Best Hair Products for Low Porosity Hair 2020! Shampoos, Cowash, Conditioners, Butters, Oils, etc.

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hey guys what's up it's me ida welcome back to my channel so today i'm going to talk about my favorite natural hair care products for low porosity hair for 20 20. so in this video i'm going to talk about shampoos deep conditioners rinse out conditioners styling butters gels everything everything in one video i have previous videos um for 2019 and 2018 and i believe 2017 as well so if you guys haven't watched those videos i'm going to leave those in the description box below first off talk about shampoos my favorite shampoo of all time is the main choice detangling hydration shampoo my hair dries out very easily i have low porosity protein sensitive coarse textured hair and it's very hard for me to find really good shampoo they almost all dry out my hair so the reason why i love this shampoo so much that it actually cleanses my hair and scalp but it leaves my hair still feeling you know hydrated like it doesn't feel so stripped like a lot of the shampoos and i usually skip a rinse out conditioner and go straight into a deep conditioner because i really don't need the help of a rental condition to detangle my hair but if i'm using a more stripping shampoo i cannot skip a rinse rinse conditioner i have to use that because i would not be able to detangle my hair properly so yeah so for shampoos this is the only shampoo that i have for my favorites so my two favorite clarifiers are actually clays the first one is aztec secret healing fentany clay and i have videos on that as well all i do is mix a little bit of water in it and it clarifies my hair so well why i love bentonite clay on my low prostate hairs because the ph level is quite high if i just mix it in with water it's because the higher the ph the better it's going to open up and lift up my cuticles and really clarify my hair another clarifier clay that i actually have used recently which i think i love even more than the bedtime clay is from flora and curl and it's called the coconut mint curl refresh clay wash so i actually have a whole video on that as well it's actually a combination of bentonite clay and with salt clay but they also have a whole bunch of amazing ingredients with it as well so i feel like it's best of both worlds like you get the conditioning properties but you also get the clarifying properties and my hair my curl definition was popping like crazy my hair felt very cleansed but very moisturized at the same time so the last thing on my list for cleansers are co-wash cleansers or cleansing conditioners i personally don't use them anymore i used to love cleansing conditioners because i had a very hard time finding a shampoo to cleanse my hair without stripping it and cleansing conditioners just really help retain the moisture in my hair because my hair was very very dry especially in the beginning of my natural hair journey but then i noticed after a while my hair started getting a lot thinner and i realized that i was losing a lot of hair and then i started thinking about and i think it was due to me using a lot of cleansing conditioners i don't think that they're the best at cleansing your scalp but if i was still going to use them these are the ones that i personally really really loved the we dab curl immersion low lather coconut cleansing conditioner and they also have the weed add curl immersion no lather coconut cream cleansing conditioner why i love those two cleansing conditioners is that they actually cleansed they did really cleanse my hair but they also left it feeling hydrated a lot of these cleansing conditioners i was trying out they really just felt like a regular rinse out conditioner these ones actually cleansed out my hair and so that's why i really liked it the other one that i really liked as well is um from curl junkie the daily fix cleansing hair conditioner that one was just so moisturizing it's like is this really cleansing conditioner it was so moisturizing it did cleanse my hair not as well as the weed ad but it definitely did the job so if you guys are looking for extremely moisturizing cleansing conditioner i would i would definitely recommend curl junkie daily fix cleansing conditioner that was the first one i ever tried and i loved it so much um and the last one is the camille rose neroli citrus blossom cleansing milk that one was really good as well it really does cleanse the hair and scalp as well of course not as good as a shampoo but for the cleansing conditions that i've tried those ones actually i feel like actually cleanse your hair and scalp um more than the other ones that i've tried okay so my favorite and only rental conditioner that i use is the giovanni 5050 balance conditioner hydrating calming conditioner this one is the best if you guys have tried it you guys will know and everyone that has tried it based on my um previous videos they all rave about it as well it's just it just like melts in your hair it makes your hair feel so soft it's so easy to detangle it's very affordable it's just it's like the best brittle conditioner i've ever tried it's not like too thick but it's not thin again i don't really use ritual conditioners that often because my shampoo does a really good job at cleansing with hydrating as well and then i like to go straight to my deep conditioners because my low prostate hair has a hard time absorbing a lot of product into it i want to make sure that my hair absorbs as much deep conditioner as