Top 15 Funniest Tool-Assisted Speedruns Part 1

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hey everyone these are my choices for the top 15 funniest task videos now if you're not entirely sure what a tas is let me give you a very brief idea don't worry I'll keep it short fun TAS stands for tool assisted speedrun or tool-assisted superplay since they're not always speedruns per se and why change a perfectly good acronym now most speedruns are done by a player who practices really hard until they can beat the game exceptionally fast tool assisted speedruns on the other hand have nothing to do with player skill or reflexes and are a matter of meticulous planning trial and error using emulator tools such as safe States and slow motion players can reload states and retry any mistake no matter how minor not to simply make games easier to beat utter perfection is the goal the end result of all of this experimentation can be jaw-dropping as if watching someone play the game with superhuman reflexes and complete mastery of the game blazing through at maximum speed and executing almost impossible stunts video games like all computer programs are me in such a way that they will always execute exactly the same way as long as the user does everything exactly the same way so even things that appear to be totally random all follow a set of very specific rules as such even luck can be manipulated every die roll slot machine or random item drop by an enemy can be manipulated just by knowing the exact frame to press the right button well mostly this is all done to make speed runs as fast as possible some people have used it just to complete the game in really wacky ways like manipulating the bad guys into all saying the exact same line every time just remember this is not like using game G or cheat codes you're not hacking the game to make it work however you want everything you see done in a TAS is done entirely with normal button presses timed perfectly every task could theoretically be done with a real controller if you were just well impossibly good at it and keeping that in mind just makes these all the more mind-blowing and funny [Music] this one's really short so allow me to show you the run in its entirety player nitro genesis beats the game in just 18 seconds with perfectly timed web slinging and glitching his way through a wall straight to the final boss ending with a hilariously anti climactic battle where Mysterio just drops on to some high voltage and bam the comedy timing is amazing spider-man zips along at breakneck speed then just kind of sits there some awkward fumbling later with no fanfare suddenly a gigantic drawing of peter parker's hilariously weird face you win [Music] this would be a fairly normal task until this part which I'm not even sure how to set up or even explain just look at the map screen [Music] double dragon 2 has three modes of play one player two player and a second two-player mode where the characters can hurt each other player ID le cat takes advantage of this by playing both players simultaneously and having the characters beat each other up sometimes just for the fun of it to kill time whenever there's nothing else to do but other times having them do jumping super nice mashes they'll launch each other across the map because it's faster than walking and funnier Tony Hawk games seem like a pretty good choice for tool-assisted mayhem executing lots of skateboard tricks flawlessly in the blink of an eye down but the underground games in particular make this even more nutty because they have a huge number of side quests with a gigantic cast of bizarre characters this makes it especially confusing and hilarious for those who are only vaguely familiar with this game because what you get is rapid-fire changes from impossibly fast skateboarding tricks just suddenly turning into Benjamin Franklin or Bigfoot and then switching back with no warning in completing entire stages in seconds certain games especially for NES and SNES don't really know how to handle the player pressing both left and right or both up and down at the same time on a standard controller it's impossible the d-pad is designed to rock back and forth so only one direction on each axis can be input but of course if you had a special controller or broke a regular controller and forced it to go into opposite directions at the same time there are a lot of games you can trick into exhibiting all kinds of weird behaviors in a Link to the Past this means in certain areas the game will let you face through stairs and from then on you can just walk between the walls player omnipotent entity first use this trick to bypass almost the entire game but later the user known as tompa improved on it even more Link doesn't even bother to grab the sword this time where any items really other than a Ruby then does white and now and then he's now he's in the wall the camera tries to follow but link is now completely on a different floor of the castle and then end credits yes link just walked right past everyone seized the Triforce and won the game in only a few minutes without swinging his sword even once [Music] now you think doing a tas of a baseball game would be pretty boring I mean no matter how good you are you still have to slog through nine full innings right well not really actually a lot of baseball video games have a mercy rule where if one team is ahead by a