TOP 3 OBS Plugins You've Never Heard Of!

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hey welcome back everybody today i'm going to teach you about three obs plugins that we like to use on our live stream that you might not know about those are stream effects move transition and advanced scene switcher you'll find all three links to the plugins in the description below and as always i'm going to teach you guys what these plugins do how to configure them and how to get the most out of these plugins on your stream so let's get moving okay so first plugin up to bad is stream effects streamfx is a host of shader files that you apply as a filter to video sources on your screen such as cameras gameplay windows and such and it can apply these and process these in real time for some really cool effects so let's start off with an example from our stream i'm going to show you guys how to pull this effect off uh we like to call it the crazy cam it's pretty cool i'm going to show you guys how to combine a couple different shaders or stream effect shaders onto your video source to get this accomplished check this one out [Music] oh my god i mean with my makeup now that was a fun night let me show you how to get this done the first thing we want to do is open up our web browser follow the link in the description hit the download button to go to the github website scroll to the bottom choose your operating system in our case i'm just going to grab the executable for windows it's the installer we're going to save it click it when it's done and go ahead and install this and guys make sure that obs is not running when you install the streamfx plug-in otherwise it'll give you an error and it won't completely install so i'm sure you guys are familiar with adding filters to webcams and different sources you're going to right click on your source which is our webcam go to filters under effect filters we're going to hit the plus sign and we're going to choose user defined shader we're going to name this one rainbow because this is going to be kind of our rainbow color effect here and then you're going to want to check mark this box here load shader text from file then we're going to tell it you'll see it's it's asking for a location so we're going to hit browse and if it does not bring you here automatically to this folder here go ahead and direct it into this folder this is where all of the example shaders are stored and we can start with these there are a ton in here and they are pretty crazy so we're going to start with the rainbow shader go ahead and hit open now that's not exactly the effect we're looking for is it the colors are there what you want to do is scroll down these are all the variables for the effect but what we want to do is check mark apply to image bam we got a cool rainbow effect now we have one more shader to add to get the zoom effect on the camera so let's hit another user-defined shader we're going to call this camera shake you can name it whatever you want these names don't matter same thing we're going to load the shader text from file browse to that directory and choose the very last shader in the list called zoom underscore blur to get our particular effect that you saw in the example we're going to change the samples to 128 magnitude to one and then we're going to check mark the glitch box there you have it now these are effect filters so they can be toggled on and off either manually here or as you've seen in previous videos from lion board twitch triggers which is what we were using in there anytime anyone raids hosts or subs this will come on for specified time on both of our cameras really cool effect as well as our little soundtrack there number two is going to be move transition which you've probably already noticed that when i switch scenes you see i've got a very smooth quote-unquote move transition happening between my sources this is super duper easy to accomplish so let's take a look at a couple of examples of move transition in action she ahead of me okay so this is a really easy process to get this going what we want to do is open up our web browser use the link in the description hit the download button this time we're not going to get a github link we're going to open up this zip directly okay we're going to save it open it up winrar maybe one day we'll buy you double click the installer and walk it through the installation process again make sure obs is not open when you're installing these plugins once that's done we're going to go back over to obs and move this in so you can see from here you're going to go click on view docs and make sure that scene transitions is active once that's checked right here you'll get your scene transitions and you'll notice in the drop down list you've got your normal cut fade stinger swipe etc but now you also have one called move i highly recommend increasing your duration of the move transition uh from the default to between 1000 to 1500 milliseconds gives it much more dramatic effect you can go into these properties here and there's a ton of properties but just by installing it all the default stuff is really cool but go ahead and play around with some of these curved sliders and the ease innis out the different easing functions they all do something a little bit different you can highly highly customize this so the last plugin we're going to be talking about today is called advanced scene switcher and this thing guys is super powerful and versatile really really cool plug-in this plug-in will allow you to automatically switch scenes without having to use a stream deck hotkeys a tablet or anything it can switch scenes based on so much criteria it's insane really your imagination is the limit we are barely scratching the surface of it but i want to show you guys how we utilize it and give you some ideas on how you can use it for your stream now the installation process is exactly the same i don't think i need to go and show you guys how to click on a link and extract it and install it just make sure obs is not running when you install the plug-in and you should be good to go all right guys so here we are in the rstation twitch obs setup and what i'm going to do is show you around the three different scenes that we use while we're streaming this one is my scene you can tell that i'm playing because my camera frame is actually highlighted this is our dual split screen setup and then this is neko's screen we play a lot of casual games and mmorpgs so i thought it'd be a cool idea to automate the scene switching between my view her view and the dual view so the way that we do that is once you have the plugin installed go back to tools go to advanced scene switcher and there is a plethora of options you can have scene switch based on almost any criteria [Music] you can do transition overrides so if you want to switch from scene a to scene b but you don't want to use your normal cut override or normal stinger override you can tell it here let's say uh when we go from the welcome screen over to the retro screen we want to use our stinger or move or fade this will override any previous transitions that you have to find in obs really cool feature this you can actually pause the automation if you're sitting on a certain scene you can have advanced scene switcher switch to different scenes based on an active window title which is really cool this comes in very handy for you guys that play league of legends and you don't want to worry about stream deck buttons or anything like that you can have it when it goes back out to the browser window automatically switch scenes you can do based on executable that opens up region of the screen wherever your mouse cursor is if your mouse hits this particular region on the screen you can have it switch to a different scene using a transition override media that plays files that get opened randomize if you want you can do it based on time if you're idle too long it will automatically take you to an afk or a brb screen this is what we use it for again barely scratching the surface we go from our dual screen setup 420 seconds and switches over to my screen then we stay on my screen for 240 seconds and it switches to neko's screen and then from neko's screen 240 seconds back to both and it just repeats until i stop it very very powerful stuff cannot recommend this advanced scene switcher enough guys check it out very very cool you can automate a lot of things in here especially if you're a league player or any type of game that uses active windows outside of the actual gameplay you can have this thing set up and running in no time super super cool and there you have it guys that's my top three highly recommended obs plugins that you probably didn't hear about maybe you have if you have let me know how do you guys use these if you have heard about them let me know in the comments below i hope you guys enjoyed this video we got a lot more coming very soon so please stay tuned my wife and i stream over on twitch slash our station 7 p.m eastern monday wednesday and friday come catch us anytime we'd love to hang out with you guys talk tech talk av talk games whatever it is you guys thank you so much and we'll see you next time
Channel: rStation
Views: 8,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, plugin, plugins, twitch, twitchstreamers
Id: M7EQb3JbKog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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