Top 10 Creepiest Mysteries You've Never Heard Of

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good luck sleeping after this welcome to about for this list we're looking at the strangest and downright creepiest mysteries throughout history that may have gone unnoticed in the public eye from unsolved murders to disappearances to indecipherable texts this list has them all none of these enigmas have been conclusively solved to this day leading many people to turn to the supernatural for explanation so get ready for some goosebumps number 10 the disappearance of Walter Collins this mystery is so abnormal that 80 years later it became the basis for Clint Eastwood's film changeling in 1928 nine-year-old Walter Collins went missing five months later the police returned a boy to his mother Christine Collins except she claims this boy is not her son after suggesting she give it a whirl anyway the police grow tired of mother Collins ins complaints and commit her to a psychiatric ward while ridiculing her and her parenting skills until that is the boy admitted he had been lying Christine Collins searched for her son for the rest of her life but never found him which is tragic but the police's odd behavior makes this case even stranger number 9 the Havana Syndrome starting sometime in 2016 diplomatic personnel in Cuba began to experience a weird range of health problems such as memory loss hearing loss and nausea doctors said that Diplomats brain matter had actually changed what started out as a mysterious nuisance that happened the 24 became a suspected instrument of attack follow-up studies found that there was evidence of brain injuries however one questioned the victim said that they'd heard a strange noise like a grating sound or marbles rolling on the floor although others nearby did not hear this a source says starting last December the US officials were exposed to a sonic device which experts suggest could produce sound waves below and above human hearing we could cause these symptoms quasi unusual but when recordings of the sound were captured the closest thing researchers could find were Jamaican field crickets which are harmless the recording is just one of the many sounds taken in Cuba that led investigators to initially believe it was a sonic weapon no cause has been found and theories range from microwave weapons to pesticides who are what caused it a mystery the United States government is still not sure who or what is responsible for those health attacks number 8 the ghost blimp picture it 1942 off the coast of California two US Navy pilots command the Navy's l8 blimp in search of Japanese submarines in waters not so far from San Francisco they were known to be Japanese submarines operating off the coast there had been an attack on an oil refinery down in air santa monica los angeles there was a great fear that there would be more attacks they radio flight control about an oil slick on the water and are never heard from again a few hours later that very same el8 blimp crashes into a cliff with no one on board everything in or about the craft was working normally the throttles were idle and more eerily the parachutes and lifeboat were still on board to this day no one knows what happened and the personnel involved were never found number 7 vo rang Madhan in 1947 American vessels picked up an SOS call from a Dutch vessel the SSO rang may done the message was a chilling one SOS from wu-tang may done we float probably whole of crew dead I died finding the ship also meant finding corpses with gaping eyes and mouths soon after a while undertow the ship caught fire and exploded stranger still there are apparently no registration records for the ship while the Coast Guard didn't report the story until the mid-50s theories tend to focus on government cover-ups due to possible chemical weapons on board this story even served as the basis for the 2019 video game the dark pictures anthology the man of may done number six The Lost Colony of Roanoke in 1597 John White led a group of British colonists to Roanoke Island off the coast of what is now North Carolina to settle it requiring supplies white returned to Britain but when he came back to Roanoke in 1590 he found his people were gone the only evidence of life were some footprints of their feet in the sand it was not a good omen rather than a carved X to indicate they'd been taken by force he found the word Croatoan itched into the fencing did this mean they'd left for the Croatoan island or had they joined the Croatoan people a group of First Nations allied with the English so this brings up the whole notion of the Native Americans and the relationship that they had with them was the contentious was it good what do we know about that not a very good relationship they're finding that they're not welcome here no one knows and experts today are even using modern DNA tests to search for possible descendants and solve this mystery once and for all it's the oldest missing persons case in America and yet today there are more people dedicated to solving it than ever before number five the Tunguska event on the morning of June 30th 1908 a large explosion blasted the area near the Tunguska River in Russia flattening some 80 million trees over some eight hundred square miles of forest millions of pine trees lodges and birches are destroyed by the pressure wave and the fires a shockwave circles the world leaving its mark on seismographs everywhere but no one can understand where it has come from for years scientists debated what could have caused such an explosion shockwaves rippled across Europe the night sky was illuminated for weeks after and people were able to read their newspapers in the middle of the night from London to Asia it's classified as the largest impact event ever reported but no impact crater was ever found instead researchers found five miles of scorched trees directly in the centre that were somehow still standing in 2013 however a team