CHINA has Unveiled a New Flying Car That Will Replace Сonventional Сars

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foreign [Music] vision air car the kleinvision air car is a car that is already certified as an airplane it is a two-seat flying car with unfolding Wings a retractable tail a propeller and a parachute Slovak designer Stephen Klein has literally created a car that can fly Landing the Transformer automatically turns into a sports car and vice versa and the whole process takes 2 minutes and 15 seconds at the moment the air car power is provided by the BMW Road Cars one in six tenth liters engine which guarantees 139 horsepower but the second prototype will be able to produce already 309 horsepower the current version of the car can reach an altitude of 4 572 meters and a range of two and a half thousand meters is estimated at one thousand kilometers or 621 miles so far air car is the first car to fly between cities on June 28 2021 it was in the air for 35 minutes moving from the International Airport from Metro to Bratislava jit racer in 2011 aquabide Champion Frankie Zapata invented the water flat board and now in August 2022 he also unveiled a high-speed personal minute plane called theja tracer it looks like a seat with 10 Micro jet engines that can climb up to 3000 meters above sea level and reach speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour all systems are designed to keep the pilot as safe as possible in this mode of travel for example the jet racer will be able to continue flying even if two of its 10 engines stop working and since the jetracer is built on a lightweight modular landing gear it can be used for a variety of purposes Frankie Zapata plans to sell the vehicle to individuals businesses Security Services and the military Joby Aviation has signed a 75 million dollars contract with the U.S Department of Defense to deliver a batch of five passenger Joby aircraft to the Marines the air cabs will also carry military cargo Evacuate the wounded and transport Personnel to hot spots and combat zones the Joby is designed for five passengers and can fly up to 240 kilometers at a speed of 320 kilometers per hour the contract will allow the company to bring the model to a commercial version improving its functionality and reliability which will also help the startup create an air cap service Joby Aviation already has a certificate to operate as an air carrier with a couple more licenses due in 2024 the company will be able to launch Urban and commuter Services across the country Jetson one the Jetson one is positioned as your personal plane made of aluminum and carbon fiber with eight powerful electric motors and that's just about the perfect description of the machine it's capable of accelerating up to 102 kilometers per hour or 63 miles per hour the controls are so simple that it can be mastered in five minutes and if one of the motors fails the Jetson one will still continue to fly add to that the automatic Landing function and many other features to protect the pilot in case of an emergency by the way if you compare it with what the very first prototype looked like it becomes clear that the creators of Jetson 1 did not sit idly by a futuristic vehicle that looks like a Formula One flying car this vehicle certainly deserves your likes Cabaret X5 Canadians start a Verizon air crowd decided to stand out and presented its flying car with unusual wings so far the device called Cabaret X5 exists only in the form of a prototype reduced by two times and is undergoing design engine and software tests it is expected that he will receive a range of up to 500 kilometers or 310 miles and will be able to accelerate to 350 kilometers per hour or 217 miles per hour fixed Wings the cavaroid X5 includes built-in rotors that are only activated during takeoff or Landing thus the designers decided to reduce drag in order to increase the speed and range of flights the pantalla concept H is an electric vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft powered by tilting wings with 22 ducted fans this configuration allows vertical takeoffs and Landings in confined Urban spaces to enable fast door-to-door transportation the aircraft accommodates five people at a cruising speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour and a maximum range of 250 kilometers sustainably quietly and quickly it was developed in a Triad of innovative technology Progressive design and outstanding customer experience foreign fly this is a flying vehicle that rises vertically in the air The Black Fly is a single seat fully electric propelled by eight propellers cruising speed of black flies if not restricted by laws and force in the United States can exceed 130 kilometers per hour or 80 miles per hour charging is very fast only 25 minutes gives an 80 percent charge black fly can take off from any surface including ice it is also amphibious black fly can stay on the water if necessary Flying Tiger the big car companies are not lagging behind startups the double Loop group China a Chinese subsidiary of Volkswagen recently unveiled its vertical takeoff and Landing air cab with autopilot and a range of 200 kilometers or 124 miles the Flying Tiger will be able to carry up to four passengers with luggage up to 200 kilometers the Drone has eight climbing rotors on Outriggers and two Pusher propellers for horizontal flight the company created it specifically for the Chinese market and will sell it as a premium product for personal and corporate use the volantevision is a luxury concept design hybrid electric vertical takeoff and Landing fixed-wing aircraft spearheaded by Aston Martin based in the United Kingdom the aircraft is designed for three passengers and the interior will have luxurious attributes the power source will be hybrid electric with emphasis on a low carbon footprint capable of cruising speeds of 402 kilometers per hour and a range of 805 kilometers the Volante Vision will be autonomously flown with stepped levels of pilot interaction depending on experience after pack copter pack was created for those who want a more extreme and special flying experience it is an electric backpack helicopter with a self-leveling autopilot it is made of carbon fiber and therefore very light and the main feature of copter pack is that the pilot becomes part of the Flying Machine visually the device resembles a mixture of a jet pack and a copter but there is no detailed information or at least approximate characteristics online yet zero this is a unique flying device that has a flat design designed to carry passengers door to door notably the zero body itself is used to reduce drag during flight due to its unusual shape First The Flying Machine Rises into the air vertically with the help of eight propellers then it takes a horizontal position and moves to its destination visually zero resembles a coin with propellers only one person weighing up to 100 kilograms or 220 pounds can move in this way but the device runs on electricity which means it is completely environmentally friendly it has a cruising speed of 257 kilometers per hour or 159 miles per hour also zero can take off from virtually anywhere and get anywhere this will come in handy for rescue workers firefighters and other life-saving professions pop-up during the 87th Geneva International Motor Show air was presented the pop-up to the world the first modular all-electric zero emission concept car system in other words it is a vehicle that can move along the road with cars taking up minimal space and then take off if necessary congestion is predicted to increase dramatically by 2030 so it would be really useful the concept is based on a capsule designed to accommodate two passengers which turns in with City Car simply by connecting to a ground module with a chassis but when it needs to take off the ground module detaches and an air module measuring five by four hole and four tenths meters is installed in its place the most luxurious flying car was presented last year by Chinese electric car manufacturer ex-bang in a video the concept car drives on the road then unfolds its rotors and Rises into the air it was reported that mass production of the car will start in 2024 and it will cost 157 thousand dollars however judging from the latest test video we can assume that the development is at a very early stage and is unlikely to have wheels also on the market for personal flying vehicles is the Japanese startup X Turismo which launched sales of its flying motorcycle X Turismo limited for 777 thousand dollars company is preparing for an IPO and assures that there is interest in their development from the Middle Eastern countries the motorcycle accelerates to 80 kilometers per hour or 50 miles per hour and can fly for 40 minutes on a single battery charge it looks like a jet ski with large Aero engines on the sides The x-turismo Limited is not designed to fly at high altitude and is intended for crossing water and impassable terrain where there are no normal roads thanks for watching this video write in the comments which concept you like the 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Channel: Carros Show
Views: 808,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Inventions, #Technology, #Future, #Tech, #Car, #Cars, #Facts, #China, #USA, #America, #Chinanews, #USnews, #Robots, #Robotics, #Japan, #Japanese, #Carsshow, #Gadgets
Id: hKF81OON9hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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