Top 30 Disturbing Moments in Kids Shows (2018) | blameitonjorge

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for legal reasons several clips featured in this video had to be removed or replaced with stills many of the images use our fan made artwork and are not meant to be taken as official we apologize for the inconvenience as we've discussed many times in the past children's TV usually has a good amount of hidden depths however there are times when things get downright hellish in ways that not even adult shows can achieve so today we're going to be diving deep into the depths of kid shows and look at the top three disturbing moments we could find some rules however one show per entry though each entry could have different moments from their show the show's must be somewhat well known so no foreign [ __ ] sorry mr. nosy bunk and finally no anime with that being said let's begin the ultimate enemy Danny Phantom despite being a show about ghosts any phantom rarely ever gets scary as his moments here and there but the ghosts are often the knob played for laughs surprisingly enough the most disturbing moment the entire series comes from Danny himself well sort of in the second TV movie the ultimate atomy [ __ ] gets real 10 years into the future the earth is in ruins the most dangerous ghosts of all time is making the lives or the survivors of living hell and that ghost is the adult Danny Phantom the episode has a lot of time travel and convoluted explanations for how it ghost forms work eventually a present-day Danny takes it upon himself to defeat his future self and learn how exactly he became like that in the first place it turns out that right after Danny travels into the future an event takes place that turns him into this demon this event being an explosion at the nasty burger that kills his entire family as well as Sam Tucker and mr. lanser Danny wasn't forced to move in with the only person who has a chance of understanding him his family friend and arch-nemesis Vlad masters who is also half ghost despite their history Vlad treated Danny with great sympathy unfortunately it didn't do much good for Danny he asked Vlad to remove his human half so he wouldn't have to suffer human emotions anymore he does so reluctantly but now without his human conscious Danny's ghost form does the unthinkable he rips Vlad's goes form out of him and fuses with it the malice and evil inside of Vlad's ghost form is too much to handle and it turns Danny to an irredeemable monster what happened to my human self some things my believe are better than that nonsense I mean you can tell how messed up this episode is going to be right from the title card showing a bean and bruised up Danny barely holding up against this shadowy future self and everything about future Danny is just disturbing from his transformation scene to his complete lack of empathy the fact that the main characters we've come to know are just outright kill is another shocking detail that you don't usually see a Nickelodeon shows or kid shows in general and this episode was not a what-if plot either it was very real and it was close to being the actual reality of the show after his defeat future Danny is never seen again the ending set up his return but thankfully he never escape from his eternal prison cell Ed's nightmare Rocko's Modern Life in addition to ren and stimpy Rocko's Modern Life is one of Nickelodeon's most surreal and zany shows of the 90s jokes and visual humor had little to no consequence leading to some absolutely fantastic slapstick but we're not here to talk about funny stuff sometimes at surreal 'no Statten favor of the show's humor can also go a bit too far in the 10th episode of the series cabin fever the big heads go on vacation to a mountain cabin however when they get there they find that Rocco and heifer rented the exact same cabin leading them to have to spend the weekend together as usual mrs. bighead is just fine with this but mr. bighead is 100% not eventually an avalanche occurs trapping them inside the cabin mr. bighead attempts to dig through the snow later that night but ends up almost freezing to death half awake mr. bighead looks up and sees the three standing around him morphing into demons [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. bighead mr. bighead a short strange acid trip occurs with bighead turned into a flower and then screaming his eyes out literally while this moment is short it definitely caught many children off-guard with its sudden disturbing nature Jackie's father Batman Beyond in the 15th episode of Batman Beyond we are introduced to an original villain named earthmover a man made entirely out of dirt throughout the episode Terry's friend Jackie Wallace feels as if she's being constantly watched well it turns out that she is being watched by the titular earthmover or at least his dirt henchmen Jackie assured that the villain is one of her adopted father's enemies after the attack by the dirt men Jackie's adopted father bill reveals that her real father Tony is the villain and that it's his fault that he became that way 10 years prior bill and Tony started up a company and had to dispose of toxic waste however they could not afford to do it properly so bill dumped it into a sealed a mineshaft Tony was reluctant of this worried that there would be terrible repercussions but bill offered him a partnership to gain his confidence a cave-in occurs trapping Tony underground with the toxic waste thinking that he's dead bill adopts Jackie to make up for his mistake however the toxic waste caused Tony to fuse with the earth itself creating earth mover and present-day Bill and Jackie become trapped underground where they find out what Tony truly looks like you can't be but you are aren't you you're him you're my father yes Jackie and this is what the accident did to you he attempts to kill bill and take Jackie back but Batman shows up and saves the day another cave-in occurs killing the earth mover for good this episode is not only disturbing for the look of the earth mover itself but also the scenario of meeting a long-lost family member who is completely unhinged the preconceived notion that they'll be whoever you created in your head being completely shattered must be a truly terrifying situation to be in kudos to the writing team they could have easily made the adopted father the true villain and have him be a complete [ __ ] but instead they showed that both sides are both equally in the wrong and in the right beam Madsen all grown up all grown up was a weird show take the Rugrats each them up 10 years and then put them in uncomfortable situations like watching Tommy try to make it with a girl it's got nothing on the original Rugrats when it comes to weird and disturbing moments but we're here to talk about the one time all grown up managed to get on that level this moment comes to us from the two-part episode interview with a campfire in the form of a character called bean Madsen bean as a character who appears only in the special and introduces the kids to camp Everwood telling the tales of all things scary that supposedly took place at the camp Tommy finds it the perfect opportunity to create his horror movie but things get too real when kids begin to go missing toward the climax it's revealed that bean is no ordinary boy and is in fact the ghost of a boy who died in 1871 along with other settlers due to an extremely cold winter bean was most likely searching for the souls of other dead settlers and thanks to dill and the others he was finally able to be put to rest but not before giving them one good scare