TOP 20 Benefits of Our Alkaline Diet

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hi everyone I'm dr. Susan brown director of the Center for better bones today I want to talk to you about the top 20 benefits of our alkaline for life diet much of this material is presented in my book the acid alkaline food guide so don't worry if you don't catch every detail of this video you can go back to the book before we get into the benefits of the alkaline for life diet I want to take a step back and look at the importance of pH balance to the human body as you all recall there is a pH scale and all liquids have a particular pH zero is very acidic 14 is very alkaline the fluids in the human body generally must be neutral or slightly alkaline for example arterial blood has to be around the range of 7.35 or you actually die so the body does a lot of things to maintain pH balance now the trick here is that by design the body is alkaline we our blood for example must be a very specific slightly alkaline reading but by function by how we work by how we metabolize by our daily activities we produce a lot of acids and as a matter of fact scientists have calculated we produce about seventy thousand milli moles of acid a day through exercise through eating through the production of energy seventy thousand is a lot of acid but all of that acid and that would really throw the body off accept that acid is automatically buffered or neutralized by the body itself that acid is produced in companion with buffering agents for example when I breathe when I exhale I'm exhaling carbon dioxide that is a form of acid that is a carbonic acid the point of this is while we produce a lot of acid we neutralize and buffer most of that acid automatically an acid never accumulates in the body but there is one area where acid can accumulate and that's what's important to us as nutrition that acid can accumulate from an imbalance diet and it sort of goes like this that nature has designed as we evolve through the centuries we've out on a diet very high in fruits vegetables nuts and seeds very high in minerals and our system our kidney our pH balance is all genetically programmed to function on this sort of high mineral diet with many compounds that when we consume them produce buffering agents that help us help us handle any excess acid we might have gotten from eating too much meat say in the past days when we were evolving out there on the Sierra so assets can accumulate from an imbalance diet indigenously we had a very balanced diet through history through evolution but now our diet is very imbalanced and there's kind of what they call an evolutionary mismatch we evolved on a high mineral nutrient dense diet yet today our diet is quite low in minerals quite low in many nutrients including antioxidants and it does not produce the buffering reserves the carbonates the saturates the ascorbate many of these come from vegetables fruits nuts and seeds and spices many of these alkalizing compounds often in the form of potassium citrate the RDA for potassium is 4700 that's five times that of calcium we don't pay any attention to it no one gets it if people got those that source of potassium which would be potassium citrate in the vegetables and fruits we would find that we would alkalis nonetheless the modern solution to this acid load and the average person does have a significant acid load perhaps fifty to a hundred milli equivalents of excess acid a day which is enough to do significant damage to the body the way we can buffer this acid is what we call with the alkaline for life diet and this is a diet kind taking us back to a very nutrient-dense high potassium high mineral diet this is a diet high in fruits and vegetables we always say we're striving for actually four cups of vegetables a day or five cups of vegetables and several servings of fruits and servings of nuts and seeds and even spices help to alkalize the alkaline 4life diet will allow you to help buffer these excess acids and keep the body chemistry and balance the Oakland for life diet protects against the damaging effects of chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis even a small accumulation of acid every day even 50 mil equivalence of acid is enough to cause long-term damage and researchers estimate even half of your bone and nearly half of your muscle can be lost over a lifetime because of this acid load this small acid load that builds up day by day so the alkaline diet is really important and it can protect the body in many ways let me run through the top 20 ways the alkaline diet can protect the body number one is that actually this alkaline diet is very mineral rich so it provides a very big buffering series of minerals calcium magnesium potassium it increases the the mineral content of the body which is so important to bone and muscle number two the alkaline diet allows for efficient protein synthesis we don't realize it but the pH of every cell really has a big impact on how that cell works protein is synthesized in the body and the most efficient synthesis is when the pH is ideal when the blood is like that that that ideal pH rang and the tissue is at the ideal pH range an alkaline diet can help you have more perfect protein synthesis when the pH is actually correct it also allows the alkaline diet also allows for more efficient energy production it allows the ATP again the ATP is very dependent on pH it can survive if the pH is a little off but it won't be as effective at producing energy the fourth component is that an alkaline diet encourages bone formation and reduces bone breakdown we here at the Center for better bones really pay attention to pH it's very clear from much research that even a slight acidic tilt will stimulate the osteoclast to break down more bone and it will tell the osteoblasts the osteoblast to really stop building new bone and this has been well Dec documented by Professor buchinsky at the University of Rochester and many researchers Linda foreshadow at the University of California it's very clear that a slight acid tilt and ansar load will reduce new bone formation and increase bone breakdown something we really don't want to see the Oakland diet also has a tendency to increase growth hormone and bone forming osteocalcin and other two ways it stimulates the body to build new bone and new muscle actually directly you can see increases in bone density several studies have actually alkalized study populations change their ph balance a diet through largely nutritional supplementation but with a diet adjunct and you find you can get increases in bone density interestingly enough an acid load will cause us to break down muscle as well as bone and so research by Linda foreshadow at the University of California for example has shown that if we alkalis the chemistry if we haven't the components of an alkaline diet and pH balance we can preserve muscle mass we can actually really reduce and revolt and even reverse the aging muscle loss the kidney is one of the most important organs in the body certainly very important to bone health the kidney has to handle all these excess metabolic acids all these acids that accumulate from in balanced diet and it's rather taxing on the kidney to have this acid components in the kidney even a strongly acid urine will damage the kidney in fact researchers say that you cannot excrete a pH much a urine that has a pH much below 5 you certainly can't excrete a 4.5 ph urine or it will burn the delicate tubules of the kidney the alkaline