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hey Maes welcome to today's MTG Arena video today I've got the top five tier one decks currently in best of one standard these decks are the Decks that the Mythic players are playing and these are Decks that definitely can help you get to those High ranks on MTG Arena so without further Ado let's start looking at today's [Applause] decks so the first deck that we come across today is mono humans now all of these decks are running between 56 58 59% win rates which is really good and will help you be consistent in ranking up and um yeah just really good consistent decks now 36 creatures in this deck and two non creatures uh the two non-creatures that will run we'll look at in a minute but it is a human deck and it runs 33 humans out of the 36 creatures as seems the average of 2.2 with 22 lands seems pretty fair to me as well now the two long creatures that it does run is oifc I have seen decks with four um this is a nice piece of removal especially when you're running lots of basic lands like this one does 21 basic lands but because it runs the playet of Faria which is why there's no non creatures in there you don't really want it peas andiz in yourself it's really there to penalize your opponents non-creature spells cost one more to cast now like I said I have seen before but the deck that's been getting really good percentage and you know I get a lot of the uh stats and figures from untap GG and place like that and this is a thousands of games and been putting in those really good percentages now a lot of creatures in here I'm going to point out my favorite ones to start with copper goat Vanguard really cool uncommon each other human you control gets plus 10 and Ward one so adds you know adds in protection and gives it a little bump if you can get two of these on the field at the same time cuz it's not legendary which is great about this card it then will give this human bun Ward as well so two of them is the perfect match for this Tech on the Battlefield also then adelene I do love adelene the vigilance on this is really good with the massive creatures in there it's a very powerful creature for the deck one of the really good rares in this um power equal to number of creature you control we have a lot and whenever it attacks it makes a token creature as well but it is tapped and attack in and it is only a one one so usually does get blocked and killed so it doesn't usually get you know stay on the battlefield too long as well starting at the One Drops we do run a lot of one drops in here like I said Lo CMC average we got hopeful initiate that can build up and then has an ability to destroy Target artifacts or enchantment so if we can remove counters from it recruitment officer great little one drop this way uncommon a lot of the really good cars here are uncommon and common as well recruitment officer is definitely one of them can help you search when this is late game this is still good pay in the four to look through the top four cards scr as well Defector might good at protection um protecting your really good cars maybe like Brutto cathar that acts as the removal in this deck um this deck is very very consistent um you really do go one drops into two drops into three and then at the top end all it has is night erant of EOS that can be played early because it has convoke so with a lot of early one drops and and the two drops going in there you can easily get this turn three without a doubt um you get to look at the top six your library vops two creature cards man value X put them into your hand so very good and then you get a 44 human Knight that potentially can be buffed with copper Vanguard or if you manage to pay the extra two mana on this when you're play in tripid adversary then the other creatures get plus one one for each counter on a tri and this is a big life swing as well nice sometimes against the early monor red decks but really monor red you really want to be hitting your th as quick cuz it stops attack with a first strike and then makes their kill spells a little bit you know play with fire will then cost one more and everything like that so makes things a little bit difficult although Brut gar at two tough is is a little bit fragile sometimes it's still nice and will slow your opponent down so you know a very good car but mono white nice deck aggro aggressive so if you'd like creature heavy decks then this one's certainly for you the next tier one deck we have is the green white enchantment deck um I never got to play this cuz I haven't crafted cak yet same old problem with Arena I'm lacking on Mythic cards um I'm sure a lot of you are but if you have got spare Mythic cards this is is really good cuz there a majority of this deck is you know Commons and uncommons you've got really good removal oifc like we spoke about in the previous one this is a really good uncommon four of these in there we do run 10 Basics so you know a little bit harder to put the osificante we have Bel you know creatures in there like um jukai naturist that can make enchantment spells cost one less so that helps towards running fewer lands as well and then a lot of One Drops generous visitor that becomes big you probably come across this vanilla in there it can you know no trample or anything like that but it's still a very good one drop that can build up and add that added pressure in what you need on it is audacity audacity one of the best enchantments in this cuz it gives you our creatures trample so we can get over those wedding R ation one one blockers that always comes down or you know it's just if this I'd love it if this would have flash but I suppose it would be too good for a one drop there because it gives it plus 20 and trample but you know to me that's just me you know looking at cars and wanting to make them better um audacity is put into the gra from the B you get to draw a card as well so even when it it drops off your creature you're going to have a nice little substitute for that and drawing in a card for these in there without a doubt uh spirit and companion more card draw a nice common as well and then it runs migu really good tar plus one one to for each artifact and enchantment you control so if we go back to look at the stats here we got 28 enchantments and that is a lot two artifacts but it's the enchantments that are going to trigger that and there's a lot in there so plenty of ways to get a big swinging creature and then put the audacity on the creature as well to give it trample and if it goes on duy by any chance you're going to get LifeLink as well so there this is why this is such a good deck the Synergy in enchantments is very good um it has card draw it has removal it has evasion it has you know pretty much everything um CX is just made the deck even better when this came out uh has constellation so when Guided by fate or another enant b