Top 15 Scary Videos You Should Not Watch After 10pm

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15. Prowler When this unknown individual dressed in black clothing snuck around back to try and enter in this home, the homeowner was watching. Published to YouTube by CBS Miami in January of 2019, this attempted home entry was caught on a Ring camera in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The video shows the would-be burglar trying the handle on the back door. After he struggles with it, he walks toward the window. But that’s when a voice from above gives him a jolt. Watching on surveillance, the homeowner says hello to the prowler and asks what he is doing. But he doesn’t stick around to answer. He hurries off and jumps the fence. Hopefully, this was a lesson learned to not try this again. 14. The Flaming Tornado Filmed in Canada, this footage has some wondering if this is real. Posted by TikToker, @flamecatcher2, in short, it is very real but super rare. Popular Mechanics explains that they are produced by heat plumes stretching miles into the atmosphere and colliding. Only a few anomalies have been recorded prior to this eerie clip. In fact, over the last several years, there have been a number of sightings both in 2018 and 2019. As they become more prominent, scholarly papers investigate how they are formed. This is but one case of it being caught on video, and it has some tiktokers thinking this is the most terrifying thing ever. Mastersloth gaming asks, “Has anyone tried to turn the world off and back on again???” Now that’s a valid question. 13. Gremlin That thing you see out of the corner of your eye shouldn’t be trusted. Posted by u/FingerLongjumping804 to the r/Ghosts subreddit, this looks more like a gremlin than a spirit. The video shows a man just trying to go about his day, taking out the trash. But as he opens the door, this strange small shadow leaps into view and quickly disappears out of frame. The guy doesn’t appear to see the figure in reality, as he opens the door. Redditor JoeyJoeC suggests that someone just threw a piece of clothing across the room; others think it’s a gremlin. Some who’ve slowed the clip down note that the figure appears transparent. But perhaps the best theory comes from Pantless_Weekends who writes: “Trash bag was taken out but its soul remained in the house.” Better kick that to the curb too, before it stays for good. 12. “Gong Goi” If you encounter a child spirit, be wary. Posted to Facebook by The Most Haunted Places in Pakistan in August of 2019, this video is actually based in Thailand and surrounds the mythological spirit of “Gong Goi.” The dark-haired sprite is said to be humanoid and “child-sized.” She hops around on one leg and screams out “Gong Goi!” which is the source of her name. This video purportedly shows that creature at the edge of a Thai field in the darkness of night. You at first see the figure’s dark hair as it’s still and hunched over near the grass, But then it appears to become alert to the presence of others nearby, as it stands up and starts hopping away on its single leg. If you’re watching this video after 10 PM, your nightmares will probably be populated by strange Dali-esque creatures like these. Hopefully, they’re not running toward you. 11. Midnight Snack Hungry for a midnight snack? This video will get you over your nighttime hunger. Published to YouTube in August of 2020, Paranormal Nightmares explains, “My husband got up to grab a bowl of cereal and we had the security cam recording in our kitchen because earlier in the day a cupboard opened on its own. We decided to record overnight but this happened and it scared him” In the video, the dude is nonchalantly making himself a bowl of cereal, as mentioned. But when he goes to grab the milk from the fridge, the cereal box moves clear across the counter on its own. Surprised, the man brushes it off, but as he pours his milk, the box moves slightly. And when he returns to the fridge, it slides clear across the counter again, finally falling to the floor. Needless to say, this guy takes this as his cue to book it out of the kitchen. Many YouTubers advise this poor haunted couple to move, while others are more worried about whether or not the guy eventually got his cereal. Because, you know…priorities. 10. In the Dark All that’s hidden in the shadows may surprise you. Posted to the r/chillsnarrator subreddit, u/Rob_Impulse writes, “Newest Sidemen Sunday Video. It looks like they don't notice this person standing up leaning against the wall.” What person is he talking about? Rob explains that the video only shows the seven Sidemen in orange jumpers. But around 30 minutes into the video, this guy appears hidden in the dark. Redditor MitchsMicrowave asks if it could be a body guard or cameraman, but Rob says the crew weren’t wearing orange jumpers; only the sidemen were. So who is this? And why is he hiding here? I think this one might actually be paranormal. 