Death Knight Solo Blood Furnace Leveling Guide

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See you nerds at the entrance to blood furnace

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Light-r-up-Dan 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Glyph of deathstrike does not increase how much it heals. I would save the point for heart strike and just use blood boil early on, and use that point for another defensive point somewhere else.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Rhythmicity_ 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Skip to 1:30

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Cheekclapped 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Delete before they nerf

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zSHARPz 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

do you know what the xp would be like if you duo this?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ZephyrVII 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thanks! I was hoping for a better production of this farm. All the other videos were simply vods

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milopyro 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Is a prot war and holy pally able to 2 man this for good xp?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheyCallMeSpace 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Cheers for making the right video, not some mashed up BS by a content thief. Glad to see the actual Blight Club representing, with actual advice.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wangchief 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies

Saving this thanks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SirKrohan 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's slashum also known as cosmic soon to be known as whatever i named my dk i'm the blood tank for the guild warning a semi hardcore progression guild on man crick i killed kt in classic and i'm looking forward to killing him again in wrath so welcome to the death knight blood furnace leveling guide many of you have probably heard that death knights can solo level through blood furnace all the way to seven i've done some testing in the beta and wanted to provide some key details to help you smash through blood furnace successfully and as quickly as possible you might be wondering why would you want to clear blood furnace over and over and over again while the leveling speed in xp per hour is probably pretty close to just solo leveling in the open world if you're on a highly populated server like i am open world questing is likely to be a lot slower soloing dungeons can also be a fun challenge and at earlier levels blood furnace will definitely test your skills or maybe you just like being repeatedly verbally abused by the former lord of the outland my blood [Music] so in this guide i'm going to cover gearing and consumables specs and glyphs rotation and finally route suggestions at the end of the video i'll share some extra tips for some of the more tricky mobs and other unexpected surprises i ran into so you could be more prepared during your runs i'll also include a video link in the description below showing a full clear of the main route so you can see a full uninterrupted run alright let's get into the first section which is gear and consumes before we talk about gear i do want to quickly address the level of your death knight once you get out of the starter zone you will likely be level 58 or 59 i would recommend you start blood furnace at level 60. it's definitely doable at 59 but it will be more challenging there are ways to get to level 60 without having to question hellfire such as cloth turn ins and all the major cities but that's out of scope for this guy for gear you want to focus on survivability first so that means avoidance mitigation and most importantly stamina so for gear you can use a lot of the dk starting zone gear i will recommend that you do get the shroud of the unholy for your cloak because it does have that extra nature resistance against the rogue poison probably not gonna help much but it's nice to have um for enchants you're gonna go with the heavy knot height armor kits and then if you're if you do have the dk starting zone weapon i would recommend rune of sword breaking it's going to give you an extra 2 parry and then obviously you would go with the nether clef leg armor 40 stamina that's really great so this is just dk starting here this can work but if you want to upgrade things a little bit you can go with the blade of misfortune with crusader i do like having crusader on that also i picked the blood scale bracers of the champion for my bracers very minor upgrade but you can add the 12 stamina to it does have a little bit more defense instead of crit so that is nice and then what you can get is the boots of the decimator that's a nice boe off your auction house they are starting to go up in price and then you can push sure footed on that and get some extra hit and the other way i get some extra hit is with the high-powered flashlight and that is also a engineering boe so you will need engineering to get this but that's another 24 hit rating hit ratings really good especially early on when you're dealing with mobs that are a higher level it is worth noting that while you do need engineering to craft the flashlight you don't need engineering to use it so if you can get a fellow engineer to make it for you or maybe if you are putting them up on the auction house uh you