at the end of the episode the gang reviews the footage they've took for the horror movie when a scene shows up that none of them filmed don't ever go oh brain [Music] the scene shows beam levitating with red eyes saying don't ever got no bringing or nothing I have no idea what that means but it sure scared the hell out of the Rugrats supernatural beings are not really ever mentioned at the Rugrats the only other one being a little cue from the all grown up Valentine's Day episode it's a strange moments and a disturbing one at that being was clearly happy with their help so I guess he decided to freak them out for shits and giggles dark harvest invader zim when it comes to disturbing moments invader zim features them in spades orangey from this series is disturbing for two reasons one taking place in the context of the show and one in real life in the episode dark harvest Zim finds that none of his organs resembled that of a human's at all which causes problems when he gets a case of head visions and has to go to the nurse realizing that the nurse will discover his alien organs Zim decides to steal the organs of humans in the school putting inanimate objects in their place [Music] [Applause] after stealing the organs of almost every student in school Zim is now a fat blobby mess losing fluids and intestines almost bursting at the seams it's a disgusting and disturbing sight and it begs the question how Nickelodeon even approved this episode the subject matter is just so far removed from anything nick has ever dealt with it's absolutely bizarre while the episode is dark and disturbing in its own right things get even darker when we take a look at Scott de Leske on October 15th 2005 de Leske murdered his neighbor Pamela Vitaly he was a minor at the age of 16 at the time so he did not qualify for the death penalty and was instead sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole during the trial it became increasingly evident that de Leske was fascinated with organs and often talked about breaking children's necks and wondering how the human body would function without certain organs this episode of invader zim was brought up during the trial drawing attention a certain common sea mate after watching said episode however the two teens that testified stated that he was just joking about those comments although those same teens also stated that he is not violent and that's clearly false so could this episode of invader zim have actually inspired a real-life murder it's hard to say without any conclusive evidence but it's entirely possible that it didn't help if those ideas were already present in de les Kees mind man-bat transformation Bane gets too much venom and the Joker venom batman the animated series batman the animated series is well known for being incredibly mature and treating its audience with respect and integrity some heavy themes are addressed in the show and its willingness to never speak down to kids is one of the reasons why it has become in the eyes of many the definitive animated version of the caped crusader of course and not shying away from more mature and dark themes some disturbing moments naturally come with the territory give it home and either are throughout the series we will be focusing on three of them as opposed to just one the first of these moments comes to us from the episode on leather wings in this episode we are introduced to the man-bat a creature who is being mistaken for Batman man-bat is actually a researcher named Kirk Langstrom who was transformed into the creature after an experiment researching bats as the next evolutionary step went wrong when Kirk reveals who he is to Batman he then transforms right before his eyes complete with demonic laughing close-ups of his teeth and his body changing while his clothes rip off to reveal his new terrifying form [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] the next moment is about bein from the episode well bein this episode introduces us to the titular character the man who vows to break the bat if you are aware of bane then you know he uses chemically engineered venom in order to become super strong well in the climax of the episode Batman breaks Bane's venom tube causing an obscene amount to enter his bloodstream this is far too much for him to handle and his muscles grow to a grotesque size all the while his veins and eyes are popping out while he screams in pain [Music] thankfully batman unplugs the tubes but for a moment there it seemed like we were about to witness an overdose on-screen our last moment comes from the episode The Laughing fish in which the Joker unleashes a toxin into the Gotham City harbor that causes all the fish to mutate into a Joker fish with a big toothy smile turns out the chemical is known lethal to humans and the Joker simply wishes to trademark the fish and gain a percentage over all that are sold at work at the Harbor tells the Joker that fish cannot be trademarked since they are natural resource to which the Joker responds were the threat later on the Joker follows through on that threat and since a toxic gas into the home of the worker upon breathing at the worker begins to chuckle which slowly grows and grows into an insane laughs reminiscent of the Joker [Laughter] [Music] despite the deranged smile on his face you can tell by the look in his eyes how much pain he's in Batman shoots him with an antidote but the image will forever be burned in our skulls exactly how much pain is the Joker actually in we will never know and maybe that's for the best the tapeworm mr. meaty one time Nickelodeon made a show comprised entirely of ugly puppets selling meat to equally ugly puppets it was titled mr. meaty and featured two teenagers Josh and Parker who worked at the titular fast-food restaurant getting involved in all kinds of shenanigans the show was not received well especially by vegetarians and parents who did not appreciate the abundance of meat and gross-out humor the network received many petitions to end a show which may have played a part in its ultimately short existence despite that it managed to introduce a gross amount of disturbing moments during its two season run the most infamous being the tapeworm in the episode mooch Master P the episode starts with Parker mooching off of Josh's lunch much to his annoyance he continues to mooch off of everyone into foodcourt until he has earned a title the mall moocher he eventually stooped to the low level of eating the raw burgers they plan on serving to customers however strange things begin occurring after eating the raw burger Parker finds that food is disappearing right before his eyes before he can even eat it he's unable to deliver food orders either as those disappear into thin air Josh records Parker trying to eat and then plays it back in slow motion revealing that an enormous tapeworm is now living inside of his stomach thanks to the wrong burger he ate the to get to tapeworm out yanking it from Parker's stomach and into his arm where it rides around afterwards an Australian man comes up and asked to buy it for a zoo the boys agree they hand it over to him and then the man swallows it whole what the [ __ ] the doll factory scooby-doo mystery Incorporated despite being named wrath of the Krampus this is not a Christmas episode of scooby-doo mystery Incorporated talk about a missed opportunity what it is however is a disturbing romp through an abandoned doll factory which by cartoon law is required to be unnecessarily terrifying Shaggy calls it uber creepy which is an understatement given that the factory is full of ultra-realistic dolls