6 Of The Most DISTURBING Animations On The Internet

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tonight's presentation although edited for YouTube contains imagery and subject matter some may find disturbing all our program is educational we still feel that viewer discretion is advised [Music] [Music] for a lot of people animations here on YouTube sometimes is our introduction to horror as a whole back between 2006 and 2010 these animations were super prevalent oftentimes making it to the front page of YouTube itself and becoming viral hits but lately we've been seeing a reduction in that as YouTube tries to disregard the horror community and actively make it hard for most of us content creators to make anything that isn't the most squeaky clean family-friendly thing on the site so today I would like to celebrate that community and show you guys some more amazing content disturbing animations that don't just try to go boo and scare you but rather are disturbing in the fact that it makes a commentary about life and society as a whole sometimes it can make you think twice and change your perspective on things that's the amazing power of horror and I hope then I'll be able to present that to you accurately today but before I get into the actual video I want to tell you about the fine folks at Amino who has offered me a new way to create more creepy content for you guys winter new feature amino stories you could find a bunch of informative creepy content that won't be affected by the D monetization bot prevalent here on YouTube click the link in the description or pinned in the comment section below or just search amino apps to download amino you can also find my stories by searching back creepy reading under the user section and giving me a follow I'll be posting new videos there like this one about a man who claims that he could create rain by mixing chemicals and shooting it into the air and one time when he predicted a storm it killed 23 people if you're more interested in hearing about that story feel free to check that out also I really do like the paranormal amino which hosts quite a bit of fun stories just like this so once you're done watching my content there's a lot more for you to look at with that said please sit back relax turn down to lights and prepare to be scared as I present six of the most disturbing animations on the Internet operator is a stop-motion claymation series by Sam Barnett who in the past made some impressive yet surreal animations for example we have interaction which was posted in 2006 which has this disturbing soundtrack and a biomechanical feel to it there are a few experimental animations that keep up with that weird uncomfortable vibe that was made popular by early creepypastas in the late 2000s some of these short film seems to be just him experimenting with abstract motion and sound design and finally we get his claymation stuff which started with I am the eggman which I don't know what I'm looking at or how to describe it honestly you would need to watch it for yourself but it's certainly a creepy video I just can't explain it Wow um you guys wanna dissect it it's up to you everything posted on his channel seems to be random experimentation until we get to the operator series which begun in 2013 operator is a webseries that currently has two episodes out right now with the third one on the way thanks to a successful Kickstarter the first episode is very self-contained and ends in a satisfying manner basically all that happens is a man clocks in to work at a strange futuristic dystopian job then while conducting his normal routine something crawls out of this socket well he would like to stop and report this he has reminded that if he fails to keep schedule he would be terminated he tries to keep up however the monster trapped in a room of him is going to make that difficult we get to see this man and what he's going through how we syncing what he's sinking of his family to stress the anxiety the fear days being put through eventually the creature takes control of him the moment it does he starts performing his job at a greater efficiency this goes on for a while until the creature tries to throw out a picture of his family which gives him the strength to take back control he's finally able to leave that cramped claustrophobic room only to realize that the corporation he works for the dis intentionally his coworkers are all being controlled any animation ends like this the action protocol we like proof pro feed would clean up employees at b5 g 8 and l44 have avoided integration subject at bell 44 is fleeting toward them sector rhizome F system implementation complete report back to alpha the operator preys upon claustrophobia and more importantly the fear of large corporations and how much are giving into them we've all worked a tedious mind-numbing job that forces us to essentially watch the clock as we do our terrible repetitive tasks that situation sometimes can make someone feel trapped and alone in their situation and it really makes someone question how much of their lives are we giving to those that employ us this fear of losing your life to an entity that does not have your best interests at heart continues in episode 2 which picks up from a different perspective and ends on a cliffhanger which according to the trailer for operator episode 3 should be contained in the next installment and with how