diet alkalizes the urine and it helps to protect the kidney in that way also protecting the kidney we also reduce the risk of kidney stones kidney stones often occur because we're excreting too much calcium in the urine we excrete too much calcium in the urine very often because of the acid load we get too acidic the body has to go to buffer those acids by breaking down mineral compounds from bones so taking out calcium and the anions and the compounds that's associated with calcium and it's buffering companions we lose that calcium in the urine and this can add to a kind of congestion of the kidney and the development of kidney stones it's very clear that alkalizing will help prevent kidney stones blood pressure is another area where there's a lot of documentation favoring the alkaline diet you might have heard of the - diet this was a diet developed in the US a diet high in potassium low in sodium high in fruits vegetables nuts and seeds this diet lowered blood pressure and it's the very same principle of the alkaline diet remember it's essentially the potassium citrate from the fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds that alkalizes the body we evolved in a situation very high potassium intakes the researchers speculate that in prehistoric times we probably had 10,000 milligrams of potassium today we get 2,000 or 2,500 even though our government says we should be getting 4700 blood pressure is improved with an alkaline diet this diabetes also is a metabolic disorder where the body is struggling to maintain balance an alkaline diet will help provide the antioxidants and other nutrients that can help prevent diabetes and actually control blood sugar an alkaline diet of course is is very limited in any artificial sweeteners and concentrated sugars the connective tissue in collagen is also developed more successfully as as other forms of protein are produced more more efficiently collagen is also produced more efficiently with an element diet and cardiovascular disease and cancer these all really talk about inflammation they all really talk about oxidative damage just by the nature that an alkaline diet has lots of fruits vegetables nuts and seeds Whole Foods it's very high in antioxidants and it is essentially an anti-inflammatory diet this protects against both cancer and heart disease you know it's interesting I mentioned here happiness happiness is increased with an alkaline diet you know they've done some fun research and I reported on this in our blogs actually having people eat more vegetables and people reported being happier so I'd like you to just try that yourself see if you don't get those two cups of vegetables for lunch two for dinner maybe even some for breakfast those nuts and seeds abundant fruits and see if you don't feel happier too the the interesting thing in Germany is that they have started to study many aspects of the alkaline diet and actually in Europe for years they've talked about the importance of alkalizing the chemistry and one of the things these researchers have found that there's increased in the cerebral energy pools that you actually not only give more energy to the heart and the lungs in the kidney but also to the brain you can increase the cerebral Energy Plews with this high fresh foods diet it also a lot of attention has been paid on how can we maximize exercise performance and you know when we do strenuous exercise when athletes really workout they produce a lot of lactic acid that lactic acid not only cause pain the next day but it limits their performance on those days extensive research has shown that alkalizing the chemistry with diet and also with supplements really helped to have higher exercise performance and you'll see we have some articles i've written on this if you search our website carefully very important to maximize exercise performance and to prevent this after exercise kind of stress and strain fatigue pain in the tissue this is exactly what I was saying that you can reduce post exercise stiffness and soreness I am working out with some new trainers they really put me through the paces and they're amazed that even after a hard workout I do not have pain or achiness in the tissue the next day the day after they say most people come in saying oh I hate you you I hurt so much I don't have this because I built up alkaline reserves if you build up your alkali reserves if you have a nice strong alkaline diet with proper supplementation you should not get pain after exercise the Germans also looked at back pain they said gee if an alkaline diet if alkalizing with high mineral compounds can actually do so many things can it help with back pain and sure enough they have found that you can reduce the incidence of back pain and reduce the severity of back pain with an alkaline diet and alkalizing mineral supplementation overall as I mentioned one of the most important impacts is the alkaline diet is a strongly anti-inflammatory diet it's what does that mean it means it's high in antioxidants that allows the body to buffer all the oxidative damage that occurs naturally plus all of the oxidative damage we get from the environment from heavy metals from toxins from pesticides from all sorts of toxic exposures even our thoughts can cause inflammation an alkaline diet can help quiet that down and finally the alkaline diet helps to produce detoxification ease we are all burdened with many many there are 80,000 chemicals put into this environment every year a few of those are tested for safety we have a burden of hundreds of chemicals within each body this alkaline diet is again being high in antioxidants high in ascorbate really helps to facilitate the detoxification process in the body these are the top 20 nutrients these are the top 20 benefits of the alkaline diet so now if you think this is interesting and you say hmmm an acid load can be damaging I wonder if my diet is enough to really put my chemistry in a favorable balance then I suggest you get our pH test kit it has the book I wrote on pH balance it has the paper it has eating guidelines it has everything you need to do your alkaline diet perfectly and if you say gee I'm doing my Auckland diet but still I want to boost it I need to alkalize more the first place I start is with the alkalinity this is a buffered vitamin C powder a professional-grade powder produced under nitrogen fully buffered that we've used for decades to both alkalis and as our major electron donor our major repair agent so you could add this if you say I really want to boost up I'm not I don't quite have that pH correct and the other agent I've used for decades is really this product that we call relieve and repair this is a quercetin pomegranate formula again a professional-grade product plant-based super potent as far as the ability to reduce inflammation to reduce histamines and provide antioxidant plant compounds try your try your best with your diet if you need to add nutrients you might start with these thank you very much have a great time and I hope you all alkalis soon
Channel: Dr. Susan E. Brown
Views: 167,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alkaline Diet, Healthy, Healthy Eating, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Inflammation, Alkalize, Alkalizing, Alkaline, Plant-based, Plant based, Plant-based diet, Plant based diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Eating Healthy
Id: ta6HJiDGotE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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