clashing with the show's simple and cartoony art style with their hollow eyes and dry red paint blotches resembling blood the dolls leave a scary but short impression until their heads start turning and the begin talking because then they leave a terrifying and lasting impression it's unclear why or how these dolls spoke but given the existence of the supernatural in this series as opposed to the original the dolls could actually be possessed if there's one thing people don't want going into a scooby-doo episode its eyeless rotting baby dolls the alien invasion Eddie Eddie Eddie in one of a few half-hour-long specials of Ed Edd and Eddy titled the EDS are coming Jimmy has a nightmare where aliens attacked the cul-de-sac and actually takes a whole area away hearing the premise and knowing the nature of the show one might assume that the nightmare is very comedic with the stereotypical little green men aliens invading of ray guns instead however we are treated with a massive buzzsaw slamming down out of nowhere a hellish purple vortex rips open the sky sending down many more of these buzzsaw with the menacing spiked mechanical tentacles swooping down and capturing a terrified Sara Jimmy now bruised and beaten desperately attempts to reach Sara but falls into one of the newly-formed crevices hanging on for dear life the two attempt to reach out to one another screaming each other's names but it's of course no use Jimmy's grip weakens and he falls to his death [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while it is another case of oh it's just a dream this nightmare actually traumatized us Jimmy into having PTSD flashbacks to it throughout the episode [Music] [Music] this is amplified with Jonny's claims that there are actually aliens at the cul-de-sac and that they are trolls house things get even freakier when they find a glowing green meteorite at the playground and a hand pops out of it the hand turns out to be EDS who claims that the aliens experimented on him they tried to sacrifice Nazz to the aliens who in the end turned out to be just Ralph's weird family so no harm no foul or is it at the very end the aliens from Jimmy's dream are seen carrying the cul-de-sac away just who or what is roles family actually teeth for to cat dog in the episode teeth for to from cat dog we get treated to a quick and nasty scene featuring everyone's favorite gross al gag and animation skinned and bloody cats in this episode the to go to the dentist and discover that if one doesn't take care of their teeth it's the others that is affected dog eats disgusting amounts of junk food and never brushes yet it's cat who gets all the cavities cat tries to get dog to take care of his teeth so he won't suffer any more but it's no use dog won't listen and they fight chewing on things like aluminum foil to hurt each other's teeth that hurts just thinking about it later that night cat tries to brush dog's teeth while he's asleep instead of simply moving over to dog and opening his mouth cat decides to pull himself through his skin and out of dog's mouth upon waking up and dog shares the same reaction all of us would have and is terrified fear turned to anger and he swallows cat back into his own skin and the two engaged into another food war sabotaging each other's teeth cat dog is a strange concept for a show that just barely scratches the surface all the weird and disturbing [ __ ] the two of them are capable of this is one of those things that we wish stayed under the surface terror toad Mighty Morphin Power Rangers rarely do the monster costumes and Power Rangers ever give off a creepy or disturbing vibe they're usually unintentionally funny and if anything else well terror toad is both funny and disturbingly creepy in the 12th episode of the original series titled Power Ranger Punk's the evil babu slips a potion to kimberly and Billy's drinks essentially drugging them into becoming pompous douche bags while these two are out of commission Rita Repulsa creates a new monster to finish off the remaining Rangers the terror toad the unnerving thing about terror toad is not only it's unsettling design but also the fact that he eats the Power Rangers and shows their faces on a stomach [Music] the way he devours the rangers is so disturbing and grotesque the disgusting use of his teeth and the gagging noises he makes don't do the scene any favors either after eating both the yellow and black Ranger the Red Ranger is forced to face the terre tote alone thankfully alpha and Zordon are able to cure Kimberly and Billie allowing them to morph back into the pink and blue Rangers to assist red in his fight Zordon informs them that in order to defeat the terror tote they must cut off his horns and then attack the weak point on his neck Pink Ranger shoots arrows into his throat freeing their other Rangers and one final attack they kill him by shooting an arrow in his mouth the episode ends with them playing an innocent game of volleyball at the rec center talk about a tonal shift Terra Toth never appears again thankfully with the exception being in flashbacks he was also the third monster to never be enlarged by readers magic wand one of us Jimmy Neutron season 3 of Jimmy Neutron woods where things started to get weird not that it wasn't weird before the movie had a giant alien chicken dragon for fucksakes but the tone of the show for his final season got weird even by its own standards one moment in particular that highlights this tonal change is in the episode one of us the episode starts a sheen telling Jimmy and Carl about a new show that he's been watching called the happy show show and they all should watch it because they'll make them happy Jimmy ignores it and goes to do some weird PS and stuff on his computer like Photoshop him and his crushes heads into wedding photos however Sheen is relentless and will not stop bothering Jimmy to watch a show soon enough Jimmy starts noticing that everyone is acting different being uncomfortably friendly of one another Oh Libby did you just turn some music off I'm happy to see you did you watch the happy show show last night his crush Betty convinces him to give it a go so that night he turns it on and is greeted by a kindly old woman named grandma taters he watches 10 seconds of it before turning it off because it's just that bad and quickly puts it out of his mind the next day at school all the kids are desperately trying to get Jimmy to give it another chance Betty asked him to come over and watch it with him but as he heads over to her house that night he sees her watching through the window and realizes that the show is hypnotizing people soon the entire town is after Jimmy trying to force him to watch a show luckily Cindy who just returned from a karate competition has not been affected yet so the to track down grandma taters to put an end to this after defeating her it's revealed that she's an alien and there's actually multiple grandma taters well babe the happy show show is actually a parody of a real-life Taiwanese children's show called fruity pie which is a bit uncomfortable to watch in itself but it is ultimately harmless nevertheless it's unnerving to think of such an innocent show brainwashing people like this Jessie's nightmare and Michelle's nightmare full house if there's one show that definitely doesn't belong anywhere on a disturbing moments list it's full house the show is a living breathing Hallmark card that doesn't seem to have a hint of malice or darkness anywhere in it well despite all of that it's on here for a reason and those reasons are in the episodes my left and right foot and