strong the first episode was and how amazing the second episode continues to be I hope to see you all there with me for episode 3 2011's the blackwater gospel by the animation workshop directed by boma thorn with lead animator arthur gil Larson tells the story of a drought ridden dusty town in the middle of nowhere USA the Gothic atmospheric story concerns an entity known as the Undertaker and well no more real explanation needed on his part the Blackwater gospel begins pretty grimly with death on an analogue to the Grim Reaper being present from the very GetGo then we get a look at the kind of 10 this animation is set in and the people who inhabit it we have an abusive pastor who uses fear to keep people in line and listen to every venom-filled word he has a happy-go-lucky handicapped man who plays foreboding music and then the townspeople who all pretty much have the same attributes these people are scared they don't know any better and they've been put through the wringer which keeps a thick tension between them and the pastor the only other character to note is the Undertaker who is this universe's embodiment of death when the Undertaker arrives the townspeople don't know what to do so they turn to the religious leader who takes this opportunity to rid himself of the only person in town that does not directly follow his authority the homeless man when the man is dead The Undertaker remains as if foreshadowing the more will die very soon the townspeople had a breaking point turning them into violent scared rational creatures during this frenzy of death and gore we see that the pastor's Bible was hollow and held a gun showing that this man of faith was nothing more than a fraud and it's only fitting that he is killed by the very thing he exploited to dominate the lives of these people the animation ends with the Undertaker getting ready to do his job and burry the town of backwater in this last shot we see that the only man not tainted by fear was the homeless man who sacrificed started all of this the backwater gospel is an examination of dread paranoia authoritarianism and also have belief consumed they needed to suit them as opposed to being based in logic fear is a key theme fear the Lord fear the Undertaker fear turns the townspeople into zombies as soon as the Undertaker comes to town the town's hopefully the church and later turn on each other like wolves the pastor who is the dominant leadership in the town who has all the people under his spell through fear uses the arrival of the Undertaker to rid him of the only person who wasn't under his spell when that sacrifice does not make the Undertaker leave the minister spell is broken and the situation descends into a bloodbath far from being a man who wants the best for his people he instead is the kind of guy who was a gun and his Bible and he ain't afraid to use it experiencing the very fear he instilled in his people who have now turned on him the ironic part of the entire animation is that the Undertaker seems to be a natural part of this world he does not seem to kill anyone or want anyone to die he does a job only when other people end their lives through either natural or unnatural means it is the people's fear of death that caused them to turn on each other doing the work for him and the ministers end well it's got the subtlety of a shotgun but it works the story isn't necessarily a criticism of religion more of herd mentality and the kind of ministries often run by religious organizations like the AI FNB who try to use fear of the Lord promote government-mandated death penalty's and Jehovah's Witnesses who hold an iron grip over a membership social lives it's a cautionary tale about who you should put your trust in and that sometimes fear is just a natural part of life who's hungry is made by stork eater on YouTube according to his description this would be his first film at CalArts and he even seems to have interned at Pixar his earlier animations include printin incest which is cartoony yet also oddly gory bar night which Stuart describes as a cheesy chalkboard animation and his most recent work is a short film titled higher space which seems to use stop-motion and puppetry to create a fun story who's hungry is possibly one of the most conceptually disturbing animations on his list and it's one many of you likely have seen considering its 8.2 million views I don't know why I need to say this but putting children in danger in any context is inherently disturbing and in this black and white gem that's exactly what we get the animation starts by giving us the same stranger danger situation taught in many schools a strange man in an ice-cream truck the reason why this is more disturbing and pointed than those old PSAs is because it accurately depicts the gut feeling you get when something is wrong the fear presented here is animated in a genuine way and that moment of hesitation the child might get is completely on point once the two kids are loaded into the truck everything turns more surreal for example the children seem to be scaled way smaller than their captors and the captor himself has given monster-like attributes and practically towers over everything in the scene thankfully the animation ends with the child predator being killed and the children making it out okay listen I don't need to beat around the bush here it's obvious why something like this is just starting to watch