FAMILY GUY BACK TO THE MULTIVERSE Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL GAME [1080p HD] - No Commentary

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hey Stewie look something came up I'm not gonna be able to do the picnic today oh oh was that was that today oops yeah oh no no way I can make that either I'm canceling too man Wow good memory though hi I totally blanked on that Stewie Griffin Oh God Bertram but how is this possible I I killed you you only killed me in this universe you fool L so you got yourself a multiverse remote huh indeed I did hold on well someone please tell me what the hell is going on here sorry hang on one sec remember the multiverse theory yeah it's the one about how there are alternate universes that coexist with ours on parallel dimensional planes so in each of these universes the reality is different from our own sometimes only slightly sometimes quite radically this Bertram is from a universe where we never killed him okay okay I think I got it sorry not a genius now what do you want well I can't possibly allow universe to exist without me in it I'm traveling the multiverse building up an army to exact my revenge on you when I return I'm going to destroy your universe completely see you soon Stewie I am this is bad with a cross-dimensional army he'll have no problem destroying our universe who knows what he's going to bring back here well what are we supposed to do we have to try and stop him before he can organize his attack alright Prime we're going to need to arm ourselves I'm sure he knows we're going to come after him his armies are gonna be waiting for us every step of the way you think you think maybe I can use one of your ray guns no I get stewey weapons you get the boring stuff that's what we're doing fine how we gonna find him he could be anywhere right luckily I just updated my multiverse remote so I have tracking software now we'll be able to follow every move he makes hang on Bry we're going back to the multiverse what the hell wait a minute Brian this is where we were supposed to go what do you mean I don't know the remotes not working for some reason you know everyone said get on the cloud it's gonna be great and everything's been a nightmare since what can you fix it I don't have the proper tools but maybe we can find someone who does all right can you at least find out where we are according to the multiverse remote this is a universe ruled by Greeks so what does that mean fat hairy philosophers and togas or fat hairy grease balls and speedos oh yeah Greeks have always been gross and still are but no it's not those kinds of Greeks Brian it's worse it's frat boys hey those guys aren't like us get those knob gobblers crap Brian run we have to find someone to help us fix my remote what's a knob gobbler you'll understand when you're older come on Stewie we gotta find someone who can fix the remote hey YouTube honey do you want to pledge to a fraternity here's a Torah and some bacon to rub on your face so you breakout this might sound a little odd but do you know if there's like an electronic store or a creepy Armenian guy in a dimly lit apartment who can fix a multiverse remotely oh I can help you get that fixed but I'll require a service in return that's worth more than this service I'll be providing you Winfrey we need you to help our fraternity throw a better party we've been standing around complaining for hours but that doesn't seem to be a party to the Gentiles sir here's some ammo now go shoot those lame balloons down whoa wait until I put my earplugs in taking an extra puff from my inhaler count is getting high you were just gonna improvise this is really awkward this party's late because someone's throwing up over there just cuz they're nervous I go outside more but I always good you shot all the balloons now oh look there's a sorority girl running down the street I bet her dad so rich dude wait until my bros see these nasty pictures of you hey get back here with those I was gonna wait one more year before I leaked naked pictures of me online you should go talk to that sorority girl and see what's the matter also a scar how much your dad has in his retirement fund I drank the beer what am I supposed to be feeling oh my god let's come back still pictures of me and my sorority sisters I'll pretend to like whoever gets them back nice nips Wow someone should buy her a razor I'd say she's a lo7 get those guys there with the nerve to buy your friends well now I won't feel bad about crapping my pants I'd bang that when I'm blacked out you want the pictures come and get him I already yanked it to them anyway these two dorks just won't quit come on let's just be bros okay bro what are you guys do Padilla jizz I think that boy and the pool is dead no no he's just swimming you see college is all about having fun and Alton he's dead no one's helping him hey you two come over here I need someone to oh good job getting those pictures you should try to find more of them so you have material to shamefully touch yourself to at night or even very early in the morning now I got a keg but didn't want to put the deposit down for the tap would you find one for me oh I think that house over there has one let me know if you guys wanna skate with me I could always do the companion hey it's those douche bags who stole the pictures of us open your mouth and close your eyes get ready for a big surprise look at this place it's anarchy I guess this is what happens when douchebags become way too entitled we've gotta stop them it's better than yours damn right it's better than yours please sir I want some more what are you guys what are you guys for the dirt listen honey after what