Top 5 Biggest Fights Of 2020

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These top 5 got me all nostalgic

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Himamsu_07 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- I'm not angry, you're angry! - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical special holiday episode. - The holidays area good time to put aside your differences, celebrate with your friends and family, but that's not what we're doing today. No, today we're celebrating our anger and our rage because 2020's over. We're behind that. We're ready to put the outbursts behind us. - We're behind it or it's behind us? - It's, well, both. - Well, they were together. - We're all around it. - Okay. - I'm in front of it and behind it. - I see, you're hedging. - Listen, space is relative. - Do you want to put the outbursts behind you? - Space is relative. We're all connected. - Or do you go in behind something with the outburst? I don't know, but you voted on your favorite outbursts from the year, and we're gonna see what those are. - [Stevie] Our number five clip features a couple of homies who sent items to each other's homes, but Link wasn't thrilled about one of them. - It's hairy. There's nothing in the middle but a bump. There's a bump in there, and it's fleshy. - Ugh, mm-hmm. - It just feels like a freaking ball of hair, man. I'm at my house. - I'm at my house. - Dude, this is gross, isn't it? - It's special. It's special. - You're making me feel something gross, homie. This isn't cool. - It means something to me. Don't disrespect it. - Is this, is it hair? - I don't think I could say that's correct, because it might have some hair in it, but that is not what it is. I feel like that's disrespectful to say that, honestly, just to call it hair. - This is not Barbara's hair, is it? - Look how it's just, like, shaking off on your table. - It's got dandruff. You already said it wasn't hair, right? It is not hair, just like I am not skin. - What is this? There's a piece of tape in it. This is just trash. - Could you stop taking it apart? - This is the dust bunnies from underneath something. Not cool. - Ding, ding, ding, (bell rings) ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! - Oh, really? - It's my pet dust bunny. - You were supposed to, I can't even take my mask off. It's my pet dust bunny, Pete. Get it? (Link groans) Like Peter Rabbit? - Dude, that's freaking, I'm angry. - I gave you some personal time with my dust bunny. - You know how to tell if I'm angry? - And now all you're doing is crapping. - I say, "I'm angry." This is my dining room table. - Hey, keep it together, bro. - I gave you something that means something to me, and you gave me trash, dude. - One man's trash is another man's treasure. - Do you realize what could be in this? Like, I see hairs of all types. - Probably every person in my family. - It's not funny. (Stevie laughs) - It's not funny. - To me. To somebody, it's funny. - It's pretty funny. (Rhett and Link laugh) - Do you think you can give me 20 minutes to clean all this up? And you just sit there and face the corner. (Link laughs) - Well, that worked as intended. (Rhett and Link laugh) - Oh, man. - 20 minutes to clean it up. - Talk about memories, y'all. Remember when we did the show from our homes? - Yeah, I've been trying to forget it. - And we were listening. I had one ear bud in that would listen to you. - Yeah. - And I had another ear bud in, I think, that would listen to the crew. Is that right? Is that how we did it? - [Stevie] So long ago. - Or maybe I just had one ear bud in, and that was it. Was that, I had two in. - I mean, I don't even want to know how we did it. I don't even want, and I don't want to do it again. - But you know what? You know. - It seemed fine. - All constraints considered, that's pretty good, you know? That was a good experience. - Oh, so you found that entertaining to watch? - To watch, yeah. As a viewer, I'm like, you know what? We made it work. We freaking made it work, y'all, and that's an understatement. - So you- - That made me angry. - So, watching it back didn't make you mad about it. It made you happy about it? - It made me proud of the final product, 'cause I was viewing it from the other side. - Well, good, that's why I gave it to you, 'cause I thought it would be fun. - Why don't you work on getting a better attitude about it? - I have a great attitude. - No, you don't. - Now you're mad about it. - I said I was mad. I'm mad at you for not being positive. Look, look, man, look. - Here's the interesting thing: I'm mad about having to shoot at the house. I'm really happy that I gave you my dust bunny and got to watch it again. You're mad about the dust bunny and happy that we shot at our houses. - I'm not happy that, I wasn't happy that we were shooting at our homes, but I'm happy