9. Don’t Mean to Intrude This Redditor was seeing shadows moving from room to room throughout his home. He wanted to capture the phenomenon on video, so he set up a security camera. This is what he found. Posted to the r/Ghosts subreddit by u/gusbr89, the Redditor asks fellow redditors to explain the following two surveillance videos. The first video shows a strange light anomaly coupled with a shadow distortion. The second video was taken that same evening and shows an orb float across the screen. Most assume the orb is dust, but others are curious about the shadow disturbing the first video. Redditor Cloudette_ says it looks like an intruder, while Yettan admits, “It certainly looks like something,” though no Redditor really has a clear answer as to what this exactly is. The Redditor says this is not the only paranormal experience he’s had in the place. He’s heard footsteps, a child’s laughter, and even has a witness to one of these shadows passing directly in front of them. While all of this is upsetting, many are more afraid of the doll. And nevertheless, this video appears to convincingly show something paranormal. 8. Mary in the Forest If you don’t believe in witches, history tells us that at some point, many did. And innocent people had their lives taken because of it. Published to YouTube in August of 2020, Exploring With Danny writes, “The trials of the Pendle witches in 1612 are among the most famous witch trials in English history, and some of the best recorded of the 17th century. The twelve accused lived in the area surrounding Pendle Hill in Lancashire, and were charged” Danny explores this historical area in the darkness of night, going through the flooded grounds of the forest, alongside old stone fences. Above and beyond the history, the forest is spooky in and of itself. Not only do animals regularly wail while Danny enters the forest, but the remoteness, the wind and rain, and the strange and random items he comes across make for an even spookier encounter. He first comes across a bathtub filled with dirt and a red liquid. Still, he enters deeper into the forest only to say “bloody Mary” three times into a mirror posted up on a tree. And look who appears behind him in the mirror. Once Danny sees “Mary”, he starts to wander in the forest, looking for her. Whatever this is chases Danny out of the forest. When he at last arrives to his car, you think he’s finally safe. Think again. If this doesn’t make you fear ever going to this location, what will? 7. Asylum 49 If you had a chance to visit a haunted hospital, would you? YouTubers Ogden Paranormal became this haunted hospital’s reluctant patients when they stepped into Asylum 49. Published to YouTube in September of 2019, Ogden Paranormal wrote, “The old Tooele Hospital…is one of the most haunted places in Utah, if not the MOST HAUNTED. This location was made famous by the Ghost Adventures Crew, who have now visited twice due to the incredible evidence they captured the first go around.” Ogden has investigated this place several times, and this time, they returned to investigate who or what scared them out of the place years prior. A little background on The Old Tooele Hospital: as one of Utah’s major paranormal sites. The underfunded hospital was without a morgue, leaving the passed away stacked and waiting for their paperwork. Patients have stuck around the place, showing themselves even to those retired folk who resided in what remained open of the building. It’s said that sightings of ghost children often precede someone’s passing. Others believe the child ghosts are actually demons. And they aren’t the only spirits that appear there. A nurse in white roams the hallways, a man dressed in black appears at 3AM, and a little girl has been known to appear and then vanish. So, who did Ogden Paranormal encounter during their investigation? Let’s see firsthand. Granted, this Asylum has been turned into a haunted house, so much of the creepiness you see in the video is set up to appear that way. But other things can’t really be explained. About 4 minutes in, they head into the nursery, where a creepy old lady statue is posed. They are alone back here. Or so they think. Look at the window to the left. Something passes beyond, creating a shadow figure in the frame. It moves out of frame once they come nearer the old lady. Later on, two of the crew see a figure down one hallway. As they’re slowly making their way down the hallway, a giggle is heard in one of the rooms. The room is empty, apart from some freaky mannequins. Later, while all gathered in a conference room, they hear footsteps. During their ghost box session, spirits are responding with frequency. One tells them “good luck” repeatedly, and one of the spirits brings up skittles, which had been part of the conversation on a previous visit to the asylum. Little anomalies and disembodied breathing are also heard throughout the investigation. Makes you wonder – are there spirits here? Or are these mannequins about to come to life? 6. Under the Bed Some folks are good narrators, getting carried away by their own storytelling. This one should have noticed how true her story was. This video was originally posted to TikTok by Briar May. In the video, Briar is telling a creepy story while sitting on her bed. As she describes how her stepsister used to wait under her bed and grab her ankles, the camera pans back to capture her bedroom door slamming closed at the most inopportune moment, heightening the fear of the horror story. But don’t be distracted by the sound. Look under the bed. Her room is not empty after all. Is that Briar’s stepsister? Or are her ankles about to be grabbed by a true blue monster under the bed? This is a horror story come to life. I just hope everybody was alright. 