Top 15 Scary Videos I Dare You To Watch

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15. Ghost Found When you’re searching for ghosts, beware. You just might find one. Posted by DNA TV in September of 2019, this video is not for the faint of heart. The description reads: “Lexi returns with Dave to one of the most haunted and active locations we have ever visited. From the minute we arrived things kicked off and didn't stop till we left, To this day this is some of the most intense paranormal activity we have ever encountered!” The gripping 25-minute video keeps you on the edge of your seat, as the pair explore the abandoned site. They note that the place has been slashed up and destroyed since they last visited. At the beginning of the video, they hear some noises that cause them to freeze in place. They decide to go and have a look. Throughout the video, some in the comments note hearing voices of disembodied entities. At one point they hear a footstep. Using an EVP, they ask the ghost if that was him walking next to Lexi. They get a “yes” from the ghost. If you want to walk and talk with ghosts, this haunted site is a good place to start. 14. Haunted Apartment YouTuber Yvonne thinks her apartment is haunted. Posted in January of 2018. Yvonne writes that she heard a clanking noise in her home and turned on the camera to try to capture the noise. She notes in the video description: “our cabinets are brand new. No way for any rodent to get in, also they are the kind that don't swing shut on their own. you have to physically close them.” The short clip shows a shot of her kitchen, assumedly from where the sound was coming. After a moment, a large clattering is heard as a cupboard opens of its own accord and something from inside falls to the floor. This isn’t the first case of odd happenings in the home. According to Yvonne, strange occurrences have been going on for a while. What do you think? Is it time to move? 13. Loading Dock Mayhem When you’re working the late night shift at your loading job, the last thing you want is some paranormal activity turning your night into a nightmare. This video posted by Creepy Seven Paranormal is security footage of a loading dock. A man is seen walking away from the loading carts and entering the warehouse interior, letting the door close on its own after him. A cart with white bins toward the front of the picture frame moves slightly. And then again. Then it completely turns in place before making a b-line toward the edge of the platform, tumbling completely over the edge and scattering bins everywhere. What’s going on here? Is there a ghostly dock loader? Or is something else happening? Redditor AlMacchiato writes in the comments, “Very strange, a platform like that would likely be very level so unlikely to roll by itself and the way it moves and seems to accelerate after initial movement makes me think this isn’t someone pushing/kicking it out of view. Could be a trapped animal but I feel like that would be clearer.” I have to say I agree with this theory. Whatever rational way you try to explain this, there doesn’t seem to be a good or clear answer. Could it be that there are some things in life we just can’t explain? 12. Daymares Have you ever feared you’re living a walking nightmare? Titled DAYMARES, this video was posted by YouTuber Ghosts Of Carmel Maine in October of 2017. The video begins with a short explanation that reads: “When faced with the unknown, alone and frightened, call it…DAYMARES.” The twenty-minute video opens with a pic of a “shadow person” appearing in a photo taken in 1906, which also shows the YouTuber’s house. The YouTuber says this paranormal figure has been showing up a lot within the past months. The YouTuber then shows evidence of these instances with video footage of the shadow man standing in several places in his home, including silhouetted by the light of the window. He writes that he has a theory who this shadow person is. The man was short – in fact people used to make fun of his height when he was alive, making him an angry ghost of eternal bitterness who haunts the living through fear. A few clips show the ghost “grinning” at him in the darkness. One night, there was a lot of paranormal activity going on in the YouTuber’s house, including walking and banging. As he takes video footage of his dark home, he asks who was making so much noise. On occasion, he captures what he describes as “yelling” in the background. At one point, when he says, “hello,” he is answered. He hears strange talking and heads downstairs to see if the tv was left on. After discovering it’s off, he places the camera on the ground and leaves it there in an attempt to capture the yelling. He leaves the house altogether, but a neighbor starts mowing the lawn, drowning out some of the noise. However, some “moving sounds” were caught on the video. At some point, the camera is knocked over, which the YouTuber suggests could only have been done by something paranormal. After this, the YouTuber returns upstairs to capture some more footage. When he turns toward the door, there is some movement. He says it appears as if clothing is being pulled out the door. But after turning the light on, he finds nothing on the landing or downstairs. He returns to the bedroom and says the shadow person is in the window again. There is, indeed, a shadow there, though it’s oddly shapeless. Then, something rather solid seems to fall inside the room. He thinks it went under the bed, but all he finds beside the bed is a small teddy bear. Does this video make you a believer in this haunted house? If it does, get ready for some certain daymares. 