The deadliest deck in Standard.

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hello and welcome to another standard game video today we're taking a look at a four-color assassins deck so we're going to have some fun with this in the Casual play C today and one of the main reasons to build an assassin deck in standard other than it being pretty cool is a trata deadly fugitive a three Mana 14 with death touch saying whenever an assassin you control deals combat damage to an opponent cloak the top card of that player's Library so we turn it face down as a two two creature with ward two and then face down creatures we control can be turned face up for two a blue and a black if we control a trata and then if we didn't have a creature face down but maybe a land or a spell we still get to cast that spell or play that land for free so a TR kind of fuels itself but also pairs very nicely with some cheaper assassins so we can maybe play a two Mina assassin play a TR on three and then immediately connect and start cloaking the opponent's cards and some of those two Mana assassins include a heart stabber a one- one flyer is especially nice at enabling a trata as it's more likely to connect and then this can eventually grow into a 3 three if we have enough Mana values in the graveyard and also gets to draw a card when it dies in addition to Milling two cards to maybe enable future copies and then we've got the pyot Technic performer so we are dipping into four callers total to support all these two Mana sisin but the Mana is actually surprisingly functional thanks to both Cavern of Souls and secluded Courtyard still being in standard so it's not too difficult to support four callers and then the performer also has good Synergy with a traa since we can play this phase down turn it face up for single rat dealing three damage great in multiples but it will also trigger off a trata turning some of our cards face up so that can also deal quite a bit of damage and then we've got four copies of the crawl whip cracker a 3-2 with reach and when it enters gets to destroy Target token and opponent controls so works against creature tokens but also blood tokens or treasure tokens so there's quite a few Targets in today's standard so these are our two drops and then of course at four Mana we need to have roaming throne in our assassin deck so now we get to double our triggered abilities and all our two drops actually have a triggered ability some may be more relevant than others and then a trata also definitely benefits from roaming Throne as now for every assassin that hits the opponent we get to cloak two cards so that can also get out of hand pretty quickly and then Massacre girl also an assassin has pretty good Synergy alongside removal spells that decrease in opposing creatures toughness but it can also maybe wither away at the opponent's creatures to eventually take them out so this is another nice addition and this also informs our decision on which removal to play in the deck so that's why we have this figure instead of cutdown so we can maybe trigger Massacre girl and it still mostly hits the same type of creatures and then a black Sun's Twilight can be a nice Mana syn in the late game also allowing us to get back a creature from the graveyard and then we've got virtual of persistence good on two Mana but also so as a seven Mana enchantment can maybe recur some of our creatures in the grinder matchups and then at three Mana there's a bloodline calling giving minus 5 minus 5 to one creature can even take out a shield rot with it and then taking out multiple creature tokens can also be relevant especially against the boros convoke deck and then topping off our curve one vein Ripper since it's also a pretty nice assassin although at six Manet a little pricey but does still synergize quite well even with a roaming throne and then our manabase as we mentioned has Cavern which will usually name assassin occasionally might name Golem for roaming throne and then there's Courtyard and then we've got a few Tri lines which we don't mind playing early since we don't have many one Mana plays to make and can still cycle them later and then most of our author lands should be entering untapped one creature land as well Restless Reef can also maybe Target ourselves to fill the graveyard for hard stabber or virtue of persistence and then a few dark slick Shores also make sense and then the band admire another way to Mill and maybe get some creatures back so yeah that's our de now let's jump in some games and see what the deck does okay we're on the play with a keepable hand can cast our two drops and we're low to the ground so we're good against aggro against black red whip cracker vers heart stabber yeah I guess I'll play whip cracker even their opponent could be playing with blood tithe Harvester who's a blood tokens we can destroy speak of the devil still have a nice turn lined up here as we draw another whip cracker I'll disfigure now even though Massacre girl could benefit from it and keep up the pressure well we found a card that can sort of one for one answer a harvester although they need to to play it first preacher has a bit of a roadblock here so play hard stabber next Double blocking is a little risky in the face of instant speed removal as they play another Harvester and in can enable some good attacks all right play Massacre girl probably back with everyone in case heart stabber also needs to block don't expect the first massacre girl to survive maybe the second one does and a deep Cavern bass can to have a look takes whip cracker so they don't have any intention of taking out