13 Of The Most INSANE Broadcast INTRUSIONS!

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tonight's presentation although edited for YouTube contains imagery and subject matters some may find disturbing all our program is educational we still feel that viewer discretion is advised [Music] let's face it television broadcasts are perhaps one of the most standardized things you're gonna come across no matter what day or time you're always gonna know what's gonna be on weeks ahead of time and why it's in that slot well what happens when someone decides to change the schedule without the people in suits knowing and even stranger one of the things that humans tend to fear the most is change or unexpected circumstances so when some vigilante or villain decides to decide what your children may be watching on Disney Channel sometimes these broadcast intrusions are used to spread a religious or political message across those whose demographics may not be most keen on hearing whatever it may be we're here to document some of the strangest weird and obscure prod casts hijackings in the last say couple of decades but before we go into that I'd like to talk about today's sponsor today's sponsor is filmora now Phil Mora has been a longtime supporter to Channel and it's one of the few companies that I genuinely feel comfortable working with because simply put it actually might be a product that some of my fans may be interested in one of the most common questions I get asked to me on my discord and onto channel comments and in my DMS is how did you get into doing what you do and how can I also make a video that I genuinely care about and the answer is learning how to edit and that's where Phil Mora comes in Phil Mora is a editing software that is significantly more user-friendly than anything else on the market on top of that they had the stock library that makes it so that you can make your own YouTube videos with less worried about panthan ID and copyright so if you're interested in making videos especially videos like mine that look about better than anything Windows Movie Maker can do I do genuinely suggest that you go over to Phil Mora and give it a try if you're interested in filmora please consider going to my description or checking the pin comment above and seeing the link so that you can get yourself a copy and begin making whatever project that you feel passionate about with that said I'm your host that creepy reading and today I'd like you to sit back relax and prepare to be scared as I present some of the most insane broadcast hijackings in the last several decades [Applause] the Disney Channel is supposed to be a safe place to drop your child off as they enjoy friendly child oriented content you'd expect to find some reruns of Phineas and Ferb The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and maybe even a Disney Channel movie something like the Minutemen or something really anything that'd be far more preferable than walking into your living room watching your kid look at adult movies on Disney Channel it looks like the Disney Magic has to come from somewhere and trust me we know how weird this sounds but as strange as it is to say this actually happened and to make things even more bizarre it happened more than once in 2007 one early morning around 9:30 a.m. in Middleton New Jersey Disney Channel was airing its daily showing of handyman D unbeknownst to anyone watching at the time they were soon gifted with unadulterated pornography streaming on Disney Channel luckily the hackers location was fairly easy to find the transmission itself came from a nearby Comcast facility where apparently a disgruntled employee was getting bored and inserted the adult clip into a child's television network the company later issued a public statement apologizing for what had happened quote we automatically detected the issue and it was corrected promptly we apologize to any customers who experienced an issue yesterday morning unquote said Fred D'Andrea a spokesman for Comcast despite weighing in on the issue Comcast never followed up to inform the press about whether or not the hacker was identified and appropriately punished funny enough a five-year-old who managed to catch a glimpse of the hijacking was reported to be noticeably upset however not because of the adult content mind you not because when his father walked in he thought he'd get in trouble poor kid unfortunately though this was anything but an isolated incident a few years later in 2012 a similar hacking happen on Disney Channel yet again Disney was airing the movie lilo and Stitch when an individual or perhaps even a group of people it's still unknown decided to hijack the network and show graphic adult content the interruption began with a brief message informing the viewers that part of the broadcast had been lost for one reason or another not even one minute later this Disney classic was replaced with a video of two people engaging in extreme coitus this is far harder to laugh at mainly because lilo and stitch is an undeniable classic while fat and ethically speaking trying to broadcast adult content to children is extremely questionable the panorama television show that airs specifically in the Czech Republic is essentially nothing more than a live view of several ski resorts mountains and general scenery across the entire country it's a relaxing view of the environment that is popular with tourists environment enthusiasts and ski aficionados although not many watched a television show in general those that did on Sunday June 17th 2007 tuned into what they believed to be the start of a nuclear war that Sunday morning viewers watched as the cameras panned across a mountain range off in the distance when all of a sudden a nuclear warhead crashed