Why Boston Dynamics is Building a Super Robot Army

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you've probably met Atlas it is one of the world's most advanced AI military robots developed by Boston Dynamics this revolutionary robot has now received jaw-dropping upgrades and can perform at Super insane tasks that no other robot can execute Boston Dynamics has been in the business of manufacturing military-focused AI robots for over two decades and while it remains a Pioneer in this space there are tons of other robotics companies that are fast springing up into likewise pushing the boundary and Robotics technology that's specifically built for military applications oh but before any of the more modern military robots that have been created by Boston Dynamics the company built several other top robots that have been nothing short of impressive like this one right here meet big dog a metal Beast conjured up by Boston Dynamics as far back as 2005 and one of its earliest military robots this four-legged Beast Has the strength and Agility of an actual War Machine and can carry heavy equipment for soldiers through rugged terrain that even the toughest military vehicles cannot Traverse with its unique design and absence of Wheels it moves quickly it can conquer obstacles that would defeat even the most seasoned soldiers measuring three feet in length and standing two and a half feet tall this robotic Marvel was the size of a small mule yet a compact and powerful war machine in 2010 Boston Dynamics Unleashed big dog 2.0 onto the world and the internet went wild with its ability to run at a zippy 5 miles per hour and tackle a variety of terrains big dog was the newest Marvel of modern engineering however there was no denying that the robot still looked a bit awkward in motion so Boston Dynamics made remarkable improvements to it and developed multiple versions with unique features and Designs one of these versions was a little dog a smaller version of big dog that quickly became a favorite among engineers and Robotics enthusiasts and then there was Big Dog Olay a robot with the potential to replace the helpless Bulls in Spain's bullfighting Arenas but Boston Dynamics most impressive iteration of big dog was Alpha Dog a robotic pack mule that could carry an astounding 400 pounds of gear on missions through rough terrain and finally in 2012 the company unveiled an even more advanced quadrupedal robot known as the legged Squad support system or LS this stronger and bigger version of big dog was capable of operating in stream environments and carrying heavy loads over longer distances but despite the incredible progress and investment poured into the big dog project Boston Dynamics eventually made the tough decision to discontinue it in 2015. here's mutt a super Advanced AI military robot from a General Dynamics mutt which stands for multi-utility tactical transport is designed to accompany soldiers on the battlefield and ease their travels through rough terrain mud can carry an impressive 1200 pounds of weight and can provide up to 3 000 watts of power making it an invaluable tool for soldiers on the move it can travel up to 60 miles on a single fill allowing soldiers to stay on the Move longer without worrying about running out of power General Dynamics is now working on taking mutts capabilities to the next level mutt will no longer be just a transport vehicle but a highly intelligent and autonomous machine it will be equipped with sophisticated AI that can assess situations and respond to threats with a lightning fast speed all while keeping soldiers safe mat will also be capable of undertaking a wide variety of combat roles leaving soldiers to only focus on highly specialized tasks that require a human touch such as diplomacy psychology and creative problem solving it's also expected that mutt will be capable of emulating more human-like abilities like facial recognition speech analysis and decision-making processes with so many AI military robots in its Fleet Boston Dynamics has continued to be the leader in the military robotics space in other of its earliest known military robots is pet man this super impressive humanoid robot was introduced in 2009 and is capable of walking at a cool speed of 3.2 miles per hour Petman was designed to mimic the movement of real soldiers with 30 hydraulic actuators serving as its muscles but that was only the beginning in 2000 11 Petman was upgraded to do squats and push-ups making it more human-like than ever before Petman stands for protection Ensemble test mannequin this robot was created specifically for testing protective gear used by troops in combat situations it can move just like a real Soldier walking running crawling and bending with the added bonus of being able to withstand chemical and biological attacks and penman's capabilities do not end here the robot can also be programmed to do things that human soldiers ordinarily can't like navigating through difficult terrain detecting landmines and carrying heavy equipment without getting tired and with Advanced sensors and cameras it also has Superior situational awareness compared to humans with this giving it a significant advantage on the battlefield between 2015 and 2019 Petman received significant upgrades to make it more sophisticated a more cost effective option for the military than human soldiers but before pantman Boston Dynamics developed a much smaller and compact robot for the US Army in 2012. this robot named San flee is so agile that it can jump over a two-story building in the blink of an eye it's powered by CO2 and can make 30 jumps in a row before running out of power but what's even more impressive is its ability to capture surveillance footage in mid-air while jumping Boston Dynamics describes it as a handy surveillance tool for places that are an accessible or too dangerous for humans so think of it like a spy that can jump over walls and get a bird's eye view of things without putting anyone In Harm's Way San flee was originally intended to be used in Afghanistan