Build Your Collection FAST! | Complete MTG Arena Economy Guide for Beginners 2023

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Today we're going to go through  everything you need to know to   get the most enjoyment and value out  of MTG Arena, to hack the economy,   get the most gold, gems and cards that you  possibly can while still enjoying the game   without spending any money on the game  at all (unless you want to). Let's go! Welcome back to Game School Dad with me Martin  and today we're going to look at how you can   build your collection the best the fastest way  without wasting your gold wasting your time   so first of all we need to talk about the  different currencies that we have in MTG   Arena. We have gold which we can earn by winning  games and completing objectives so we can get that   by completing these daily quests so which can get  us 500 gold and 500 XP or 750 gold in some cases   now we have three of these daily quests that we  can have as a maximum so we have three slots here   when we complete one they will disappear from here  and we'll get a new one the next day so the most   important thing right now for me is to clear one  of these at least so I have a slot open tomorrow   for a new one to uh to be generated and you can  also swap them out so I have a 500 gold Quest here   now I can click on this once per day I can change  one quest for another one and I can change this   500 and I can hope to get a 750 instead because  it can either be one or the other I might get   another 500 if I get another 750 that's some extra  gold if I get another 500 I haven't lost anything   it's always worth trying let's see if I can get  750. I did okay cool so I have yeah 500 to 750s   all I have to do is play some games against  other people and to achieve the things that   are on the uh on the quest here so attack with  45 Creatures cast black or green spells cast   blue or red spells you might have other ones  that play a certain amount of lands or kill a   number of the opponent's creatures so there are  a few different quests we can get we want to get   the 750s ideally I would complete the 750s  first if possible so here I could do blue or   red spells I could do black or green I might do  the black or green first and try to attack with   as many as possible save the 500 over here for  tomorrow in case I can reroll that into a 750.   so you can also get gold over here for doing your  daily wins you get 250 gold for the first win of   the day and you get some XP and after that you  get 100 gold for the next three wins after that   and after after there you get kind of 50 or 25  gold every every other win every two wins so you   don't get very much after the first four so to  get the most gold out of this I would recommend   you want to get at the very least you want to get  one win per day because you're getting 250 gold   for that you're getting the most gold for one win  and after that you want to the next three to get   another hundred gold once you've done four wins  in a day there's not much need to do more for the   sake of gold you might want to do it for other  reasons but up to four wins per day is probably   the most efficient way of getting as much gold as  you can out of those daily quests and rewards so   you can get over a thousand gold each day for  completing these quests and getting your daily   wins so I'd recommend trying to work through  those first making sure you get those otherwise   you're just losing out on some gold we also have  the currency of gems now gems are the premium   currency they can be purchased in the store they  can be won through some event rewards and some   other ways sometimes you can pick them up almost  for free but they're a bit harder to get hold of   so we don't want to spend them unless we have  something really worthwhile spending on gems   and gold convert at a ratio of about 200 gems for  a thousand gold so most of the time anything that   you can pay in Gems or gold will give you about  five times as much gold is the cost for how many   gems you could spend now when you're just starting  out you do have the option of spending some money   on some very discounted bundles if you want  don't want to pay pay anything at all then just   skip these ones but if you want to pay a small  amount of money to get a big benefit then you   can get the welcome bundle which is just five  dollars you can get 2 500 gems and five packs   so you're spending five dollars to get 2 500 gems  if you compare that to buying gems themselves well   five dollars will normally get you 750 gems so by  comparison we're getting a lot of extra gems and   some packs for the same cost this gives you about  four times the uh the rate four times the value of   what you would get just buying gems so if you want  to spend anything at all even a small amount five   dollars on the welcome bundle is the best thing  to spend and for the adventurer bundle we have   uh which is 14.99 you can get here 3 500 gems and  you can get an avatar and a card sleeve as well   the gems work out again pretty good value for the  money you're spending normally we could get 3 400   gems for 19.99 so here we're getting more gems for  a lower cost it's a bit closer to the normal value   but if you want to get a boost on gems that's one  way of doing it so the packs you can get from the   store will give you one rare or Mythic card and  seven other common or uncommon cards in that pack   when you opened it it also will increase your  track progress for a few other bonus things so   right here we have nine out of ten packs that we  have bought and our rewards for buying a 10th pack   will be a golden pack and the golden packs contain  six rares or mythics for the current standard sets   we can only increase our gold track progress  by purchasing the most recent set so for us   right now it's Brothers War so if we want to  increase our gold pack progress we just need   to buy one more pack here we've bought  the pack we've got the cold pack as well   now our progress has been reset to zero if  we go over to the packs we now have we have   a few other packs to open we have the golden  packet now when you open the pack you also   increase your