happened to you tonight you wouldn't want to wake up tomorrow anyway [Music] anyone need a massage after this well I didn't know we were paying street rules oh it's all now get those gay bows that looks like the thing Mort wants and it alerts tab you stealing our tap stop ruin hey that's apps mine I stole it from someone else thanks for the tap I'm blaming everything on you now we need some women to come to this party oh I got a cramp the idea listen I need you to steal a couple of jackets from the chakra bring them back here and I'll tell you what to do next come on not a party going on you're you're just insane and imagining all of this I'm never gonna drink again byxis thing don't touch my Uncle Barry Letts sleeping juices lie both delightful my fault I was born that way that's not your property man enjoy that please give you him it's in my diver and it's not a dude what are you guys from the nerd frat I'm angry dude hands off my jacket nerds brat hey bro those jackets are only for the people who know the website where to order them FIFA I want some all great you got the jackets now listen Brian here's a Molotov cocktail you need to plant those jackets by the sorority's float then set the float on fire the girls will think the other frat did it and then they will come to our party I'd do it but I feel I feel a cold coming on come back here when you're done but take your time I'm gonna take an eight-hour nap who builds floats this is a weird College ha this is the rush I've been looking for I can't have babies anymore so fill me up fellas you that think it's so tacky this is great those [ __ ] are gonna be so pissed try to be a little more careful use your Molotov cocktail to destroy the float and put the jackets there so we can frame the other frack I'm usually hotter than one of them places way annoying dog so you have to destroy the float you guys Brian and usual Molotov [ __ ] now leave the jackets there so the girls won't think the other preppy let's go to the nurse are you thinking what I'm thinking Brian I've never tapped a keg and don't really want to please do it so I don't get hurt good job getting the girls in beer but we can't hear the music even with our hearing aids turn all the way up the house across the cul-de-sac guys some speakers go steal those but don't say my name if you get caught is like so lame they got music over there let's go steal their speakers yeah now if I can just find a [ __ ] with some Gin I'll be in business a little badge to go along with all these accomplishments Mary Mother of God jackpot what are you guys from the nerd front I'm exhausted hold on to something oh this is the rush I've been looking for I like taking things from these dicks hey let us in your party you turds let us in you Schmucks I think the Nerds are in trouble come on Brian let's help them okay who are those dicks smell my finger screw off [Music] this is great how about little less questions a little more dude chill out oh my god roll arias hang on I got a reload [Music] yeah he's tweet [Music] this is great Mary Mother of God check pop hold on to something [Applause] [Music] oh boy good you got two speakers [Applause] I need some party huh guys just die already oh and thank you guys so much now I have the whole night to fear the sex that I'll probably check it out of hey no problem thanks for fixing the remote Oh fellas I almost forgot some of the other nerds uploaded a new program on your remote it analyzes your surroundings and gives you hints of what you should be doing on your journey hey I'll be popping up now and then with objectives and little hints if y'all get stuck and if you seen the mood I can tell you where all the best farmers market see ah okay we'll get to that later we have to go Bry Bertram has already got a head start on us okay now how exactly does the party work do we just take out the cell sir and burp into our fists okay good the remotes working Bertram was definitely here no all right Stewie where are we according to the multiverse remote in this universe oil supplies were exhausted the only people who were able to sustain themselves were the Amish because they weren't reliant on technology what would Bertram want with the Amish branch but I'm still here gentlemen your people are known for making goods that are built to last what I need from you is a weapon the likes of which no one has ever seen I'm afraid we cannot help you unattractive infant you see the Amish are not a violent people well I have something here that might change your mind [Music] I happen to know that you've depleted all of your forests so I've engineered these rapid growth tree seeds that will supply you with all the wood you'll ever need the elders have spoken mostly of wood hats and beards but nevertheless we shall build your weapon terrific oh one more thing these who might try to stop you if you see them I want you to shoot to kill seriously of all the stunning pictures I've taken over the years that's the one he gives them Brian we're taking all of those down it is settled we have a deal Stewie Griffin prepare to be destroyed that [Music] smell smells like sweat and anger and shame look y'all's gonna be able to see your enemies up close now see what kind of skin types they got some wood not all right let's get these dicks crack they're posting those pictures of us all over the place and that picture is so not what I look like we've got to stop them before anyone sees it all right remember what that little orange haired brat said these folks is building a weapon you got a little chicky get them all and stopping hey Bry let's see if we can shoot all the chickens here cuz we're sickos I guess wow the seeds actually work I hate