the seven month old itch part one both of these moments can be quickly explained away since they are dreams and therefore don't actually happen but that doesn't take away how freaky they are first up we have Jessie's nightmare in the seven-month itch part 1 Jessie is annoyed by everyone being in his personal bubble and asking too much of him later that night he is a nightmare where two Michels enter the room and start demanding that he feeds them and changes their diaper this was at a time in the series when Michelle didn't talk so she was dubbed by Dave Collier putting on an uncomfortable squeaky voice [Applause] oh my god there's two Michels they're multiplying the rest of the family then shows up making annoying and ridiculous requests with a fisheye lens camera focusing on their faces distorting them and making them look very unsettling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our second nightmare comes in my left and right foot where Michelle starts to get self-conscious about how her feet are growing larger were then treated to a nightmare where her feet grow to a ridiculous size on screen accompanied by a gross stretching noise the feet continue to grow until the the size of the entire room the family is terrified and the only reasonable thing they can think to do is tickle them Michelle wakes up screaming thankful that it was just a dream she pulls away her covers to see that her feet are still enormous much to her horror thankfully that was a dream too The Walrus Pingu the walrus is a very mysterious character only appearing once in the entire series in the episode Pingu stream throughout his dream the walrus follows pingu in what he thinks is a playful manner it's a pingu however this is very frightening and upsetting given the size and demeanor of the walrus when pingu meets the walrus at first he pops up from the scenery abruptly snorting with a deep voice he traps pingu under an igloo and then stretches and squeezes him for his amusement afterwards he takes pingu's mattress and starts eating it why he eats the mattress is beyond us after slowly walking away Pingu than books and runs until he slips and falls down an icy slope he falls and falls until he reaches his bedroom floor turns out the slope was just his bed sheets pingu's mother then calls him as he sobs and tells her all about his terrifying dream and the walrus that stalked him the walrus is a disturbing character thanks to his mostly silent demeanor he is either staring uncomfortably with his dead black eyes or childishly snorting when he takes his playful jokes too far he also has strangely realistic human teeth in place of tusks not helping the situation the walrus was so uncomfortable for children that the episode was actually placed on an unofficial ban from broadcast distribution it was removed from British television in 2003 and was pulled from airing in the United States he also was never released on VHS in the UK despite the censorship it did manage to air once on PBS KIDS sprout in 2006 there was actually an earlier version of this episode that featured the walrus roaring and making disturbing squealing noises this was changed to laughter because of how frightening the noises were to children to end this entry off he is an uncomfortable scene of the walrus speaking German in the Creator autumn are Gutman's show real don't sum up for that because I know listen zombi grandpa hey Arnold in the episode part-time Friends of Hey Arnold both Arnold and Gerald decide they need part-time jobs and decided to start working together at Miss Vitello's flower shop at first the boys are delighted to be working together thinking of all the fun they'll have however soon miss Vitello gets injured and leaves Gerald in charge of the store Arnold finds that Gerald is far better friends than he is boss and they begin to fight Arnold quits and the two vowed to never speak to each other again later that night grandpa Phil tells Arnold about how he and his friend Jimmy Kafka had an argument when they were kids and led to them never speaking again the words haunt Arnold all throughout the night eventually leading to a nightmare and the nightmare Arnold and Jarrell run into each other on the bus seventy years later the two still won't talk to each other but have forgotten why they even started fighting suddenly the distorted voice of grandpa Phil taunts Arnold from the back of the bus saying what did I tell you short man we see the disgusting rotting corpse of grandpa Phil laughing in Arnold until his jaw falls off [Music] what the hell why did that need to be there it certainly does its job by scaring Arnold into forgiving Gerald and helping out with the shop but why is Humby grandpa's such a dick and why is he on the bus where is he going I guess we'll never know frankly we shouldn't know the haunted house Samurai Jack it's difficult to classify if Samurai Jack truly is a kids show or not the first four seasons aired on Cartoon Network and while it was violent it was never too much to cross over into the adult territory of course season five changed all that with blood swearing and other adult themes airing exclusively on Adult Swim given the more subdued tone of the first four seasons though and the fact that many children watched it this moment from the season 3 episode Jack in the haunted house deserves to be on the list while alone at night Jack encounters a sobbing little girl she runs away as he approaches her and he follows her to an old house while in the house jack experiences several visions of the people who once lived there and the monster that attacked them Jack soon finds the girl and suggests they leave but then finds that all the doors and windows have disappeared with nowhere to go the two decide to rest and he wakes up he finds the girl missing and hears music and chatter in the distance he enters a well-lit room and finds the girls sitting around the table with the other family members at first Jack is wary but as soon calmed by T and Smalltalk the facade doesn't last for long though as the brothers eyes roll up slowly into a skull the music becomes distorted and flashes of the ruins true state of dilapidation begin to seep in the brother hunches backwards and begins drooling excessively the mother and father then do the same [Music] a shadowy substance bursts out of their mouths destroying their bodies and turning into a demon in the end jack defeats the demon and sets the family members free but that happy ending does not erase the horrific tone and setting for the majority of the episode everything in this episode feels off from the lack of background music to the way the demon is animated the fact that we never learned who or what the demon is or where it came from is equally unsettling unlike a coup and the other villains the demon has given absolutely no comedic moments count to ten with nobody Sesame Street most shows on this list have been aimed at kids around the age of 10 Wow still children they are capable of handling scary moments from time to time but what about a show aimed at preschoolers like Sesame Street the character limbo also often referred to as nobody was a muppet who disappeared almost as abruptly as he was introduced is made up of two floating eyes and a mouth over a black background speaking with a deep and calm voice that's ten once again let's count to ten in Sesame Street he appears to teach children about counting he wasn't initially created to be on that show Jim Henson originally created limbo for his surreal short film titled limbo the organized mind let me show you how it's done in case you want to try it