11. Boy Chasing Ghosts Why would you ever chase a ghost? Ask these children, who came across one while playing at night. The description of this video explains that a week after a woman took her own life, the residents claim that a female ghost with long hair was plaguing the area after curfew. Children were trying to catch a bird in the area at night, when instead they found the ghost and gave chase. In the footage, the children are crying out and laughing as they chase a figure dressed in white along the railway. The figure is seen in a distance in the darkness. It appears to be walking slowly, swaying slightly. The boy follows just as slowly behind it, keeping a safe distance from the figure. Kids in the background eventually start crying. At the end of the video, the figure leaves the tracks and disappears in the darkness. If you ask me, they’re lucky they didn’t catch it. 10. Roaming Bear This YouTube clip serves as video evidence of just how daring some people can be…or brave, if you look at it another way. The footage is likely recorded in Russia’s Far East, where a large population of bears roam free - bears that have been known to wander into residential areas. In the video, one of these bears has done just that. A big brown bear is seen pacing around an empty lot, while a Russian man just sits calmly on a bench, not making the faintest effort to move or protect himself. In fact, he seems completely unfazed by the wild animal just feet from him. Surprisingly, the wild bear seems more scared of the Russian than this man is of the bear. As the bear roams closer toward him, he suddenly darts away, though the man never moves an inch. While most people would be shaking in their britches, in all-out panic, when within sight of a bear, this Russian man doesn’t flinch. Maybe we can learn something from him. If you should ever be unfortunate enough to encounter this wild animal, it’s best not to panic. Just don’t be as nonchalant as this guy. 9. Food Tutorial If you thought food tutorials were never scary, think again. This video, posted by YouTuber POSTcontent and titled “Food Tutorial,” was published in August of 2019. Don’t let the title fool you. You won’t be learning how to bake a cake with this one. The video starts in what appears to be an abandoned home. A flashlight shines against the cinderblock wall, while the man filming asks, “Do you hear that?” The camera pans to the floor, where a box cutter lies on the ground. There are some rumbling noises and then a loud sound, after which a regular rumbling is heard, like a cellphone ringing on vibrate. The man walks down some wooden stairs onto a lower floor of the house. The vibrating sound continues. The man tells himself to “calm down” and says, “They’re in the box.” What’s in the box – or who – the viewer is left to guess. Somehow, you want to know and you don’t want to know at the same time. He heads toward a far room, saying if there’s anyone else, he’ll “put them in the box as well.” Things just got creepier. He wanders around this abandoned home, talking to himself, and exits through a doorway, Which leads outside to a forested area. As he wanders through the heavy shrubbery, looking for ghosts, mumbling in a whisper, he then comes across a rope. He follows the rope, then it falls dark. As his flashlight returns, you can see something red on the ground, but it’s hard to tell what it is. He walks further, filming the ground. Still, it’s unclear what exactly he’s looking for. it appears he’s arrived at a shed or barn with a vehicle and some farm equipment inside. There lies a bail of hay. Leaning against the bail is a sign that simply reads, “HUNGRY?” Atop the hay bail appears to be a head of cauliflower. The man puts down the camera, and you see his shadow lift the cauliflower to eat. He says eating it will “keep them away.” Then is followed by a strange monologue, including a foreign language which, as some have said in the comment section, is Danish. If this is a tutorial about anything, it’s about not eating a random head of cabbage sitting atop a hay bail at night. You might lose a tooth. But the question remains: what’s in the box? 8. Graveyard Sightings This video posted in November of 2013 purports to show found footage of a graveyard sighting. The clip opens on a headstone, reading Maria Melgar. A cross made of punched-out holes is centered in the stone, making one man wonder aloud what was supposed to be placed in the holes. The cameraman zooms out, capturing his friend pointing in the distance. He says, “That’s where the grave is.” They zoom in closer on the figure. It does indeed appear to be tall and slender and apparently is standing right in front of the cameraman’s brother’s grave. The figure is dressed in a suit, seems to be bald, and has an extremely pale face. Is this slender man? Or just some creep in a cemetery? I guess we’ll never know for sure. 7. Haunted Doll Pro tip: Don’t purchase haunted items online. That’s what this YouTuber learned when he did just that in October of 2019. This video published by YouTuber Spooky Links purports to show a haunted doll purchased online. And in the 37-minute clip, that doll moves. The doll was from a TV show called Big Blue Couch, although Victorius Grace states in the comments: “Her name is Molly and the show was The big comfy couch.” The YouTuber explains that eBay doesn’t allow users to sell haunted spirits or anything, so this doll’s disclaimer said it was “haunted” for entertainment purposes only. He and a friend then play video games with the haunted doll between them on the arm of the couch. As the video plays in fast motion, the haunted doll seems to be rocking a bit. Although, that could just be movement propelled by the boys’ movements. The YouTuber notes that they didn’t notice