from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine analyzed rock samples from the site and concluded it was likely a meteor exploding in midair researchers studied microscopic fragments of decayed vegetation dating back to the time of the event and discovered mineral combinations perfectly consistent with other meteorite impact sites like the 50 thousand year old meteor crater in Arizona number four the Bay of Jars Brazil's guanabana Bay contains a lot of trash but the trash that people cannot explain is the 200 or so Roman ceramic jars found submerged in an underwater field an underwater field the size of three tennis courts according to experts these jars trace back to the third century however European explorers didn't even reach Brazil until 1500 and the Romans themselves had little to no incentive to travel that far out thus it's a complete mystery why their artifacts would be found there meanwhile Brazil closed off the area in 1983 so it's unlikely an answer will ever be found number 3 the Voynich manuscript if you haven't heard of this one a strap in the Voynich manuscript is a mysterious 250 page book written in a completely unknown language and containing odd otherworldly sketches there are theories that the book might have been written in a kind of encoded Latin an alien wrote it while being held captive in a monastery Leonardo da Vinci wrote it as a child it's origin is unable to be fully traced so no one knows who created it let alone why but carbon dating puts it in the early 15th century cryptologists say their writing has all the characteristics of a real language just one that no one's ever seen before what makes it seem real is that in actual languages letters and groups of letters appear with consistent frequencies and the language in the Voynich manuscript has patterns you wouldn't find from a random letter generator so far no one has been able to decode the scripts it's written in despite being worked on by professional code breakers from both World War one and World War two what strange message lies inside this uncrackable book the truth is after decades of dedicated study to try and solve the mystery this strange book seems likely to remain one of our most enduring historical codes to crack number two the Max Headroom hijack in 1987 two television stations in Chicago were hijacked in perhaps the most surreal act of video piracy ever recorded take some pretty significant equipment technical equipment and some knowledge of broadcast frequencies microwave frequencies and a lot of power both instances featured an unidentified man dressed as obscure TV personality Max Headroom dancing to distorted audio the second video significantly longer saw the man rambling incoherent Lee in a distorted voice and being swatted on the behind by an off-screen accomplice [Music] the segment's lasted no more than a couple of minutes but have gone down as among the most notorious incidents in television history no one has ever identified who pulled it off or even why we can only hope someone comes forward after all this time to put an end to this mystery I do think that at least some of these will one day be solved but it is so frustrating that we have to wait and like it's one thing for these mysteries that happened decades or centuries ago but what about the Havana thing that was only a few years ago anyway there's one more insane mystery you probably didn't know about so let's check out a few honorable mentions and then we'll learn more about it why have dozens of dogs left off this bridge to their deaths the Overtoun bridge Scotland who killed this man and left a coded message the tamam shud case officially it's still a cold case and the police file is still open and so the ball is in the court of the police [Music] were these rocks naturally formed or an ancient civilization Bimini Road bahamas conditions are near-perfect the team are able to examine what actually lies beneath this fascinating structure it seems like there are two layers to some of the road who put these mysterious tiles across the US and what do they mean the Toynbee tiles I would walk over the tiles over and over and over and over again so I'd think about him every single day and you know I would just constantly think like I wonder how long they've been there I wonder what they mean why did half a million people become living statues the encephalitis lethargica outbreak before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the Dyatlov pass incident this is one of the strangest mysteries of all time nine Russian hikers went trekking in the mountains and never came back this is the last photo taken by the hikers before they died it's out of focus but it seems to show mysterious lights in the sky their bodies were discovered in a variety of strange yet terrible States their tent had been ripped open from the inside implying that they fled suddenly stranger even still they had traces of radiation on their clothes no one actually knows what could have caused such an incident and their deaths remain a complete mystery the evidence here is both extensive yet maddeningly incomplete and until we fill in the gaps the case cannot be fully closed but if you want to know more about what happened on the Dyatlov pass then head over to unveiled and check out our deep dive video do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 1,141,187
Rating: 4.8482237 out of 5
Keywords: insane mysteries you probably didn’t know about, insane mysteries, mysteries you didn’t know about, creepy mysteries, shocking mysteries, unexplained mysteries, unexplained events, scary mysteries, creepiest mysteries of all time, creepy unsolved mysteries, mysteries that will shock you, strange mysteries, strange events, max headroom hijack, tunguska event, havana syndrome, the bay of jars, the voynich manuscript, watchmojo, mojo, list, top 10
Id: p5tPiRSSajw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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