can get that pretty early on so that's the recommended gear set there are some other gearing options a lot of people use the fel iron set as they get to level 61 and beyond you can also use some champion gear at level 60 or 61. i didn't find much of an improvement from using champion gear the mitigation seemed about the same might have a little bit more armor again it's up to you you can use the dk starting gear just fine at level 66 you can get a sword from hala if your faction does control hala if you are playing the proper faction you will get the arcadian claymore if you are playing the wrong faction it will be called the helani claymore it is a limited supply i think it has three and it is a bop so you will have to go there with your death knight the consumables i recommend are elixir of major fortitude elixir of major strength buzzard bites scroll of stamina super healing potions and even not special brew from the dk starter zone dk's also have first aid so you can use bandages to reduce your downtime between poles or in a pinch there's also a pretty important consumable i highly recommend getting and i'll mention it in my extra tips at the end of this video once you start getting some levels you can begin to trade avoidance for more damage and focus on strength instead of stamina so that goes for both consumables and gear so now let's look at the spec for your spec you will be blood spec for this we'll put five points into blade barrier so again make sure that you're using your blood runes keeping those on cooldown and keeping this buff up you should be able to maintain this buff no problem we go five points into bladed armor for the extra attack power you'll do one point into two-handed weapon specialization you can fill this out as you get higher level if you want a broom tap and improved room tap that's a extra healing and a nice little cool down that we can use we'll go five out of five dark conviction three out of three death rune mastery three to three veteran of the third war three to three bloody strikes two or two abominations might all this is pretty standard for a blood dk tank build um now we're getting a little bit off the map here and we're going into bloody vengeance again this is because we want to be able to do more damage we're going to blood worms love blood worms they provide that just a little bit of healing but it is really really nice improved death strike vampire blood will of the necropolis and heart shrink then we'll go into unholy and pick up five out of five anticipation for exercise and then two out of two in epidemic for extra duration on our blood plague and frost fever diseases at this point as you start leveling up again you can fill some things out in the blood tree i don't think there's anything particularly good in the blood tree to go after i mean you could go down to dancing rune weapon i don't think blood gorge is very good i would rather me personally i would put some points into unholy or i would go into improved icy touch you could even put points into toughness and then you can start going into black ice so i would probably go into frost i i would keep these two talents i think those are important i don't think death and decay is as good if we could use the glyph it would be better but that's not available till 80 so as far as glyphs glyph of disease is mandatory that makes things so much easier again on the beta i didn't have this i didn't have any glyphs but this allows you to just be able to refresh your diseases and spread them around with what blood room glyph of death strike is my other recommendation this will increase your healing increase your damage all around it's not the best type of glyph but for what we're doing i think it serves really well and then for minor glyphs these are helpful glyph of pestilence increases the radius of your pestilence and then glyphosate just you don't have to buy reagents okay so your basic opener for your rotation is going to be icy touch plague strike death strike pestilence and then heart strike you'll keep your dots up and use pestilence to continue to refresh your dots and spread them around to do aoe for that you're going to need the glyph of disease as we talked about in the spec section i actually didn't have glyphs on my run on the beta which made the rune management a lot more challenging after that you're going to use destroy to keep yourself topped off with healing and that will also create death runes then you'll use heart strike for damage and blood boil when you have more than two targets you'll spend your excess runic power on death coil but always keep about thirty percent to max out your death strike damage from the glyph of death strike and for those oh moments when you need cooldowns and abilities it plays pretty similar to a blood decay at 80 so always keep in mind things like blade barrier if you are holding your runes or defensives for defensives early on you'll have runetap and vampiric blood at level 62 you'll get ice bound fortitude and at level 68 you'll get anti-magic shell now let's look at the suggested routes both routes are linear and very straightforward for the level 60 route you will clear everything up to the room before the first boss the maker clear this route until you hit level 61. for the 61 plus route you will now go a bit further and clear out some of the packs in the room before the boss room i would avoid the pack in the back of this room it's labeled with the yellow mark on the map it has two summoners and can be pretty tricky you can even get a