that it turned out. - It turned out, man. - It turned out so well. - It turned out. - It was good. - It really turned out. - It was good. We made it through together from our homes. - Let's just hope that this next one is not also from our homes. - [Stevie] Coming in at number four on Good Mythical More, Rhett gets a little saucy when he can't tell the difference between pizza sauce and pasta sauce. - How much sweeter is this than this? Way sweeter. And what did Josh just say? - Don't yell at me. - I'm yelling at the universe, man. Sometimes the universe just disappoints you. This is one of those times where I feel like we're definitely in a simulation and they forgot to finish writing the code for this part. - Rhett, I think your problem- - And somewhere, pizza sauce and pasta sauce were being worked on by independent programmers, and then they got to a point and they were like, oh, we've kind of done the same thing. And they were like, just go with it. Yeah, right. And now we live in this screwed up situation. - You're agreeing with yourself now. - Where there's not a difference. You got Josh over here. He's saying things that don't make sense. You got, you got the grocery stores. They're definitely doing it wrong. This is when I opt out of the simulation. My name is Rhett McLaughlin and I am done with the simulation. Three, two, one, I'm out! (Rhett and Link laugh) It never works. Never works. - What is that? Is that like a Mario joke? I take that personally. - That's good, yeah. - You want to go with me? - We've tried to go before, together. - I don't, I don't wanna go. - We tried to leave together one time, 'cause I thought, I thought you had to get your best buddy to go with you. I thought that was the key to life. I thought that was the key to being able to leave the simulation, was you had to find somebody like-minded who would leave with you, but that doesn't work either. Maybe I've got to start a cult. That's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna start a cult. If I can get enough people to all agree at the same time that we're gonna leave the simulation together, then maybe we can do it. And you know what? It'll be a pizza and pasta party, and you can bring any damn sauce you want! Whoa. - Wow, Rhett. I mean, the irony and the fact that you're talking about bringing people together to go, and, like, I was not there for you, you know? - Sometimes I see myself in the past, and I'm like, I lived that moment in my life exactly the way I wanted to. - I thought you were gonna say sometimes I see myself from a moment in the past and I agree with that man. - Well, I mean that, yes. - 'Cause it seemed like that's what you were doing. - Well, I'm saying that and more. - And you should. - I'm not just saying I agree with the point. - You're not a waffler. - I agree with the point, and I agree with the way the point was made. - You're not a flip-flopper. - Every single thing that I did at that moment, now I have a lot of regrets in life in general. - Tell me about 'em. - No regrets from that moment. I still feel as if it all is true. - Pizza and pasta sauce- - Nothing has happened to me in my life since then that has made me question the conclusion that I came to then. - Fair enough. But whenever it comes up again, is it still a sore subject? I believe so. - I'm not mad about it anymore. I've accepted it. - Accepted what? - That pizza and pasta sauce are the same thing, and that a mistake was made in the formation of the universe. - Sticking to your guns. - And that's one of the mistakes. You gotta find them. - But you're not mad about it anymore. - No, I've accepted it, because they're both good. If one sucked and I felt like I was being tricked, I'd be upset, but I'm not. I'm upset at Josh. (laughs) I'm upset at Josh, because he's trying to maintain the illusion. - You know what? That's growth, man. That's growth. - It's not gross. - Growth, accepting reality. - If you like the things that we sell at and you think that you know somebody. - Could have tried for a segue. - Who might also like the things that we sell at, well, we've made that easy for you, because you can get a Mythical gift card at and give it. - You talking about last minute holiday shopping? - Last minute. - Holiday shopping. - Holiday shopping. - Mythical gift card. - 'Cause it's virtual, right? - Don't, he's not looking at anyone. - It's a virtual, it's a virtual thing. - Let's keep going. Does it, does it get more intense? - I hope so. - [Stevie] Our number three clip is a whole ordeal, when Link makes a tantrum hole with a tantrum dart in International Hotdogs. - I'm not even hedging my bets. - Yeah, yeah, hit it right in the middle of the island. - [Link] Gonna be good, isn't it? - Look at that. - Oh, dang, that's nice. - Yeah, we only did it once. (Rhett laughs) - No! And I missed the board. It's