7 Mind-Blowing ChatGPT Browser Extensions! (New Extensions!)

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I've tried every single Chad GPT Chrome extension and here's the list of my favorites that will save you the most time every extension that you're going to see in this video are free to use the first extension is called share GPT for search engines it will display chat GPT answer next to your Google search answer let's try it out let's type our search result what are all branches of physics all right and and as you can see here we have the chat GPT answer on the right side which is super neat let's scroll down and the best part is that I don't need to open any links see any ads and deal with terrible formats of certain websites where as you can see on this specific random one font is so tiny but I think what's even better is the fact that I can ask additional questions so here's a chat box and I can ask something like how do Newton laws relate to each branch and boom the next thing you know chai GPT is already displaying contextual results for my search let's click on the settings icon to see how we can configure it and here we get to pick the trigger mode for example when should judge EBT start generating results I have it as always on but you can also have it as only one question mark is at the end of a search query or manually I'm going to show you how the manual is going to look like let me just refresh this page and you can click here to start getting your response generated and by the way this Chrome extension you only need to install and it's automatically going to hook up to your web version of chat gbt so you don't need to provide any API keys so if we go to Chai GPT web application here we have the questions that we typed in Google and the follow-up ones the second Chrome extension is called berdin and it's my favorite for a reason it's a workflow automation tool that allows you to leverage openai to create your very custom workflows let me show you what I mean here we have a Wikipedia page about branches of physics and because I'm a little lazy I don't want to really read it and here you can see a bunch of different pre-built automations because I don't want to read this specific page I'm going to type summarize and see if there's an automation that will summarize the currently open page using artificial intelligence looks like there is I'm going to click on it boom and just like this here's my answer but in extracted all of the contacts from this specific page and then generated a summary based on that information but that was probably the simplest Bordine automation so let me show you what else it can do here we are on the LinkedIn post page and imagine I really liked Blake's post and I want to reach out to him I need to obviously reach the post reach his profile which I also do not want to do AI is here let me open the Chrome extension over here and let me find the automation that will generate an Outreach message from a LinkedIn post let me type LinkedIn post okay and here's the automation that will create the personalized Outreach message based on the post and here I get to type in what I want to reach out to Blake about I can say I want to collaborate on YouTube let me type it in input my name and then I'm going to remember one of the inputs I want to remember the name so I don't have to type it in again click on save and run this Playbook okay and the email was generated let's click on view here we have the subject line and obviously the body I recently read your LinkedIn post about why plg is not working like it used to and then if you look back at the post this is exactly the subject matter of the post which is amazing and then I go ahead and invite him to collaborate on a YouTube video let me give you a quick glance at how this automation works let me open boarding Chrome extension and here's the automation I'm going to open it in the Builder and here are the actions the first action scripts the LinkedIn post itself the second action scrapes the author's LinkedIn profile the third action creates a prompt and finally we're using this prompt that we've just generated to an open AI action the open AI action is called get open AI composed email so we're feeding that action and then we're sending it off with your name finally there's another prompt to create a catchy subject line for that email and then we're also feeding it to open AI trying to find the email and we create an email draft putting insane right the third Chrome extension is called YouTube summaries for chat GPT and I believe this extension has gained 200 000 users in around a month let's check it out on one of my videos let's open the recent video over here and then on the right side you can see transcript summary let's open it up so here's the transcript which is nothing new technically you can click on these three dots and click on show transcript and you're going to see pretty much the same results so technically YouTube gives you slightly more granular time stamps which I don't think is as useful compared to getting them kind of clustered all together and here you can click on view AI summary and all this extension does and I have no idea how they gain so many users it just copies the transcript and it's pasted to your chat GPT and there you have the summary kind of useful one hand on the other hand it just opens a new tab which is slightly frustrating instead let me try to recreate this automation with bardine AI I told you it's my favorite Chrome extension for a reason let me open up boarding from here and I've already built an automation that allows you to ask open AI any question about the content inside the video let me click here and here I get to input The Prompt summarize this video and let's run the automation technically you can save this exact query so that you don't have to type it every time and here we have the video summary without having to open any new tabs the next Chrome extension is called Web Chat GPT so open the eye used a bunch of information from the web before 2021 and use it to pre-train their generative pre-trained Transformer which is GPT in Changi BT so the results from 2022 and 2023 are not going to show up wait unless you use this extension let me show you around let's open chatgpt in a new tab when you have it installed at the bottom you have some additional options for example in your search you can include the web search results and you can say how many you want let's do five search results here you can say in the past however long the page was published and pick the region if you want to so let's give it a try and let's prompt it to get all significant world events in 2022 as a list foreign let's scroll all the way up and let me show you what's happening here so this Chrome extension scraped the first five search results for this query and then it added the URL so that charge GPT can scrape that information on its own summarize the information and give you the answer which is super clever and here we have the instructions for that data let's scroll down and check out our results and I think the coolest thing over here is that we even have assignations to the articles that we provided at the top this is one of those chat gbt extensions that I cannot live without Chrome extension number five is called aiprm it brings hundreds of prompt templates directly to open AI let's try it out so there we have it installed and here are some of the templates over here you can vote on them you can see comments you can see views it looks like there are 714 prompts for copywriting that we're going to pick from for me I want to look for SEO here we're sorting by top votes and I want to type titles and here we have YouTube SEO titles with tags generator I can upload this one and let me pick it and when I click on the card at the bottom you can see that this template is going to be used it's going to be in English and here let's type something like how to make the best pasta in the world type it in all right and here we have different types of titles over here the YouTube description which is super nice hashtags SEO tags and that's pretty much it this is super neat let's click on new chat over here and then you can create your very own prompts let's click on new prompt and here you can create your prompt template so you can reuse it over and over similar to the use case that we've seen with the YouTube example and finally we have Chrome extensions for writing I'm going to show you two the first one is called Merlin so you can browse the web and select some text like this then summon it with a shortcut command M and then there we have it so this information was automatically copied because it was selected and here at the top I can ask Merlin to do something with this information for example we write it as a copywriter okay and here we have the results for the free version you only have 30 queries which is not that many to be honest and this is why I'm moving on to the second Chrome extension for writing it's called Chad GPT writer and allows you to do pretty much exactly the same thing but it is free and frankly the user interface is a little bit nicer so for that demo let's go to Gmail and here's an example of an email about some ambassador program so I'm going to click on reply and over here you have the chat gbt writer I'm going to click on that and I can right reply to this email saying that if I am in and requesting more details I'm going to click on generate reply boom here is our reply and just like this I can just insert the general response over here and send it to put in need and this were the top chat GPT Chrome extensions you can grab links to them in the description of this video and if you want to be on the frontier of artificial intelligence make sure to subscribe to this channel not to miss any videos like this one
Channel: Bardeen
Views: 42,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chrome extension, chatgpt chrome extension, chatgpt chrome extensions, how to use chatgpt, chrome extensions, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt chrome extension, open ai, chatgpt for web, chat gpt plugins, chatgpt tutorial, chome extensions, chrome extensions for chat gpt, best chrome extensions, chat gpt extension, chatgpt prompts, search for chat gpt, chat gpt 4, AI tools, youtube summary, ai writing, chatgpt writer, best chatgpt chrome extensions
Id: 38jtY3uCV3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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