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[Music] welcome back city builders Kodiak the Kodiak here the asset editor was not ready for public release at launch it is one of the biggest complaints that people have had about the game along with a Litany of other performance issues however those tides are starting to change performance is getting better and modders have already cracked the shell of the game and have started making mods for it now a lot of these mods are brute force or changing simple aspects of the code and are not using the actual asset editor that's available for early access for certain modders that being said that's not stopping any of these modders from digging under the hood and changing and making improvements to the game like we know and love from the original game now there's a total of 15 mods that I think will definitely improve your gameplay experience from the base game now there's quite a few other mods that I'm using I'm currently using 27 different mods on my playthrough but today I'm willing to share with you 15 because I think that they provide you with very noticeable gameplay changes that I think will improve things immensely for you especially if you learn how to use them and I think they solve a lot of issues that people are currently having with the game now before we get started make sure to subscribe hit that like button and don't forget to turn on notifications so you can keep up to date on all the city's guylines 2 news tips and tricks without further Ado let's get started now before we go too far I just want to let you guys know that all of the links for everything I talk about including the mods as well as the mod platform which is this place called thunderstore are available down in the description down below so you can find all the links down there this website thunderstore has kind of become the Premier place for City skylines 2 mods as of this current point in time until Paradox mods is available it also has links to the city skylines 2 modding Discord up at the top the modding Wiki which is actually provided real Resources by City skylines the developers of the city skylines are already providing some Early Access tools for anyone looking to make mods early until the asset editor and the Paradox mods is fully ready for us to use they are incredibly excited that people are actually already starting to make mods even without all of their official support so they're trying to get us this tool these tools and information as quickly as possible so you can find all that stuff up in the modding Wiki as they slowly release it out they're also looking for more modders to help beta test the asset editor and things like that so if you are one you can go on to the Paradox forums and there's somewhere on there I'll leave a link to it down in the description as well where you can apply for that beta access if you have any experience modding with City skylines that being said thunderstore is kind of the Premier place right now and it is the safest place right now to download and access all of your favorite mods there's some stuff available on Nexus mods and some that are exclusively available on their githubschool updates and by the time I went to go record this video there were five more new updates for these mods so they're constantly changing they're constantly updating so I also want to preface the start of this video by saying if something I show you doesn't look like what the mod currently looks like when you watch this video or download these mods just know that these mods are constantly changing because they're incredibly early in development I started recording a video like this before and so many of the mods changed that I kind of just scrapped it until today with that being said in order to use Thunder St you can use the mod manager now obviously you can manually download these mods if you want to but I would highly suggest using the mod manager because down in the description down below I'll actually have an import code that you can actually use to just import and download all of the mods that I'll talk about today in one click collection this will allow for you to have that Baseline collection of mods that you can then build off of so in order to download the thunderstore app or the thunderstore launcher whatever you want to call it mod manager you go up here on the thunderstor website to get app and you should just be able to download it like any other launcher and then open the program once you get everything set up in the program you should uh open up to a section like this where it'll go through game select SE and you can scroll down to City skylines right here you can also type it into the top and hit select game now my default profile has more mods than the ones I'll be talking about today however the ones I'll be talking about today are in this kodiac 15 mods you need now collection if you go down to the description and grab the thunderstore import code is how it'll be labeled down in the description you can click here import and import new profile you click from code and then you paste the code you hit import and you should be presented with this now I already have this collection so I'm going to call this two so that way we can see it imported and here you go so this is my profile now and you can select different profiles depending on which mod set you want if you've ever used sky this is kind of similar to that and how it functions but obviously when Paradox mods comes along we won't really have access to the thunderstore launcher so we'll probably need Sky still down the road but in the meantime this is a really great solution so we can click on COD X15 mods you need now select profile and in here it'll say my mods and you should have about 18 mods I know we talked about 15 but some of these mods require dependency bpin X is a dependency that almost all of these mods use along with hook UI and cl's mods all require extra UI screens so those are the ones that are dependent everything else in this pack is a mod that we're going to be talking about today now again if you just want to download these mods individually on the launcher you can go here to get mods and you can actually scroll through and browse all of the mods that are currently available so if we wanted something like the kex for temperate map which is a really great map here by Jax rud you can actually go through here and you can click and it'll take you to the website and you can read all the information about the mod check the different versions and everything like that and while on the website you can just click install with Mod manager and as long as you have the mod manager open it will add it to your current profile you can also just directly download it from the mod manager down here on the download screen I also forgot to mention unified icon library is another one of the mods that is actually requirement for some of the other mods and is not included in the 15 now if you're doing math at home that's four and if you subtract four from 18 you'll realize it's actually 14 mods and that's because the 15th mod which is the mod we're going to be started with is not actually even a mod and it's actually just developer mode there's some mods in Thunder store that are actually just mods that enable features in Dev mode and if you actually just take the time to learn and understand how Dev mode works you can actually just use the base game internal features to enable these and I believe that it's probably a little bit simpler on the system to use the dev mode features rather than a mod now I have a video on dev mode and how to use it and in the pin comments it shows you actually how to activate it on Game Pass and in the video I talk about how to enable it in steam I will leave that up in