Top 3 Rifle Drills...IF I Could Only Teach Three!

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every one three genetics of Valor Ridge what we're gonna do in this video is we're going to talk about my three favorite drills that I do every time I come to the range I think they're an important tool set in every person that seeks to get better at the rifle before we get into the video here subscribe to my channel that you got your alerts turned on let's go ahead and get started the drills I'm about to show you folks are my top three if I can only teach somebody three drills with the rifle shooting drills these would be it what you're gonna see is you're going to see the standing position snaps snap shooting which means that we come up quickly shoulder the rifle and take the shot in a compressed time frame and then what you're also gonna see is getting down in a kneeling position and also being able to take that shot you're going to see this at closer distance and also a little bit farther away and then of course we're gonna finish up with a closer drill that will address immediate threats as well the reason I like these drills so much is because it teaches you proper stance proper presentation of the rifle being able to sweep the safety off and being able to make a good accurate deliberate and quick first shot and that's the reason why I like these drills so let's go ahead and get started all right folks first one that we're gonna do is I like to start standing now we could do this from twenty five fifteen ten seven five yards it really doesn't matter I like to start at twenty five four snap shooting because if I can do take a quick shot standing and then I can do it up close so one second is pretty good but what you're gonna have to really focus on is consistent buttstock placement in your shoulder we can't be over here it can't be over here it has to be the same spot every time now in this video I'm running slick and a lot of times I'm running body armor I don't change the buttstock position okay my my stuff is configured so that I don't have to change my buttstock position when I'm wearing body armor so it would be the same with or without armor and you need to go and make sure that works with your equipment the keys to this good stance guys like you're leading into a good headwind we talk about this all the time a good stance that I shoot pistol and rifle from it doesn't change the students that have been in class know exactly what I'm talking about cuz they see it in both pistol and rifle class what I'm doing here my starting position is going to be the challenge or the low ready position that means my muzzle is below my belt buckle see belt buckles here I want my muzzle below that I've got to be able to see my environment you know you see police and military guys all the time coming into rooms doing this they can't see anything keep your muzzle down keep it out of your eyesight so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start standing and I'm going to go shots to the body here I'm going to shoot one round into the spine box which is our black 6x6 spine box on our Valerie target after we get done shooting all the hits hopefully they'll be there they should I'm feeling good today we're gonna do is one shot from a low ready or challenge from 25 yards standing in 1 seconds so it will look like this okay what I've got here is a point 9 that's perfect and what I've got here is a point 9 0 second part I set it for 1 second but I ended up doing a get a 9/10 I had a good clean break maybe slightly on the right edge of the black but most certainly in the spine box ok next thing we're going to do is we're gonna stay right here at 25 yards and what I'm going to do is I'm going to increase the part time one full second and what I've got now is I've got one shot from a kneeling position in two seconds so what's going to happen is on the timer I'm gonna get down into a kneeling position and then take the shot into the body as well from a kneeling position ok before I get up and looking around make sure I'm not standing up into my teammate good to go ok so that right there guys that's at about a 1.75 so I got that one that one also broke clean maybe slightly on the right edge but certainly in the spine box alright now we're gonna go back to 50 yards alright as you may have gathered from the standing and the kneeling those are my first two drills that I do is standing and kneeling now we're just going to come back to 50 and do the same thing since we're 25 yards farther back as you can see we're at the 50 yard line I'm going to add a little bit of time to this so instead of a 1 second standing I'm gonna go to a one-and-a-half second standing give myself two full reaction times moriches a quarter of a second I'm gonna do the same presentation you're gonna notice it's the exact same I keep my head still bring the rifle up to my head so this is going to be one round to the body standing 50 yards once again into the spine box so I've got one and a half seconds one round challenge position that one felt real good that one centered up nice and I did that one a little quick I did that one in one 1/4 but did you notice the presentation when I bring the rifle up my head stays still I bring the rifle up so that I'm able to see my sights alright last but not least guys we're going to do here is a kneeling position and what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to give you four seconds to get down into a kneeling position brace kneeling because I have a little bit extra time back here to stabilize myself sit back on my heel and then make a good shot into the body so let's see if we can do that four seconds is the par so as you'll see I'll be able to get in a more traditional kneeling stance when I'm leaning back on my heels right here that one felt real good too he's slightly right but certainly in the spine box wow that was quick I normally didn't don't do it this fast but you guys got me nervous all right I'm gonna that's any 2.67 guy so I did that in under three the reason I'm showing you guys pars is to show you that you can do that if you can do that right now great you're on your path so it would be in a good shooter but if you need to build up to these part times do it so now let's do the third final drill so so far we've done standing snaps and kneeling snaps now let's go up and work a close drill that I think is crucial to any kind of home defense situation all right guys were our up here at seven yards so we're much closer than twenty-five or fifty I like this drill because what this does is it prepares somebody for a more of a room defense like a home invasion a home defense kind of deal that they have to be able to survive now what I like about this one here is that we're automatically going for headshots at this kind of distance seven yards five yards even three yards we may not have the time for those body shots to take effect so we may have to go up to the head furthermore if you got criminals with body armor on we may have to take the head shot on them and make sure that they they're put down we're talking about hostages if they've got you know your member of your family we may have to make that head shot as well so this one here this is definitely going to push the limit and I'm okay with that I obviously wouldn't shoot this fast in a hostage situation but I'm doing this for site tracking purposes I'm doing this to pick up my so this is going to be two rounds to the head in one and a half seconds to be able to present the rifle smoothly and get these shots off so two rounds to the head one and a half seconds and then I'll show you the target once we're done all right very good guys just in I did that in one four seven okay one point four seven so let's look at the target here and I'm gonna show you why I teach two rounds to the head generally speaking all right guys body shots all in the spine box right there so that's good got body hot shots in there and the reason why I do two shots to the head I Ellis trait that up here one may go off hi outside of this window outside of your cranial cooler volt we may have to sync that second shot in there and the reason why I teach two rounds is to make sure that at least one of those goes right where it's supposed to go so there you have it folks my top three drills standing kneeling and then closed head shots if I can only teach a person three drills this is what I would do because it prepares you for a lot of situations it prepares you for taking shots in that neighborhood defends so that it prepares you for taking shots out in the field it prepares you for taking shots inside your house it's all about presentation keeping your head still consistent buttstock placement and good manipulations and good sight pictures on your marksmanship have you found the information the video helpful subscribe to the channel and if you want to learn how to use your rifle more drills like this coming out to Valley Ridge and we can help you do just that there's Reid Henrichs with Valerie reminding you the lessons that we learn I've written on the tombstones of others we'll see on the ridge [Music] you
Channel: Reid Henrichs
Views: 43,000
Rating: 4.982172 out of 5
Keywords: reid henrichs, valor ridge, tactical, military, police, law enforcement, demonstration, history, lesson, sociology, psychology, rights, constitution, freedom, liberty, survival, instruction, teacher, self defense, protection, marine corps, training, how to, veteran, class, home defense, straight talk, preparedness, information, politics, truth, expert, opinion, justice, empowerment, equality, equal rights, women's rights, advocacy, fairness, women's empowerment, safety, draw, aim, faster
Id: K8leVOmSqTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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