track progress here for wild  cards so right now we have five out of six   packs we've opened has have increased our Wild  Card track progress if we open another pack here   then this will increase this up to six and  we will get another rare wild card for free   let's open our pack we get our rare wild card  and we get our cards from the pack opening anyway we also have a wild card track progress here for  uncommon wild cards so if we keep opening these   packs it will increase both of those tracks for  us and we will get free uncommon cards as well there's an uncommon wild card we can also get wild  cards in place of the cards that we would normally   get in a pack which are also really good to add  to the wild card collection that we have here   now golden packs will also increase this wild  card track progress normally I would recommend   opening these later but for the sake of having  a look we're going to open the gold pack now we have here two Mythic cards from the midnight  hunt set we have another rare here from Midnight   hunt a rare from a crimson Val and we have  two rares from the current set Brothers War   so that's a great way of increasing our collection  for rares and mythics to get those golden packs   normally I would recommend waiting for a bit  opening them at the end I'll show you what we   want to do before we open those normally so here's  the Mastery track this is where you want to spend   your gems if possible we have here we can unlock  a Mastery pass for 3400 gems and I'll show you   what you get either way so this top track here we  get a pack for every 2000 XP we gain we get a free   pack of the current set and this keeps going on we  also get these Mastery orbs which we can use here   at the Mastery tree to unlock different sleeves  and card Styles if we want it's nothing that I'm   too interested in some people might not be that  bothered but if you like the different artworks   you can get these orbs that will give you some  things for free basically so this goes up until   level 66 in this Mastery pass for the for brothers  War it changes a bit for each one normally   but after level 66 you don't get anything else for  free everything at the bottom here has a little   padlock on this is only if you've unlocked the  full Mastery pass this costs us 3 400 gems so if   we get that Adventurer bundle we get 3 500 gems  so we get enough to pay for that straight away   if we get the other bundle then we're getting  2500 we need to get another 900 gems to unlock   this but I would recommend it as soon as you  can because in addition to the free packs we   get at the top along here we're going to get all  these packs at the bottom we get avatars and pets   and sleeves and cosmetics and things as well if  you're interested in that kind of thing you just   get it thrown in even if you don't care about  the Cosmetic side of things we're also getting   extra packs we're getting gold or we get Mythic  cards by themselves we even get some gems back   so we normally get 1 200 gems back which means if  you spend your 3400 gems on the Mastery pass for   this set then next time the set comes out and you  have another 3 400 gems to pay three months after   um because the sets come out about three months in  between next time if you have 3 400 gems you could   buy the other ones but you will get about 1 200  gems back so you actually only really need to gain   about 2 200 gems in between sets being released  to be able to buy a Mastery pass every time   you can also get a player draft token on the  Mastery pass which is effectively worth about 10   000 gold and lots of packs from previous standard  sets as well so not just the most recent one and as this goes on we can get all these  Gold Gems and Packs along the bottom   and also it goes way past level 66 and when we  get to level 80 we're kind of at the end but   for every thousand XP we get after that we get  another uncommon card now that can be upgraded   to a rare or Mythic there's a small chance of  that happening but the very least we're getting   another uncommon card to every thousand  XP so if we've unlocked the Mastery pass   then we're getting rewards Forever Until the  next set comes out but just so you know all the   rewards you're getting along the bottom here for  this current Mastery pass for brothers War it's   worth about 10 000 gems so you're spending 3400  you're getting some back so effectively you're   only losing 2 200. we're getting about 10 000 gems  worth of value back and that's just in the packs   and the cards you actually get to play That's not  including the Cosmetics if you wanted to pay for   Cosmetics they tend to be kind of expensive so it  would be much more than 10 000 gems you're getting   in value from the Mastery pass the best thing you  can do to start with to start building your card   collection whether you have just started on Arena  or you've been playing for a while and you're just   building up a collection is to go over to the  limited events and doing the jump in event so on   the jumping event you basically get to pick from  two different half packs and put them together   and make a deck to play with against other people  in the jumping event so they cost 1 000 gold or   200 gems to enter if we pay our thousand gold we  can choose from three different packs here so we   have a blue and red pack here a black pack and a  green pack now you can get as preview of one of   the cards here you can look up these packs online  as well if you want to see all the cards that come   in there I think I'm going to go with the green  one so we pick one half and then we get to pick   another half it doesn't make a huge difference you  can pick any and basically once we've picked those   we now have a deck made up of those two halves  so half of these will be the Prototype cards   and half of these will be the werewolf cards so  we've got two rares in the pack and we've got all   the other Commons and uncommons as well so that's  two rare cards and 20 Commons or uncommons for one   thousand gold now if we bought a pack with that  thousand gold we'll get one rare and seven Commons   or uncommons here we've got two rares and twenty  Commons around common so