only first go to the brain you have to pass through it's great things like breathing in the heartbeat the glands or controls where the character talks about the human subconscious over images of fog and cockroaches why he made the switch to Sesame Street is beyond us maybe Henson doesn't want his puppets to go to waste it is pretty cool I however do not think that this is something that two-year-olds want staring into their souls the masks goosebumps I suppose with a series like Aurel Stein's goosebumps some scary and disturbing moments come with a territory however the events that occur in the episode the Haunted mask are notable for being that episode every series has one the one episode that [ __ ] you up even if you're already expecting something scary based on the eleventh book in the series the Haunted mask is a two-part episode that follows Carly Beth a girl who is sick and tired of being seen as timid and scared with Halloween coming up she refuses to wear the cute duck costume her mother made for her and instead looks for something truly terrifying in order to get back at her friends and anyone else who has made fun of her at a mysterious costume store she finds an absolutely grotesque mask that she has certain will scare the [ __ ] out of her friends the creepy store keeper won't sell her the mask but to be fair he does offer her a gorilla mask but she ends up stealing it and running out of the store after she puts it on to scare her brother she finds that it takes a while to get the mask off her face she also finds that the mask has made her voice more grisly and menacing the more and more she puts on the mask the more it begins to take over her body she becomes a completely different person while wearing the mask and even attacks her own friends eventually it gets to the point where she cannot take off the mask at all as it has fused with her face she goes back to the costume store but the shopkeeper says that removing it is no use only an act of true love can remove masks and she's running out of time still awake what are they doing a bunch of other disgusting masks in the shop began floating in midair and then chase her out to a nearby cemetery [Music] [Music] she then realizes that the act of true love that can remove the mask is the equally ugly and disturbing mold of her head that her possibly psychotic mother made for her you know because love I guess earlier that evening she buries it in the same cemetery that the masks have chased her - long story short she exhumed her replica head and apparently it's so [ __ ] creepy that the evil floating disembodied masks that are chasing her gets scared off her own mask then comes off and Carly throws the abomination near the door instead of [ __ ] burning it her brother gets his hands on it and puts it on and the horror begins anew having something cling onto your face is not a pleasant thought especially if it's something that slowly takes over your body masks and general are made of latex smell gross and irritate the skin imagine one stuck on you sucking the life out of you that's probably the furthest thing from a pleasant thought as you can get Boris and linkers drug addiction Captain Planet despite being brought up in previous videos on this channel it would be criminal to not talk about the episode mind pollution from Captain Planet on this list this episode feels so real compared to many of the other entries on this list due to how it mirrors the fears many of us have about our friend family members or anyone that you know that suffered through an addiction a villain named verminous scum is selling a highly addictive drug called bliss and Linkous cousin Boris becomes addicted to it while bliss is a made-up drug it's a simple pill that one takes making his connection to real-life drugs evident borås becomes agitated and arrogant and eventually slips the pill into Linkous food causing her to become addicted as well eventually the planeteers have to fight off a bliss addicted crowd desperate to do anything that scum says for more bliss [Music] during the chaos scum gives bourse a whole bottle of bliss in exchange for killing the planeteers he promptly downs half the bottle and overdoses dying almost immediately [Music] while most of the commentary about drug addiction can be a bit on the nose as is the way with many PSA episodes of older cartoons the parallels to real-life drug addiction is rather haunting seeing a main character like linka become pale with sunken cheeks and baggy eyes is disturbing and upsetting this seems to be related the closest to meth given its immediate addictive appeal and giving the user its effect of feeling no pain at least for a little while the Bliss users are able to smash windows with their bare fists and feel nothing similar to the adrenaline rush of meth I'm sure this episode did the trick and prevent it many kids from taking drugs after seeing bores die fra bo Steven transforms into cats and the cluster from Steven universe Steven universe is a show known for pushing the boundaries of what is commonplace in animation with that we see the darker side the more disturbing and terrifying aspects and the episode keeping it together we are introduced to gem mutants hunks of crack gems cruelly put together and forced to fuse when they take on the physical form they appear as a deform disgusting creature looking for more gems in order to complete to themselves upon seeing them for the first time garna has an emotional breakdown stating that it was both together they were posed abused this is wrong I'm sorry so yeah essentially rape this is increased tenfold later when we meet the cluster the final product of the gem mutants is made up of thousands and thousands of broken gems at the centre of the earth they are constantly in pain screaming and arguing eternally so moving away from moments are showing the darker sides of social elements there are a few moments are just downright scary in their own rights in the episode fry Bo we get treated to the character well fry Bo the fast-food mascot was creepy enough already but then it becomes sentient it grows veins and tentacles and begins force feeding people french fries when attacking or in pain the noises he makes are just downright demonic [Music] thank God we haven't seen him since season one last but certainly not least are the calf fingers in this episode Stephan tries to hone in on shape-shifting abilities by turning into a cat's since he is still pretty new at this he is only able to turn his fingers and a cat's at first things get out of control and the cats begin growing out of every bit of his body eventually he becomes nothing but a blob of cat mass I mean yeah it's a little silly but the thought of because soon by anything even cats it's just disturbing even steven sounds mortified since then Steven hasn't really messed around with shape-shifting anymore and that's probably for the best speed demon Powerpuff Girls as we covered much earlier in the list with Danny Phantom seeing an alternate terrifying future of a show that you're familiar with is not a good feeling at all such is the case in the episode speed demon of the Powerpuff Girls the episode begins innocently enough with Buttercup waiting for the school day to be over so she can finally go on vacation with the other girls and the professor to the Bahamas the school day ends with the three girls racing out as fast as they can Buttercup challenges the other girls to erase home which becomes incredibly intense they finally make it to the lab and go in but inside they find an old and miserable professor utonium he is desperately