Top 20 Mysteries You've Never Heard Of

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they took the alien's body and they buried him at the cemetery and gave him a christian barrel welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 mysteries you've never heard of the tracks even extend to rooftops and a garden secluded behind walls 14 feet high and all the indications of that it goes back to the end of the last ice age and is probably around 11 to 12 000 years old two jockeys were walking their horses along the beach and they saw what looked to be a body of a man for this list we're looking at the craziest and most obscure unsolved mysteries think you know some crazier mysteries that we've never heard of let us know in the comments below number 20 the toynbee tiles boston kansas city rio de janeiro buenos aires what do all of these locations have in common in all of these cities and many more embedded in seemingly random streets are linoleum tiles containing cryptic messages about death new york dc boston the person who made them was a complete mystery the phrase resurrect dead on planet jupiter is present on many of the tiles as well as references to stanley kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey a couple of different theories have been put forth as to the identity of the tyler including a 2011 documentary but no proof or admission from the tyler has confirmed any of them if it were one person why go through the trouble of traveling around the world number 19 the hornet spook light it seems a lot higher than the old days and it's it's behind us we actually came down pretty far into it but it seems to be back there we had a neighbor stop by and says it doesn't even live here what's in a name well judging by the spooky phenomena that occurs in the devil's promenade west of hornet missouri sometimes a lot also known as the hollis light the spook light is a ball or group of lights that's been sighted numerous times around the border between missouri and oklahoma and then some nights they're spectacular and they're frightening people have proposed explanations that range from headlights on route 66 to atmospheric gases to the spirits of two quapa lovers who ran away together oh yeah and aliens obviously over the years a few investigators have laid out evidence for the headlights explanation but there are still true believers who think there must be something more to the tale we believe it's likely that any of the headlights from any cars coming all the way down this long hill to this point could be the ambience of the spook light number 18 the overtune bridge don't bring your dogs near this next mystery the overtune bridge in scotland is a seemingly normal bridge like any other except for the staggering amount of dogs that have jumped to their deaths from the structure he just looked up and let go right over the bridge local tabloids have estimated that around 600 dogs have leaped off this bridge seemingly for no reason i started shouting to david sophie's jumped off the bridge she's jumped off the bridge it just happened so fast seconds residents tell of their dogs pausing on the bridge as if possessed before unexpectedly jumping some dogs have reportedly jumped twice paranormal theories abound including spirits and ghosts while the most scientific explanation is that the dogs are smelling wildlife below there's no concept of what's on the other side they can't see the drop but if that's the case why this bridge in particular number 17 the devil's footprints one winter morning in 1855 residents of devon england woke to find an eerie phenomenon hoof prints some four inches long were found across 40 to 100 miles of snow as well as on roofs walls and even in drain pipes residents might have been able to write the markings off as belonging to a donkey or another animal except they appeared in a variety of unreachable places even stranger they were all in a single line instead of alternating left and right no animal walks in such a unique way to this day no satisfactory theory exists but residents think it was satan himself number 16 the disappearance of benjamin bathhurst try rationalizing this one benjamin bathurst was a british diplomat in the 19th century he was traveling through germany in november 1809 with his aide hare krause when something strange happened they were walking to the carriage together but when krause got in he suddenly couldn't find bathhurst investigations uncovered his valuable fur coat in an outhouse and pantaloons miles away in the woods his wife spent a fortune trying to find him but to no avail it's thought he was murdered and a possible skeleton was found many years later bathhurst was known to carry pistols how could no one have seen or heard him being taken number 15 the phantom barber there was more to worry about than world war ii in the small town of pascagoula mississippi in 1942 a mysterious person dressed in white began sneaking into homes and cutting off locks of people's hair in the middle of the night this phantom seemed to prefer blonde hair and he was rarely seen in the act though his intrusions were usually non-violent police think he used chloroform to knock out a victim and on one occasion he beat a couple unconscious with an iron bar a suspect was later arrested and then released no definitive identity has ever been given for this ghastly figure number 14 the pollock twins sisters joanna and jacqueline pollock were 11 