possible okay so my favorite deep conditioner is from texture id and it is a deep conditioner mask if you guys can see and what i love about this deep conditioner is number one the main reason why i love it it's actually quite affordable compared to a lot of deep conditioners this one i believe was ten dollars canadian and because i deep condition my hair every time i wash my hair which is once a week it can get quite pricey the texture is perfect because with deep conditioners i can't really go too too thick it really just absorbs into my hair very well i actually have a couple of videos of me using this deep conditioner it's not completely protein free it does have like a hydrolyzed i believe wheat protein in here but it's like one of the last ingredients and i can't even feel it at all it's literally it to me it feels like a straight moisturizing deep conditioner i've never felt any type of protein or any hardness of my hair at all whatsoever and i use this very often so my other favorite deep conditioner is from curl junkie and it's the hibiscus and banana deep fix moisturizing conditioner and this one smells amazing it smells really really good and i'll show you guys the texture as well it's just wow i can't even describe it but it just it just really just melts in your hair so well curl junkie to be honest is one of my favorite favorite um haircare lines i would consider to be more of like a luxury hair care line because their their stuff is um very high quality but it's also quite pricey as well but all their products are worth the price if you have like really really extremely dry hair and you've tried everything and you just like don't know what else to try i would definitely give this one a try i tried them when i first went natural and i still love them until this day they're still one of my favorite hair care lines the only thing is like this jar is kind of small and the price is kind of high so it kind of like deters me from using this like every week um but the thing is a little does go a very long way like this stuff really just sinks into your hair like if you have like really low prostate hair like you definitely want to give this a try this will go right into your hair cuticles very easily like you don't have to struggle to put it in or anything like that it just slides right on in also the curl junkie rehab moisturizing hair treatment i don't have it with me but i'm going to put a picture on on the screen it's the same thing i feel the same way about it it makes my hair feel super super soft and same thing it's like it looks the same way but it just has a different smell and a different feel but it gives you the exact same results same texture um same size jar and i believe it's around the same price range as well but very very very good treatments you guys like if you guys want to just spoil yourself or you know just have a hard time finding something that works for your hair i would definitely recommend you guys to yourself and give it a try and the next one on the list is the miche indulge deep conditioner very very moisturizing like extremely moisturizing product line like you have to give that a try like it's an amazing amazing line they really know what they're doing with their ingredients as soon as i buy a few more in the in the new year i'm definitely going to do an updated deep conditioner video i'm going to show you guys how much i love that deep finisher because it's actually amazing and i do believe i talked about it in my last year's favorite products as well i'm going to go into my favorite which are leave-in conditioners so this is the best leave-in conditioner i've ever tried in my entire life and i think it will always be my favorite leave-in conditioner and this is also from curl junkie if you guys can see it and this is their smoothing lotion and i talked about this i think in every single video i've ever had like this is the best leaving conditioner you'll ever find for especially for low crusty hair first of all the smell is just amazing you guys like i don't even know it's like kind of like cotton candy but fresh floral at the same time you know i don't know i've never smelled a conditioner that smelled this good and actually stays in your hair the consistency is perfect it's not too thin but it's not too thick and it just absorbs into the hair so well you guys like so well i actually have videos of me using it perfect because you can pair it with like thicker butters or gels and you won't get any flaking or anything like that it's just i don't know you get good curl definition you get the moisture like you just get everything with this like and it lasts a really long time you guys so this is the best if you guys have never tried smoothing lotion from curl junkie i really highly recommend you guys use this so another one that i love so much is from as i am and it's just their classic leave-in conditioner and what i love about this one is that it's actually um the one of the thinnest uh leave-in conditioners that i have that's very moisturizing the reason why that's like so important is because if i want to style my hair with like you know a thicker butter in our gel i have to use a thinner leave-in conditioner or else it just won't work out because the product combination is very very important with low porosity hair you have to be very careful in order to prevent any product buildup and this is very moisturizing and very thin consistency so it really is a game changer and if you're just looking for something light for the summertime as well