to hop over walls look around and then return to its base while the situation in Afghanistan has changed it's clear that senfly's capabilities continue to remain useful in many other situations to make senseley work Boston Dynamics had to overcome several challenges one of the most significant was keeping the robot stable during its jumps so that it could record clear footage but the navigational system is so Advanced that soldiers can even direct the sinfully to jump into an open window that's some serious precision and while big dog in its many iterations were impressive they just weren't fast and stealthy enough so Boston Dynamics set out to fix this and created cheetah its first attempt at giving super speed to robots to ensure that this robot truly has phenomenal speed Boston Dynamics looked to nature for inspiration they developed a biologically inspired choreography of interactions between the robot's feet legs and back to increase its speed thanks to this Innovative approach cheetah can reach a speed of 28.3 miles per hour which is incredibly fast for a robot Boston Dynamics cheetah robot inspired similar style robots by other companies and institutions most notably MIT next it came one of the most exciting and advanced robots ever created by Boston Dynamics Atlas Atlas was first created in 2013 the robot's earliest version stood six feet two inches tall weight 330lb account and was based on the Penman robot that the company had created back in 2009 initially Atlas was designed for the DARPA robotics challenge a competition aimed at advancing robotics technology to Aid response efforts during natural and human-made disasters but since its debut Atlas has undergone significant changes and improvements in 2016 the robot received a new design that made it shorter and more agile with the ability to operate both indoors and Outdoors it uses sensors in its body and legs to maintain balance and lidar and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles but perhaps the most impressive feature of Atlas is its ability to jump and even do a backflip it's not hard to see why Atlas has become a fan favorite in the tech World in 2018 the next generation of Atlas was introduced which could run Outdoors this was a huge breakthrough for the team because it allowed the robot to explore a unique environment outside of the lab during the development process new techniques were developed that allowed Atlas to use its whole body with complex algorithms in calculating the speed and coordination of its movement it learned to do parkour and could do every trick the success rate of about 80 percent by 2021 Atlas could finish a whole parkour course independently it's crazy how fast Atlas is being developed the helpless team is now working on pushing the robot which limits by doing the most crazy exciting high-powered stuff they can do with it this pushing of limits not only benefits Atlas but also translates to all other robots at Boston Dynamics and like Atlas this robot right here is another of Boston Dynamics Elite military robots here's sport a compact and agile four-legged robot that can Scurry around your home office or the outdoors the original spot robot was a game changer for Boston Dynamics making a significant turning point in the company's evolution of robotic technology Spot Classic as it is now known was designed to operate both indoors and Outdoors making it a versatile addition to the company's product life weighing in is around 160 pound Spot Classic was considerably fast as smaller and more agile than its predecessors the big dog models one of the key innovations that enabled boss Dynamics to shrink the size of the robot was the decision to use an electric engine to power the hydraulic system rather than a gas engine the resulting Spot Classic became the flagship designed for the spot model with the company describing it as a machine that pushes the boundaries of what is possible with mobile robots over time Boston Dynamics continue to iterate on the spot design culminating the release of spot mini in 2016 weighing at just 55 pounds spot mini was a smaller and more compact version for the original spot robot in subsequent years Boston Dynamics would drop the mini moniker and simply refer to the robot as spot in addition to its smaller size spot was also notable for being an all-electric robot that could run for up to 90 minutes on a single charge one year after its initial release the robot was given a new more iconic yellow design that has since become synonymous with the Boston Dynamics brand one of the standout features of spot is its ability to perform a wide range of tasks thanks in part to the inclusion of an arm on some models this arm allows the robot to open doors pick up objects perform other useful tasks spot has become highly versatile over time and continues to revolutionize the field of Robotics using data from its cameras it's able to detect and avoid obstacles while localizing itself in a map and autonomously navigating through any space be it indoors or Outdoors it's also been upgraded to be capable of executing a wide range of functions including collecting data monitoring sites exploring terrains and custom tasks this has made sport a valuable asset in the military hospitals police and fire department and construction sites another impressive feature of this robot is its ability to carry up to 14 kilograms of equipment making it a valuable tool for field research and exploration its arm is equipped with a powerful grip that can pick up carry and drag items while it's 4k camera into LED Illuminator can inspect objects in great detail spot can even perform at complex tasks like turning valves and flipping levers in June 2020 Boston Dynamics made spot commercially available to Consumers for 74 500 making a significant milestone in the company's history since then spot has been used in a wide variety of applications including search and rescue operations scientific research and Industrial inspections spot's ability to create 3D maps of locations and