it's a really good way   to start building up your collection you can even  play games against other people using this deck   and you can get an extra card as a reward which  can be upgraded to a rare or Mythic sometimes   but the best thing about this if you're just  starting out is you're going to be playing games   against other people that have picked these cards  they're not going to have the best constructed   decks using all the rares and mythics because  you're playing against other people that are doing   the same event so it's a very Level Playing Field  for games you don't have to have a collection to   start with to start playing this and these cards  get added to your collection automatically and   you can do this as many times as you want so once  you've won a game and got your uncommon reward or   even if you don't get the uncommon rewards that's  just one more card compared to the 22 cards we've   already got you can resign and if you resign  then you'll go back to be able to pay another   thousand or a thousand gold or 200 gems to do  another set and you'll get more cards added to   your collection again so you can do it as many  times as you want the other thing we can do to   build up our collection pretty fast is again  going to limited events and we go to the quick   draft now quite often this is for the most recent  set as well it can be for other sets but for the   quick draft we can spend 5 000 gold or 750 gems  there's a bit of a discount it's not a thousand   gems 750 and we can get to choose from lots of  packs to build a 40 card deck so we're going to   pick about 42 cards from the um rotating sets and  what you want to do to get the most value out of   this is to pick the rare cards that come up out of  the packs that we're opening you do want to pick   cards that will work together and make a deck  class a good chance of winning because we also   get rewards for the amount of games that we win we  can keep playing until we reach three losses so if   we lose three games in a row we still get 50 gems  and a pack but if we can win one game before we   get 100 gems in the pack 200 gems for two wins 300  gems three wins 450 for four wins 650 for five 850   six wins or we can get 950 gems and another pack  so two packs if we get seven wins before getting   three losses it's not very easy to get all the way  to the top unless you're really good at drafting   and if you're not a very good at drafting you get  maybe two wins one wins maybe even zero wins we're   getting quite a lot of value out of that you're  also getting a pack and you're getting some gems   now the main reason to do this if you're not  spending money on the welcome bundles you want   to get your gems to buy the Mastery pass so all  the daily gold you're building up you can use to   spend on draft events and get some gems a few  hundred at a time until you get three thousand   four hundred and then you can get the Mastery  pass after that point after you've done a good   number of Quick drafts maybe somewhere between  five and ten quick drafts you're going to have   a lot of cards in your collection but that comes  to a point when doing quick drafts might start to   lose a bit of value there's a bit of diminishing  returns if you keep doing them over and over   again and that's because of the duplication we  get if we have more than four copies of a card   so we're looking at our collection here of the  current set Brothers War we're just looking at   the cards that we have that are common cards so  the common cards we have some of them we have   one copy of some of them we have two copies of it  shows up here some we have three and some we have   four copies of now if I do another draft event and  I pick a power Stone engineer for my deck then I   will pick up a fifth copy of the card that won't  be added to my collection because you can only   have four copies of a card so it will be added  to a vault collection now here we have 36 of our   vault every common card we get increases our vault  percentage by 0.1 percent so a thousand different   common cards we would need to get this Vault to  100 and open it and get ourselves a Mythic rare   wild card to two railroad cards and three uncommon  wild cards so also for uncommon cards that we get   if we already have four copies of an uncommon  card and pick one of those in the draft event   we'll get 0.3 percent added to our vault so  that's still over 330 uncommon cards we would   have to get to increase the volt to a hundred  percent just to get six more wild cards it's nice   to have something but it's not a great return on  getting all these extra cards you might find you   do a draft event your Vault progress goes up by a  chunk and we don't actually add any cards and it   works slightly differently for rares and Mythic  so if we look at the rares this is quite a new   account so I haven't got all of them here yet but  we do have this one herkel's final meditation I've   got this from lots of draft events I now have  four of them if I pick another one of these   from a draft event I can't add another card to my  collection it doesn't increase the Vault progress   but you do get some gems back so you'll get 20  gems for picking a rare card if you have four   of those already and if you pick a Mythic card  in a draft event that you already have four of   you'll get 40 gems added to your collection  so again it's nice but we might be paying 5   000 gold to enter a draft event and we're getting  20 or 40 gems back from rare or Mythic cards that   we already have four of where we would get a  different rail or Mythic card for 200 Gems or   1000 gold from buying packs it actually works out  that we're not getting very much back it's a nice   little extra to have if you're going to play  lots of draft events but if you want to build   your collection faster adding a few extra  gems is not going to build your collection   it kind of means if we get 10 rare cards that  we already had we'll now have 200 gems we can   buy a pack and get one rare card but the duplicate  protection works out differently in our packs when   we're opening them if I opened a pack from the  brother's war and I would have got this rare card   