off in the distance the impact causing the camera to shake horrific Lee as a mushroom cloud begun to form it was a scary sight there's no doubt about it according to many that tuned in they were horrified it shocked thousands of Watchers and many began to fear the worst their worries only quelled when they found out that it was a hoax this realistic explosion left many in panic but all of it was well CGI an artistic group known as the south oven managed to hack their way into the panorama television show and nonchalantly slipped in a small clip that ran 30 seconds of a warhead exploding to their credit it was surprisingly well done apparently others think so too as the group of hackers won an award from Prague's national gallery the group would then release a statement saying that there was no political agenda behind the hijacking of the television show and apparently all they wanted to do was show how easy it was to hack into a unprotected network not taking kindly to the hack officials in charge of the network filed a criminal complaint and wish to press charges against them for damaging the intellectual rights and scare mongering but the group of artists who are left off the hook with a warning and a slap on the wrist but this goes to show how bad this could have turned out I mean there's one thing to be said for yelling fire in a crowded movie theater but what about using a nationally owned television channel to proclaim that the world is ending luckily as far as I can tell while some were definitely scared and fearful all this managed to do was just send off a few phone lines in 2007 Australian viewers had the terrible misfortune to witness a haunting broadcast intrusion during an airing of the Canadian documentary TV series Mayday hosted on the Seven Network which if you don't know is a free to air television network in Australia a bizarre piece of audio began to play on repeat for six minutes straights the show's audio was completely muted and all I could hear was the worried monotone voice of a man saying Jesus Christ helpless all lured over and over again the chilling broadcasts left a few viewers distraught as you would imagine no one really knew what was going on in a typical response a few concerned viewers called into the station to ask about the strange audio that played over the television series a spokesman for seven later denied that the transmission was a prank or security breach and claimed that the repeated line was actually part of the original broadcast and said Jesus Christ one of the Nazarenes which is odd because that doesn't even sound remotely close to what the hijack audio was actually saying Jesus Christ help us all Lord this of course led some people to investigate the situation even further after some internet sleuthing it was discovered that the audio was actually a transmission from a news broadcast that aired a year prior on the same network in that report a short video of a man and a military escort is shown he says the line Jesus Christ help us all Lord right after he says Jesus Christ help us Lord we hear gunfire go off luckily Preston wheeler the driver actually did survive this encounter although he did sustain a bullet wound how this year-old audio managed to leak its way into the may broadcast is still unknown it's also still unclear as to how or even potentially who inserted the audio clip into the documentary during its airing the seven claims that it's distorted audio from an unknown documentary about Jesus and his followers but clearly this is a lie as they have shown today that it's disturbing audio recorded in an active war zone in all honesty we may never know for sure what really happened ah China a land steeped in history tradition and legend and for the last 70 years since Chairman Mao's revolution China has been well known for exerting legendary control over media outlets operating within their borders if the ruling Communist Party doesn't want certain ideas getting out they'll do whatever needs to be done in order to keep the ship from leaking naturally where there's Orwellian media control by the states there is going to be some form of opposition and that opposition is gonna have a message they're gonna want to get out it was this need that led a few hackers in one jao to take action on an otherwise unassuming Friday August 1st 2014 the hijackers took control of a local Wenzhou television station people watching at the time were suddenly greeted with aunty government propaganda plastered on their TV screens with messages insulting the Chinese central government can calling for political change specifically towards a more democratic system on that Friday for 10 minutes at least the hijackers did something most people figure it was highly improbable at best their dissenting voices were heard along with their anti-communist pro-democracy message the hackers also included some of the most iconic images from recent Chinese history those of the tank man during the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square on June 5th 1989 this single unnamed student stood in front of a column of Tanks halting them and refusing to back down the content also included references to the Falun Gong or Falun Dafa a Chinese spiritual movement that the government had apparently been a few years before [Music] [Music] during the sixties tensions were high amongst the United States and the Soviet Union for anyone who remembers history class at the time the two nations were at conflict engaging in what we now know as the Cold War the US and the USSR already had their beef with each other during World War two despite being on the same side after several grievances amongst each other they both grew a general distrust of the other side with the Soviet Union soon expanding post-world