the annotations right now but there's some things I actually forgot to mention about Dev mode so we're going to dive into Dev mode first now the first time that you boot up the game with mods and are using extended UI screens by clite you'll actually probably notice that your other monitors will also show City skylines too and you probably don't want that now if you do want that and you're using maybe like an ultra wide monitor needs that or for whatever reason you want to have City skylines on multiple monitors that's totally fine you feel free to use it now if you're like me and you don't want City skylines on your other monitors but are required to use this mod because of the dependencies you're going to want to go into options here and you're going to want to go right here to extra UI screens mod and in here you can see use monitor 1 2 and 3 and you just make sure that your monitor is selected so I'm going to make sure that monitor one is selected because that's my main Monitor and my these are my other two monitors on my computer so that way you can make sure that it is set and Crystal Clear after that all you have to do is restart your game and your other monitors will be back to normal okay so here we are in my first city that I had made this is Dunlap I'm working on some other cities right now but this is my largest population city it is just over 100,000 when I stopped playing like I went to 100,000 and then moved on but that being said I want to show you guys some features that are in Dev mode that I didn't have a chance to show you in the last Dev mode video that I would almost consider a mod but it is a base Game feature these are included in the game if you just change your launch parameters you don't have to download anything extra these features are all already here in the gamees code so the first thing we're going to look at is the extra link landscaping tools and being able to actually paint resources on the map so if you wanted to make a farm somewhere that you don't actually have resources available to you you can actually paint them on the ground which is something that you might have had as a mod in City skylines 1 so we're going to look right here as this is an area if we go into the info view that does not have any uh land fertility so we are going to go to the landscaping tools and we're going to scroll down here and we are going to hit tab now if you haven't watched my Dev mode video please go back and watch the dev mode video because I'm not going to really go through in detail how and why all this is working or what this all is or any the other features about it so please go watch the dev mode video if you're interested in learning more about Dev mode and if you're interested in learning the precursor information that you might need for understanding this so here inside of Dev mode we're going to go to simulation and we're going to look right here as we see active tool terrain tool you have to make sure that one of the terrain tools right here is selected doesn't matter which one you can have any of them selected and just hit select next and you'll notice that it now says the or resource tool and now we can paint or on the ground and we can select the oil resource if we wanted the oil resource instead or the fle land which is what we were talking about so if we wanted to paint this down for some Farms we can go through and do that and you can adjust the brush strength here so if you want it to be really strong and make it just fill in this entire area we can go ahead and do that this is something I did not include in the last developer mode video because I didn't even know it was a feature until the day after I uploaded the video which is super cool that we actually have this just in the base game features now another thing that I did not talk about in the first video was the gizmos section the Gizmo section actually shows off a ton of debug settings but it also shows you a bunch of different information settings that aren't available in the info view one of them is the garbage debug system this was something that I used to help figure out what was wrong with the garbage system in the game and why it wasn't working properly so as we turn it on you'll notice that there is a ton of these green bars and what these green bars represent is how much trash is kind of being produced by each of these buildings and how quickly it's being uh picked up or if it needs to be picked up so red means that it needs to be picked up and green is means that has been picked up recently but it also shows off how much is being produced by these buildings so you can see that the taller the line the more trash that's actually being produced by these buildings or maybe is even being stored and there is a ton of other really cool information features in the Gizmo section but I'll leave those for you to discover if you're ever looking for further information on your city this might be a really good place to go to now another thing that they've kind of enabled in more of the recent updates with developer mode now I don't think that they're intentionally releasing this stuff in Dev mode for us to find but I think that they're putting it in the back end for themselves or furthering their process for the editor that allows these to be accessible in Dev mode I just want that to be uh evidently clear as I explain this so if we hit the home button and open up the object menu obviously my FPS counter is covering it up so I will turn that off really quickly so in here in the object menu obviously we can find all the props and surfaces that we want there is now a filter option so so we can find a bunch of different filters I don't really see this as super necessary because if we're already going to search for something we don't really need the filter cuz if we just search for the filter it'll be there so I I don't really necessarily see the filter as being that useful right now however what we can do is if we go in here with this open and select the landscape tool we'll now notice that there is these brush options down at the bottom now these were available before but you could not access them you could not touch them but now we can actively touch them and interact with them and one of the really cool things that we can do with this is in Brush mode we can actually select different types of brushes so right now I have the mountains brush selected and if we click the brush tool again we have to click the brush tool again to exit it so you can't hit Escape you can't hit enter you have to reselect the brush tool down here you'll notice that I have a different type of brush and you can notice if you scroll through a bunch of these that there is a ton of different type of brushes there's a rectangle brush here there is a tendrils brush there is a Mesa brush which I think is actually really nice right here and what we can do with those brushes is adjust the size using the slider as you can see and if we want to make this raisable look at that we have a nice really nice texture here we can adjust the brush strength obviously if we want to so if we want it to be not as aggressive we can do that I know if it gets too low it doesn't really like to work at all so there we go we can select and make little Hills going on here which actually is a really nice natural looking Hill formation just with this Mesa and if you want to rotate it you can actually do that down here so if we want the uh let's actually move someplace really flat so like right here for example we can build a Mesa this direction and just for posterity sake we can move it over here and we can build the exact same Mesa but shaped a different way so this is that curve right here because we've rotated the brush which is super cool and something that we can't do outside of