to say it but bird from Sky de legit take down all them wanted posters people need to stop worrying so much about others and start worrying about these fails MYOB everybody oh this is the rush I've been looking for at least there's no cars or vacuum cleaners to worry about piss off they've got archers in the towers watch out and you were worried attack brothers oh you got me are you thinking what I'm thinking no what my new profile pic is gonna be lord please deliver us from all things which make life bearable [Music] yeah that's basically not I must do this for the case ah what the hell is wrong with you oh you got me what everybody but AME we need to find a way to break through that fence maybe we can use that sniper tower somehow let's hear it for problem-solving y'all Mary Mother of God checkbox ruther try to be a little more careful I could crap anywhere here and no one would even be mad I'll just die already oh my god that hurts this is quick I would love to just sniff the hell out of that cornfield if you to see any crows tell them I'm gonna kick their house that flamethrowers gonna be good for burning up things like hay or trees but make sure you straight up next to it so you get a nice burn how positively delightful [Music] victory shall yet be mine [Music] fine that barn must be where they're building Bertram secret weapon except where that came from any closer brothers corns kind of gross cuz I'd a lot of perverts hide in it excellent can already tell this place sir now this burn all them trees down and cut off they wouldn't laugh [Music] victory shall yet be mine Mokey's in the tower I repeat bogeys in the tower psychosis thing you need Mexicans when you've got the Amish to build stuff yeah hang on siren this is my gun this is for my dinner not to be a fire for the Lord and Savior that was your mouth prize all right we destroyed them tree now we need to find out where they getting they present metal sprung oh maybe a trip to the Jewelry District so these guys make fireplaces right okay one thing I know about them and I wanted to work it in and I'll just take a couple of these buds for myself haven't seen a lot of females this is crazy these guys weirding you out too y'all can use that spiraling doorway to go fetch some items you may have forgotten or things you feel like you might want to get nobody can be this stupid really there now if I can just find a [ __ ] with some Gin I'll be in business hey I uh I smoked a little weed back there and I'm kind of freaking out not gay but would would you mind holding my hand looks like y'all's is gonna have to blurred that whole from how you might want to find a way to blow up that damn make sure you don't hurt any of their babies them thinking they go it's gotta be something we can do to take that place down there it is Ryan can be Amish used the Postal Service I don't know what I know the answer to that no calm down I'm just making conversation pretending piece of educated what was that coming I shall kill thee you hold on a second Mon I think I may have mistaken us for clay I can have a swig from my flask now right so the Amish just look the same every day of their lives yeah I think so so they never get compliments on like new clothes or haircuts your haircut looks great Stewie oh thank you Brian I'd say I'm a winner folks so I guess cuff to me this is great there it is Hey yeah take that you you big community of weirdos I've seen girls on the internet that about the same thing get back to that phone and destroy whatever it is they cooking up in okay hang on there it is you I'm Stewart thank you for proving life are you thinking what I'm thinking Brian is this all vacation yeah oh I'll be trash kinda Mary Mother of God you just couldn't keep your dirty hands out of my son's cornhole could you now you must go oh yeah you too attack them with our secret technology just kidding use your standard-issue weapons you got to be freaking kidding me forgive me for the whooping I'm about to bestow unto these two wait why does this not count as technology show that wooden what's majiggy whose Mouse y'all take him down wait why does this not count as technology we're gonna die if we don't he's the Amish are pretty amazing builders I think oh my god I was just thinking the same thing I mean Bertram was just here these guys built a weaponized wooden robot in like 45 minutes pretty amazing stuff yeah but I got to imagine the women or I mean those bushes must be gigantic yeah all right we're wasting time let's see where Bertram is off to next y-yo didn't visit the gift shop they make their own preserve well well well what the hell is this what Ryan Griffin checked into Amish universe oh yeah so what well first of all we probably don't want Bertram knowing where we are all the time and secondly how do I put this no one cares where you are well I don't think that's true just just don't do it anymore okay now it says here that in this universe handicapped people were given so much special treatment that they eventually took over as the leading power if Bertram is recruiting an army why would he go after handicapped people I mean couldn't we just kind of push him over Oh Peter just commented on your check in interracial lesbian movies free you know he just has no idea what he's doing online alright come on let's find out what Bertram was doing here hear ye hear ye I'd say y'all needs to look around and find whoever's in charge of these unfortunate folks [Applause] is that part of your stand-up act [Laughter] don't even think of putting a cone around school slightly wobbly overused preppy beat-up wheelchairs slightly [ __ ] go ahead and pick up all them bill handicapped placards if you get them