War two America feared the notion that communism would make its way into the nation a panic now appropriately named as the second Red Scare the two powers were at odds one wanted to expand the nation while the other wanted to ensure it's stayed contained with that in mind neither really wanted to go into battle in fear the other would launch their nukes however the looming threat of nuclear war was always on people's minds at the time that fear was only heightened with some irresponsible hacker who managed to deliver one of the biggest scares in history in 1966 the city of college' Russia had its broadcasts on several channels interrupted by a shocking emergency bulletin that claimed the u.s. had launched its nuclear missiles straight to the city of college' regarding the news bulletin the US had officially started the war with the USSR and this left every viewer in hysteria thankfully it was determined quite quickly that the broadcast was a cruel hoax somehow as reported by the USSR some unknown teenager found a backdoor entrance into the nation's broadcast signals and decided to pull a rather dangerous prank if the USSR government actually took the threat seriously than I'm sure we'd all be living in a post-apocalyptic world by now that or you wouldn't be here period honestly not entirely sure which one is worse either way the thought of death had never truly been so near for the citizens of Kaluga what would you do for your face of a product with a price that you consider to be less than reasonable do you file a complaint search for a cheaper deal elsewhere or make like a Karen and get into a hissy fit on the phone to attempt to bully a worker into free codes or you could just hack an entire broadcasting network to get your message across like John McDougall a disgruntled HBO customer who is armed with nothing more than a 30-foot transmission disk a electronic keyboard and a burning resentment for HBO and a new policy of charging a fee to use their channel mcdougal did just that back in 1986 truly not something your average Karen would come up with it was April 27th of 1986 what had happened at 12:30 2:00 a.m. a showing of the Falcon and the snowman was interrupted by a hacker under the alias of Captain midnite instead of the initial show screens nationwide showed four and a half minutes of a protest message against HBO proclaiming how upsetting it was that they were scrambling their satellite signal and that viewers are being charged 1295 a month for it it's done eventually led authorities to find a 25 year old John McDougall of okhla Florida who now face probation and a misdemeanor charge as well as a $5,000 fine 2011 was the 25th anniversary of the stunt and according to an article on Network world mcdougal expressed during a phone interview that he had no regrets for what he did however he does admit to being naive due to not anticipating how the masses would perceive his message it was meant to be a innocent message with the purposes of calling out HBO's greed while some people didn't appreciate MacDougall's plan it certainly didn't go to waste because in 1989 through 1990 the price went down HBO instead of charging 1295 a month was now only charging 595 maybe it would have been best to so when initially told him that not everyone would have seen the innocence in his plan and wouldn't see this incident from his perspective what was solidarity well it was one of the nonviolent organizations that were against the authoritarian communist governments in Poland they notably opposed the 1946 parliamentary elections being stolen by communists which is what started the movement to begin with after three decades of civil resistance and a struggle to organize as well as life lost organizations such as the committee for the defense of Polish workers the movement for the defense of human and civil rights and the organization solidarity were formed to make their voices heard while there was backlash these groups did have their fair share of supporters on September 14th 1985 a TV program Oh seven call-in was playing only to be overlapped by blocky white letters that displayed such messages like solidarity total boycotting the election is our duty and solidarity Tarun enough price hikes lies repression 12 days later it was proven not to be an isolated incident on the evening news the affirmation slogans revealed themselves unexpectedly again after the second screening the police were able to trace and arrest the four radio astronomers responsible for the hijacking and even took a picture of the homemade transmitter used to commit the act however they were saved from arrest due to their high ranks in the Polish scientific community I only faced a life fine and probation instead of the actual prison time there's a good chance they'd be more than satisfied by solidarity winning most of the contested seats and the packed elections in June of 1989 [Music] all right yes this segments title is a bit provocative and generally we tend to keep our personal views on religion politics and the like out of our content but let's face it not only is this one insane it's insanely funny no matter how you slice it with that said let's talk about that time I did follower of Jesus managed to hijack the Playboy channel in 1987 viewers tuning in to the Playboy channel yes that Playboy expecting a good time were instead treated to something well biblical for lack of a better word during a showing of the network's original feature the three daughters viewers were treated to a decidedly less titillating message just as things started to get steamy the screen went black and texts of religious Scripture began slowly fading in from Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy and from Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand the incident lasted only for a few seconds with the text fading away just as quickly as it came no pun intended now normally this is where the story would end the better part of broadcast signal intrusion incidents go unsolved despite the affected stations best efforts most times the hijacker is never identified and for a long time it seemed like that would be the case for our pious pirate but in the end his sins caught up with him and he would have to face judgment in a case of what I can only call delicious irony playboy did indeed manage to track down this holy hacker with their Grail quest eventually landing on one Thomas Haney of Virginia and here's where the irony comes in turns out mr. Haney was an engineer at the Christian Broadcasting Network what's even less surprising is how investigators zeroed in on how similar to Christian broadcast in general the hack was and if that wasn't enough turns out the good Christian mr. Haney was well known in his community for profusely quoting the two exact Bible verses used in the intrusion from here it's not difficult to connect the dots and in 1990 Thomas Haney was charged with crimes related to the Playboy Network hack and despite his claims of innocence investigators are pretty sure that this Holy Roller engineer is the one responsible honestly I can't help but find humor in all of this most combinations of religion and sex are gonna result in a whole lot of laughs and cringe no matter what and that's a given but here it's taken to a whole new comedic level when you consider the two networks involved you have nurse Playboy Network crusaded upon by someone at Pat Robertson CBN the jokes just write themselves are aliens real that's the question that mankind has been attempting to answer for quite some time now personally speaking statistically yes it's likely that some form of life is out there however diehard conspiracy theorists strongly advocate for the existence of intelligent life not only elsewhere in the universe but intelligent life that has interacted with our own and not only has affected our own way of life but our politics and social understandings they often point to the fact that there are countless alleged sightings of extraterrestrials and UFOs to many they claim to discount as nothing more than Oakes's over on the other end of the spectrum you have skeptics who believe that all those alleged sightings of aliens are in fact just hoaxes in themselves in an attempt to disprove the existence of intelligent life existing on our own planet skeptics often turn to the timeless question if aliens were real dand how come they haven't visited us yet and tried to make contact well some theorists believe that maybe they already have decades ago a hijacking of a British television program has led some conspiracy theorists under the impression that extraterrestrial life has in fact already visited earth and even made contact with us in the southern part of the United Kingdom on November 26 1997 southern TV's Andrew Gardner was just doing his job presenting the evening news all was going well and that Sunday night seemed to be like your typical evening he spoke candidly about the political affairs of other countries and the conflicts that they're going through he did so until the entire broadcast was interrupted at 5:10 p.m. the audio from the news broadcast was replace of that of a deep war voice [Music] as you can tell the voice identified itself as brilliant and claimed that it was a representative of the ashtar Atlantic command basically a group of space ambassadors from an unknown extraterrestrial colony but it gets weirder the intrusion left onlookers confused as Marillion claimed that his people had visited earth multiple times and now that they were here to preach that mankind would prosper after verrilli and delivered his statement which lasted approximately six whole minutes the transmission would return to normal later that night southern television would issue an apology they claimed that their channel would somehow act and describe the hijacking as a breakthrough of sound as a story goes United Kingdom government agency attempted to block the signal but as you can tell they were unsuccessful the government was quick to call the hijacking as a hoax as it should be and nothing that the citizens of the UK or more importantly her for that matter should worry about still to this day the perpetrator who conducted the hoax like many of the stuff on our list has yet to be identified the following is perhaps one of the cruelest and most political hijinks on the list in 2006 Israel and Hezbollah were at odds with one another many of its citizens unfortunately caught in the crossfire the war now known as the 2006 Lebanon War was extremely heated and devastating for the parties involved as most Wars tend to be many point to a single incident that truly ignited the 33-day conflict about incident being an event where his bola attacks Israeli convoys which left three soldiers dead the remaining two were taken by his below into Lebanon Israel attempted a rescue mission to save its two captive but in doing so would lose five more of their soldiers Hezbollah offered an ultimatum release the captive Hezbollah soldiers in exchange for the two they had captured Israel refused and in retaliation fired several rockets into Lebanon injuring five civilians in the process and four more would be killed in the following couple of days while some condemned the attack it was of course defended by Israel who initially aimed missiles at the Al Manar television antenna this would then lead to the television hijacking just a few days later after the bombing failed to completely stop his blows television broadcast Israel soon began another attack on the broadcasting networks instead