developer mode so again I highly encourage you guys to take a look around inside of Dev mode there is a lot of really cool features available to you and it is the first technical mod on the list the rest are all actual mods so let's start diving into them now the first mod I want to talk about is actually my favorite mod which is actually extended hot keys by cities 2 modding now this Mod's actually made by 89 Pleasures but city2 modding is a collective of uh people who are making mods for City skylines 2 and they work under the name cities to modding now not only does this game have some really cool hotkeys but it also adds features to the game that you didn't know you needed okay so here we are on a city I'm working on for Mountain Village on my twitch stream and I'm going to show off some of the features over here one of the best things about this mod is the ability to use the hot keys to do things that you can't normally do in game so first off this mod has a ton of really cool hot Keys like being able to select and set different Road building tools so if I wanted to hit control W right now you notice that it'll actually switch between simple curve and if I go back to control Q you'll notice it goes back to straight so you can use those different hotkeys however there is a much simpler in easier way to do that now if we hold down the control key and use our scroll wheel you'll notice I'll actually cycle through all the different building modes so obviously this tool is great because it allows us to quickly change between different building types uh or different Road types without having to uh move our mouse cursor down to the bottom and it just kind of makes sense it feels really intuitive especially when we hold down alt so this is now instead of holding down the control key to cycle through the different Road building modes which we can go from upgrade all the way to the uh actual straight road tool we can hold alt and it will increase the height of the Road by the amount that we have set so because we have our highest elevation step over here it's going in 10 m increments and so we can just do that all by holding alt which is fantastic it is something that is absolutely incredible and makes for a really easy management of our gradients especially when you take into consideration that well you know 10 m jumps is a little high but if you hold down alt and hit right click you'll notice that that the steps down here in the bottom left are actually changing and we can change the severity of our steps by holding alt and clicking right click so this allows us to basically use Control Alt right click and our scroll wheel to do a ton or pretty much all of the road building features and tools aside from selecting which road we want something I'm going to add in later is that extended hoot Keys also has a section inside of hook UI up here where you can actually see the extended hotkeys right here and in here you can also see uh all the key binds if you wanted to see that and also turn on or off any of the hotkeys so if these conflict with any of the other mods like if another mod uses control Q or control W for whatever reason you can turn them off right here so you don't have to mess with them and worry about them uh turning on different things when you don't want them to now even if you're not using developer mode one of the things that you can do in developer mode is use an anarchy mode if we go into developer mode it is the simulation and we click bypass validation results and this allows us to basically Bally work in Anarchy so for example we can't obviously build a road across this farm field there's no way to do that it's an overlapping item however if we turn on bypass validation results you'll notice that we can actually do that and that's because we're using uh bypass validation results which is essentially Anarchy mode now a really cool thing about extended hotkeys is that you don't even need developer mode in order to enable Anarchy or bypass validation results all you have to do is hit alt a and now that I have that on I can actually drag it across and boom and if I hit alt a again you'll notice that I can no longer do that and if I doit alt a I can actually place the road again now something else that you might have noticed is that I do hit alt a you'll notice that there is a little anarchy symbol that appears on screen signaling that I have Anarchy on or bypass validation results now this does not actually come from extended hotkeys mod it comes from 89 Pleasers other mod extended tool tip which was the next mod on the list and this is actually the mod that I saw that I was like okay maybe I should give City skylines 2 mods a try and let me tell you it was totally worth it because there is oh gosh I'm just so excited to show you guys the rest of the mods but anyways let's dive into extended tool tip so here is the thunderstore page for extended tool tip right here it was last updated 8 hours ago as you guys can see these mods are actively being worked on and developed and 89 pleases has absolutely killed it with uh their mods that they've created so the key selling point for extended tool tip mod is that when you hover over certain surfaces like this road here you'll notice that I have a bunch of other information so I have condition is at minus 6% is at 80 credits per month the length is 5 km and the name is Summit Street but if we go over to buildings let's say this residential building we can see that it's na residential low level three out of five three residents one pet rent is uh 1,500 per month and we get a bunch of information up on pretty much every single building that we can hover over efficiency over here employees and we can do the same thing for commercial buildings which tells us even more like what it sells just without needing to zoom in this can be really helpful if the building is giving you pop-up like over here we're seeing that this building is high rent and so if we hover over it we can tell what the rent is and maybe start to deduce the problem so like right here we can see that there was one resident and their rent is 556 a month and they clearly can't afford it which means that they can't afford 556 uh dollars a month and we can start kind of figuring out the problem by clicking on the resident and clicking on Cedric and we can see that they are an employee at B pop and they clearly don't make enough because they're uneducated and that's why they can't afford the property that they live in so we can start to deduce and figure out problems that are are going on in our city now this mod makes use of hook UI so up here in the top left as it was already open we can see a bunch of the other mods that are utilizing this but we're going to only be looking at extended tool tip mod as we click on it right here and we can see a bunch of the different settings so I'm not going to go too in-depth with all the options but if we wanted to we could just disable the road settings so now when we hover over the roads it doesn't pop up so if there's a certain building or uh structure that or even things like roads that you don't want uh information being shown you can do that and there's also drop down carrots so if you want everything except for the road length and the condition let's say you don't care about the condition you only care about the upkeep you can just have that enabled or you can turn them all on like this and it works seamlessly I have had no issues with this mod whatsoever and this allows us to also see whether or not Anarchy mode is on when we're building so we can see Anarchy on here and if we hit alt a you can see that it turns off you can also turn off that anarchy status if you want to if you've noticed it actually says uh straight on my actual Road icon you can actually turn