control put a one one counter on a Target creature and whenever Enchanted creature you control deals combat damage play you may create a token of it as well the copy of is a non- legendary charm you control you can only do it once each turn but it just makes another copy of something really good it just amasses that board and what you find with this deck that it recovers very well from rafts that's what I felt when I played against it it really does recover well so if you feel like where you are in the rank and you're com and aggress a lot of control a lot of um you know raex populates and stuff like that this can recover well and then you can just start building up again the next current tier one deck is Boris humans is tier one at the moment very good deck um humans mono white humans but if you want to Splash the red we're looking at what you're going to Splash the red for now you're splashing it for into Center shell of the sun this is a 2 two whenever you attack you may discard a card when you do put a one mon counter target attack and creature and it gets trample as well till end of turn whenever you discard one of more cards Exile the top card of your library you may play that card until your next end step as well so inti comes in as a for us as a nice addition as well it does run a couple of of different creatures as well that we'll just look at in a minute but that one of them is anim pacle thousandth Moon so a one two whenever you attack with one of more gnome creatures put a 1 one counter on anal so non-n creatures I'm pretty sure it runs no gnomes as well so then you create this X11 colorless gnome artifact creature token that's tapped and attacking where X is the number of one one counters on packet there's a lot of wording on that card but it does a lot it adds to the aggro package of it and it's a three Mana spell now both of these are legendary but they do run four ofs in each um with that kind of toughness and stuff like that probably not going to stay on Tod it could be played and easily removed but it's still a very good card and getting this down turn three would be really good now let's look at the stats of this deck it is a CMC average of 1.8 but because of the mixed colors of this it does run 22 lands for instance and 34 creatures in this deck it's another deck that runs the four of Thalia uh these decks are very creature heavy so when you look at the tier one decks especially these ones they are very creature heavy it's all about aggro attacking everything like that so you have to look at maybe which cards you've got in your collection which is you know no bad way of choosing which deck you play if you've got more of the mono white one play the mono white because you're going to still get really good results they're very close and the percentages this for me I think has more rares and mythics in it cuz it does run in the land base like four Cavern of souls to protect you against counter magic you naming your humans as that interesting that the mono white one doesn't run that um then we got Plaza of Heroes is another rare mistress Foundry and it just runs eight Basics eight Basics but we don't run that removal in this so the four you know the the enchantment R the four pieces of removal are get lost in this I'm not asking you to get lost that is the name of the card destroy Target creature enchantment or Plaines Walker it controlled against two map tokens the map token helps them explore so it is a downside but it's a very good two Mana Pizza removal in this deck destroy Target creature enchantment or Plaines Walker um very strong for two Mana now you could look at maybe swapping that in the M white but you know would it would it make much of a difference let me know if you think it would I think this is still a very good card depends how much value you put on the map tokens really but I think this is instant speed dealing with those Plaines Walkers and importantly dealing with enchantments as well is very strong with get loss the other difference in the deck is Warden of the inner Sky a one man a human Soldier one two has three or more counts on it has fly and vigilance which is pretty strong and you can tap three untap artifacts or creatures you can try and put a one- one counter in it so you can sc one after that which is you know I love scry if you watched videos before I do love scry it's very strong mechanic um but you can only activate this as a sorcery so very good mechanic but you can only activate as a sorcery you know so you have to be wary of that but only a two of in there and it's a nice addition to fly over and potentially do some evasion the rest of this deck runs very similar to the mon you might be able to craft two tier one decks if you've got a number of these and putting them in there but obviously it runs four off that's where the stats and perentes are this is you know I'm not saying shave them off because you potentially might not get the same results um hope for this year same ones Luna veteran is in there um helps with a bit of Life game and then has the fly in evasion when you can replay it uh the same really good recruitment officer copper go vanguards cuz it gives all humans a buff which is what you want for this human deck and a four of the wonderful adelene the big toughness three Mana that just gets bigger and makes tokens as well so very good um I like the Boris version I'm missing some of these so I can't give this one a go um if we have a look at this side um yeah I'm missing quite a lot of these but there something that I could craft I've got a lot more rares than I do but if you've played this let me know how good it is I'm interested to see cuz it's getting really good results in the percentages and um yeah it looks like a real good tier one deck next tier one deck is for color domain a deck that I do play as you can see fully crafted I do love this deck I really enjoy it it's very competitive now sometimes against the aggro deck you do struggle but you do have ways to you know you have lots of ways uh if it gets you know if you manage to hold on you generally will take over the game and what holds your own against these decks is that you have ear removal uh the land basee on this is crazy you know heavily rare you need these tricolor lands because you're playing lay down binding and potentially you want to play that turn two sometimes get rid of something that's you know really important to get rid of that's going to keep attacking you you know turn two um anything from the red deck normally is pretty powerful when they play kumanu turn one and then they're coming in with a Feldon 33 it needs to be dealt with you can't you don't want to do damage to it cuz then they draw cards um early removal virtual persistence as well the minus 33 is really good and then the two manner of discarding the herb migration and gaining three life and put a basic land can really