too low! I missed the board entirely. Too low! - Look, Chase is patting his wiener. Nope, too high. You gonna try it? All right, forget it. - No, that can count. - You want me to, you want to give me another shot? - That was it, you just did. Hold on, put it back where you just put it. That was it. - That was like a tantrum throw. I didn't know it really counted. - I think. - Are you gonna give me another? - The fact that, hold on, you're already getting a cheat dart, and then you missed it, which is technically 50 off. - And then I was, I didn't know. - And you threw a tantrum dart. Let the tantrum dart count. - All right, I'm gonna throw it. - That's a good compromise, is the tantrum dart counts. And you missed it again. Go take your dart and put it in the tantrum hole. You missed again? - Tantrum hole. Put the dart in the tantrum hole. You're not even filming with the GoPro. You're so excited about your GoPro, and you're not even using it. - We've got better shots for that, I'm telling you. This is nothing for a GoPro. Including that one. - All right, Rhett, you had 16, and Link, you had 56. - What are you laughing at? - You know what? Listen, you know what? Since 56 is more than 50, let's just count your first dart, and it's just 50. - That's why I was laughing. - Even better. (laughs) That's why I was laughing, because your tantrum dart was a worst answer than 50. (Link laughs) - And I don't even think, I don't even think that sunk in in the episode, because I was just blinded by frustration. And you know what? I'm not proud of myself. - Well, I was gonna tell you, this is one of those moments when I look back and I see something that you did in the past, and I'm like, he did that perfectly. There's nothing, there's nothing about that that should change, you know? Like, you lived that moment of your life perfectly, from my perspective. - And meanwhile, there's a dude in a wiener suit in the background the whole time. - Just trying not to laugh. Just trying to maintain composure. - Somebody has to. - I liked that GoPro. I know y'all didn't want me to do it again, but I liked it. - We didn't do it again. - Shouldn't have shown that to me, 'cause now I want to do it again. - You want to do it again? - But I want like a nicer camera. - You want two GoPros? - I want a camera with a zoom button that's in my ear. - You want a shoulder mount camera. - A camcorder. (Link laughs) Can y'all just get me a camcorder? - Okay, all right. We just figured it out, y'all. - I want a camcorder. Can I have a camcorder? - 2021, 2021. - But I want it to be VHS. - Every episode- - It's a VHS camcorder. - Every episode of Good Mythical Morning, Rhett's gonna have a, all right. - VHS. - Just the darts? - Just the darts, yeah. - VHS is gonna be complicated. - But it needs to be a, it needs to be shoulder-mounted so I can let go and still throw. - Oh, oh, oh, you talking like- - Or maybe I'll put it on the left shoulder and throw with the right arm. - You could do that. - Give me a VHS for the left side. Give me a left VHS, 'cause they are different. - Still looking at no one, but I'm starting to get my hopes up. I'm starting to get my hopes up, should I? - Yeah, 2021's gonna be all VHS. - They're starting to get nervous. - 2021, SD. - SD, huh? - Yeah, that's a thing. - NTSC standard? - NTSC standard. Can we see number two? - [Stevie] Our number two clip is from 100 Years of Fast Food, where Rhett bursts with excitement as he nails a crazy shot, only to go on and lose the game. - I'm gonna land completely inside of the seventies. It's not gonna happen. - You believe you can. - I'm gonna try. - Bank shot. Okay. (puck scrapes) Oh, my gosh. Oh, no! - Yes! I was so upset. You were so happy. - That's what happens. (Rhett laughs) - I wasn't throwing a tantrum, though. - Please be seventies, please be seventies. - Sixties, sixties hasn't been taken. - [Stevie] Subway was founded when nuclear physicist Peter Buck gave college freshmen Fred DeLuca a $1,000 loan to partner on opening a submarine sandwich shop in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1965. - Ah, dang it! (Link screams) - Yes! Rhett, you gotta get some fries in your drawers. Man, the fast food elves- - Stevie, you coulda just lied. - Have shone down on me. - You coulda just lied, but nope, I gotta put fries in my pants. - I gotta hand it to you, that bank shot was good, but it was just erroneous. - I thought this was gonna be, there's another episode of International where I threw something. - You threw something. Well, we're not done yet. Are you predicting that the number one involves you throwing something? I can guarantee that the top tantrum of the year is you, not me, my friend. - I don't think it's gonna be that. I think it's gonna be, I think it's gonna be, I think I yelled about something. - I think, I think it was a shuttlecock. What's