that off if you want to as well as well as you can see here that it tells us when we have our elevation changed and what it's actually set to so that's above and if it doesn't show up that means we're at ground level up in the top here you can actually disable the mods if you just don't want it at all you can just toggle it off if you think it's causing problems or up here in display mode you can change whether not to be delay or hold with ALT key so you can just let it pop up slowly over time or you can make it so you have to hold down the ALT key for it to pop up these two mods are great and obviously because 89 pleasure is made both of them they work in conjunction very well together and I think they are absolutely fantastic if there's any two mods you guys download these might be the two that I think you should give a try because they add so many cool quality of life features that I think will improve your gameplay experience just to further drive home the point about how often these mods actually get updated as I was recording this video on Wednesday Thursday when I woke up there was even more new updates to Extended tool tip mod now I don't have the time to record every single thing that's been added to this mod so if you're interested please always make sure you go down to the update sections of many of these mods or go to the GitHub page and look at the releases to see all the new things because again these mods are constantly changing and being updated which is great for the health of the game and the moding community next up is one of the biggest complaints that City skying 2 had was the fact that you had to sit and wait for trees to grow well not anymore with only adult trees also by cities to modding now this is an experimental mod and it's something that they haven't really updated since it came out and a mod later actually even does something like this a little better but you have to use the tool that it's using so I figured I'd just include this one in there in case you want to do individual trees rather than maybe something like a line tool which we will be talking about later but only adult trees does a really good job with it and was one of the first mods to allow us to even be able to do this so respect is due now this mod doesn't work seamlessly but it is a lot better than the base Game feature of allowing your trees to grow up slowly over time so if you really don't want to waste for your trees bushes or anything else to grow up fully over time this is going to be a really good solution for you now trees don't instantly grow too full but they do take only about 10 seconds of running the game at three times speed after you place the tree in order to grow up fully you do also have to highlight over them but I'll show you guys how that works something I forgot to mention when recording this section is it actually affects every single tree on the map too so if you don't want any juvenile trees on your map at all all of your forests will be fully grown adult so if you you do want trees to grow uh just not the ones that you place know that this mod will stop them all from growing so every single tree on the map will grow really quickly to adulthood and stay there for a really long time so all you have to do is find a tree that you want so let's go with a lyen tree here let's say we want to place a couple lindens down so let's place a couple lindens down right here and we can sit and wait for the trees to grow up fully so you'll notice that they are at zero wood just like you would place a normal tree but we know that fully grown trees will have a lot more wood than this so all we have to do is sit here and weight at three times speed and as you can see now it's at for uh 1402 which is the uh size it needs in order to be a fully grown tree that took maybe about 10 seconds of running the game at three times speed and all you have to do now is hover over the tree and it will fully grow uh I believe that is a bug I believe it's just supposed to automatically become a fully grown tree but I've noticed that I do have to like highlight over the tree in order for the game to catch up and recog recognize hey this is a fully grown tree but that being said is a significant faster and easier way to do detailing with trees rather than the base game letting the trees grow up slowly over time so if that's something that annoyed you this mod will help with solving that issue now this next mod doesn't necessarily have any gameplay features that are essential but this is a really awesome mod for making it less confusing and so you don't have to go through your file structure in order to install things like Maps which is map installer this automatically insts any maps that that the map Creator actually works with in order to make the map install automatically so if any of you have downloaded city planner plays Magnolia Bay map which I'll leave a link to uh his video on that down in the description there is a map installer built into that where you have to hit it you double click it you type why and it automatically installs the map into a folder however when you do that using pretty much anything else that doesn't have a map installer so like many of the mods on Thunder store it doesn't automatically install the map and you have to manually go in and install it into your folders however you don't have to do that with map installer all you have to do is download map installer and anytime you download a map off of thunderstore as long as the map Creator created the map properly in order to work with map installer which again I haven't found a map that didn't work with it yet it should automatically put it in the correct folder now as far as I know this only works with thunder store Maps so they have to upload the map to thunderstore but this does work with maps like texford Cali Coast or Dolphin Bay now the last mod by Ci's 2 modding is something called Legacy Flavor now this is a mod that I think even city planner play say is the only mod that he's currently using in his builds and for good reason it adds a lot of the things that we remember about City skylines 1 or even quality of L features like color blind mode for those of us who can't see certain colors uh to be able to accurately see different zoning types and different zoning colors now this mod adds a ton of stuff as we can see from the features here and I would encourage you to mess around with some of them because I I'm just not going to be able to show them off all effectively and quickly in in this video however I will show you guys how to toggle off some of the certain features and toggle on to some of the other ones that I personally use something I mentioned quite a bit throughout this video is the fact that these mods are constantly changing and updating and when I recorded that previous section I forgot that there is actually Legacy flavor UI now so if you go up here to the hook UI and you can actually click inside of the Legacy flavor and it shows you all the actual settings so you don't need to know the key binds you can just click up in here and if you want the keybinds you can go to the actual page in thunderstore now one of the things that I like to use is use un so instead of the game displaying the let let me just say that the UI uh page for that is really laggy it's not you it is just how uh that's implemented right now so when we go in here and I actually go to build a road you'll notice that it says U 6.78 so if you're used to using units like from City skylines 1 and the mods that provided that you can actually still use units in this game and they're right there now you can actually toggle that off by hitting alt U and you can go back to your meters or you can go up here into the Legacy flavors UI screen and toggle them on or off and there's