OBS Noise Gate and Noise Suppressor

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hey welcome back everybody today's video is going to be a special one it's our first viewer requested tutorial and it's brought to you by word of the nerd online and her comment reads if you could do a video on noise suppression and noise gate filters that would be excellent well i think that's an excellent idea so let's get started i'm hydro from rstation gaming and today we're going to be talking about noise gates and noise suppression are they worth utilizing on your stream are they actually effective and if they are i'm going to show you how to get the most out of them so let's get started let's start out by talking about noise gates a noise gate is a very harsh brutal and unforgiving way of removing background audio from an input signal and to be honest it really doesn't remove background audio it just stops all audio from coming through the microphone that is set below your threshold setting so i'll give you an example if you set your threshold in your noise gate to around minus 30 db but you usually speak around minus 50 or minus 40. basically what it's going to do is completely shut off all noise but below that minus 30 threshold if you speak higher than your threshold above the minus 30 that you set then it's going to open up and unmute and let everything through including the background noise fans it doesn't matter it's going to just open up the gate right that's why they call it a noise gate again it's very brutal and and very unforgiving and really the only real world applications for this are for direct input guitars electric guitars that have a chain of effects that can kind of sometimes they can be a little noisy on the input so you can use a noise gate to cut all that out because your guitar signal itself is much much louder than hopefully then the noise that it generates another real world application for a noise gate is um live djs and a club that have a microphone here that they like to speak into but there's so much exterior sound coming out from the pa speakers that you have to set an extremely high threshold so that when you get right up on the mic you can trigger it you'll go right above that threshold would i recommend it for streamers mostly no um it can cause a lot of havoc if if you don't set your threshold properly also if your viewer is used to hearing dead silence and then all of a sudden you speak and there's all this background noise and hissing and fans and air conditioning and whatever it can sound very jarring very awkward so let's go over here and i'm going to give you guys an example of how this can actually adversely affect you let's go to our microphone and and right away you can see my typical speaking threshold is around -15 to minus 10 db uh let's go ahead and add the noise gate filter on and let's not worry about attack time hold time or release time the defaults are fine but what we're going to do is set this to -10 and -15 i'm going to go ahead and slide these up so if i slide them back down it's going to let sound through because i have set my open and closed threshold to minus 20 and 24 which i'm speaking above thank goodness but if you start to slide these up just a little bit we are going to start cutting out and losing odds right around see so noise gates in my opinion for live streaming and even live broadcast and podcasts are not worth using they can cause more trouble than good i think they're better suited for live sound applications such as djs live performances noisy guitar inputs etc so as far as noise gates for streamers i think that's going to get a down vote for me so now let's talk about noise suppression now i'm sure you guys have heard of rtx noise and that's a phenomenal plug-in piece of software that i'm sure you've seen videos they can eliminate some insane amount of noise blowers grinders ninja blenders i don't know why you would be doing this on stream but the effectiveness is very very impressive the only caveat to this rtx noise is that you have to own an nvidia geforce rtx video card and these are not exactly cheap so how do we achieve the same level of noise suppression without spending a dime well that's easy it's already built into obs check this out let's go to my microphone and let's go to filters and i already have the noise suppressor engaged there are two noise suppressors built into obs there's the speaks which is uh actually very old and outdated it's actually been superseded by a newer up-to-date codec called opus and opus is not included or to my knowledge compatible with obs i know here it says lower cpu usage and i'm not sure if it's trying to compare it against rn noise or what but i don't recommend using speaks there's a suppression level meter here it's a very old codec and it's just not as effective as r noise r in noise is fantastic it provides the same level of noise suppression in my opinion that the rtx noise plug-in does provided from nvidia is totally free and it's it's a very low impact on your cpu so here's a couple of examples of how effective this noise suppressor can actually be in practice uh we have a wine bottle opener that we actually do use quite a bit on stream and it's a it's a little let me turn this off i'll show you it's a little annoying right but if we engage the noise suppression filter and you real i don't know if you can hear it in the background turn it off and let's turn it back on now hopefully it doesn't take you that long to open a bottle of wine but we are kind of lazy and automated around here another good example is i have a glass of water with some ice in it so let's go ahead and give this a little shake this is without the noise suppressor and then let's go ahead and engage the noise suppressor let's go ahead and turn it off and back on so you can see this thing is super super effective so one thing to note about noise suppression is that it is so effective that it can inadvertently mute audio that you may not want to be muted sneeze it's going to eliminate your sneeze it does it to me all the time claps and snaps farts even i'm not kidding you it will silence them well guys i think that about wraps it up for this video on noise gates and noise suppression would i recommend a noise gate for your live stream definitely not there's no need avoid it don't even need to think about it would i recommend the rn noise noise suppression filter that's built into obs that's free yes absolutely i can't live without it highly recommend it hope you guys found this video entertaining and got some useful information out of it come by and check us out on twitch we stream monday wednesday and friday at 7 pm eastern would love to see you come by and say hello we're always doing something goofy over there and until next time sayonata today's video is going to be a very special one it's on my it's my it's my well i think that's an excellent idea and i'm going to tell you all about it right there welcome back everybody would i recommend noise suppression for live streamers absolutely hundred percent cannot live without it oh we got a cat fight we got a kitty standoff it's our first viewer requested subject something i need more coffee
Channel: rStation
Views: 9,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pp6VrTtqR1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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