it called? No, that's this. - The shuttlecock. - Shovel, shoving thing. What's this game called? - Shuffleboard. - Shuffleboard. - You think it's shuffleboard? - I think it's shuffleboard, because I have an image in my mind of you, like, I thought you were gonna break something over your knee, like a Tiger Woods. - I've got more composure than that. - Uh-huh. - As you're about to see. - Okay, let's find out the most exasperated tantrum in the 2020 history of Good Mythical Morning. - Wow, okay. - [Stevie] And finally, the number one tantrum of 2020 as voted on by you, Rhett gets mean and obscene over mother-flipping green beans. - Okay, is this some kind of joke? - This is green beans. - I asked. - We were wrong. - I asked for one thing, I said, "My birthday, you know I love beans. Let's do a bean taste thing," and you give me these mother-flipping green beans. That's not a bean. This is like a green tube of disgrace. Just because the word beans is it does not mean that it's a bean in the traditional sense. And people like me, we care about this kind of thing. I'm serious, I'm offended. I will not, I am sitting out of this round. Screw you guys. Yeah, that's right. Still believe that. - Um, we have to find the Green Giant green beans. So, Jolly Green Giant. Here I come. Okay, back. - I've calmed down a little. I meditated. - You meditated? - I'm 43. I can get through this kind of thing. Yep. I can handle a lot. I've been through a lotta life. - A lotta life. - A lotta life. More than you. - Don't forget it. Okay, so you're using your fingers, man. - I refuse to touch my spoon to these (chuckles) tubes of disgrace. - That was it. - Hey, but I did go on to guess it right. I guessed that fricking bean right. - Oh, you did? - Every single round. That was a bean sweep. - That was, that was pretty childish of you. - Well, I just felt, you know, listen, I put, I've been thinking about that. - Maybe that was for comedic effect a little bit. I don't know, but... - Oh, no, Link. That was a 100% serious. - I can tell, because at one point you said, "I am serious." - Yeah, when I want you to understand that I'm serious, you know what I say? - What? - I'm serious. - I'm serious. - Yeah. You think I would, you think that I would get upset as a joke? - No, no. - You think I would get upset. - That's a good point. - Like as a show, for entertainment purposes? What do you think this show is? Do you think this show is for entertainment? This show is to figure out real facts. - Real facts. - Real facts is what we almost called it. It was gonna be called Good Real Facts. GRF. - GRF that's got a ring to it. - GRF, groof, yeah. - I could have sworn that he did almost break. - I didn't almost break. I wouldn't do that. - On something else. That didn't even make the list. - Didn't even make the list. - You know what? There could have been 15 on this list. - Next year's, all week is tantrums. - The honorable mentions would have been all Rhett. You know what's gonna make this better? - A gift. - I can tell you feel, you feel, you feel aggressive. - I'm a little, I'm mad, I'm mad. - This is not good. - Y'all gonna make me mad with this gift, aren't you? - All right, this is. - I can already tell. - This is from, to Rhett and Link from the writers. You're gonna love this a whole lot. - Okay, all right. - I don't know what it is, but I, since you're angry, it'll cheer you up to open it. - Right, right. - I'll help you out a little bit. It's a black box. - It's a tantrum hole. - What? Is that what it says? - Oh, no, you did not. (Stevie laughs) You guys gave me this mother-flippin' tube of disgrace? See how I can act like I'm mad? (crew laughs) - No, I actually think you were mad, but then you meditated in there. I could see it for like a split second. - Oh, it smells bad. - Is there just one in there? - Just one bean. - Tantrum hole. - Tantrum hole. Or do you put it like this? Or you put it like this? Couldn't even get that part right. They're writers. - There it is, like that. - They're writers. They're not, you know, they're not art people, yeah. - Box makers. They're not certified tantrum hole makers. - They don't know about symmetry and stuff like that. - We've almost made it through the week, but there's one more day in the work week before we have our holiday, and we're gonna count down (speaks gibberish) - The top five favorite moments of GMM from 2020. - I don't know what that, wasn't English towards the end. - That's what tomorrow is. - You know what time it is. It does end with that. Not sure what to give for a last minute holiday gift? - Well, grab a Mythical gift card at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,198,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: mn2AqXrjubQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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