a ton of other settings in here so you can use sticky whiteness which overrides the games white info modes you can switch to custom settings or toggle with alt s so this basically if we go in here to our info mode and we can notice that we are in here with the resources map and we can see all of the resources on here but if we want to get rid of this whiteness for whatever reason like whenever we select a building or something like that we just want a hotkey to get rid of all this white stuff we can hit alt s and this will toggle it on so obviously we can't see that it's on right now but if we were go into legacy mode settings so right here we exit out of this and we go to Legacy flavor we'll now notice that sticky whiteness is on and we can also hit alt s and you can notice that it toggles on or off and what this does is it allows us to then hit shift W whenever we want to toggle on those info view whiteness is so if we go in here to uh the natural resources we can hit shift W and we can turn on the whiteness if we want to turn it on or off which is really nice we can also a freeze time visuals so when freeze the visual time of day day night visuals must be on so if you get to a setting that you actually look like like you like the time of day the lighting that it's at you can hit freeze time and it will hold it there but again day night visuals must be on because if you don't have that you can't get the independent lighting another thing you can also do is set the visual time of day so if you just want it to be golden hour all the time so let's actually test this by going into options we're going to go into uh gameplay here and we're going to turn on day night visuals we're going to go all the way back out and we're going to notice that is at 2: a.m. so it's going to be night time now what we can do is now pause the game we can go back into Legacy flavor and we can set it to Golden hour and I'll also make it sunny so it doesn't rain or snow I can exit out of it and then I can hit play so I did have to toggle it back and forth a couple times but if you toggle it between day and golden hour while the game's playing it will eventually just set it to Golden hour and it will freeze that time of day and it will permanently be in the golden hour of your game so your lighting will constantly be like this or if you find another lighting that you like you can just go in and hit that freeze time of day and it'll hold it there now that doesn't affect your gameplay simulation it will still give rush hours at the specific times down in the bottom left but just so you know that setting is there now Legacy flavor has a bunch of Zone settings uh so you can do custom Zone colorings or you can go into Zone colors and actually adjust them automatically by using these sliders which is really nice and awesome so if you have any kind of color blind settings you can actually go up here and pick which color blindness you have and you can select the color blind settings for it now other than selecting color blindness modes I haven't really messed around with this again these are all new features that were not available when I initially looked at this mod and is one of the many reasons why I constantly keep updating this video so again if the mod looks completely different when you're looking at this just know that there's constant updates and uh I'm trying my best to get this information out to you guys as quickly as possible now the next mod I'm going to talk about is actually not made by cities 2 modding which almost all the mods except for dead mode up until this point were made by cities 2 modding but this one is finally not this one's made by Sly and this is traffic lights enhancement Alpha now if you watch biffa's video on it you probably already know what this mod is and if you want to learn about all of the features that this mod has to offer I would still highly suggest going to watch biffa's video which I'll put in the annotations up above I'm only really doing that to keep this video nice sweet and short so that way you guys can just go over to his video that he already put time and effort into kind of explaining all of the features about this mod however one thing you don't need to watch in biffa's video is how to install because you it's actually on thunderstore now it's no longer on GitHub well actually it still is on GitHub but it's available for you on thunderstore now as well now to give a brief explanation of how this mod Works essentially what it does is it allows you to go into your road Services tool and any traffic lights you can select just like this and if you notice on the left hand side here you'll see traffic light enhancements you can adjust how the traffic signal at this Junction Works whether or not uses the vanilla uh section uh or functions of the traffic light split phasing Advanced split phasing or protected left turns so left turns get their own goahead you can also have a exclusive pedestrian phase if you have a lot of pedestrian traffic going through there and also always green right turns if you want to but the big thing about this mod that I really like using is the lane Direction tool which you can hit open right here and select each one of the Lane directions and set each lane to be a specific Lane Direction so if you want this Lane to be a left turn only you can do that and if you want this one to not have left turns you can do that as well and the arrows correspondingly change as well as your Road lines now another mod that was also only available on GitHub until pretty recently when it was put onto thunderstore is extended Road upgrades by St apps this is a fantastic mod and will severely change how you build roads including how you build Bridges key walls and retaining walls so let's look at this bridge right here and as you can see it is an elevated Bridge it is an elevated platform what we can do is select the key wall selection and actually turn it just into a key wall on this side and then also select this side and boom we have a full key wall if we want to create these Bridge platforms now they don't work exactly perfect as you can see there is some pretty severe clipping going on right here and that is just some limitations that the game has however if we wanted to let's say this was already a key wall we can extend the key wall out if we wanted to for aesthetic reasons out to here and if you want to revert it back all you have to do is right click and it undo your actions now let's say I place this road here and let's say I wanted a retaining wall on the left side we can do that as well by selecting the retaining wall and selecting it on the left and now we can go through with the uh level terrain tool obviously we were using Dev mode so let's go back in and change our brush and I'll again show you guys how to do that by selecting our terrain tool going through here to default brush reselect and default brush and there we go now we have our regular default brush back we can reduce the brush size here we go level terrain and drag it out and now we can see that we have this terrain height for our retaining wall and if we want to to we can rightclick and turn it off and now we just have a steep hill but if the game's not giving you what you want this is a really good way to force it to do that and again this also works with tunnels and creating elevated roads so if we wanted to turn this into an elevated road you can obviously see now there is a little bit of an elevated height difference right there and you can again turn that off by right clicking so if we wanted to put a key on the right side here and we wanted to put a retaining wall on the other side we can obviously do that so if you're ever looking to build roads like this this is how you can do it next up is a mod that was on Nexus