and 6 years old respectively when they were killed in a car accident the devastated parents decided to have another child and gave birth to twins jillian and jennifer these twins shared so many similarities with the deceased sisters including birthmarks behaviors and preferences as well as memories from before the accident that they seem to be perfect reincarnations many simply dismissed the case as a hoax but both parents were convinced that these twins were their original daughters the case is often touted as evidence of true resurrection number 13 sleeping sickness this is a scary one a sickness began sweeping through the world shortly after world war 1 and it would become so widespread it became an epidemic it was called lethargic encephalitis and it put people in a sort of coma where they were conscious but unable to speak or move like living statues close to a million people died and millions more were helplessly trapped in their bodies no scientist to this day can explain what the sickness was or how it spread and it is one of the biggest medical mysteries in history number 12 the aurora incident we've all heard of roswell but have you heard of the alien shipwreck in aurora texas in 1897 an airship that looked like a cigar allegedly collided with a windmill and exploded people reported seeing a non-human pilot and papers with an unrecognizable language that resembled hieroglyphics the pilot was supposedly buried but the grave marker disappeared the cemetery declined a request from the mutual ufo network to exhume the site the deer lord is powerful enough that if he wanted to create another universe and other people he could have done it conspiracy theorists believe the wreckage was confiscated by the military so all that's left are accounts and memories was this a misconstrued event or a real alien shipwreck he's coming [Music] number 11. the big grey man the big grey man known as am fairly amour in scottish gaelic is not actually a man it's said to be a creature or spirit living in the isolated cairngorms mountains in scotland various accounts of the creature tell of a tall specter shrouded in mist that inflicts terrible fear and panic in the victims nearly all accounts report footsteps following them in the gravel before they encounter the entity you couldn't help me [Applause] another explanation that's been proposed is that it's a brock inspector where the user's shadow is enlarged on a cloud bank we sure hope so [Music] number 10. the flanin isles lighthouse in december of 1900 three lighthouse keepers mysteriously vanished without a trace on the uninhabited island of elan moore when people went to check on them they found a spare oil skin and unmade beds suggesting something suddenly aroused them from their sleep the mechanical clocks had not been wound for some time either no evidence of foul play was found and the bodies were never seen again the leading theory is that waves pulled them into the atlantic ocean but it's forbidden to leave the lighthouse unmanned so why did they all venture outside and why did one leave his oil skin suit it may forever be a mystery number 9. the dancing plague of 1518. in 1518 in the holy roman empire the city of strasbourg was reportedly struck with one of the strangest plagues in history an inability to stop dancing what started with one woman busting some moves somehow turned into mass hysteria that lasted for days residents found themselves unable to stop and some sources report that many dance themselves to death to this day no one knows what really happened some believe the residents had ingested ergot a hallucinogenic fungi while others point to stress-induced hysteria oddly enough this plague also reportedly occurred in switzerland holland and germany though not to the same extent number eight timon should this is the sort of puzzle that keeps you up at night in 1948 an unidentified dead body washed ashore in south australia what ensued was a wild scavenger hunt with dead ends everywhere in the man's pocket was a torn piece of paper that read taman should which is persian for finished the paper led them to the book it was torn from the hubayat of omar hayam along with a phone number and cryptic message that has yet to be decoded it was 1948 49 so they were convinced perhaps he was a communist spy or a russian spy but no one ever came forward to claim this man the number was of a local nurse who denied knowing the dead man investigators discovered a discarded suitcase that they believe belonged to the body but it had a fake name one of australia's biggest mysteries is still an open case even though that picture that we saw was widely distributed around the world his fingerprints were were sent to scotland yard the fbi nobody knew who this guy was number seven bimini road this strange rock formation is located in the bahamas the underwater path stretches for exactly half a mile before ending abruptly the limestone blocks seem to have been precisely cut and stacked leading some to claim that it must have been human-made and all the indications are that it goes back to the end of the last ice age and is probably around 11 to 12 000 years old what makes this even stranger is that some 30 years before divers discovered it modern prophet edgar casey said that the road leading to the lost city of atlantis was near bimini geologists argue that this is a naturally occurring formation but there are still believers who argue that it must have been