5. Mannequin Head On occasion, don’t believe what you see. Sometimes, your eyes really can deceive you. TikToker Rebecca, explains that a previous video that appeared to show a child at the window in this haunted mansion was actually just a prop. TikTokers had urged Rebecca to call the authorities, saying it looked like this individual was being held captive. But when Rebecca zooms in on the window in question, the head is clearly that of a mannequin. Some still find the catch extremely jarring. Kait writes, “You zoomed in and my heart just stopped.” Some thank Rebecca for giving viewers closure, while others say it’s even scarier knowing it’s a mannequin. Real or not, whoever placed this thing here has a dark sense of humor. 4. Secret Rooms Secret rooms are usually viewed as whimsical; but they can also be terrifying. Tati explains that her brother’s room had always had a gross smell in it. so the family brought a guy in to check it out. What he found is straight out of the movie, Saw. Two hidden rooms were discovered through the wall of a storage room on the side of their house. two rooms that they didn’t even know existed. The rooms were linked to her brother’s closet. Once they removed the shelves in the closet, they found a loose wall, opened it with a hanger, and discovered this mini door behind it. They opened it to find the two rooms. The rooms are quite spacious. Tati claims the floors were covered with dirt and grime, and had been soaked in bleach by the guy. What did the previous homeowners have to hide away in these hidden rooms? We’ll never know. And maybe we don’t want to. 3. Ritual Home An abandoned home with a tragic past, turned into ritual grounds for secret groups? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Published to YouTube by Steve Ronin in September of 2020, this paranormal investigation looks inside the “Devil’s Home,” as it’s so called. According to Ronin, this millionaires’ mansion was built in the ‘90s, but the family who was to live here passed away before it was finished. First off, although it’s an abandoned mansion, the power is still on. While wandering the house, they hear disembodied voices. But it’s this pentagram in one of the rooms that gives one pause. They place a REM pod in the middle, and it goes wild. Is something nefarious at home here? It certainly seems so. 2. Ghost in Window You may think you’re alone…but are you really? Posted to TikTok by Tiyasha this one is bound to give you the heebie jeebies. On what looks to be a stormy night, the TikToker is walking around an abandoned building when she spots this in the window. The long dark-haired figure appears ghoulish, staring out at the passerby. What do you think this mystery figure wants? And who is it waiting for? This has either gotta be the paranormal or a very elaborate hoax. There’s simply no inbetween. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because we upload a new scary video every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. 1. Ghost Ship Spirit When you investigate haunted places, expect to be followed home. Posted to the r/chillsnarrator subreddit, u/SoThatsScary claims that “a spirit from a ghost ship followed them.” Originally published to YouTube by STKParanormal in September of 2020, the YouTuber explains, “There is a lot of strange things happening outside which we really do think is directly related to a spirit named George that followed us home from an investigation.” So, what happened? Robert explains in the video that ever since the team investigated the U.S.S. Edson. they’ve been encountering the spirit of George. The security footage shows a shadow appearing to knock on their door. According to Robert, they heard three knocks inside as this occurred. The spirit threw rocks, appeared as orbs in their photos, and spoke to them via EVP. This is when they set up security cameras and caught this on video. George shows up in the form of bright orbs and variably a black shadow orb, which seemingly causes a chair to move. Next, the kickstand on the bike goes up of its own accord. This spirit is wild, but perhaps he just wants to be friends. On the other hand, he’s throwing rocks… Who knows what he wants?
Channel: Top15s
Views: 835,065
Rating: 4.7621026 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, entertainment, scary videos you should not watch after 10pm, videos you should not watch after 10pm
Id: 0Ah39xeyfsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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