certain number of runs at the end of an inning it just calls it and declares a winner so all I delicate here has to do is score 12 runs in the first inning then get a slick triple play and the game's over how does he get those twelve runs well aside from a few home runs including a grand slam he manipulates the computer players into making bizarre decisions like slowly chasing after a rolling ball long enough for the batter to round all four bases you or throw to an empty base and straight into the outfield then he actually manages to abuse a glitch by rapidly pausing and unpausing the game in such a way that the pitcher gets stuck in the wrong part of the screen so it's impossible for him to pitch into the strike zone while the game slowly tries to readjust the pitcher to the correct spot multiple runners are walked and with the bases-loaded runs are being scored automatically and then the pitcher can't help but hit the batter scoring yet another run for the other team then after securing those twelve runs in the bottom of the first inning how does ID Ellicott's team get that triple play by somehow manipulating the runners into just standing there and getting tagged out [Music] [Music] Street Fighter 2 rainbow Edition isn't a real Street Fighter game and that's not even the real name for it see itwhen Street Fighter 2 is popular some bootleggers would make illegally modified versions of the game and sell them to our kids they would do things like make the moves more powerful by having the sprites move faster over there or have them inappropriately shoot fireballs the student exactly make the game more balanced in fact sometimes it made the game's unplayable and due to all the meddling around with a code there tended to be all kinds of weird glitches this hacked version of champion Edition became known as rainbow edition because the title screen palette is so botched that looks like a rainbow so naturally because this version is so glitchy and because it has a special added ability to change your character mid-fight makes for a much more fun and varied task so when the player error one chose to do a tas of rainbow edition it led to some hilariously weird moments such as this and this [Music] at times you might know brain ages that game where you play Sudoku and do other minigames supposedly to train your brain so this is kind of a head scratching game to do tool-assisted what's the fun in seeing sudo qu getting solved really fast that's just watching someone write numbers well they don't the author Ryuto just plays the game where you have to do fast math but on the way you'd expect what he does is abuse the stylus is pattern recognition system by drawing pictures of Nintendo characters and doing it in such a way that it makes the game think he wrote the correct number instead and of course this being tool-assisted it's done it's such a speed that you can barely keep up with all the drawings which just makes it this really funny turbo art gallery that's interpreted as the correct answers to math questions the idea behind a bonus blob is that you carry a bunch of jelly beans that give your blob friends special abilities when he eats them he can turn into a ladder trampoline rock it even a hole in the ground it returns back to normal when you whistle three players collaborated on the speedrun where the hero manages to turn the blob into a hole and whistle while still passing through him at the precise moment that ends up with him stuck in the wall allowing him to access part of the maps that otherwise wouldn't be possible and then he runs through the credits wait that's how they programmed the game the credits are just a room on the map then he ends up in the final boss room but the boss isn't even there oh there he is just had to exit and re-enter to spawn the boss no wait we're leaving again then the whole screen gets utterly destroyed and he wins [Music] if you don't know circle of the moon that well it's a Game Boy Advance game similar to Symphony of the Night with the unique feature being that you can collect a bunch of cards that have special abilities to activate them you need to pick two cards one from each row and each combination creates one of up to a hundred different unique effects ogre slayer starts the game and manipulates Lux that the very first enemy drops a card and then an enemy a few steps away drops a second timer now that he has one from each row he activates them and at the precise right moment he pauses in the middle of activation and selects two cards he doesn't have tricking the game into activating those as if he had them was a filly using precisely the right time in place causes him to get pushed right through a wall and straight to the final boss or rather in the ceiling above the final boss he then activates another pair of card Lee doesn't have before the dialogue starts and triggers an extremely powerful attack that kills Dracula during a cutscene and he immediately levels up 24 times [Music] brutal road so you ready to get rolling start off by knocking out the stuff that we're coming see me was ready to move on [Music] what's happening slick [Music] [Music]
Channel: Weird Video Games
Views: 120,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tas, tool-assisted, video games, nes, snes, nintendo
Id: wASjhOlW2wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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