attempting to create a new set of Powerpuff girls but without success upon seeing him he chases them away calling them nothing but hallucinations after running from the lab the girls find that all of Townsville has become a desolate wasteland they go to the town hall to find an old and insane miss bellum mourning over the now dead mayor upon getting close to her she yells at them to get out stating that the mayor is hers next on their stop is the kindergarten where they find an old and senile miss Keene who waves endlessly repeating the same sentence over and over the girls find out that they have been transported 50 years into the future a menacing laugh looms over them the one and only laugh of him he explains that they went forward in time and the whole world went to heck the girls take out their anger by beating the other loving [ __ ] out of him but it doesn't even faze him he just gets back up like nothing happened he then grows to a monstrous size showcasing his dominion over the post-apocalyptic Townsville soon all the zombified and senile citizens of Townsville come out chanting you did this surrounding the girls hem states that he simply took over but it was the girls who abandoned them the chanting and music get louder and louder until the girls cannot simply take it anymore and run away as fast as they can thankfully they find themselves back in their own time with everyone back to normal the girls rushed to tell the professor everything that happened he then comes to the realization that Townsville cannot survive without the girls not even for a week in the Bahamas and thus the day is saved vacation is canceled this episode is just very upsetting given its mood whip blasts from the rest of the series and seeing all these characters that we know and love becoming old shadows of their former selves it wasn't just a dream either this was a very real experience giant evil baby mister friend I'm not Tommy Rugrats as we mentioned earlier in the video Rugrats is full of disturbing moments given that the series is shown in the eyes of babies it makes sense that the world we see can be frightening and unusual as babies don't have the knowledge and sense of the world that we adults do having said that there are some [ __ ] up things in this series that would make even adults lie awake at night that's why we're looking at a few choice scenes from the series since there were just too many to choose from first up from the episode and Jellico's worst nightmare we were treated to the worst thing Angelica's imagination can muster up a new baby brother something straight right off the bat but this baby is a massive drooling and obnoxious tyrant who ends up eating her yikes [Music] next up we have the mysterious mr. friend which featured the titular mr. friend an animatronic clown robot that's two designs as a toy for the babies unfortunately like any normal child they are terrified of mr. friend and so were we in the audience not only is one of these hellish dolls bad enough soon enough there were tons being developed in the basement a massive battle scene takes place where the babies fight like hell to decimate the robot clowns finally laying mr. friend to rest however one survives and finds its way to Angelica who finds him fun at exciting match made in hell it seems lastly perhaps the most infamous disturbing moment in Rugrats comes to us from the episode in The Dreamtime in this episode Chucky is having trouble distinguishing reality from his nightmares while in one of his nightmares a confused chunky asked Tommy what's going on this moment terrified a generation of children and resulted in nightmares galore and if that wasn't enough they bring back the scene at the end with a fake Stu Stu I didn't know you were coming over [Music] [Laughter] ah talk about overkill Rugrats was always a very good at nailing the feeling of a fever dream from the disturbing moments such as in this episode to the more serene like in the episode slumber party clown nurses Lemongrab eats Lemongrab and the deer from adventure time adventure time is bizarre to say the least it is definitely one of the most influential cartoons in the past decade for sure and that's due in part to its unique sense of humor that sense of humor is often very weird dry and messed up and sometimes you can go a bit too far and end up in the more disturbing territory where you question if this was meant to be funny or pure nightmare fuel we'll be looking at a few moments as opposed just one because there's just too many to pick from the first moment comes from the episode another way where Finn is treated by some clown nurses after a braces toes surprisingly the clown nurses are [ __ ] terrifying and state that smooches are the only way to cure him we get a nasty seizure inducing close-up of the clown nurses laughing stating that it's the only way [Music] yeah this episode didn't really do clowns any favors our second moment comes from the episode another five more short graybles which is more or less a series of short stories strung together with one overarching theme one segment revolves around Lemongrab and his brother Lemongrab two arguing over what their toy lemon doll should do next Lemongrab two things he should go to bed while Lemongrab one things he should dance after a struggle the doll breaks and Lemongrab one freaks out [Music] my end table that's literally how it ends finally we have the eerily titled episode no one can hear you throughout the episode Kenny people are disappearing left and right a conflict between Finn and Jake arises causing Finn to believe that Jake has been kidnapping the candy people to use as a birthday surprise for him after finding the missing candy people in the sewer however peppermint Butler explains that Jake is not the one who did this I'm so sorry do this Jake what then holds it it was him it turns out that the true culprit was this dear [Music] the look on this deers face is the very essence of stranger danger it's terrifying the to defeat ohm and Princess Bubblegum reveals that the deer just wanted their sugar but she didn't give any Tom and Jerry commit suicide Tom and Jerry this is a moment we've talked about time and time again and for good reason despite its age it is held up as one of the most disturbing moments in cartoon history in the episode blue cat blues of Tom and Jerry the episode starts right off the bat with Tom sitting on the railroad tracks waiting for death Jerry watches from a bridge above knowing that when he gets home his friends will ask why he didn't try to stop him well Jerry believes that it's better this way we get treated to a flashback where we see Tom falling for a beautiful white cat the two began going out and everything seems great that is until she meets mr. butch a much wealthier cat she leaves Tom and immediately goes with butch leaving Tom heartbroken and Jerry in a state of i-told-you-so Tom desperately tries to win her back buying her gift after gift but it's no use witch's gifts are far nicer and fancier heart broken and broken in general tom falls into a deep depression and begins to drown his sorrows and milk treated much like alcohol here Jerry begs for him to stop but Tom lets himself go down the gutter literally Jerry resuscitates him but as soon as he wakes up he sees his former girlfriend and butch driving by in a car that says just married and so we're left back where we started with Tom sitting on the railroad tracks Jerry thinks to himself about how his own girlfriend would never do such a thing as she's always been faithful well just then his girlfriend drives by with another