of using another set of rockets Israel opted to hijack Al Manar television to instead broadcast anti Hezbollah propaganda the broadcast didn't last too long but it did show quite a bit of disturbing content a tad gruesome for YouTube standards the propaganda showed several images of dead he's full of soldiers and even the image of Keeseville is Lieder crosshairs drawn over the image three gunshot sounds were played in the background and a deep voice soon overlaid the image the voice stated your time is coming now it doesn't matter who you politically aligned with or who is right and who is wrong what does matter is the loss of human life and the subsequent broadcasting of that tragedy and attempt to cause fear and panic is nothing less than a tragedy this is sometimes just one of those hard truths that some people and first world countries are able to avoid due to their circumstances we're thinking back on it now this must have been nothing less than truly disturbing to those who happen to tune into that broadcast only to see something truly indescribable starting in the 60s with George a Romero's Night of the Living Dead and becoming a mainstream phenomenon with AMC's The Walking Dead zombies are pretty much known by anyone with access to a working television needless to say a lot of people have fun watching or killing these representations of a fractured society that said the looming fear of an impending zombie apocalypse was made all too real for Great Falls Montana locals back in 2013 during an afternoon airing of the Steve Wilkos show viewers were greeted with disturbing messages on their screens that read as follows civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from the graves and is hacking the living follow the messages on screen that will be updated as information becomes available do not attempt to approach or apprehend his body as they are considered extremely dangerous understandably several viewers were left in utter confusion on one hand zombies are nothing more than fiction but on the other the message seemed legitimate authentic even stranger still this very same emergency broadcast would air later in that day yet again although it was a slightly longer transmission the broadcast would air during a commercial break on krtv after the ending of a weather reports viewers were instructed to tune in into 9:20 a.m. on their radios for further information of the Dead rising in the events of a citywide power outage this of course led a few concerned individuals to immediately call the authorities to confirm if what they had just witnessed was real were the dead really rising thankfully they weren't as it turned out the emergency alert system was hacked twice by the same perpetrator soon thereafter krtv quickly issued a statement regarding the hijacking and immediately launched an investigation into the incidents according to a CBS affiliate station quote someone apparently hacked into the emergency alert system and announced on krtv and the CW that there was an emergency in several Montana counties this message did not originate from krtv and there is no emergency our engineers are investigating to determine what happened and if it affected other media outlets unquote to this day the investigation into the incidents has been put on pause as of 2020 the hacker who scared the residents of Great Falls Montana has yet to be identified in November of 2016 wildfires devastated part of the nation of Israel displacing a report at 80,000 people the fires ravage the northern part of the country consuming forests and destroying communities the wildfires thought by many to have been started by arsonists with political motivations forced large swathes of people to evacuate from their homes sadly many of these victims were rendered homeless as there weren't enough shelters to manage the massive and sudden influx of people in need thousands were left in shock but if that wasn't enough the evening news really didn't offer that much in the way of a sense of normalcy thanks to a broadcast hacker this one with clear political motivations broadcasting to the rather really good region Israeli TV channels 2 and 10 are no strangers to broadcast signal intrusions both individually and together they've been targeted and hijacked in order to spread all manner of messages through their years of operation and on this night viewers of the Evening News were instead bombarded with some rather disturbing imagery underscored by text announcing recent military operations in the region in what we're pretty sure isn't just the case of some impeccably unfortunate timing this also happened during a particularly touchy legislative session where some fairly questionable bills were thrown into the mix yeah the people living in the region at the time we're not having a good time of it no matter what side of the fence they were on unfortunately this kind of propaganda tactic is all too common in the less stable regions of the world using times of fear and uncertainty to amplify a particular message is almost as old as conflict itself but with the advent of mass media like television that amplifier can be turned up to 11 an unleashed in ways never before possible debatably one of the most infamous cases of broadcast hijackings is the Max Headroom incident but for those who haven't heard this one before I gotta cut the theatrics in just get right into it on November 2nd 1987 two separate television stations were hacked in Chicago Illinois the first intrusion would happen during the airing of the 9 o'clock news on WGN TV during the segment sports anchor dan Bruin reporting to victory Disha cago Bears were able to claim over the Detroit Lions as highlights of the event went on the screen would suddenly cut the plaque and the audio from