out you gets again do you gots a shotgun you gots to get up nice and close with this here shotgun and then go bang bang don't turn it on yourself though that'd be sad hey everybody go on and find out who's making all these disabled people for sake since they special people y'all should check the hospitals like a Welshman let me run like a Welshman Julie that's a multiverse portal right I think we can use this to go back and get stuff if we need it yeah I know Brian oh all this this this is what I do if your eye out for one of these portals Brian they could be useful [Music] oh my god that is hilarious why don't y'all go ahead and try to find another way into the hospital don't be afraid of them so uh I was thinking that if you're not doing anything later maybe we could sing a few sea shanties over by the garbage dump you're an oak I'm the under half of my mom's side there's a couple of dicks with another universe trying to find me Fargo is that bet Joe I feel bad but they all kind of look alike to me okay yeah that's definitely Joe and now mr. Swanson y'all's gonna have to coax some security codes out of that door like all this is ridiculous I'm sorry I'm gonna have to kill you use them codes to get through that game well you got to give it to these guys they keep on trying I know I wouldn't girl never fights back get off me you fat bastard [Applause] we're gonna die if we don't this is great oh damn it oh my god that hurts hey how the hell do you work this thing I don't get it it's desirable to be crippled here why do they need a hospital you guys are going to die today this this isn't fair five alarms they gonna wake Geoffrey I promised him he could sleep in he's dealing with a lot I guess it's up to me and you were worried I got have a swig for my class now right [Applause] installation handicapped stories here the you to write bad story [Music] still up oh my god that is [Applause] now if I can just find a [ __ ] with some Gin I'll be in business this is great [Music] what there's no crippled dogs here those things weird me out okay another secure area he's gonna have to get a new set of codes y'all I guess it's afternoon train and you were worried a little less question a little more shut the hell up there it is use them codes to get through them big door [Music] I know they sounded the alarm then bad guys' don't keep coming unless you shut them all [Applause] all rise tit for tat I'll take a tip I'm no longer enjoying this man we could go for a drink right now I don't know if I'm the best at everything another customer fun huh we're smoked barbecue thank you welcome here okay another security area you don't have to get it oh my god that is use them totes to get me them big no.1 but we're gonna die if we don't so I guess it's up to me where are these fancies I'm getting tired of wait oh I think I think we may be dealing with crippled trauma game okay you can stop that now you are screwed up in the head [Music] no Brian its crippled wrong there's one big-ass [ __ ] great Karen we here at and hurry again problem would be helping that other baby you know just so happens he's playing that's a buttload of money to take you down oh you guys are ready to heart attack or do you know just do what you can't bail us now I'm not one to have a cake violence and nothing but maybe you should jump up on them big guns and fight back Oh from way downtown oh my God look and you are worried what I'm a freaking baby and I'm cooler than they are [Music] we can't let those freaks get us to eat it's really sad and the tiny bit funny the dog [Music] oh my god we did it at least we know Bertram won't be able to use these cripples in his army and sounds kind of funny when you say it out loud we just pretend we're not hearing this hearing what I like you today how Quahog looks like it's in the middle of a war where's the thing say we are hey will you stop asking me that you know it takes time for this thing to register and it's not like I'm not gonna tell you when I find out all right sorry yeah that's right you're sorry okay it says that we're in an evil universe what does that mean it means that this universe contains everybody's evil counterpart remember evil Stewie oh yeah that little bastard cut off my tail yep they can be pretty nasty oh my god Brian you remember how mayor West had a cat launcher vaguely yeah well apparently evil mayor West has nuclear cat launchers [Music] come on Brian we've got to stop evil mayor west from getting these two Bertram you're probably gonna find the mayor over at City Hall maybe while you're there you can see you got a satchel charge and it goes with your shirt yeah if y'all needs to blow up a car or a big old turret then the satchel charge is the charge for you time to be bed is having any civil union ceremonies all right finally getting the hang of this I'm gonna kill you oh right I need to reload we are gonna get you back on your feet back victory is mine I'd stay away the closer you get to City Hall the more you'll get hurt also there's a smell over here that we can't figure out what it is stupid greedy savages okay you knew byxis thing don't come any closer you'll be shot or tickled to death what the hell is the evil monkey doing to that radio tank he's probably just monkeying around crap Brian get down there's a cat nuke headed straight for the tank we programmed it to destroy itself okay see what we learned here when evil Stewie activates a tank we have to reprogram it to destroy itself you better reprogram all them little radio tanks they've been saying all sorts of bad thing FISA above all that's gotta hurt turd nice my dad not taking credit for finding this slide new oh no that was my favorite tank his