this movement while playing, but it seems to have happened the whole time. He does suggest that it could have been their movements that made the doll react or it could have been the AC. At one point, he sees the doll almost fall off the arm of the couch, so he moves her back into place. He says he didn’t experience anything paranormal or have any bad dreams that night. But the movement does suggest something odd. However, at the end of the video, he claims he woke up to the TV on and saw the doll in the hall. He says there’s no one else in the home, and he saw a little person entering the other room from the hall. He said the doll isn’t where he left it and he’ll check the night vision camera which he left on the doll in the morning. What he found is a tale for another video… 6. Security Camera Paranormal Activity What happens when your shop vandals turn out to be paranormal? This security footage was published in April of 2010 by oldphantom13. He writes: “We had been having problems with people breaking into and vandalizing our shop, or so we thought, so we set up several security cameras. This is what one of our cameras picked up. If you watch closely at the beginning you will be able to see what we believe is some type of spirit or ghost.” The video shows lockers inside the shop slamming closed, one after another. Then, repeated slamming noises are heard offscreen. A wheelchair in the middle of the room rolls slowly from one side to the other. What do you think? Are these ghosts into vandalism, or is this another video of strings, like some in the comments suggest? It certainly looks convincing when I look at it. 5. Foggy Sighting This video, posted in July of 2008, claims to show something unknown on a foggy winter day. As some boys play on some random tubes in the forest, one of the boys points out something in the distance. The boy filming zooms in but doesn’t at first capture whatever it was. The first boy says it must just be an animal that went into the woods. They decide to go after it. The cameraman captures a humanoid figure at a distance, which he believes to be a yeti. Many in the comments of this video think this is legit. “Probably one of the most authentic ... videos I’ve seen,” icywaterside writes. What do you think? Is this true footage of one of the most mysterious monsters on the planet? 4. Haunted Cemetery The best place to see ghosts? Cemeteries, of course, as these paranormal investigators confirm. They posted this haunted cemetery video in October of 2019, writing, “Two different husband and wife paranormal investigators accompany GOCM one week apart to investigate a known haunted cemetery.” The 45-minute video includes creepy screaming heard in the darkness, as the investigators examine tombstones, as well as random voices heard using an EVP, a child laughing. Some of the ghosts even ask for help to leave. A reminder to bring your EVP along the next time you enter the cemetery. That is, if you want to communicate with the afterlife that lies beneath those hallowed grounds. 3. Uday Hindi is exploring an old building when he comes across a little girl staring at him from the corner of the room. The door furthest away from them both shuts all by itself before he gets a chance to investigate. Despite this, Uday Hindi bravely pushes into the next room and discovers she is not a girl, but rather a creepy life-sized doll. He roughly handles the doll from room to room and throws it on the floor. And that’s when the doll decides it’s had enough. I saw no strings when that doll moved, did you? Anyway, he is busy analyzing some strange and possibly demonic markings on the doll when suddenly this happens. Watch and try and translate what he says shortly before it all goes wrong. This part I feel like could have been from the way the doll was leaning on the wall before it fell. But the incident before that I feel could be quite real. 2. Flickering Light So many YouTube videos, so little time. Many videos published to YouTube never even see the light of day. Posted in September of 2019, this creepy little video was discovered on the French website, Petit Tube. For those who don’t know what Petit Tube is, it randomly lands on YouTube videos with low viewership. Some have no views at all; others have usually under 100 views. The short clip appears like nothing more but a random drive down a dark road at night with a slightly eerie flickering streetlight up ahead. The glow is strobing out, lighting up the trees in the distance with a haunted house effect. The driver turns off his headlights to provide the viewer an even creepier shot of the strobed streetlight. Music plays in the background. A feeling of foreboding creeps in. As it should. Wait until the end of the video. You won’t be disappointed. Now that is bizarre. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because we upload a new scary video every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. 1. The Disappearance This clip looks perfectly normal at first glance, but what happens next is super scary. A lone woman walks across some lot. She appears to be alone. But halfway across the lot, she leans slightly, and suddenly a boy appears to her right. They continue walking together, as though this was completely normal. Is this some sort of teleportation or video editing? I’m still not sure why the cameraman was filming in the first place so that may be a good indicator for the latter.
Channel: Top15s
Views: 425,331
Rating: 4.7831941 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, entertainment, videos i dare you to watch, scary videos i dare you to watch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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