people who prey upon the naivety of children are abundant and with the internet sometimes it's not the man in the ice-cream truck sometimes it's the friendliest person on Dischord Facebook or Twitter we're not here to say what you can and can't do what I can say is that if something feels wrong maybe consider getting a second opinion and if someone honestly does not have your best interests at heart then maybe consider if they're worth your time known for his animations here on YouTube and Adult Swim jaxxed Alber is a independent musician who creates music videos with a mix of traditional animation claymation and live-action to create visuals as distinct as this nostalgic pop sounds not all of these animations are paired with music but each is uniquely provocative and unsettling some of the visual motifs which carry through these animations include distorted faces Cronenberg body or and imagery associated with death and dying many of these shorts are also edited to seem like they're being projected from a worn down VHS tape or swap sales unexpectedly - trouble and shock the viewer one of Jack's towers more popular music videos deadweight utilizes this change in visual style during the song's chorus where Jack opens his chest to reveal a muddled and choppy clay face performing the backup vocals Dredd is another feeling often conveyed through these surreal visuals we see a example of this in dinner is that over we're too realistic tongues are repeatedly licking a tombstone which then morphs into a lollipop only to turn upside down and become a noose will is one of the most recent animations to be posted on Jack's Talbert Channel and it is absent of any music or speaking instead it opens with a instant assault of cacophonous machinery and heavy breathing thus breathing it's coming from a short stubby man without any clothes his limbs are twisted around and his airs patchy and sparse his wide eyes are in clear panic and there's a sizeable dent in the top of his head the anxiety of this pitiable creature seems to be the focus of this animation as he struggles to pull levers and flip switches to stop the sounds of mechanical whirling and harsh buzzing behind him in the background a timer is going berserk and the gnashing teeth turn on in the shadows of the twisting gears and cogs escalating to hysterics the creature reaches for the top of his head only to find a great dent which the audience has been privy to since beginning but this seems to surprise him as he reaches into his own mind the noise suddenly dampening as his hands reach for a valve the first thing he finds himself able to turn or manipulate in the slightest after discovering that the only circumstances he can change in in his life are in his own head the creatures suddenly put at ease even as the Machine continues this clanking behind them this animation is a direct examination of anxiety and irrational fear just like in real life and people like me who struggle with anxiety disorder there's no explanation for the onset of paralyzing pepid ation the constant alarms and resulting panic depict a internal struggle over a external situation which cannot be controlled for better or for worse the feeling of losing control over a stressful situation or not being able to have control when you suddenly begin to panic is deeply disturbing which is why us and more specifically me find jaxxed Alber to be so unsettling as its able to use surreal imagery to convey a very real and disturbing profit the sad man stands out among the other animations on Jake lavas channel which all feature voice acting and a more obvious focus on comedy sketches like meat tree and I can't hear myself think contain the same style of gross out horror visuals but contrast them with a clearer punchline which makes the video seem like a dark Joe that you're being invited to hesitantly laugh along with the lack of dialogue in the sad man along with Jake love is experimenting with a darker background design and a more subtle approach to humor makes it unlike the rest of his animations lending to the creepiness the story of the sad man begins in the same way that it ends with a masked creature in silent mourning over scratched drawing on the wall which will be important later we quickly discovered that one of the reasons this creature is so sad is because he dislikes himself and wants to hurt himself doing so by tearing away his fingernails the creature is also sad because he's lonely having nobody to go on walks or play on the swing set with something is definitely wrong given that all of the buildings seem to be abandoned which creates a wistful feeling when paired with the animations lonesome and droning soundtrack rent halfway through the video the sad man is able to overcome his loneliness when he meets a little girl in the ruins she bandages the wound he had given himself and they decide to stick together running through the collapse cityscapes and pushing one another on the swing set they become so close but facade man scratches a drawing of the pair into the wall of his home which mirrors the same drawing we saw earlier only without the girl having been etched out this is a clear indicator of the girl's fate and it isn't long before the music swells and she reaches out to pull the mask off the sad month her exact death is left to the imagination of the viewer though this completes the sad man cycle and he returns to his home