mods that was eventually now moved over to thunderstore so if you download this on Nexus mods now over here on Thunder store by captain of quate called City monitor now this is a mod that exists in City skols one that I really like and I always used in City skylines 1 so I'm glad that it's now available in City skylines 2 and in order to activate it we go here here to the city skylines 2 game which I was paused on we go up here to hook UI which again you need for this one and you go up here to City Monitor and it will pop up a window right here which explains uh which it actually has all of your city resources now it's not sized great for my screen um but I can put it right here if I want to it can cover up whatever I want and it will have all of my uh city um monitoring settings and you can turn them on or off if you want to like I don't have a university yet so I can turn off the university availability it shrinks down the screen so you can only have the ones up that you possibly need so I noticed that my water availability is getting low and this is something that I can just keep on the side of the screen and keep paying attention to so if this is something that you want for monitoring your city's resources you can do that here on the right hand side of the screen or on the leth hand side of the screen or wherever the heck you want to put it in City monitor now speaking of your monitoring things in game we also have derange Teddy's unemployment monitor now this will allow us to check our unemployment which is actually really good for helping figure out what's wrong with our city sometimes so we can go back over to City skylines 2 and I'm actually going to load back into one of my older saves that has a lot of population because this city really doesn't have that much in terms of unemployed citizens so if we look at dlap here I have 100,000 citizens and we can look at who's unemployed and who's not if we go to workplace availability we can notice in here where how our unemployment is but if we want to keep this up on screen now granted we have 13% unemployment in this city we can actually go over here to the hookui and click on unemployment data this opens up another pop tab just like City Monitor and we can have them both up on the screen at the same time it will reset them based on what you have open but we can have them both open on the side of the screen if we want to so we can see that I have 41 homeless families in the city and I have 133% total unemployment most of the unemployment comes from my educated population which is 24% which means I should focus on Industries and sectors that provide employment for those educated people or help them get to their education needs in order to become well educated which is the college this can help us figure out what's wrong with our city why there's high rent and why people are going homeless it's a really great mod and it's something that's nice to keep up up on screen or just pop open when you want to because it is a little bit easier of an infographic to look at and understand what the problems are now next up is one of the first mods that was uploaded for City skylines 2 by TDW which is economy fixer now again this is one of the first mods uploaded to thunderstore uh TDW uh was trying to figure out where to upload it and he wanted to help rework the economy system he did not like how stimulus money and a bunch of other stuff worked out I was beta helping him beta test one of the most recent versions which will be coming out soon which will have more extended options and a drop- down menu and a bunch of other stuff but essentially what this does is it reworks how your economy in your game works so when you hit Milestones you don't get as much stimulus money and your subsidies will slowly go down over time the game also does not give you subsidies in order to necessarily make money and it really encourages you to build a better economy some people have even said that it makes their gameplay feel easier where I think it actually just makes you build your city in a productive and efficient way so that way it can be profitable and it's easier to expand off of it later there's even different setting modes that are coming out in the newer version of The Mod that will include in the dropdown and there'll also be an option for eminent domain so when you go to bulldo a building it will cost you money and the building then has to be Dem demolished and abandoned not just delete it from existence this is a really good mod if you're looking to challenge yourself from the simulation side of things and you think that the gameplay experience is a little too easy trust me it will make it harder especially in the harder settings this is the only balance mod I'll include in this list mostly because I think the other balance mods are just a little untested and I haven't had too much of an experience working with them yet to see what how they directly change certain aspects of the simulation whereas this one I have had enough experience to say that it gets my thumbs up if it's something that you're looking for next up we're going to be going through the two mods uploaded by alron who is a storied modder from City skylines 1 and they also have a support the Creator option here on thunderstore again if you guys are ever looking to support the modders who help bring you such great things to the game uh you know always consider supporting the mod makers the historical start mod by aldron adds some nice starting features to the game like rail shipping and specialized industry being available from the start it also enables the placement of train stations and cargo terminals without having to place the depot first as Alan explains here this makes it much easier to lay out and grow a city that historically would have been founded prior to the automobile era so if you're actually thinking about your City from a lore ERA this will allow you to properly utilize the transport networks or Industries those cities would have been originally founded for and developed around so you can develop around a trade station from the very beginning even if it's not properly functioning from the start to partially offset the XP gains for these items have been reduced by 90% and will also still need to be manually unlocked and spend the points for the train progression node in the transportation tree if you want to unlock some subsequent nodes also if you want to get I believe the sub buildings aren't unlocked uh unless they have updated the mod to fix that originally you could not unlock the sub buildings either and that was something that you were going to have to unlock over time the another mod by alron that I suggest which is flipping amazing is the line tool light mod and it does exactly what you think it does is allows you to actually Place trees and bushes in a line and it works just like the line tool in City skylines 1 let me show you guys how it works so let's say we wanted to tra place a row of pine trees right here from this building all the way over to this road we can do that by going into the line tool once we have it downloaded we just hit contrl L and it opens up the line tool now there is a bug in it where it's kind of invisible this wasn't uh an issue in the last version of The Mod so when you guys are playing with this there's probably not going to be a just a highlighted tree it does at least originally when I first downloaded it it showed an actual preview of the tree but it does show a preview of the fully grown tree even if it's invisible and show shows you the actual size of the tree and there's different modes you can use like uh fence mode which I assume will use uh for props uh which we can take a look at in the object menu if that actually works I haven't tested it yet but you can