that I already have four of it will actually just  give me a different rare card so we're protected   against having a fifth copy of a card that will  give us another rare one instead and then with   packs as well sometimes we'll get wild cards  instead of getting the actual rare card or the   commons or uncommons we get wild cards instead and  we can use those wild cards to craft anything we   like so in this new account that we've got we've  already got 32 Commons 30 uncommons 15 rares and   seven Mythic rare wild cards I might have used a  couple of them already but this is what we built   up from playing the game for about a week or two  on a new account generally I would recommend not   spending your wild cards early on because you  want to try to get as many different cards as   possible first and use the wild cards to craft  the ones that you just haven't been able to get   yet but if there are cards you really want to  play with and you haven't managed to get them   from draft events or opening packs yet spend some  wild cards get the cards you want to play with but   just don't spend all of them because it's going  to impact on the value you get from opening packs   so once you've done some jumping events and got a  good amount of cards to start with and then you've   done some quick draft events got the gems you need  to buy the Mastery pass the best thing you can do   with your gold after that is to go back to the  store and spend your gold on buying packs of the   most recent set because these Gold packs are the  best thing we can get to increase our collection   of rares and mythics from the whole of the current  standard set so everything up here that are you   can have grayed out ones rather than the orange  because these are the historic or Explorer cards   and the reason why these Gold packs are the  best value we can get after we've done drafts   is because of the duplicate protection for rare  cards and also because we get these wild cards   as well so every 10 packs we buy in the store will  cost us ten thousand gold for those we will get 10   rares or mythics and 70 Commons or uncomments out  of 10 packs we will also increase our Wild Card   track progress here to get additional wild cards  and the 10 impacts we buy from the store will also   give us a gold pack as well which will give us six  other rare Mythic cards and that those gold packs   will also increase our progress up here so for  buying 10 packs we're going to have the 10 rares   or mythics from those packs themselves another  six from a golden pack and about two more from   rare wild cards we get from the track and uncommon  wild cards we get from the track as well so that's   18 rare on Mythic cards we're going to get from  opening packs just for spending 10 000 gold now   if you happen to be really really good at draft  events you might get some more value out of them   because you're getting more gems as rewards but  for the majority of players you're going to get   much more from buying these packs and opening them  and you'll also get the duplicate protection but   that's giving you cards for the most recent set  so for us now Brothers War if you want to build   up a collection for previous sets if a quick draft  comes out for a previous set then that would be a   better way of getting those cards so that's our  plan for getting the most value and Gold Gems   out of MTG Arena play the jump events they're  cheap you build up your collection first you   can get daily wins quite easily from using those  cards playing those games because we're playing   against people using the same level of deck so  they're not going to be any better than Decks   that we're using then you want to make sure you  have the Mastery pass you spend your gems on the   Mastery pass you can get them from Quick drafts if  you don't have them already and then you just want   to keep buying packs because the packs will keep  adding up to increasing your collection giving   you gold pack progress as well and you can have  a look at the card collection you've got so far   if you go to your profile and click on the set  collection now this is our new free to play   account that I have started recently so obviously  the cards we have here are not very many but if   I go over to my other account and I show you what  I've got on this account it's looking much better   so we started out with Zendikar Rising that's  uh the set that was out when I started and we   can see that we have this blue bar is showing how  many we have of rare cards that we have one of so   there are 56 rare cards that I have in Zendikar  Rising there are 12 rare cards I don't have any   of I might have more than one copy of those 56  but it only shows the one copies to start with   on the blue bar once the blue bar gets to the end  it will start filling up the gold bar the gold bar   is how many we have all four of so here there are  293 uncommon cards I have four copies of and there   are 59 uncommon cards that I have either one two  or three copies of and then when you completed a   collection you have four copies of every card of  that Rarity so here 404 different common cards   in the Crimson Vow set it shows as completed  and has this kind of Mythic orange color bar   so if you want to go from having a collection  that might look something like this or this   to something more like this or this then all you  have to do is keep playing those jumping games   keep playing those quick drafts and keep buying  those packs from the store of the most recent   set getting those gold packs opening them up and  you'll start to increase your collection like this   so thanks for joining me today and having a look  at how you can build your card collection really   fast let me know in the comments below if you have  any other questions about this but that's all we   have time for today so I hope that really helps  you out and I will see you again in the next video
Channel: Game School Dad - MTG Arena
Views: 192,727
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Id: c_U_pWv6i9Q
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Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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