built by an ancient civilization number six the disappearance of the uss cyclops it's one thing when a small dinghy vanishes but how does the largest ship in the navy suddenly disappear that's what happened in 1918 when the uss cyclops was making a trip to baltimore the last message sent from the ship is simple quote whether fair all well normally when ships disappear some remnant or flotsam of the vessel washes ashore but nothing whatsoever has been found of the cyclops even more eerily it vanished within the infamous bermuda triangle no enemy ships were ever reported in the region the navy has called it one of the most confusing mysteries in its history number five the ghost blimp picture it 1942 off the coast of california two u.s navy pilots command the navy's l8 blimp in search of japanese submarines in waters not so far from san francisco there were known to be japanese submarines operating off the coast there had been an attack on an oil refinery down in near santa monica los angeles there was a great fear that there would be more attacks they radio flight control about an oil slick on the water and are never heard from again a few hours later that very same l8 blimp crashes into a cliff with no one on board everything in or about the craft was working normally the throttles were idle and more eerily the parachutes and lifeboat were still on board to this day no one knows what happened and the personnel involved were never found number four the bay of jars brazil's guanabara bay contains a lot of trash but the trash that people cannot explain is the 200 or so roman ceramic jars found submerged in an underwater field an underwater field the size of three tennis courts according to experts these jars traced back to the third century however european explorers didn't even reach brazil until 1500 and the romans themselves had little to no incentive to travel that far out thus it's a complete mystery why their artifacts would be found there meanwhile brazil closed off the area in 1983 so it's unlikely an answer will ever be found number three the voynich manuscript if you haven't heard of this one strap in the voynich manuscript is a mysterious 250-page book written in a completely unknown language and containing odd otherworldly sketches there are theories that the book might have been written in a kind of encoded latin its origin is unable to be fully traced so no one knows who created it let alone why but carbon dating puts it in the early 15th century cryptologists say their writing has all the characteristics of a real language just one that no one's ever seen before what makes it seem real is that in actual languages letters and groups of letters appear with consistent frequencies and the language in the voynich manuscript has patterns you wouldn't find from a random letter generator so far no one has been able to decode the script it's written in despite being worked on by professional code breakers from both world war one and world war ii what strange message lies inside this uncrackable book the truth is after decades of dedicated study to try and solve the mystery this strange book seems likely to remain one of our most enduring historical codes to crack number two the max headroom hijack in 1987 two television stations in chicago were hijacked in perhaps the most surreal act of video piracy ever recorded take some pretty significant equipment technical equipment and some knowledge of broadcast frequencies uh microwave frequencies and a lot of a lot of power both instances featured an unidentified man dressed as obscure tv personality max headroom dancing to distorted audio the second video significantly longer saw the man rambling incoherently in a distorted voice and being swatted on the behind by an off-screen accomplice [Music] the segments lasted no more than a couple of minutes but have gone down as among the most notorious incidents in television history no one has ever identified who pulled it off or even why we can only hope someone comes forward after all this time to put an end to this mystery before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the green children of wolpit according to legend in the 12th century two children were found in the village of wolpid england their skin was green they spoke gibberish and they only ate broad beans eventually they learned to eat normal food and speak english and they claimed they were from a different world where there was no sun the boy soon died of a mysterious illness but the girl lived on a few accounts from around the same time referenced the tale one leading theory proposes that the children were lost in malnourished flemish immigrants from another town in suffolk others claimed they were extraterrestrials or from inside the earth itself do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be 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Keywords: mysteries you've never heard of, creepy mysteries you've never heard, creepy mysteries, insane mysteries, mysteries you didn't know about, creepiest mysteries of all time, shocking mysteries, unexplained events, creepy stories, toynbee tiles, havana syndrome, benjamin bathurst, max headroom hijack, bay of jars, voynich manuscript, uss cyclops, tamam shud, bimini road, lethargic encephalitis, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
Id: V_bkfc5_ei8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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