Massacre girl and then a crimson pulse to refuel good Synergy with in as well so I don't see them attacking here unless they harvest or take out whip cracker first right they take out the heart stabber instead o Vin Ripper and a trata the draw that's exciting yeah just play a trata and smash they can double block Massacre girl but they can't stop us all although I guess whip cracker against preacher is not the best although it will still shrink down thanks to wither opponent does double block take out preacher I think sure so try that triggers twice and Massacre girl draws a card Arch fiend good combo with in they might be playing with the storm Seeker as well to give it haste in the meantime roaming Throne also good with the traa and takuma channel also triggering in goes for another deep Cavern bat and our opponent explodes yeah I mean the whip cracker also has reach so it lines up pretty well and they're just too far behind awesome on to the next one okay we're on the draw our hands reasonable against creature decks with some removal that pairs with Massacre girl and then having heart stabber is good if we top deck at tra opponent blue green with a skoner that does Dodge a removal here next turn we could keep up a bloodline calling so put maybe on a blue green artifact deck with now double siren it is tempting to U wait to fire off for removal until we play Massacre girl but we have two more pieces of removal in hand and then we should be able to calling the schoner next turn so for now we'll take it Al their opponent about to maybe draw thegate NOP puts it in the graveyard possible they have another copy in Hand of course roaming Throne could also parallel with Massacre girl and a deep fanom Echo at the beginning of combat they get to explore and then become a copy yeah I guess we'll take that out instead since virtue and Twilight won't be able to take it out anytime soon it's probably more threatening than a schooner they will crew the skoner with it and then I'll trade for the siren could have also waited until we play roaming Throne to maybe draw two cards with a heart stabber just want to make sure things progress smoothly and now with Massacre girl and a bunch of removal in hand we could uh start drawing quite a few cards ideally draw an untapped Lan so we can go roaming Throne maybe disfigure the siren if it's still a 2 two but uh it's already going to pick up a counter revealing BL blossoming toris skoner can't attack into the massacre girl so just an attack for three okay well we have options could also virtue the spy glass siren here so let me start by attacking case they have a bounce spell does this resolve it does not negate so yeah playing roaming Throne might have worked out a little bit better can still play a heart stabber and then black sense Twilight could answer blossoming toris we're going to take potentially six here so it is adding up and there's a Vine stock we have to worry about as well so I may not have time to deploy roaming Throne first before jumping with a heart stabber so what's my plan next turn probably keep Massacre girl on defense and let's say I chump I'm at six I wouldn't be able to take out both siren and toris so maybe then I am better off playing roaming throne and passing although at three life I don't know if we can survive the vine stock attack I'll take it for now they can shrink down Mass into a 3 three with a Vine stock although can still maybe line up favorably all right there's a 66 Vine stock thanks to the tortois opponent not crewing the Schooner so they have other their planes yeah cing the scooner probably would have worked down butter for them get a bunch of triggers okay and there's a trata so let's see here I could black sense for xals 5 assuming there's no negates we can take out one of their creatures get back either a massacre girl or maybe a heart stabber if we need a flyer that could be all right if I play a trata attack then oppon might be forced to chump to prevent me from getting a pair of tutos and then we still have some removal left yeah I kind of like that idea so play tra could played with Cavern just in in case and that connects getting a scout and an island and then we can play whip cracker have this figure for siren and this is also a reach creature okay maybe taking out siren before to get a chance to crw skoner was worth it although I don't think skoner is attacking into this board another tortois so they get back the vine stock and Mild another one toris and sarin attack so trata blocks toris profitably and then I could disfigure the siren maybe before blockers in case they have a negate which they did okay now we can resolve a large BL Twilight instead could also fall to one do we have them on the way back not necessarily even with blackon getting something spicy back okay so black s for five opponent can cruise kuner and response butth yeah that'll do it sweet onto the next one okay we're on the play with turn two hard stabber turn three atanta sign me up can't quite cast a calling yet need a extra black source for that and opponent on dinosaurs okay so the good news is that they probably won't have any Flyers to get in the way of heart stabber until they maybe play a dracos which we should be able to calling but they might drop a turn to hammer skull yep well at TR still can trade for it potentially and and in the meantime we get to cloak some creatures Hatcher could be nice to eventually turn face up and wow pun's got the fight rigging alter three so that's the dream and they hit another Hatcher well their draw couldn't have been much better do we trade for Hammer skull could also just