be a good swinger late game if you've still got it then you know you're putting this down as a wing con so one go for the throat in there and then you got up the bean stalk for the card draw brilliant card draw recently banned in some other uh formats just a smashing card that one temporary stomper is great but won't be able to block early if you you're getting it for the ramp because you need to then find either an angel of raft to get the LifeLink to help you against the aggro decks or you need your sunf Falls your sunf Falls clear it up you know snap up the the rest of the battlefield leaves you with the creature potentially as well that you can reanimate and then use as a blocker generally not using to attacker early on unless it's late game um and then you get to your big wingon which of course is a Traer a Traer in this flying vigilance death touch LifeLink when this is dropped most decks will fold unless they've got the removal in hand because it doesn't take many attacks with this obviously if you're playing aggro deex like red and you've managed to get to a traxa you just basically win the game because the seven life swing just really stops them out basically you get to get look at the top 10 cards each not for each card type you may put that in your hand uh put the rest on the bottom of your library in any any order it's just a really good deck once this deck get going I love it my favorite type of mid-range deck without a doubt you would think it'd be a control deck that I like but I actually just really enjoy this deck this deck is just really good ramping out with invasion of zendar if you can get the creature in there all good and good it's just a really good deck and leads into some of the most powerful cards in standard the persistence the migration the tracks are and layline binding is just really good and can be played a lot less than six Mana nearly every time um stats on this are really interesting CMC average of 4.8 it's so high compared to the others in it and 25 lands in it's just the 11 creat works a lot more on sorcery speeds and we have enchantments obviously as well um but yeah 4.8 average that is a proper big mid-range deck it's because of all these massive drops here but very good deck consistent good investor three if you want to get yourself a side ball for this as well um but I love that this is this kind of midrangey nearly 5 CMC average Tech is doing well in standard so the last deck of course you probably guessed it tier one is monor Red without a doubt it's aggro it's very very very consistent it's quick games which people like really quick games easy to craft um a lot of you know less rares than the majority of other decks we've got lots of good Commons and uncommons kumanu swiss Spears uh monstrous rage great for pumping uh instant speed reaction and then getting it trample as well Phoenix chick is uncommon play with fire is uncommon lightning strike it's just really really good and you know a good crafting deck 18 lands obviously mountains so are four rars in the uh land base which is very good when you look at the Domain deck and stuff like that CMG average of 1.7 which was interesting to me because this deck you know this is a deck that's put thousands of matches in and it still runs 22 lands um for 1.7 the lowest CMC we've got and it's still running 22 when you look at the mono white deck which is running 20 very interesting but potentially you're playing sque and then playing it again from the graveyard for four Mana you don't want to be missing you don't want to be I mean I've won so many games if you watched my stream yesterday I won so many games with two lands it was unbelievable um if you just got the right cars in hand you just literally win so 22 seems a lot to me but you know I suppose you want to get to that third land consistently all the time four lands is all you need maximum with this deck normally um to be playing your godrick and then playing your chra um personally from experience when playing I found Chandra a bit underwhelming but that was just me so um I repped you know about 3 hours with the deck yesterday and yeah it just it was okay but I always felt like I always wanted squeo I always wanted godri more than I wanted Chandra um but that's just you know me playing it uh lots of removal and Magic to the Dome you know loads of damage to the Dome magic to the Dome or no let's let's say damage to the Dome um lightning strike play with fire um then aggressive creatures bloodthirsty with haste Feldon with haste Monastery with haste godri with haste that potentially if you the great combination of this with squee when squee makes that extra creature then gives godric fly and it just goes over the top is amazing um just a this is a great addition to the deck without a doubt just made it so much more powerful um but yeah not much more to say about monor red than my thoughts on Chandra and stuff like that very good deck and if you want quick e easy um potential wins and just quick games this without a doubt is a deck for you so there is the top five tier one decks currently in best of one standard let me know which ones you play let me know which ones if you're in Mythic as well let me know and if you've been playing any of these to good effect or uh if you've got any you know if you want to see some more Rogue brus as well let me know in the comments as well I did do a top five Rogue bruise recently so if you want to see something more like that again please let me know but I know a lot of people love these uh list because they want to see which is the best decks at the current time so I appreciate all the likes and comments for those because it really pushes the video out and gets us a lot of new views on the channel so thank you for doing that if you want to go a bit extra further check out my patreon down below thank you to everyone that is a patreon and supportting me that way before I go if you want to get any of these cards in paper and take them to your F&M and start smashing them with these tier one decks check out my sponsor Card Market link down below you can go and get all your card needs from them there anyway you all take care and I'll see see you on the next [Music] [Music] video
Channel: TOTALmtg
Views: 15,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best standard meta decks, mtg meta decks, mtg standard meta decks, mtg arena, meta decks mtg arena, competitive decks mtg arena, meta decks mtg, mtg arena ranked, mtg arena ranked decks, mtg arena meta decks, mtg arena standard decks, mtg arena meta standard, mtg standard meta, mtg arena standard, ixalan standard meta decks, standard tier 1 decks mtg, mtg tier 1 decks, best mtg tier 1 decks, top mtg arena meta decks, mtg standard top decks, magic the gathering, magic arena
Id: R73Miwp3seo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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