it's like perfect or for the winter time if you want to pair it with like heavier products now this is one of my favorite leave-in conditioners for the winter and it's from tjn this is their green tea super moist leaving conditioner i hope you guys can see this as well this leave-in conditioner has also been a favorite for a very long time of mine and it's perfect for the winter this is like the thickest leave-in conditioner i have the only thing i don't like about this is actually the way that they did like their packaging for this like it's very hard for it to come out you kind of have to squeeze it really hard and shake it but other than that it's still an amazing amazing conditioner this leafy conditioner is perfect for winter because it's like a bit thicker than my usual leave-in conditioners but it's super moisturizing and it doesn't give me any product build everything like that it absorbs into my hair very well right now actually i have this in my hair right now and i paired it up with an oil and a heavy gel and you have to be a bit more light-handed though if you are going to pair it up with heavier products it smells amazing it's super fresh very light it's just like not too heavy of a scent but it's like just nice and refreshing but it's just super moisturizing this leave-in conditioner i love it for the winter especially though because my hair needs like more moisture in the winter yeah that's why i would say this is definitely a game changer especially for the winter if you want that like that extra hydration okay so now we're gonna move on to butter one of my favorite like this is my top top favorite number one favorite is from camille rose and this is the almond j twisting butter and i have so many videos using this butter because this is like my main go-to butter and the consistency is perfect and it just melts into your hair it feels like a whipped kind of butter like usually whipped butters like feel really nice on my hair and absorb really really well it smells so amazing i don't even know how to describe the smell but it smells like i don't know some sort of like candy or something but it's really really nice and it lasts a very long time you guys like you only need a really small amount for this to just really lock in the moisture but also steel in your leave-in conditioner my hair can stay moisturizing for a really long time so when i do twist outs and braid outs this is the one that i use like the most the majority of time unless i'm trying out other products or anything like that and another one that i love so much is from mish as well mish beauty it's the quenched hydrating and twisting butter i don't have it with me right now because i did finish it and i have to restock but i have it in my other favorites video and i actually have a video of me uh using it on my hair i did like these mini twists my hair felt so moisturized you guys like it almost made it look like i had a different completely different hair texture like i don't know if it was just overly conditioned or what but my hair looked super soft the texture was amazing and absorbed into my hair amazing it smells great and again i didn't experience any product buildup or anything like that i don't even know which one actually now i think i don't even know which one i would choose say it's a better one no rolls or mish because they're both amazing i just have been using camille rose a lot longer i just discovered miche beauty not too long ago so definitely check those two out and the last one on the list is the curls blueberry bliss twist and shell cream and i have that in my other videos as well i love it so much because i feel like it's just such a good styler and moisturizer at the same time it's not as moisturizing as the two i just mentioned but i do feel like it it styles my hair better if you know what i mean like it when i did like twist outs using that my hair looked more shinier and more defined i do believe they have like an ingredient there which provides a little bit of hold i think that's probably the reason why but it made my hair just look amazing like my hair results look so good but definitely curls is still at the top my top three butters for sure and i still want to recommend that because i think it's amazing for low prostate hair and yeah okay so that is it for the butters now on to the oils so i've been using apricot oil recently and i really really love it it's my first time actually using it and i'm adding that onto my favorite oils because the consistency is like perfect it's not too heavy but it's like the right it's the right consistency to like actually feel like it's absorbing into my hair i don't use oils that much in my hair regimen just because i feel like my low pressure hair doesn't really like oil that much but in the winter time i do incorporate into my hair a lot more i feel like the oils do help protect my hair from the colder weather and also helps retain my moisture in my hair a lot longer i just have to make sure that i use a small amount of it and i just have to make sure that i use it in the right format and i have to be very picky with the oils i put on my hair because if i use a thicker oil it will just literally just sit on top of my hair but if i am going to use an oil um it's going to be very light oils so i love sweet almond oil that's like a medium oil argan oil grapeseed oil jojoba oil those are like my top top oils and i also love avocado oil that's like the heaviest oil i'll actually use on my hair and usually for the winter time as well and i