the transmission would be lost in an eerie turn a person wearing a Max Headroom mask a popular sci-fi figure at the time stood in front of a warping background during disperse intrusion no words are spoken the SOLAS character simply face the camera and begun to move around and jump seemingly with glee all the while a strange buzzing noise could be heard in the background engineers would soon attempt to resolve the situation by changing the frequencies and then the broadcast would soon appropriately come to an end this lasted for 28 seconds and everyone watching at the time including the sports anchor were admittedly confused the baffled news anchor then commented the following if you're wondering what's happened this would it be the end of the situation though the same intruder who hijacked a news network would begin to his hijacking shenanigans only two hours later later that same night on WTTW an episode of Doctor Who would be interrupted by none other than Max Headroom this time the hijacker spoke albeit with incredibly disordered audio [Music] the strange Headroom and posture would laugh moan and spout nonsensical phrases here and there it would also make reference to the WGN TV sportscaster Chuck's Worsley calling him a freakin liberal and I quote in his antics he also held up a can of coca-cola soda and uttered a phrase catched a wave in reference to his slogan the soda company used during the time he would also give the camera and in turn the audience the middle finger as if things gonna get any more weird and bizarre the broadcast would end with the hijacker showing his bare rear end only for someone to start spanking it with a fly swatter a few more seconds of static later the broadcast had returned to normal after an investigation would go underway WTTW found that the engineers were unable to stop the hijacking not because the engineers couldn't but because there were no engineers on duty at the Sears Tower where the hijacking transmission broke through in response to the situation the station spokesperson Anders Yocum said that his technicians were attempting to stop the transmission but ultimately were unable to according to some the hijacker would have to need incredibly powerful equipment in order to hijack the network's antenna a system by the way that would have costed thousands of dollars at the time the television network would later issue a statement the network claimed that if the individual who hijacked a station were found they would face up to a $10,000 fine and a year in prison this charge however would never come to fruition because of this day the hacker behind the Max Headroom incident has yet to be caught and even furthermore due to statutes of limitation laws he might not even be able to be prosecuted even if he were to identify himself hey guys looks like you made it to the end of yet another really long video and I would like to apologize for my late upload trust me I'm an essential worker and basically my hours got up to because everyone around me could not work and god it's been insane but this video would have taken even longer if it wasn't for the amazing people on patreon that makes it so that I can hire writers editors all that jazz and honestly I have to say that there's so many new people that make I've been trying to make this graphic for a while and I just ran out of time so understand that I won't be able to show everyone's name so I'll definitely shout out those top supporters and I also just really want to thank everyone who has been supporting thanks to all of this because this would have taken a lot longer if I couldn't pay the amazing editors that helped make this possible with that said our top donators of the month are willow firefox at 100 holy hell Sue's party also at a hundred I can't thank you very much par workman at 75 Aulani at 20 Luna at 20 giblet at $15 a month Eddie talk spin at ten dollars a month and Ninja Smith at ten dollars a month a few of you also have Commission to me to do voice work and I swear to God just message we had this cord again if I forgot about you and I'll get it done soon I just needed to get this project out and I was being rushed and they keep calling me in the work and god I just haven't had a chance to take a breath but again the patreon made it so that I could offload some of the work off myself and I could take a break I hope to have more content out in the future I plan on covering the new Netflix TV show the boys followed by the most disturbing video games I'm excited to do more of those I found a lot of really cool ones and I know you guys will enjoy that so again I just wanted to say I'm your host that creepy reading and no matter how bad it feels right now or how bad you might think it's gonna get or how crazy and insane the world seems to be at the moment we're all gonna stick together and get through this the sun's always gonna rise tomorrow whether you're there or not so I don't know about you but I'd rather be around to see it so that being said this is the end of video and I'm gonna get a much-needed nap because holy crap I've been up for a day now [Music] you
Channel: That Creepy Reading
Views: 503,475
Rating: 4.8817329 out of 5
Keywords: That, Creepy, Reading, 13 Of The Most INSANE Broadcast INTRUSIONS!, BlameitonJorge, Top 10 Most Insane & Mysterious Broadcast Interruptions, max headroom incident, Max Headroom, Playboy, Captain Midnight Broadcast Interruption, The Montana Zombie Apocalypse, Disney, Disney Broadcast Interruption, Broadcast Interruption, The Kaluga Nuclear War Declaration, Solidarity TV, Vrillon the Alien Ambassador, Disturbing Video Games, INSANE Christian shows for Kids!, Top List
Id: EYX4-AuVpNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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