mouse in a car that also says just married Jerry goes down to the tracks and joins Tom waiting for death the episode ends as we hear a train whistle getting louder and louder what a dark and disturbing subject for an episode suicide and depression is not something you'd think to ever associate with Tom and Jerry but yet here it is a full episode dedicated to it were me from Sponge Bob Squarepants Oh God does this one always freak me out how can you terrify a bunch of children just in a few seconds easy just thrown a little bit of reality and you're golden and the season 2 episode were me SpongeBob and Patrick take care of Sandy's pets while she's out of town the two then meet the titular war me who they finally be the most precious goddamn thing on earth after having an amazing day with wormy the tule for the day and overnight wormy goes through metamorphosis revealing that he's no worm at all he's a caterpillar the two returned the next day and find this disgusting horrifying creature sitting over wormies corpse which is really just a zombie cocoon the butterfly escapes the jar and lands on SpongeBob's glass helmets where we get a nice close-up and then another one and then again it turns out the footage for the closeup of the butterfly it wasn't a butterfly at all or rather a horsefly taken from an episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy where he discusses how insect compound eyes work just something about close-up bugs really freaked me out and the fact that happens over and over again in this episode is just terrifying the shapeshifter slash ancient sins gravity falls gravity falls is a show that is riddled with dark and disturbing themes and imagery that flies right in the face of the pure family-friendly image that Disney projects I mean in the finale bill cipher straight-up states that he's going to turn the children into corpses [Applause] when I get my hands on you kids I'm gonna disassemble your molecule yikes while there were many disturbing moments throughout the series two in particular take the cake the first comes to us from the second episode of the second season titled into the bunker in this episode the prism Asterius journal leads the group to a hidden underground bunker where they encounter a horrifying creature the shapeshifter as evidenced by its name this is a creature that can take the form of whatever it wants this creature was foreshadowed in season 1 in the form of a warning in dippers Journal well that warning was not to be taken lightly as this is an extremely dangerous and vicious foe also it's voiced by Mark Hamill the king of animated villain voices so you just know what's gonna screw with you this forum might even be more disgusting than its true form a pale slimy insect with deformed limbs you will never find the author you can keep digging you'll meet our fate words that you can imagine and this will be the last form you ever take huh good luck sleeping tonight our second moment comes from the episode Northwest mansion mystery into which a silicon or thouest enlist dippers help to get rid of a ghost that intends on wrecking the party they're hosting sounds like a simple little plot on paper until the ghost actually shows up first blood begins boozing from all the severed animal heads on the wall yes actual blood in a Disney show the animal heads then begin chanting ancient sentence over and over as the ghost crawls out of the fire and to make matters worse the only advice dippers Journal has is pray for mercy [Applause] you knuckles hallucination the cat flapjacks nightmare and the end of the world the Marvelous Misadventures of flapjack the Marvelous Misadventures of flapjack is a show that takes pleasure in making its audience uncomfortable and grossed out from its constant use of hyper realistic close-ups and the unsettling dark humor seems like the show was just made for this list first comes the episode k'nuckles and a solarium where k'nuckles is revealed to be a candy holic which makes him act drunk at his lowest point he goes through a hallucination that's more than just a little [ __ ] up k'nuckles is tied to a raft in the ocean as peppermint Larry and dr. barber eerily inform him the only solution to his problem is candy surgery he then sticks is peppermint arms down to stern and vomits candy in the k'nuckles mouth next we'll be looking at the cat from the episode who let the cats out of the old bags house Flat Jack comes across a seemingly normal cat who he begins to play with then we see what this cat looks like up close and personal I think I know it [Music] yeah that's not a nice image it's soulless eye sockets and Barracuda like teeth are never acknowledged they're just there next is flapjacks nightmare from the episode teehee tommy-toms in this scene flat jack has a nightmare about meeting someone called the comb stranger who gives combs in exchange for candy the exchange between the two is pleasant enough at first with flapjack thrilled to be receiving a free comb the mood quickly changes once the comb stranger States as for getting bugs out of his hair thankfully the real comb stranger in the episode is nothing like that but you just don't forget something like that lastly we'll be looking at the end of the world from the episode How the West Was fun in this episode flapjack and k'nuckles head west for the first time believing that the mythical candied Island lies in that direction after suffering through many hardships the two become so dehydrated that they must drink seawater creating a nightmare like hallucination world where they see candied Island but it melts into a burning hell scape the whole world becomes as red and black as a virtual boy while the two desperately try to get away from the now growing hold that candied Island melted into they find themselves in the bathtub of a sea monster who splashed them into a whirlpool [Music] well there sure are a lot of terrifying hallucinations and dreams in the show aren't there return the slab you're not perfect Fred Courage the Cowardly Dog let's just jump straight into this one you all knew that Courage the Cowardly Dog would appear in some way shape and form on this list it seems its entire reason for existing was simply to scar children and it did such a good job at that you can probably think of at least 10 moments that left you sleep deprived at school the next day the first is the infamous quote returned the slap from King Ramses curse in this episode of Courage finds an ancient Egyptian slab from their farmhouse that's worth a million dollars Eustace refuses to return it to the Touma came from though and the family must face the wrath of the curse it brings return the slab or suffer my [Music] you will be visited by three each worse than last turn this unlike the rest of the show which is done in 2d animation the ghost of Ramses is a rather stilted full 3d model giving it in otherworldly and frightening appearance given that the episode aired in 2000 the TV CGI wasn't what we know now so the models were slightly more clunky and uncanny if anything that just adds to the disturbing nature there's just something about old 3d models at the terrifying and speaking of old 3d models our next entry comes from the series finale perfect this episode has an evil schoolteacher name with the perfectionist to come and try and make courage perfect only courage can see her employing that she's part of his imagination courage undergoes a good amount of stress trying to be perfect and soon finds that he can't sleep without nightmares of imperfection specifically this one [Music] [Applause] understandably this