also make a curve if you want to so as we can see here it actually is placing the trees out we're seeing a preview and if we want to create the corner right here and we can curve it up to there if we want to and when we press place it places fully grown trees in their proper spots now if you don't want to wait for the adult trees mod to fully grow trees you can also just alternatively use the line tool Place one tree and then place it again and it will place a fully grown tree there and you don't have to wait for it to grow just know that when you open the line tool you can't go back and select other trees you are just stuck with that one until you hit escape and go back to landscape tool so it is like a little bit of an extra step uh so if you're working with multiple bushes it might be easier to just use the adult tree mod but hopefully the adult tree mod or this mod will allow for individual adult tree placement over time as of right now the recording of this that's not the case anyways all of this stuff will live update so let's say we want to adjust the line spacing of these trees we can go down into the spacing tab obviously their space really far apart but as you can see in the bottom left hand corner you can see them actually moving there is a set minimum for each tree distance when I first downloaded the mod there wasn't but they have now adjusted it so that the spacing is um as you can see uh set minimum so that way trees do not overlap on top of one another and place unnecessary trees that will disappear so you can adjust those out you can also add rotation to the trees so if you want them to all rotate or you can set a random rotation so all the trees are a different rotation and as you can see they are moving and rotating as I move there's also variable spacing so you can make it so the trees uh all have like kind of gaps it's basically random tree spacing if you want so that way there's a little bit more of a variety in your spacing and you can also do variable offset to help create an actual Forest if you really wanted to as you can see here it actually makes it so they're kind of at different spacings and helps give you a more random feel there's a ring mode as well as we can see right here and we also saw the curve tool earlier so as we can see right here we have a hedge piece and if we hit contrl L we'll enter fence mode and as you can see actually wait hold on we got to select this one there we go and as you can see it sets it up like a fence you can actually draw a hedge line across here so if you want hedge uh rows much like how the assets have some of the hedges built in if we go over here to the school we can see that there's a hedge R uh we can actually create those ourselves Now using the fence mode so if you're using developer mode and you want to access the objects you can actually start beginning to do things like move it obviously not move it exactly that will come out soon hopefully cute boy thank you and then uh you know we we're already kind of getting to those points but in the meantime this is a really great feature and it allows us to just basically do what the line tool offered in City skylines 1 now the last two mods are we're going to talk about today are right here they're made by Clay 45 Clay is another really great modder from City skylines 1 I'm sure you probably used a clite mod at some point if you've ever modded City skylines 1 uh they both require UI screens which we talked about earlier in the video so if you guys want to show how to turn those off again earlier in the video but we have extended transport manager and addresses CS2 now in order to show off both of these mods I'm going to dip into a new map and show them off okay here we are in this map this is uh the Norfolk map which is available on Nexus mod so you can't use the map installer for it but it is a really awesome uh realistic hyp map of Norfolk Virginia next week we're going to be doing a video on all of the really cool and awesome custommade maps that are available it seems like all of the heightmap maps um don't have like outside board ERS just because probably limitations of the map maker currently um but this is all of Norfolk Virginia it goes like this this is north um this is actually the Atlantic Ocean up here this literally ends like right here I think and this is all Atlantic Ocean so it actually feels pretty realistic but uh for the time being actually let me turn off day and night visual so it actually looks more normal okay there we go and this is uh just of Norfolk virgin it's it's a really nice height map I will say and the nice thing about it is that it has really smooth nice gradients so it's actually really easy to build on even if you don't want to do any terraforming that being said we're here to talk about Clay's 2 mods and the first one we're going to talk about is extended transport manager this is the successor to transport manager and I'm sorry transport line manager and improved transport manager from City skylines 1 uh combined into one mod Clay did say that the overall idea is to bring some tools to better manage and visualize the public transport of the city and it may take several months in order to get all of the features if not more included in this mod so in order to access C's mods you need to hit control Tab and this will open up kight's overlay I believe this is kind of like hookui but just a different system for it to work these almost act as overlay mods so down here we can see the addresses for CS2 and the uh extended transport manager options down here as well as extra UI screen settings which again you can toggle these on or off in here again functions very similar to it uh hook UI so if we go down over here to Extended transport managers we can see in here that there is a bunch of options for line listings now right now we don't have any line listings uh to take a look at all of these settings so let's back out and build some bus networks now in order to keep things nice and simple I created four bus lines now you obviously can't see them inside of this grid but they are there we're going to hit contrl t or control tab I'm sorry to go back to the uh extended or extra UI screen settings and go into XT M now in here we can see all of our lines so we have bus line 1 2 3 and four we can see the length what type of lines they are details are go so that means they're active currently how many vehicles are on the line we have zero because we don't have any of them we can put acronyms for them and number the line so if we want to change this to line number five we can do that now it does break everything when we do that so I'm not going to do that okay never mind I take it back uh and we're not going to touch that again all these mods are kind of experimental they're in their early stages I don't know what they do we're just just trying stuff out cuz new things are always happening all the time and um sometimes features work before and now they don't because of new updates so the real reason that kind of Drew me this mod early on was the color pallet set settings so obviously we have City pallet so we can import manage all pallets that can be used we can create a new palette or import from a library let's import from a library let's import from USA and let's up uh import the Chicago CTA color palette so we're going to copy this city import name us Chicago CTA um we can randomize the color order sure and we can import it so now we have this city pallette we can go over to color palette settings now and we can use the Chicago CTA color palette for our bus lines and it will automatically and we can set different color lines for everything and it will automatically recolor our lines so if we go back over here to the line listings we'll notice that these are no longer blue and