name was Reggie that little bastard again look at that guy that he was glad when they overturned Don't Ask Don't Tell wanna die this is my rifle this is my gun this is fun I do Oh Oh kill you whoa dammit I've been on the road for 45 minutes self destruct sequences are always a bad idea this little guy does not quit huh these radio tags are pretty well guarded evil mayor west must really like his AM radio Wow okay this is ridiculous you might want a magnetic look at that victory shall yet be mine this is my rifle this is my gun this is [Music] I mean you have a gun right now but tomorrow want to take a gander at semantics Western penis perhaps since the noise hey don't damage my radio pegs I'll be sending you a bill for this well well well this is so unexpected fire your guns without ammo delightful Oh Daniel okay okay I've got it I've got it okay okay hey baby want to take a gander at some Adam West's penis thank you all for coming [Music] till they intruders or at least I'll forgive you if you apologize to the tank all right you asked for it wait you didn't ask for anything ask me something I'm gonna kill you but y'all to fight evil mayor west and evil this is my rifle this is my gun this is for piety missus get down here West don't hide like a coward politician that bastard even Stewie see sir I want some more I am so alone give you whatever you want money women don't I understand the entire day watering around the virus easier all right finally getting the hang of it show yourself dream that all men are created evil okay Know Who I am direct hits comeback I got you this is for fighting this is for fun [Music] all right stop it like that please sir I won't football season I bought football [Music] all right West get those bombs back here if you want to live okay I'll do it but there's something you have to do for me in return what is it I'm thinking of running for governor in the next election and there's another mayor standing in my way I need you to assassinate him it's a friggin cheeseburger this guy's serious oh I'm serious I'm as serious as a cat what a cat serious but I don't know well they're serious all right there is serious okay okay something wacky we get it we get it all right let's go assassinate a cheeseburger [Music] alright fellas there's a sniper rifle waiting for you in the top floor of the Book Depository oh okay I see what we're doing here here's some silencers for your weapons so you don't alert the security guards of your presence and here's some bologna sandwiches you never know when you're gonna get a hankering for circular mate thanks okay we're gonna go do that thing now Godspeed gentlemen oh also the movie speed just in case it was really nice of him to make us sandwiches but I'm not gonna eat mine get up to them rooftops so y'all can sneak around okay so some guy named les may show up in his parking lot just pretend [Music] you don't see hell did Stewie do to this place I'm having a party back here good I was afraid you were just gonna improvise hey I haven't been this high since the 80s I'm gonna go ahead and put the labels on them dogs that way y'all can keep track of him and be sure to steer clear of them all right people stop goofing off the mayor will be here any minute we're about 10 minutes and Counting here copy that Fox poo I told you I don't like that name I don't let him see us we've got to just disappear like Brett Butler did all their rooftops and find the gun they left it y'all taking fire who votes for a cheeseburger well I will see you later baby doggy up winner [Music] hmmm looks like we might need something to get this here crane working look around and see what you can dig up a bride I bet cheeseburger mayor's are pretty rare hey Stewie well done this has been a cheeseburger humor yeah [Music] okay it's not the PPI repeated it's not the pot guys I won't see war what's that smell Oh this is my rifle this is my gun this is for fighting this is for fun [Music] [Applause] hey now you can track with him go it's all about the labels I put on stay away from him y'all days mean you know I'll try not to be noticed but sometimes this life sometimes we [Music] byxis thing this is my rifle this is my gun this is for oh you wanna hit huh hock some major loogies from up here [Music] I can feeling pain [Music] watch out then shove Judas is trying to harm you no get rid of them so you can stir your cross there it is try to be a little more careful you see that one security guy back there [Music] really Bad's in I was trying not to look but I we gotta get out of here faster Hey now you need to disable the alarm for that skylight so you can get in without causing a stir [Applause] yeah already shooting at a 5th grade level [Applause] all this security no one's gonna die today can't happen all right now that's a big old gun round here somewheres let's hurry up and find it [Music] protect the mayor this is my time this is my golly presents for height and misses for fun we've got a situation here hi he's coming I want to wave to him no no wait we can't we gotta shoot him we need to take the shot we're running out of time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay nobody laugh at me there's tragedy people this isn't funny let's be adults about this alright it's done yeah hopefully evil mayor West called off those bombs wait what if he goes back on his word when we do then should we try to find him then hey Brian we just murdered a politician we should get out of here yeah you're probably right I'm probably right or I am right yeah I'm right and you're just a dog look we're on a boat okay it says that in this universe pirating became so dominant that the overall progress of the world was