jump with a Hatcher if I draw a black Source next turn I'm probably going to use the calling on Hatcher yeah I guess we just um take seven for now our land enter sted unfortunately okay so in that case just get in with heart stabber now interestingly the whip cracker can destroy a dinosaur egg token but for now we'll just play another heart stabber another fight rigging can they hit even bigger they might have gishath in there and they keep piling onto the hammer skull and another fight rigging is what they found all those plus one counters are also going to add up at least a Tran lines of pull against a 3 three so yeah might be time to jump so we don't fall to four and we will get to trigger a trata twice here now can cast calling to take out the Hatcher most likely and then whip cranker still gets to take out a token got a rampaging Raptor and a tyar stand so good to know about they might be able to protect their here so we'll start with the whip cracker making sure to leave up double black Target the dinosaur token that works yeah and that case I'll just take out the Hatcher now if they had a draas saur I imagine they would have cast it last turn rampaging raptor is acceptable and what else do they have I guess now three counters on the Raptor and the fourth fight rigging so we can chump the hammer skull and then triple block the Raptor to take it out or at least try to opponent considering leaving the hammer skull back as well okay yeah I'll uh set up a trade keep the Hatcher hope they don't have a tar stand but they would have had to top deck it now performer could also synergize with the cloth cards from ATR and now roaming Throne is probably worth it as we'll get to double ata's ability we've got Mountain paleontologist Cavern and Forest thrill seeker ouch all right GG's was unexpected out of a dinosaur deck but now four counters from fight ring we'll get the job done or they can just sacrifice both creatures onto the next one okay we're on the play with a keepable hand turn to performer could maybe enable a tranta on three doesn't have any evasion but being on the play can certainly help and then Twilight synergize as well with our Massacre girl opponent does have a virtue to take out performer play a tra and hope that survives at least at four toughness it doesn't die to another scorn okay opponent with a desecrator so likely a uh reenact the crime combo deck looking to discard something expensive next turn to reenact back now we do have calling but we can't cast it because we don't have double black so we would have to use Twilight to take out voar could also play roaming Throne attack and then we actually get to connect and uh maybe make two tokens or uh two disguised cards I think it's still safer to take out goar cuz otherwise next turn it could already reenact the crime and then a cruelty of gigs we can eventually turn face up all right the gr door can enable reenact the crime next turn so now we're probably on a roaming throne trigger a tra twice but yeah opponent could combo off next turn if they have reenact in hand there is reenact the crime so at least one of them's gone opponent discarding a tracks end of turn maybe if they have a cruelty of gigs to bring it back this cards Arona so yeah they must be on cruelty NOP just a virtue on the first Target pays the ward Z OPP Point's pretty far behind now get to attack all out and then see what else we find another cruelty breach the Multiverse so they're definitely on the combo build all right let's see if they've got a board wipe here would be quite painful maybe a reason to play hard stabber instead of a massacre girl opponent uses gaze so they might have a reenact in hand could get back cruelty which in turn gets back atraxa don't know if that's good enough all right breach the Multiverse probably a better Target if they can combo off here but no opponent does not have it and concedes onto the next one okay we're on the draw two tap lands might slow down our curve a little bit but we've got to keep her facing blue white at least Cavern of souls will make our creatures uncomfortable and I will try the performer on two and then if we get lucky we can still play a Tron next turn opponent Force to get lost okay play a TR and this one also taken out well got a lot of uh tokens here opponent might have a lock down to get rid of them eventually and J's going to try and Mill us at the very least Jace enables heart stabber I will clear and there it is so play Heart stabber I'm going to explore and we can play t plan probably make it a Restless Reef so is just going to shring down the heart stabber now our plans are beond your so if I go for roaming Throne there's a pretty high likelihood that our opponent plays a sweeper next turn but uh yeah I don't see any great alternatives can just explore a bunch but that doesn't do much attacking with the reef maybe exposes it to a Wandering Emperor although could be an answer to Jace and just play the throne this one they could counter since it's not an assassin which they do and Jace keeps pling become subdued now virtue persistence at seven Mana could be exciting so step one maybe explore Find the Cliffs okay so once again I think I play roaming Throne over animating Restless Reef play tapped Cliffs and then next turn we could play virtue of persistence we'll see if they have a card draw spell end of turn memory delug would be bad for us and yeah most sweepers here are going to Exile our creatures so we don't get to trigger heart stabber and draw two cards and a farewell is going to exalt the graveyard and our artifacts as well yeah so now the virtue does not look quite