identify interesting objects make it a valuable tool in space exploration and its arms ability to take samples could be crucial in gathering data from other planets in the future we may see spot exploring Mars and other planets helping to expand our knowledge the universe and push the boundaries of what is possible with robotics technology Sparta was recently spotted performing military duties after it was deployed by the French army during military exercises the French army has been exploring the potential uses of robots in Warfare has been testing spot as a reconnaissance tool in his latest two-day training exercise the occur special military de sancia France is at Foremost military school shared pictures of the exercises on Twitter which showed spot dutifully following soldiers through rugged terrain and scanning the environment with its cameras and sensors throughout the two-day deployment soldiers ran various scenarios including offensive and defensive actions and urban combat tests with each scenario being performed using just humans and then with humans and robots working together spotter was able to successfully navigate challenging terrain to gather intelligence and provide support to soldiers in a variety of ways and while Boston Dynamics spot and Atlas robots are fast getting in on the action on military operations an increasing number of military robots from other robotics companies are likewise at closing in meet doggo a Relentless and reliable machine from General robotics that's fast gaining a claim has been the future of combat this mechanical Marvel is designed to assist soldiers in the most challenging situations and to serve as a steadfast Watchdog in the field with its nine millimeter Glock pistol always at the ready Dogo is the ultimate tactical combat machine with its compact size and lightweight construction of just 10 kilograms delgo is a formidable force that can be easily transported anywhere it can be deployed in a variety of combat scenarios such as anti-terror operations hostage rescue and close quarter combat delgo can also be used for fatal funnel clearance Urban Warfare and even tunnels and underground Warfare it's compatible with small pistols like the Glock 26 and Sig Sauer p320sc which can be mounted with a simple click and with its two-way audio system Dogo is great for facilitating negotiations in the field and with his suit cure 2.4 gigahertz wireless communication system it can relay crucial information to soldiers in real time this robot also has an Innovative one-button stair climbing mechanism that allows it to Traverse difficult terrain with ease Dogo is also not just a Mindless robot it's equipped with a comprehensive sexual awareness system that enables it to function day and night its eight color video cameras and five selectable real-time channels provide a 360 degree view of the surroundings and with its near infrared variable illumination it can also detect objects in low light conditions foreign [Music] and here's guard bot a military surveillance robot developed by guard botting corporations guardbot is a cutting-edge amphibious robot that's designed to conquer any type of terrain with its Advanced rolling mechanism this versatile device can Traverse snow sand dirt and even water with heat whether it's monitoring a remote location or conducting reconnaissance missions guard bot is the perfect tool for any surveillance operation it comes in a range of sizes from a tiny 5-inch model to a colossal seven feet in diameter this allows it to be used for a variety of applications from covert surveillance to large-scale military operations guard bot is fitted with two high-resolution surveillance cameras that can capture Crystal Clear footage from any angle it also has microphones that can pick up sounds from a distance enabling it to detect even the faintest of noises with its GPS capabilities guardbot can be controlled remotely via satellites making it a perfect surveillance tool for hard to reach locations while guardbot is still in development it's estimated that it could cost as much as one hundred thousand dollars however the military is already showing interest in using this advanced technology in their future deployment and it's easy to see why when guard bot becomes available in the market there be little to absolutely no need for human guards but military Robotics are not exclusively combative robots like safer were specifically designed for hazard prevention safer is a humanoid military robot developed by Virginia Tech and a shining example of what the fusion of advanced technology and human Ingenuity can achieve standing at five feet ten inches and weighing 143 pounds safer is a fully autonomous bot that's designed to combat fires on Naval vessels safer was first manufactured in 2014 in the office of enabled researchers since taken the lessons learned from safest development and applied them to create even more advanced robotic prototypes these new machines are built to prioritize mobility and autonomous capabilities allowing them to navigate tight spaces and perform a range of shipboard functions Beyond firefighting the Next Generation prototypes is slated for experimentation in the coming year with the ultimate goal of revolutionizing shipboard Maintenance and Hazard removals and as the safer program continues to evolve and improve the future of unmanned systems in the Navy's Science and Technology strategy looks brighter than ever as much as AI robots are being fiercely developed to fully replace human soldiers on the battlefield in a couple of years robots that are designed to protect human soldiers are likewise fast becoming mainstream here's pegbot The Cutting Edge tactical robot developed by robotex to revolutionize military and law enforcement operations and protect human soldiers in dangerous situations packbot was designed specifically for bomb disposal and reconnaissance developed by iroba bought this Innovative robot is small yet powerful rugged and remotely operated it can maneuver through challenging terrains