stunted now everyone's a pirate haha stowaways methinks and he brought treasure I see ha ha [Music] take the prisoners to the Brig I'll be in my quarters making cloth maps of no place in particular Hey find something you can make noise with and the guard will come in there to stop you that's when you make your move if you annoy that guard enough you'll open your cell to give you a beating I know because I'm a pirate howdy y'all da god okay you better get me out of here and I'll get you to the deck you know you sand scratch yours thanks Alice I'm gonna go free the others maybe if everyone's up for it until you forgot all right let's get your weapons back I know pirates may be in a treasure chest somewhere feel like pirates are kind of lazy what why I don't know I just think there's a lot of different things to put on Scully now everyone says you suck as a pirate I [Music] tak matey's death ah byxis thing [Music] is it just me or does every room and you think you smell fish now why don't you come over here hey over here let's hang out she's going down you're gonna get off that boat come on you're my only friends alright we should probably go find that Long John Peter fella use the cannons and blow those penis lovers out of the water fire those cannons at him boys we can't let him board our ship I only have enough crab cakes for three [Music] we be coming for you enemies starboard side that's the right get off my boat they can't board our ship if they're dead fire those cannons and kill them off sorry sorry you're interrupting a jaunty tune [Applause] [Music] left for you landlubbers [Music] starboard side that's the right Bowman will ya your time has come matey's all right prepare to be boarded by totally straight fire hey quit rocking the boat I'm trying to yell at these guys [Music] are you happy now byxis thing I haven't seen any toilets here yeah I've just been going wherever I want yes it really is a poop dick get off my phone victory shall yet be mine I hate my die [Music] forecast for tomorrow a few sprinkles of genius for the chance of doom [Music] don't never take me alive good thing on the Sun [Music] haha there be no escape from Long John Peter unless you run I can't run too good alright it's time to face Long John Peter win and you get your little device thingy back blue is n I I don't know what happens if you lose I guess you just try again you can't hurt me oh okay you're trying to kill a pirate version of you I'll give you whatever you want buddy women men oh yeah I got um soiled myself are you happy now [Laughter] fire at will I hate that guy will okay okay I've got it I've got it I'll give you whatever you want money women men buy your guns without ammo I'll give you whatever you want money women there be no escape from Long John Peter unless you run ahead I said shoot it again but I said a pirate right I think you and I need to have some sort of dialogue here you say that give us back a remote please don't tell any of me Maties of this they all think I'd be good at pirating alright pride at least we know Bertram won't be attacking us from the seat now let's get out of here hey you guys mind if I tag along with you look we appreciate your help and everything but you can't come with us wait what ah crap I got nothing held me back no they won't oh my god it's freezing yeah my peen just sucked itself back into my tummy Stewie look oh my god it's Santa's workshop what the hell could Bertram want from Santa huh it looks as though in this universe Santa is some kind of industrial mercenary Industrial mercenary what else does it say well here it is I was in the wrong menu that was just an overview in this universe people only order Christmas gifts online so there's no use for Santa anymore now he's opened up his factory to manufacture anything for the highest bidder well what's Bertram using him for my guess is he's using him to manufacture weapons for his army we'll come on I'm dreaming of a red Christmas okay you only get one gun [ __ ] per line okay and the lines should really be better than that you gotta find your way into Santa's toy factory maybe he's got some nice hot cocoa in there for y'all I'm going to kill Santa Claus but why the hell do you want to kill Santa because that fat bastard's blew me off at the mall all planned out pictures of me in Santa none of her Ferris trains out hopefully with his [ __ ] wife watching all right finally getting the hang of this to piss me off now victory shall yet be mine [Music] [Applause] [Applause] stemis bastard just shut off the valve it's like his brain dead little sweets have some problem-solving skills you also have to turn on them sludge bounce again if you wants to move forward [Applause] well well watch it scumbag and you are worried [Applause] oh that is disgusting don't care [Applause] this is great no I guess it's up to me get down here you sick crap they've got bombs in their bags go on and jump your way across that sled yoo-hoo just be careful and don't fall in and you were worried [Music] the pathetic attempts to Kim the maha-mantra this is my rifle this is my gun mrs. Bob on duty shall yet be mine [Applause] [Applause] I take it there's no HR department so they're evil and they distort the truth and they do the bidding of the Republican Party no Brian that was Vernon the guy from the employee of the month thing sure smells just went shopping here I take it there's no HR department y'all don't have to be bill detectives and thighs of wits to turn the camera around excellent bring the baby to mrs. Claus maybe then she'll stop being a barren fish this is where all the letters to Santa girl this is my rifle this is my gun this is for fighting this is football and