try to focus on the ends because my hands are not as low porosity and i want to prevent my hair from breaking okay so now on to the gels my favorite gel is the extreme wet light gel and i'm gonna show you guys the consistency of it it has like the holes but it's also very like soft in texture my hair is like tight for hair um it's like 4a with a little bit of 3c in the front but the majority of my hair is 4a it's coarse in texture it's medium density and i feel like i always need like a heavier gel for me to be able to get any type of like curl definition or for my hair cell to last and wet line gel to me it not only gives me really good hold and very good curl definition it doesn't dry out my hair like other gels do for some reason though it's very hard to get this gel in canada um so i have been ordering this online and i've been having to pay a ridiculous amount for it because it's just so like hard to find these days most hair types actually really like this gel so it's not just for low prostate but i want to mention it because it's very hard to find a good gel that's like protein free good hold and doesn't make your hair feel really dry and flaky so this to me is game changer for sure really good gel now the second favorite gel i have on my list is the ampro clear ice coconut styling gel i don't have it with me as well because i'm finished with that but i'm going to get another one soon that one is a bit easier for me to find um but it does say coconut on the title i do believe it has coconut oil i believe in the ingredients as well but it does it's protein free and doesn't make my hair feel hard or anything like that i can for me my hair does not like coconut oil at all but i can get away with using it if it's a small amount mixed in with other ingredients i love that gel it's actually much more moisturizing even than the gel i just showed you um it gives me really good hold but not a not as much hold as the one i just showed you but it gives me enough hold to get the results i want and the last gel i want to recommend is the ant jackies grapeseed ice curls glossy curling jelly these products have like the longest names ever so i just have to read them out too but i actually use that and i actually had a video on that and i loved it so much because i only used that product which i've never i don't think i've ever styled my hair with just one product so i skipped the leave-in conditioner and skipped a sealant and i just went straight into that gel after i rinsed out my deep conditioner and my hair looked amazing it's a lighter gel it's not like these heavier ones but it works so well i was really surprised because usually like lighter gels don't work well with my hair because they just they just don't clump my curls together they leave my hair frizzy and then i have to restyle my hair the next day it gave my hair more movement because it wasn't like a stronger whole gel but it somehow gave me that curl definition still i really liked it because it made my hair feel very moisturized like i didn't feel like i had a gel on my hair even though it looked like i had a gel on my hair so that's definitely the last gel on my list so that is my favorite products for low prostate hair for 20 20 and i hope you guys enjoyed it the reason why i didn't really have like a protein section here is because i'm still trying to figure out like the best protein products for you guys and for my hair as well so far i really like doing a diy fenugreek paste and i'll just add that into my moisturizing deep conditioners because i can't use it alone because it's it's too much protein for my hair all at once and i will get protein overload my hair will feel very hard but if i add that in with the moisturizing deep conditioner i use it as a protein treatment some other products that i've used um they just are not really working that well for my hair i don't really feel like it's doing anything and so that's why i didn't really want to recommend anything to you guys in this video i'm still experimenting so far i am liking the fenugreek the only thing is that it doesn't last that long in the fridge and so it doesn't take that much time to make it but i'm trying to look for products that i can just like buy and if you guys have any good protein treatments for low porosity and protein sensitive hair i would love for you guys to leave that in the comments below that will be extremely helpful to me and to others and i'll definitely go ahead and try them out and have an updated video on that but so far those are my absolute top favorite favorite products of 2020 so i hope this video was helpful if you guys want to share you guys favorite products leave them in the comments below and i'll definitely check them out as well and thank you guys so much for watching if you guys like this video go ahead and like comment subscribe share and i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Iyda Michael
Views: 58,970
Rating: 4.9796486 out of 5
Keywords: Best hair products for low porosity hair, best protein free hair products, best conditioners for low porosity hair, best hair gels for low porosity hair, best shampoos for low porosity hair, best oils for low porosity hair, best hair butters for low porosity hair, how to moisturize low porosity hair, best deep conditioners for low porosity hair, how to moisturize type 4 natural hair, best products for curly hair, how to grow natural hair long, how to moisturize dry hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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