Diane Spencer: A British Married Handjob

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- So, the other day, okay, he woke up with an erection. Yay! (crowd laughing) But it's the one you gotta do something with, 'cause there are two types of erection. Now the first one is the one that sort of levitates while he is still asleep, pulls him out of bed, and just leads him to the toilet, and it's a urine sat nav. (crowd laughing) I love that erect, it's amazing, it kind of steers him around all the laundry and just, he'll wake up half way through like (snorts), "Where am I going?" I'm like, "Shh, you're going to the toilet. "Trust your dick." (crowd laughing) He woke up with the other one. The action one, the one you definitely gotta get involved with. The one that's like a drugs dog sniffing for amphetamines. (crowd laughing) That one, the one that's like (screaming). "Oh, hello, oh yes, are you wiping your nose on my leg? "Hello, yes I've missed you too." (Diane barking) (crowd laughing) So you gotta do something with that one, so I think right, here's my chance. So I start "gathering the flowers". (crowd laughing) Yes. "Gathering the flowers". Now straight away, we hit a problem, because he's got a foreskin and we've got a duvet cover, and I just rolled them into one thing. (crowd laughing) So sorry... He was like, "Ah, wait stop!" "Thanks babe," I was like, "Sorry." I mean, positive point, we now know if I ever lose an arm, I can still roll socks. (crowd laughing) So, carried on gathering the flowers, and very quickly I got a lactic acid build-up that went all the way up my arm and into my shoulder, and I was like, "Oh fuck, that really hurts, "that really hurts." I thought, "I wanna change arms, but I don't wanna "break the rhythm. "It seems rude." So I sort of went, there we go. Look at that, look at that. And I was like, good, okay and then the lactic acid started building up in this arm, and I'm like, oh, for fuck's sake. So I thought, I've gotta change to the other one - I was like, "I must have very selfish muscles", 'cause when I'm doing one small repetitive motion for myself, I can go for 90 minutes pain free. (crowd laughing) And I know it's 90 minutes, 'cause that's when my phone dies. (crowd laughing) So I carry on gathering the flowers, and the pain's really kicking in and then he shut his eyes. I am a paranoid woman. What the fuck is he thinking about? Like, I know some kind of fantasy has started, but I don't know what's showing in screen two. (crowd laughing) And I don't want some fictitious bitch in costume and scenery I can't afford, taking the credit for my repetitive strain injury. (crowd laughing) (crowd clapping) I bet she's not turned up dressed as a fucking car. So I'm like, "Open your eyes darling, open your eyes." He's like, "Oh, okay." I'm like, "Yeah, yeah it's sexy, open your eyes." But then, as the pain increases, I just wanna get it done and the actions start to change. They get a bit more aggressive, and I go from gathering the flowers to sanding the chair leg. (crowd laughing) Get this done. And then like, the words start to change. Like, I start off all quite nice, as you do like, [Cockney Accent] "Do you like that? (crowd laughing) [Cockney Accent] "Do you like that? {cockney Accent] "Gawd bless you sir, do you like that? [Cockney Accent] "Feed the birds, do you like that?" That's how you start. I turn into, like the pain, I turn into some kind of battlefield medic. I'm like, [SHOUTS] "Don't give up on me now, soldier!" (crowd laughing) I start screaming down the tiny hole. "Hang on in there kids, we're gonna get you "out of that cave." (crowd laughing) (Diane laughing) When it (laughing), when he finally came, I had to slow down to the side, like a marathon runner. I was like, (gasping), "What's my time?" (crowd laughing) "Is that a personal best?" And it actually took me a moment to unfurl my fingers from the position they were in, and when I looked at my hand like that, I was like, "Oh my god, my Granny had hands like that." (crowd laughing) My parents said that was arthritis. Grandad was a very chipper fellow. I think that's what 50 years of hand jobs looks like. Now, I told this story in Derby, right? And the promoter said to me before the gig, he went, "My crowd don't do rude, so you don't do rude." And I went, "Okay, I don't do rude, I do do rude." (crowd laughing) So I did do rude, and afterwards, like they loved rude, 'cause they'd never had it before, because he told everybody not to do it. A very posh woman came up to me, and she went: [POSH VOICE] "Why didn't you please your husband "with your mouth?" (crowd laughing) And you know when you have to like re-tune your frequency to understand? I went, "Sorry, pardon, what?" She went, [Posh Voice] "Why... "didn't you please your husband with your mouth?" (crowd laughing) And I went, [MIMICS] "Well, I'll tell you why." "'Cause he's heard all my stories "and it wasn't the time for poetry (snorts)." (crowd laughing) And then another lady came up, right I thought, "I'm gonna get bollocked at this gig," I thought, "I'm gonna get told off blatantly." And this lady came up to me, she was like late 60s, and she had a 50 yard stare, and I thought, "Oh no, this is where I get told off." and I thought, "I'll just take it, it's fine." She walked up and she just went, [ACCENT] "I know exactly what you mean." (crowd laughing) [ACCENT] "I've been married 40 years." "Your arm goes, so you go in with your other arm, so you go in with your mouth." I was like, "Oh my god, Nana's got post-traumatic dick disorder." And she said, "Finally he puts it in you, "two pumps and a squirt, and he's done." "And you think where did it go?" And as she's saying this, I realize her husband is stood behind her, and he's just holding this little pint, and he went [ACCENT] "Guilty as charged." (crowd laughing) (crowd clapping) "Okay!" (Diane laughing)
Channel: Diane Spencer Stand-up Comedian
Views: 3,537,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Female comedian, funny female comedian, top 10 female comedians, funny women, funniest female comedians, full comedy special, best british comedians, diane spencer, diane spencer comedian, dianne spencer, dianne spencer comedian, standup comedy, female standup comedy, british female comedians, diana spencer, best standup, best standup comedy, comedy special, female standup comedy full length
Id: fw_rLYJaqxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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