as appealing Organics are easy now I can Mill myself with a reef although it kind of helps the opponent's game plan but that might be the play animate reef and then we can still play whip cracker and then we're trying to set up our virtual persistence as well as a black s Twilight although we're probably not going to have many opportunities to cast it on on the opponent's creatures you can be to another bloodline calling not looking all that great so sure cast a virtue we'll see if this gets countered or maybe a gut lost can destroy it virtue resolves and the March for S pitching a faithful mending so the game continues our plans are beyond your comprehension now is probably the time to animate Restless Reef since we don't have anything else going on and our OPP's going to delush to try and find some removal for it at least they don't have Mana for wandering Emperor Mill myself to enable Twilight also don't want to give the opponent more memory deluges in the graveyard but yeah this game seems pretty over now just don't have enough pressure on the battlefield and we're in the late game where the control decks shine or hand as a bunch of creature removal and that's often going to be the case in best of one especially if your deck is more mid- rangey in nature you're inevitably going to end up with some cards that just are blank in the matchup or close to it all right tra gives us a little bit of Hope play tranta attack probably see wandering Emperor if I keep a blacks Twilight I can get back a creature from the graveyard in response to wandering Emperor trying to Exile the whip cracker yeah maybe I should attack first all right that works so is this going to be an awkward second main at trata or just pass with black Suns available and try to upgrade the whip cranker into something else I guess it does say up to one so we can always cast it for xals 5 without needing to take anything out so that does make it a little bit better here so no vein rippers in the graveyard so five is enough now field of ruin an answer to the r less reef and dissipate our Twilight okay well I guess it's time for a traa now can use calling if they animates an Anchorage to block but they might just have a sweeper as their last card or Del can find it for them we just find a deserted Beach can still give us an extra land in response to a sweeper so flashback Deluge opponent likely finds I want to say Jace plus another board wipe and there's the board wipe and no Jace all right so play Heart stabber can still Twilight for five and we're almost at a fully powered heart stabber which Mana values are we missing we've got 1 2 three and zero so I guess any four drop will do they're going to hit the reef one swamp remaining can have a look at the rest of our de yeah not too many exciting cards left Massacre girl unlikely to trigger so maybe a virtue could still save us and Vin Ripper if they don't have a board wipe pass it back can answer the token pretty easily so now we can Target the token and get back at TR over another heart stabber that works and go to [Music] attackers and I get lost H say try to yep opponent contemplating whether to animate the Anchorage decides not to play the whip cracker and then it probably doesn't hurt to explore a bunch Massacre girl probably a fine draw although if I put it in the graveyard it does grow with a heart stabber yeah close call maybe I should be more greedy and look for virtue or uh Vin Ripper right another Cavern could help could name Golem on this one I believe we do have some roaming Thrones left in the deck I guess just a one yeah still maybe worth it even though if they play another field of run they could blow up our Cavern naming assassin opponent does have another delug so it's not looking good for us probably want a calling our own heart stabber in response to another board wipe that Exiles so we at least draw a card and we found another Massac girl anyways can main phase it and attack surprised we haven't seen wandering Emperor so far there it is now you've done it so by removing our own heart stabber we not only deny the life gain but we also get to draw card does Massacre girl trigger does not only opposing creatures dying all right found roaming Throne 20 cards left so Jace is close to lethal here and a flashback Del should be able to find it it's a pretty long drawn out game against control that's usually how it goes and our deck's definitely not optimized to beat it not sure if we can really adjust our deck too much in a best of three situation to have a good match up against control even if we bring in some discard spells Our Deck still inherently needs to play some creatures to get its synergies going Massacre girl not looking too great although we finally have a creature in play we can Target I'm going to play the roaming Throne first to maybe draw two cards even though that's playing into their M plan another Cavern can name assassin make sure we tap our Golem Cavern and let's try the calling now before I attack my Massacre girl and minus five probably over creature tokens getting minus two all right we get to draw two surprised we got even this far but OPP's probably just waiting to put down a Jace and end our misery they're going to take seven we still had some performers left we could hope to burn them out delug this is number three so they've probably seen their entire deck by now they can even flash it back so if they don't have double Jason Hand by now I would be shocked they might also have the teresian mine breaker that they can discard with faithful mending although interestingly calling is an instant speed answer to the mine