scares the [ __ ] out of courage and he decides that maybe sleep isn't the best idea right now this thing just comes out of nowhere with this clashing animation style abstract design baggy eyes and soft whispering voice there's a sense of sadness to it like this creature knows something that courage doesn't maybe he's not perfect either who knows luckily we don't have to dwell on that because we have yet another [ __ ] huh moment to attend to the last moment comes from the episode freaky Fred in this episode we meet Eustace and me riyals nephew Fred a barber with a big toothy smile Fred likes to speak in rhyme and shave people against their will in fact he's absolutely obsessed with it when he pins down courage and shaves him a disturbing children's lullaby plays giving the whole scene a serial-killer iske vibe in fact Fred's entire character seems like a child-friendly way to showcase two dangers of a murderer or rapist someone who can't control their compulsive behavior and give in despite who had heard surround them he seems to feel no regret afterward which gives off a sociopathic vibe all-in-all cursed the cowards name on disturbing moments it's only right that we honor the ones that [ __ ] with us the most the vampire the swimming-pool zombie and the ghastly grin er are you afraid of the dark just like with goosebumps that should come as no surprise that there is some seriously fucked-up stuff and the show are you afraid of the dark they're not just dark they are advanced darkness the first topic is the vampire from the episode the tail of the nightshift in this episode various members of a hospital staff are picked off one by one by a vampire who has taken up residence in the basement the main protagonist Amanda discovers that in order to turn the staff back to normal she must destroy the vampire's coffin it turns out one of the new volunteers margaret is the vampire she reveals her true form turning from a young redhead and to a green skinned demonic man with sharp yellow teeth blood-red eyes and thinning white hair no the old-fashioned ways Beth luckily they defeat him by burning his coffin causing him to spontaneously combust and flail around desperately before throwing himself off the roof of the hospital to end his suffering next is the infamous swimming pool zombie from the tale of the dead man's float the episode begins with a young boy being dragged underwater and drowned by an unseen force in his school swimming pool it turns out that the pool is built on top of you guessed it a cemetery they forgot one of the bodies when transferring the graves and now he's out for blood [Applause] the appearance of the pool zombie is disgusting with its exposed red flesh and partially decomposed body sitting in the water the thought of being grabbed and pulled underwater by such a creature is a horrifying thought struggling and kicking as you desperately hold your breath but no matter what you do you can't seem to break free and things begin to get dim the last thing you would see is that skeletal face pulling you down the last noteworthy moment is the ghastly grin er from the aptly named the tail of the ghastly grin er the greener was created as a comic book character initially but was able to come to life through strange methods involving microwaving the comic it's not really clear how it works the Grinner is a psychotic killer clown who imprisoned his creator who was in the process of writing an issue where he dies now in the real world his goal is to victimize and torture as many people as possible just for fun [Music] he feeds off their emotion and causes them to go insane leaving them a brainless laughing drooling mess the character is very much like the Joker from Batman but in a more supernatural way while the Joker manages to be both funny and scary the Grinner is just simply scary but man he is good at that [Music] thankfully at the end of the episode the clown is sealed away in the comic world and got his face erased so he won't be seeing any more of that nightmarish a smile ren contemplates murder ren describes murdering stamping and ren is happy from ren and stimpy holy [ __ ] this is it the top dog Oh disturbing the peak of dark moments the absolute king of [ __ ] up Shin a kids show Ren from Ren and Stimpy just Ren he's the moment Ren is pretty sadistic abusive vain and mentally unstable often lonely through violent outbursts that involve trying to murder Stimpy and others in the episode Stimpy's fan club the two of them received piles and piles of fan mail all for Stimpy Ren becomes increasingly jealous eventually losing his mind he regards his hands as dirty due to replying to hundreds and hundreds of Stimpy's fan mail essentially lying to children in his opinion he states how easy it would be to end this farce with his dirty hands as he helpers over a sleeping Stimpy [Music] slowly inching towards him before his brain begins to sting causing him to scream as the fires of hell rise up and consume him luckily Stimpy never learned of Ren's attempted murder well for that instance in the episode spean Hoek Ren's cousin spean messes with all of his stuff causing him to lash out at Samia and Stimpy threatening them with all the ways he's going to torture them yeah that's what I'm gonna do and then I'm getting now your eyes what really makes this scene terrifying is how calm reminisce dropped the entire thing speaking slowly with a little bit of a smile on his face it really shows how sadistic he is he goes to take up whiz before he acts on it and luckily the episode ends after he gets electrocuted by whizzing on their favorite board game don't whiz on the electronic fence all's well that ends well I suppose finally even Stimpy realizes how unhappy and disturbed Brenna's and tries to help him out in the episode Stimpy's invention Stimpy creates the happy helmet which is meant to control Ren's emotions and keep him happy all the time this brings on one of the most well known scenes of the entire series happy happy joy joy as Stimpy plays his favorite song for Ren it's obvious that he's still in pain and desperately wants to take the helmet off I love to clean 50 cat boxes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he finds a hammer and begins to bash his own head in and be with the music while smiling with the helmet now our friend grabs Stimpy by the neck more angry than he's ever been before luckily he realizes that he loves being angry and thanks Stimpy for helping him realize that it's pretty amazing how much the show got away with to be honest it boggles my mind it's hard to tell where the line was drawn with the show but there most certainly was one as they felt a need to make an adult-oriented its spin-off titled Ren & Stimpy adult party cartoon regardless Ren and Stimpy in my opinion his one fucked-up show [Music]
Channel: blameitonjorge
Views: 5,219,984
Rating: 4.8500443 out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, disney, cartoon network, scariest moments, disturbing moments, kids shows, cartoons, spongebob, pokemon, courage the cowardly dog, goosebumbs, are you afraid of the dark, Blameitonjorge, blame it on jorge, urban legends, Japanese urban legends, saddest moments, saddest cartoon moments, disturbing cartoon moments, kid shows, Arthur, Arthur cancer, goosebumps, lost media, reaction, Sesame Street, Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls, Looney Toons, Mario, South Park, Mysteries
Id: vIADc1oMiBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 15sec (4995 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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