rogue too so instead you'll hug the south wall and clear the boss room kill the maker collect your loot and you're all done you can keep clearing at this point but i think it's faster if you just go reset the dungeon here are my extra tips for those of you who stuck with me through the whole video number one death grip death grip is pretty unreliable against runners and also for interrupts for runners i would use chains of ice for interrupts i would use strangulate or if you have engineering use fell iron bombs number two adepts speaking of runners adepts love to run so make sure you're pulling these mobs a little bit further back so that way it gives you some room and again hit them with chains of ice if they try to run number three rogues rogues can be a real problem they like to kidney punch which is going to stun you for a few seconds and then they also have a stacking poison debuff so this is where the important consumable that i talked about earlier in the video is and that is a restorative potion it works a lot like a druids poison cleanse where it's going to slowly remove stacks over time and so you can actually use one restorative potion against several rogues because it'll just keep cleansing the stacks of poison it's really really great you can use a potion of curing it will work but i don't like it because you're waiting for stacks to build up and then use the potion and then you can even get stacks after it whereas the restorative potion is likely to just cleanse them all it's gonna keep your run a lot faster you're gonna be able to keep pulling and there's gonna be less downtime number four summoners summoners of course like to summon things they summon demons which are elites so that is really bad so we need to make sure we save mind freeze for those summons they're also going to cast a lot of other spells so they're going to cast fireballs they're going to cast aoe flame strikes you can use strangulate in a pinch if you did miss your mind freeze but definitely save your mind freeze for the summons that is the priority and then you can avoid the flame strikes on the ground it's just an aoe so stay out of that it does a lot of damage number five technicians technicians do two things they'll throw dynamite at you and then they'll also drop mines on the ground so for the dynamite just keep moving and that's gonna enable you to avoid most of it it's pretty difficult to dodge if you're stationary when they start casting so just keep moving i like to just kite them in a straight line also they're gonna drop mines on the ground that do a lot of damage like 1.5 k if you've ever been in blood furnace you you know about this i like to kite these guys in a straight line instead of in a circle you'll see in some of my videos i hit mines it's really bad so don't do that number six stuns parries and bad rng just be careful of getting low with two enforcers because back to back stuns can get you very far behind also check your runes if you think you got parried because a lot of times you did if you're playing with game sounds on you'll hear it but sometimes you can get some back-to-back parries your abilities aren't going off you can get far behind so make sure you have some cooldowns for when that happens number seven rune management so much like a level 80 dk tank sometimes you're gonna hold your runes for cooldowns and abilities so just make sure you're not just smashing your runes like a dps would on cooldown you might regret that if you are smashing through all your runes and then all of a sudden now you need to use a defensive and you don't have a rune for it so make sure you're kind of holding back some runes at times so that you can use those abilities when you need them in a pinch but just keep in mind to keep your blade barrier running and keep those blood runes going on cooldown number eight engineering engineering is awesome not only for the items i talked about earlier in the gearing section but also because of fell iron bomb fellering bombs are awesome for interrupts in a pinch they're great for stunning these large packs and being able to create distance so you can throw chains of ice it's a really good way to not only interrupt but also get out of things in a pinch big shout out to puzzle craft and mtg ajax gaming and all the other guys that were in blood furnace early and and getting this run figured out thank you guys for all the work you guys did also thank you for the blight club discord if you guys aren't in the blight club discord there's a link in the description below make sure you're in there that is the source for the most up-to-date and accurate information about death knights in wrath of lich king classic if you liked this video or found it helpful please leave a like and if you're interested in more death knight guides and content hit the subscribe button i'll also be streaming on twitch starting next week during pre-patch you can follow me at or find a link in the description below thanks for watching and you know what to do
Channel: Slashoom
Views: 290,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death knight wotlk, death knight wow, blood furnace guide, death knight leveling guide wotlk, death knight leveling guide wotlk classic, death knight leveling guide classic, death knight leveling guide pre patch, death knight leveling guide tbc, wow classic wotlk, tbc prepatch, blood furnace, death knight, world of warcraft, solo dungeon
Id: Rg05RIxvGpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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