climb stairs and overcome obstacles to reach areas that are inaccessible or too dangerous for humans it's equipped with an array of advanced sensors that can detect hazardous materials chemical agents and explosive devices ensuring the safety of the military personnel handling it in addition the robot can transmit live video feeds to the operator allowing them to get a clear view of the situation before engaging in a mission packbot can also be customized with different attachments and tools to suit various missions for instance it can be fitted with a gripper arm for manipulating objects a scoop for digging or even a cutter for breaking through barriers its advanced technology enables it to operate in harsh environments from Icy mountain tops to sweltering deserts without compromising its performance it is also designed to withstand the rigors of battle making it an indispensable asset on the front line record [Music] meet k-max the unmanned helicopter that's changing the game for military logistics kmax was used by the U.S Marine Corps in Afghanistan to carry up to 6 000 pounds of cargo to troops in the field and with no pilot on board k-max can fly into dangerous areas where it's too risky for manned aircraft equipped with Advanced AI technology kmax can navigate complex terrain and avoid obstacles on its own but kmax isn't just a drone it's a military robot designed to work alongside human troops by carrying supplies ammunition and other critical items kmax frees up soldiers to focus on their mission and stay safe with kmax on the job troops can get what they need when they need it no matter where they are another robot that's fast gaining relevance in the world of AI military robots is femis femis is fast changing the face of modern warfare and was specifically designed for combat situations it's a small unmanned ground vehicle that looks like something straight out of a science fiction movie it's designed to be tough and rugged with a tracked hybrid modular infantry system that can navigate even the toughest terrain themes is designed withstand even the toughest of Battlefield conditions its outer shell is made from high strength materials that can resist damage from bullets shrapnel and even explosive blasts that means it can continue operating even in the face of heavy fire whether it's rough terrain or a battlefield filled with obstacles themes can handle it all with ease one of the most impressive features of thermos is its versatility it can be equipped with a range of weapons including a 12.7 millimeter heavy machine gun this makes it perfect for a wide variety of combat situations from infantry support to Urban Warfare and since its unmanned it can operate in areas that are too dangerous for human soldiers but it's not just tough on the outside Themis is also highly intelligent on the inside it's equipped with Advanced sensors and cameras that allow it to see and hear everything that's happening around it it can detect enemy movement identify potential threats and even communicate with other units on the battlefield but themus isn't just a killing machine it's also designed to be highly intelligent and adaptable it can analyze the battlefield in real time and make Split Second decisions based on the situation this means it can respond to changing conditions faster than any human soldier ever could in addition to its combat capabilities thermos is also designed to be modular that means it can be customized to suit a wide variety of missions whether it's reconnaissance surveillance or search and rescue femis can be equipped with the tools it needs to get the job done femis is an incredible piece of technology that's changing the face of Modern Warfare ever imagine the military vehicle that could transform like a character from your favorite sci-fi movie well the Black Knight Transformer is not a fictional character it is a real unmanned aerial vehicle that can transform into a ground vehicle just picture it the Black Knight Transformers soaring high above the clouds scanning the terrain below with its Advanced sensors then with a flick of a switch it transforms into a ground vehicle ready to tackle any Challenge on the battlefield it's like having a superhero vehicle at your disposal but the Black Knight Transformer is not just for show it's a highly functional military robot that can serve multiple purposes need to gather intelligence no problem the Black Knight Transformer can conduct reconnaissance and surveillance missions with ease need to transport supplies to a remote location the blank Knight Transformer can carry cargo and equipment like a truck and what's even cooler is that the Black Knight Transformer can operate autonomously meaning it can make decisions on its own without human intervention or it can be controlled remotely allowing for human input and control this makes it a versatile and adaptable vehicle for a variety of military missions and an invaluable asset in military logistics as military robotics technology continues to grow will continue to see more and more and more Super Advanced AI robots that will be capable of undertaking military missions with greater proficiency and possibly even better than human armies armies of autonomous military robots are also fast being developed in another decade or so military Warfare will be a completely robotic Affair which of these super Advanced military AI robots did you find the most intriguing let us know your answers in the comments below
Channel: Future Unity
Views: 907,148
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Keywords: Science, technology, universe, top15, interesting facts, education, tech, space, elon musk, rocket, starship, spacex, galaxy, solar system, mars, jupiter, neptune, betelgeuse, geography, terrifying discovery, scientists announced, science news, space news, universe news, elon musk news, nasa
Id: j8pCB8b201w
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Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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