a team gaining more responsibility to  grow my profit and expanding this channel it   just didn't interest me a lot of us grow up  in a society where more is better so we feel   the pressure to scale up that business business  move into the bigger house and grow our social   media and say yes to all the opportunities but  are we willing to deal with the challenges and   complexities that come with that as well  and when is it okay to say that's enough   for me I'm definitely not saying that more isn't  better sometimes it is I have an immense amount   of respect for people who are able to grow their  business and be able to do it with integrity and   balance everything I think that can be done  and it's amazing when it works but like with   anything I think mindfulness is key scaling up and  expanding is really not the only way that we can   grow as cheesy as it sounds I think the biggest  thing I learn from simplifying my life is that   we have to appreciate what we have now because if  we don't we won't appreciate the next thing that   comes our way but if we're truly grateful for  everything that we have we don't need anything   else and that is true abundance thank you guys  so much for watching take care until next time
Channel: Malama Life
Views: 153,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimalism, minimalist, how minimalism helps me build wealth, how minimalism made me rich, minimalism made me rich, minimalism saving money, minimalism frugal, minimalist habits, minimalist spending habits, things I no longer buy, Things I cut from my budget, Things I eliminated from my life, malama life
Id: D0a7nrFm9Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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