Top 20 Creepiest Coincidences in History

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well what are the odds of that welcome to tenses in history for this list we're looking at various chance encounters overlapping events or strange connections from throughout history that will send chills down your spine number 20 karma kills many relationships end on a sour note but they rarely result in the deaths of three people legend has it that in the late 19th century henry ziegland broke up with his girlfriend who killed herself as a result her brother hunted ziegland down and shot him committing suicide immediately after ziegland was not killed by the shot however the bullet barely missed him and came to arrest in a nearby tree years later ziegland attempted to blow up the tree only to have the blast propelled the bullet into his head killing him number 19 the erting t'en on May 27th 1817 the body of a 20 year old woman named Mary Ashford was found with signs of trauma in the suburb of earning tynin birmingham england the man she'd been out with the previous evening abraham Thornton was deemed the prime suspect due to a lack of evidence and a strong alibi he was ultimately found not guilty leaving the crime unsolved flash-forward 157 years to 1974 and earning tannot is struck by a nearly identical crime another 20 year old woman was found dead after having gone missing like Mary Ashford on the Christian holiday wit Monday the last person to see her a man with the same last name Michael Ian Thornton he too was found not guilty number 18 the cases of Catherine Eddowes and Mary Kelly on the evening of September 29th in 1888 London a woman by the name of Catherine Eddowes was taken into custody for being drunk in the streets the police however didn't learn her real identity until after the fact as she gave them a fake one during her stay in the drunk tank that of Mary Kelly if either of those names rings a bell it's because they both went on to meet the same grisly fate at the hands of Jack the Ripper Edo's was killed shortly after being released from custody she was his second to last victim and one of only two to have her face mutilated the other was none other than the real Kelly the rippers last known victim through DNA you might be able to satisfy some claims that she that she's descended was an ancestor of somebody today number 17 the Jim twins let's discuss a coincidence that while nonetheless odd does have a notably happier ending twins James Jim Lewis and James Jim Springer were separated shortly after birth and adopted by different families they grew up without any contact with one another when they finally did meet at the age of 39 the similarities between their lives proved downright uncanny it's like you had something a favorite of yours and you lost it and he had to have it you know and you finally finally and there's a good feeling defiantly finding that thing well that's where it was with Jim as children they both had dogs named toy and excelled in math and woodworking and and you like a certain type of woman as adults they were both married twice first two women named Linda then two women named Betty when they had sons they both named them James Allen they were both smokers drove Chevy's and even chose to vacation at the same Florida beach and was named a dog toy we both in vacation in the same place in Florida exact same Beach number 16 the Kings double for protection many kings use body doubles apparently King Umberto the first of Italy came upon his own double by accident while eating dinner at a small restaurant whom bear don't notice that the restaurant owner was nearly identical in looks to himself but they soon discovered more similarities they were both born in the same town on the same day in the same year they both married a woman named margarita and the owner had opened his restaurant on the same day as Umberto was crowned king wait it gets weirder the day after the pair met on July 29th to 1900 the owner was killed in an accidental shooting the same day Umberto was assassinated number 15 James Dean's car actor and icon James Dean died tragically at the tender age of 24 [Music] in addition to acting dean was passionate about cars to the point that he was contemplating venturing into professional racing unfortunately on September 30th 1955 his dreams were brought to a screeching halt when he got into a fatal accident on his way to a race in his brand-new Porsche 550 spider as is often the case with celebrity cars the spider in its parts have since changed hands multiple times over but they seem to bring bad luck to everyone they touch the car's engine has been involved in a number of subsequent accidents one fatal and the drivetrain another plus a building where the car was stored caught fire number 14 two finished brothers they say that twins have an incredibly strong bond and often know what the other is thinking feeling or doing these two finished brothers took that bond to a whole other level in 2002 when both died on the same Road in separate accidents within hours of each other the first brother died when he was hit by a truck while riding his bike the second brother died two hours later under the exact same circumstances about one and a half kilometers from the spot where his brother had been killed earlier number 13 the mysterious monk frustrated with life and depressed painter Joseph Eichner attempted to commit suicide on multiple occasions once when he was 18 and once when he was 22 but according to Ripley's Believe It or Not he was stopped both times by the same capuchin monk when he was thirty Eichner was sentenced to death for his political activities but was again saved by the monk who intervened on his behalf eventually I'm nerv was successful and killed himself with a pistol when he was 68 years old the funeral ceremony was conducted by you guessed it the exact same Capuchin monk whose name I'd never even learned number 12 falling baby raining cats and dogs is one thing but babies one day in 1937 detroit street sweeper joseph big lock was hit on the head by a baby who tumbled from a fourth floor window fortunately fig lock broke the baby's fall and while both were injured the baby lived a year later fig lock was going about his business sweeping in an alleyway when another child this time a two year old fell from the sky right onto fig lock once again fig lock unwittingly saved day talk about being in the right place at the right time twice number 11 a painting that predicted Hitler's evil before getting involved in politics and becoming one of the greatest monsters in human history Hitler had aspirations as a painter even after abandoning these however he remained passionate about the arts and this painting is said to have been one of his favorites painted by franz von Schuch an artist hitler long admired the wild chase is a gloomy and foreboding work that von Schuch just so happened to complete in 1889 the year of hitler's birth the painting depicts vote on a Germanic God leading the mythic wild hunt followed by an army of the Dead vote on bears a striking resemblance to Hitler and many retrospectively see this painting is having predicted his rise to power and bloody legacy number 10 the cannibalized boy one of the greatest authors of the 19th century Edgar Allan Poe wrote a book titled the narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket the book depicted four shipwreck survivors who eventually killed an ADA boy named Richard Parker several years after the publication of Poe story a yacht called the mignonette sank and left for survivors stranded at sea the three older survivors eventually killed and ate the cabin boy whose name was Richard Parker number nine Thomas Jefferson and John Adams John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were two of the most important players in the founding of the United States both played a large role in the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence which was eventually approved on July 4th 1776 although their relationship deteriorated over the years they eventually reconciled and oddly died on the exact same day that day July 4th 1826 exactly fifty years after the signing of the Declaration number eight Aztec prediction of Cortes in the early 16th century the Aztec empire was at the peak of its prosperity under Monte Kusama ii in 1519 however an ancient and deadly prophecy seemingly came true bringing unimaginable destruction to this inspiring civilization according to local legend Quetzalcoatl described as being bearded and of white skin would one day return from his travels to once again stake his claim over the Aztec the predicted date on the Mayan calendar just so happened to coincide with the year when the Spanish conquistadors arrived led by the bearded and white skinned Arnon Cortes number seven the 27 club the 27 club refers to a group of famous people mainly musicians who have died at the age of 27 it started in the late 1960s when Rolling Stone Brian Jones doors frontman Jim Morrison Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix all died at this age two and a half decades later Kurt Cobain committed suicide at 27 and recently Amy Winehouse overdosed and died at the age of 27 Winehouse actually stated years earlier that she was worried about dying at 27 all in all the club has claimed over 60 artists musicians and actors since the start of the 20th century number 6 Mark Twain and Halley's Comet Mark Twain was born on November 30th 1835 just two weeks after Halley's Comet was visible on earth Twain who was the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn seemed to strongly associate with this celestial event in fact he famously declared quote I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835 it is coming again next year and I expect to go out with it it will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet the almighty has said no doubt now here are these two unaccountable freaks they came in together they must go out together he died on April 21st 1910 one day after the comet had returned number 5 violet Jessop also known as Miss unsinkable this Irish Argentine stewardess had a knack for being at the wrong place at the wrong time but somehow emerging unscathed violet Jessop was working aboard the RMS Olympic when it collided with British warship HMS Hawke in 1911 the Olympic had to limp back to port however this was just a taste of things to come Jessop was also aboard the Titanic when it sank in 1912 and the HMHS Britannic which sank in 1916 due to a sudden explosion which was later revealed to have been a mine this earned Jessup the nickname miss unsinkable we're thinking that with her luck she was either the best person to stay close to aboard a ship or maybe a reason chien ships entirely number for a license plate the predicted World War one as most historians agree the first world war which would go on to last for years and claimed the lives of millions all began with the death of one man On June 28 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed by Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalists war soon followed drying in an ever-widening network of allies into what became a global conflict no one had any clue when or how it would end with one possible exception a license plate when looking for answers it typically pays to go back to where it all started sure enough the very car in which Franz Ferdinand was murdered contained a prediction his license plate was a 1 1 1 1 1 8 which many retro actively read as armistice 11th November 1918 number 3 Tamara lanes tomb in June of 1941 Russian anthropologists led by mikhail guerra seamoth conducted a dig at the site of the gude amid this mausoleum was the final resting place of Tamerlane a Turk o Mongol conquerors who sounded the timurid empire and was thought to be responsible for the death of up to 17 million people as a result of his deadly campaigns depending on who you ask however he may have upped the body count postmortem inside his casket the anthropologists reportedly found the inscription quote whomsoever opens my tomb will unleash an invader more terrible than I they went ahead and opened the tomb anyway in three days later Operation Barbarossa began this Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union was the largest in human history number two the Titan and the Titanic in 1898 Morgan Robertson published a novella entitled futility or the wreck of the Titan the plot revolved around the HMS Titan a British luxury liner that hit an iceberg and sank while crossing the northern Atlantic of course in 1912 the Titanic sank in a similar fashion and that's where things get bizarre be blase about some things but not about Titanic so 100 feet longer than Montaigne both ships were considered unsinkable both hit an iceberg in the month of April approximately 400 miles from Newfoundland both were approximately 800 feet long and both resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 people the lack of life jackets and lifeboats was also a serious problem for both ships tragically so for the real-life Titanic [Applause] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one JFK and Abraham Lincoln Lincoln and JFK were elected to Congress 100 years apart in 1846 and 1946 respectively they then both became president 14 years later in 1860 and 1960 President Kennedy and Governor John Connally have been cut down by assassin's bullets in downtown Dallas both were killed by fatal gunshot wounds to the head and succeeded by men named Johnson who when you know it just so happened to be born 100 years apart add to that some other coincidences like them dying on Friday their family names containing seven letters and the fact that they were both famous for their civil rights efforts and you've got two presidents cut from an eerily similar cloth when he says communism is repugnant to the freedom and dignity of man is that not Lincoln saying as I would not be a slave I would not be a master do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 2,702,840
Rating: 4.8326101 out of 5
Keywords: creepiest coincidences in history, creepy coincidences, creepy historical coincidences, historical coincidences, coincidences, creepy, overlapping events, strange connections, chance encounters, historical overlap, unlikely events, karma, erdington murders, the jim twins, james dean, adolf hitler, thomas jefferson, john adams, hernan cortez, motecuzoma, 27 club, mark twain, halley’s comet, violet jessop, john f. kennedy, Education, Facts, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: PvQGiY6vD5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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