to mourn at the drawing over and over the foreshadowing of the drawing on the sad man's wall and the build up to his unmasking creates serious tension despite some of the animations sillier moments the telling of this story without any words is also an accomplishment and creates an atmosphere that makes the viewer feel as isolated as the sad man the idea that you could be alone forever because you can't stop yourself from hurting the people who tried to get close is a horrifying prospect and it's what makes the sad man so disturbing [Music] li Hardcastle's one of my favorite animators here on YouTube his animations have even reached outside the confines of this platform as he was hired by Adult Swim to do a few admittedly gory bumpers he also does work for a larger corporation such as Orion Pictures as he made this disturbing advertisement for it a new childsplay movie that parodies Toy Story with a creepy claymation twist that he's well known for his body of work extends to music videos and even back to the start of YouTube itself when figures like Robert Ben fer of clay world fame were getting popular li Hardcastle was doing his own more disturbing stop-motion animation like with the Evil Dead in 60 seconds the answer sis in 60 seconds and Shaun of the Dead in 60 seconds this eventually evolved into the clay cat series which took random movies and made them star you guess it cats killing each other in brutal ways my favorite of this series would probably be clay cat the raid which is very entertaining very well done and oddly cinematic for a claymation film beyond that his music videos are also top-notch often parroting various horror tropes and ending in very brutal and grisly waves [Music] [Music] he also has done a few series here on YouTube such as ghost burger which tones down the typical amount of boar you get and tells a story about a man who's running a struggling business and two boys who end up hunting ghosts and turning them into burgers that seems to bring in a lot of people basically it's a disturbing story about someone who got way too deep into debt and had to do anything the claw out of it is by the end tonight I'll belong in the Guinness well bloody record but at the end of the story everyone's able to break even and get to a state of homeostasis with only being able to make it out of this adventure okay however not without a cost then we get hamster hell which is just disturbing I can't even show most of it here as it's just a spiral of disturbing visuals and concepts where absolutely nothing goes right in the end it leaves us with a message that animals are animals and kids can be cruel especially if not raised by a proper parent go watch it for yourself if any of this sounds interesting however be warned I put a huge disclaimer as this is a very mature film and if you have thin skin or a bleeding heart as I do it might not be the best thing to look up in the end Lee Hardcastle is a hard-working animator on this platform and his work spans back over a decade his content is disturbing as he holds nothing sacred in what he o talk about and when it comes to Lee's work not only are the visual shocking but the stories never end well at best all you can do is break even Wow it looks like you've made it to the end of the video um I would like to say I really appreciate you making it here and furthermore I really appreciate all the people on patreon that make these videos possible thanks to these guys I'm actually able to afford like sack footage and some better assets for the channel itself and with that I got a few announcements I'd like to make number one I would like to let you guys know that I will be at VidCon 2019 so if you don't mind give me a follow on Twitter I'll be posting updates on where I'm at and if you guys want to do meetup or something like that feel free to add me to mr. bean diem so whatever I'll be at VidCon saying hi to all you guys and hanging off a few friends such as blame it on George Daffy Pina and let's read this video also would not be possible without that chapter who took a lot of time and helping me write this and narrate it and bring it to life so if you'd like to check out his content you can find them linked in the endcard I also would like to thank mr. creepypasta who lended his voice last minute after one of my other narrators dropped out I really do want to iterate that I really do appreciate every view every comment I go through those all the time and just seeing you guys message me especially about the night in the woods video really does make my day so if you made it this far thank you and furthermore no matter how bad or stressful life gets understand that if you just keep moving forward eventually get better see you next time and I hope you guys have a good one you you
Channel: That Creepy Reading
Views: 488,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That, Creepy, Reading, 6 Of The Most DISTURBING Animations On The Internet, Youtube animation, Creepy Animations, Top 15 creepy Animations, Blameitonjorge, Lost Media, Claymation, KlayWorld, Sad Man, Whos Hungry?, Lee Hardcastle, Disturbing Animations, top 5, Top List, That Creepy Reading, ThatCreepyReading, animation short film, animation short, blame it on jorge, Animation, Story Time, Tim Tom, Jake Lava, Sam Barnett
Id: tLa7mDqDms4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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