that they're different colors based on the Chicago CTA and if we want to go all the way back out and go to our uh transport view here we'll notice that they're also recolored on here so we have a green line we have a Brown Line we have an orange line and we have a blue line they were randomly chosen for the lines and if we wanted to make a new line let's say we wanted to have a line that goes from here to here um up to here then back over to here who cares where it goes doesn't really matter and it recolors it automatically so it's basically autol line recolor which is also awesome which is really nice because the game doesn't have a base Auto like recolor feature which I feel like it just should it should just Auto recolor your line so it's not just streaks of blue running past one another so this provides that feature for you now again you can set different colors for uh different types of Transit so if we wanted a different color palette all we'd have to do is either create a new color palette where we can go in and uh you know set create different color palettes if we want to do one we can change this to whatever hex code we want um I don't understand the pallet path again I haven't really messed around with this I've just been using it as an auto line color and I've just been selecting Chicago basically when I wanted to use it we can also edit it if we want to if we want to change or delete a color from it or we can import obviously from different pallettes if we want to use S paalo uh color palette from Brazil or any of the other Brazil ones or we wanted to use generic ones that uh Apple Macintosh color palette wrong accessible palette uh any of these other cool ones we have the UK's London 26 P pack so we can do that copy the city uh City import name we can do that one yes randomize color or actually let's not randomize so it goes red yellow green pink gray so we'll hit import and then we go back over to our bus lines and we change it over to London now if we go back over the line listings you'll notice that is now red yellow green pink and gray now one of the last mods I was going to talk about here was kight's addresses mod which you can find in Clay's UI interface down here addresses mod for CS2 it took me a long time to kind of figure out exactly how this mod works the reason I wanted to show it off was explicit for if we go into name override settings and we go to districts down here we can use the district name as a station name for the first station of each model we can also go into roads here and do the same thing as use Road name as station name what this does is it allows us to have our stations so our train stations our subway stations and any stops uh that function as stations essentially uh will be renamed after wherever they are placed so for example if they place a train station in a District it will be named after the district now there's a lot more things that this mod can do like change different name presets if I go over here to the simple name viewer you notice that I have some uh pre-made naming conventions that are already in here now these won't be available for you and that's kind of the complicated part of this mod clay actually took time out of their busy day literally stopped working on their actual job to come talk to me about this mod and help walk me through it and after talking with them we both kind of realized that maybe this mod shouldn't be included in the video because there's still a lot of work to do but if you're interested in learning about it you can stop by my twitch stream anytime and I'll try my best to explain it while I'm playing City skylines 2 so instead of Clay's addresses mod I have then chosen a new mod that literally came out the day after I recorded the video called map texture replacer again the modding landscape is constantly changing and this one has added into the ranks of top 15 mods because I think down the road this mod will become theme mixer 3 or the theme mixer for City skylines 2 unless there is a more advanced theme mixer that may come out which again could totally happen but for the meantime map texture replacer does exactly what theme mixer does on a pretty simple level so all we have to do is go up here to the top left to the QI button and we can now see the map texture replacer mod so if we select this you can load an entire texture pack so if somebody uh eventually I expect there to be some more texture packs that will come out for this mod that will allow us to reskin our Maps but for the time being there is currently a desert map and while I honestly am not a super big fan of it the reason that I think that this mod and here you go here is the desert theme um the first time I loaded this in it did not actually give me the proper ground texture so I actually do like this a lot better oh my goodness yeah again the first time I loaded this in it was like a really solid flat Sandy surface so I don't know if that's just a bug so maybe just restart your game because wow this actually looks really good I'm um genuinely surprised by how good the sand texture looks so again as you can see this map went from uh Mountain Village which was a very like Lush mountainous map to now something that feels a little bit more deserty so if you're looking to make a desert map or convert any of the existing Maps into a desert map you can do that using map texture replacer and eventually when people create new textures will be able to create different map themes over time and again I didn't download anything extra all I did was hit load texture Pap it'll pop up the open file thing right here which should bring you straight to where the map theme is then I just double clipped the zip file so those last two might have been a little confusing but there you have it there are the 15 mods or 14 plus Dev mode if you want to be specific that I think you should be playing the game with that I'm playing the game with that have made my gameplay experiences so much better easier more convenient improved my quality of life and made features in the game that I think should have just been there to begin with like line tool light many of the features that are in extended hotkeys as well as extended transport managers Auto line recolor tool I hope you guys enjoyed the video if there's any mods that you think I forgot or have maybe come out or have been updated since I've made this video please feel free to put them in the comments and maybe other people will go down there and explore and find some other mods as more come out I would love to do more videos and next week we're going to be doing a video about all of the new maps that have come out in the W workshops as well because there are three really cool ones right now that I am really obsessed with and I'm excited to show those off to you guys as well as an honorable mention of that nor FK map which is again a height map map so it's a realistic map of the terrain of Norfolk Virginia but I think they just did a really good job smoothing out the train or importing the hype map or whatever they did I think it's a really nice map that being said I want to thank you guys for watching I appreciate it and I will catch you guys in the next one deuces
Channel: CodiakTheKodiak
Views: 24,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines, cities skylines ii, cities skylines 2 mods, cities skylines 2 best mods, thunderstore, thunder store, mod manager, traffic mod, line tool, cities skylines mods, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 traffic, cities skylines 2 trees, theme mixer, terrain brush, cities skylines 2 economy, traffic Manager, prop line tool, tree line tool, cities skylines 2 tutorial
Id: ahIBJSzN2Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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