breaker so we can prevent them from Milling half our library so what sweeper is going to be next will it be sunfall will be farewell opponent gets rid of a lock down and there's Jace so it's probably just double Jace here for 30 focus on the facts in all be vulnerable two cards remaining and another Jace all right that'll do it GG's hope is wasted you cannot win and a minus two to mil three opponent with 16 cards left there was a chance we could have Mill them out as well but uh yeah that'll do it and get to untap opponent with a wering Emperor still had all these en of battle gu and they don't get to gain any life on my watch okay well this one took a while to play out but got to throw in the occasional control matchup just to Showcase why they usually don't make the cuts since they take up half the video onto the next one okay we're on the play what do we think of our opener yeah it's all right we can cast our spells and then if we pick up a trata that's great Massacre girl would be good let's see what we're facing Forest into a seed of hope I see a slime Against Humanity deck okay so want to save the whip cranker to take out a token play with fire takes out performer and Roots finds another land oh nice Massacre girl so I could just pass with bloodline calling available yeah maybe I should just play the whip cracker since I've got another removal spell lined up and it's going to be a while before uh I get to deploy it here so 3 three slime can offer the trade after playing Massacre girl and then roaming Throne can double the ability as well I guess it could have been worth it to just hold whip cracker until after we play roaming Throne uh this attack implies another play with fire I suppose I'll take it and another slime o trata was a nice draw although maybe I still play roaming Throne first and then next turn calling draws me two cards which likely draws me a land for a traa whip crack are happy to jump in front of the smaller token so we don't expose roaming Throne to a burn spell and now Massacre girl gets to trigger twice another whip crackers excellent so we're in a pretty commanding position opponent might be playing red for Arcane bombard I guess so they can eventually start copying their slime tokens but this is going to be pretty devastating whip cranker take out two tokens and then at trata with two assassins ready to attack means four cards pH Down well who knew we had a good slime Against Humanity matchup and yeah as predicted Arcane bombardment one of the face down cards sweet onto the next one okay we're on the draw we're missing a traa but otherwise we've got a functional hand turn one ashnod could just disfigure it right away let's just get the tap Lounge in play first and then we're happy to put a heart stabber in front of it next turn another death ddge creature so this is four Mana to transform I guess we'll block now that works and picked up a cavern of souls okay maybe play this one phase down first since we don't have much else going on a massacre girl would be pretty nice with this hand and a shield Ro next can take that out wouldn't be able to turn this face up unless I take two damage yeah that's probably worth it so can play the cavern turn this face up and calling on Shield invasion of anrad taking out our performer okay currently at three Mana values in graveyards this figure can make it four and a roaming Throne was a good draw play it keep up this figure and now if we draw Massacre girl we could potentially draw multiple cards per removal spell opponent is going to just straight up murder a roaming Throne fair enough I guess we'll take out as nood so now with the hard stabber powered up and we found a traa so that's exciting this figure can still maybe clear a smaller blocker a TR is going to e a removal spell to be expected and a skull dwellers next can disfigure it now but if we draw Massacre girl it's better to wait and we found another at trata perfect you get to connect and get a swamp pass it back invasion of vistra to take out at tra once again nope goes for heart stabber don't mind that get to draw card and then we've got plenty of ways to clear the skull dweller start with a virtue maybe making sure we leave a blue and blank for R trant's ability and another swamp could actually uh use this ability just to rampow our virtue yeah sure since we don't have lethal on board another swamp play virtue and then next turn we could get back roaming Throne to trigger at tranta several times P Falls to one and that leaves him dead on board all right so we got to see our assassins in action and while it's definitely a more casual deck that I would not recommend for the ranked ladder it's pretty fun and it's got some surprising synergies like most of our creatures working with roaming throne and uh even having the performer to synergize with a tra looking cards so we can maybe deal a ton of damage to close out the game so that can also come up so yeah that'll do it for today's gameplay I want to thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and as always have a nice day
Channel: LegenVD
Views: 46,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lvd, legend, mtg, mtga, mtg arena, magic the gathering, deck, decks, gameplay, guide, Standard Deck, Standard MTG, Mythic, standard deck, murders at karlov manor, mkm, mkm standard, murders standard, markov manor, karlov manor, black, red, green, blue, four color, assassins, assassin deck, massacre girl deck, etrata deck, etrata, massacre girl, vein ripper, heartstabber
Id: JR0Yv6yqo0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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