again I'd like to remind everyone that Santa's bathroom is for Santa only I want some more look at how fast those little Asian hands can work amazing use those [Music] you've got to get into that toy factory enough that nasty old man's office I just want to say that whoever took a dump in my office is not cool it's not funny and it took a lot Bella cute little Dow you should find some more so he can have some plane free a positively delightful you'll never defeat me my brain-dead elves feel no pain Oh I just want to say that whoever took a dump in my office is not cool it's not funny and it took a lot of time to clean up you gods hurt anyone involved I'll tie your guns without Hanno's the baby - mrs. Claus baby did she'll stop being a parent [ __ ] time for me to finish what I started anyway right let's go find Santa's rich fat ass okay [Music] look at that those two elves are urinating on each other Oh gross oh yeah no yeah you do breath you can't hurt anyone anymore excellent [ __ ] [Music] [Music] held its do we do to this place well looks like you found me huh boys and yeah so what I make weapons now don't judge me it's a tough economy you try being in the toy business anyway I'm a bad guy now so I'm gonna have to kill you Merry Christmas dicks all right now you've got to kill Santa for all that stupid abuse and he did I doubt the elfs orders look like this hey judge I'll be at the bar special delivery for two annoying they've been savages you're gonna need to sign for that bastard oh come on that's ridiculous I mean I know the mall Santas are all dicks but this is too much you're lost pal so I guess it's up explained you to take Spade my naughty list this year why don't you come down here with your reindeer and see what happens how do you work this thing I mean I know the mall Santas are all dicks but this is too much [Applause] [Music] stewey he's still alive yeah check that twice [ __ ] you're sick you know that Ryan this guy is making weapons to kill you and everyone you love you know you gotta get some balls man you should be doing this kind of stuff too you know whatever so where do you think we're gonna go now maybe to a land of gutless cowards because you would fit right in holy crap Stewie were in space okay this is weird it says here that in this universe a race of alien chickens took over the earth and it appears that we've transported right on to their mothership all right so chasing birds around I like that guy and Bertrand is going to try to use these alien chickens against us we've got to figure out how to stop them all right come on let's try not to be spotted too late looks like you can't get back as all them praise band the control then you can live them whoa did you Stewie what the hell is that no these chickens are fricking crazy man [Music] comfortable you have to change me much changing and we don't even have any diapers I don't know if I'm the best at everything what's the matter miss your mommy I miss my mommy yeah yes I also miss colic and rectal thermometry whatever you say mama's boy country jazz I have suffered today will not be soon forgotten now I will not be forgetting those outrages today's the big day okay now y'all need to free all these people that one day was handsome I knew her Staffing Jeffrey this was exhausting this whole experience was absolutely exhausting you are absolutely the most insufferable group of jackasses I have ever had the misfortune of spending extended period of time [Music] Mary Mother of God jackpot we need money [Music] hey Brian what do you call it a tee no Gina no oh come on I was gonna say that you dick do that kind of stuff to you [Music] I hate robot chickens I heard that you son-of-a-bitch [Applause] door opens the window and no matter what my father says God does to love me you were worried you know I know what you're gonna say it dinner did we get that well what am I gonna say you gonna be all like no thanks I think I've had enough chicken for a while screw off tell the vacuum EES next nothing thrills me anymore whatever you gotta do I should never have come here grab your walkie I'll call you when I get up there okay what Brian please say over when you finish talking over what over for the record I don't want to hang out with you anymore when this is over I said I don't want to hang out with you anymore when this is over when this is what you got to finish your sentence over that's it my sentence is over your sentence is what Brian over my sentence is wait a minute I have to say over even if the sentence ends with the word over you know you're a jackass Peter Peter get down from there Brian he called to hear you scream remember we're in space it's pretty dangerous out here we best find a way back inside [Applause] oh this is awesome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stand tall y'all y'all gonna have to stick around and defeat all them bad guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong why are we still here I don't know Stewie it's not working yeah and you know what's not gonna fix it you're shouting [Applause] [Applause] hang on I gotta reload you dick [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] god I can take these off I really didn't want to be the dog wearing accessories well folks that's the news oh look a human cockfight come on guy on the left what are you further than I anticipated your ancestors were nothing but a bunch of preemption war or dad really has got to lose some weight he does not get around well anymore feyza i want some all ride the elevator down below you got to hurry and destroy all them I think I'm already shooting at a fifth grade level [Music] [Applause] all right I want to play with the goo [Music] every one of you right there that's child abuse mister [Music] are you thinking what I'm thinking just die already you are a formidable foe but you won't be getting into the master control room this way that baby boy locked this door just gonna have to find another way into the man [Music] you are kind of just too much [Music] how positively delightful blow the sausage fest to give the International House a tail [Music] [Applause] I'm making my famous beaters they've been doing things different awful things the chicken cage get away from my dad you [ __ ] [Music] you know what to do boy kill that big ol hair you're acting like a psycho [ __ ] [Music] don't worry actually end your oppressive reign of matriarchal tyranny I just wish I didn't have to look at it [Music] excellent she needs to get laid big time victus thing yeah smell their bodies [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for saving me do you require kisses for what you've done oh no that won't be necessary okay cuz because I didn't want to have to kiss you but I will crap Stewie Bertram is probably already made his final jump to Quahog we don't have time to deal with this you guys go I got a score to settle with this guy thank you you have no idea how much this helps yeah thanks Paul go get him all right we're back in our universe looks like we landed at a Quahog Airport no sign of Bertram but I'm sure he's headed straight for Spooner Street crap looks like they snuck into our portal somehow well should we help Peter now he's got this Brian this is like his thing you know all right come on we've gotta get home as fast as we can get off my airport [Music] you've had your last I don't know what tickets do or enjoy it buddy dude that's the hardest hit I've ever seen [Music] [Music] of course I know who wins I'm not telling you you mock [Music] both of those guys are my friends okay my allergies are acting up for some reason those guys are my friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right almost home right well whoa whoa whoa whoa what what is it no no I just had like wicked deja vu well it's probably cuz we're constantly arriving in new places no no you don't get it it's a past life thing Brian I was here in another time Oh would you shut up you shut up Stewie look oh my god we're we're too late he's doing it Bertram is really gonna destroy our universe I don't understand how did we went everywhere he did welcome home Stewie so you idiots thought you could actually stop me huh well while you were chasing me around the multiverse my assistant Gus was assembling the only army I could ever truly rely on an army of me hey guys I'm gasps the assistant see that's how an assistant should be Brian not your assistant well you're pretty much my assistant as soon as this bomb gets close enough to your house boom everything you know will be just the games are over Stewie it's time to die [Music] would you at least want me to write first [Music] [Applause] oh one of those fancy helmet off the dinosaur y'all what do you think of I do friends do a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the man I know you tired but you gots to go and get them for that dinosaur yup you got to shoot off their tacky rocket alone here soccer team in or something hey the hooks change in bride I'm unstoppable now run y'all they's headed toward you home y'all work hard to keep it nice and you don't want anyone messing that up [Music] Ryan if we don't make it out of this I just want you to know I love you ah thanks Dewey you're not gonna say it back we got to stop Bertram shoot the gas tank when he's got a car now so you give him some boobies you see all of him the gas tank stewey we got to shoot the gas tank this is great incoming [Music] not bad huh the gas tank stewey we got to shoot the gas tank [Music] what do you think of my new friends Dewey I'm unstoppable now [Music] don't worry it's almost over fellas the gas tank stewey we got to shoot the gas tank this is what I call rollin in style sucks to be you Stewie oh sorry pal the return flights been canceled all right okay the line was good but if you're gonna do that you gotta hit your target on the first shot but overall better much better you're learning but as for you please no we can work together we could rule the multiverse please don't kill me Oh Oh you've got the wrong idea I'm not gonna kill you you're not no your little buddy here is Brian Stewie you're alive yay we're saying I'm so happy you two are okay look why do you bleach your upper lip just wax it you're not fooling anyone I found a quarter you guys I'm a hero - well Bry we did it we stopped Bertram and everybody's safe yeah but couldn't other Bertram just keep coming back from different universes what I mean they could but I think we'll just have to wait and see how much money this makes ah so we may not be hearing from Bertram again [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 1,044,994
Rating: 4.7894945 out of 5
Keywords: Family Guy, Family Guy Brian, Family Guy Stewie, Family Guy Multiverse, Stewie, Brian, Family Guy Gameplay, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Gameplay, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Walkthrough Part 1, MKIceAndFire, no, commentary, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Walkthrough, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Ending, Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Full Game, Full Game, Xbox One, PS4, PC, Video Game, Gameplay, Campaign, Singleplayer
Id: w6mW016QqjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 54sec (11154 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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