Top 11 FREE Premiere Pro Effects (2024)

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in this video i'm going to show you my favorite premiere pro plugins and the effects that i use to take my edits to the next level on a daily basis as we go i'll show you how you can use even the most utility tools in really creative ways so be sure to stick around until the end all right so let's jump in and start playing around so the first of my favorite effects is a really fun one and it's called turbulent displace i get asked about this effect all the time and it's one of my absolute favorites i kind of like this loose vibe but we can also dial in the amounts the size and complexity to get everything from a super loose wavy look to something way more tight then if i use keyframes on the evolution property at the beginning of this clip and then slide the effect up to let's say 360 you'll see that when we play this back we now have something really special going on i use this effect a ton throughout the album campaign for elizar both on her logo and also on a ton of footage on this shot here i used the effect combined with a mask making it appear that only this mountain of mess was distorting while elle remained untouched it's a really crazy plugin so just have fun with it and see what kind of happy accidents you can come up with all right on to the next one lens distortion is another great warping effect but with a bit more of a symmetrical look it can be used in a super functional way to help correct or even add a fisheye look but like always things can get really interesting when we use keyframes to animate the effects as you can see we can use it to create some really stunning transitions between shots here almost like a hyperspace jump moment okay onto a really riveting one fast blur don't tune me out just yet i know that's a little bit self-explanatory you know this one blurs the image and fast but i actually use blurs all the time to take the digital edge off of footage and text let's take this title for example it's great but watch what happens when we apply just a little touch of fast blur it just feels like it starts to live in the same world as the footage here changed up the color to something a little bit more retro driven and we're feeling even better we can also use fast blur on footage to create a softer more bloomy look duplicate your clip and apply the effect to the top clip only turn up the blurriness and you'll just be affecting that top clip but when we set the top clips blending mode to lighten you can start dialing in this effect to get some really nice soft looks on your footage you can even select to effect only horizontal or only vertical for even more customization finally you can even use fastblur for more advanced applications like in retouching studio floors or even skin we can actually remove this pimple from our client's skin right here and make them super happy in this case we're going to use this circle mask on the effect itself to affect only a specific area and then by increasing the feather of our mask you can start to see that this is disappearing just like magic we can apply position keyframe animation on this effect have it track along with the problem spot and boom client happy ocd destroyed all right next up let's look at a couple color tools now of course we have lumitri for color grading but let's rapid fire through two others that i use all the time tint defaults as basically just a black and white effect the cool thing is how you can dial in custom colors to map both black and white to individually if i change this white to red we get a pretty cool look and then we can take it even further and create a two-tone look by mapping the black to a complementary color like blue now let's layer this with our next effect called hls for hue lightness and saturation when we layer these two we can create sort of a psychedelic effect and even discover some happy accident color schemes along the way hls is really great on its own too letting you create subtle and very flattering hue shifts or terribly unnecessary stoner vibes alright our next effect is something that i use a ton to ramp up the energy of the cut strobelite light is intense and it has to be used in moderation you know especially considering people with uh sort of epileptic sensitivities but especially in tour visuals this one is an absolute necessity it defaults to operate on color essentially flashing a white frame at the set intervals but change this to makes layer transparent and you have a great tool for creating stutter edits now for whatever reason there's a couple sets of numbers that i found are just the perfect settings for this plugin so i always dial in the strobe duration to and the strobe period to 0.08 and we get a nice speed like this so let's take this shot and we'll create a cut right towards the end here and apply the strobe light to this end piece only then crossfade the two pieces and you have this super interesting transition moments perfect for the crescendo of a song or something like that all right let's look at luma key where chroma key is used to key out a specific color like with a green screen or a blue screen luma key focuses more specifically on the luminosity of the clip and this can be a really helpful tool when you're starting to work with overlays you may be working with an element like this one from my tour visual elements and you've got it dialed in over a shot using blending modes but you need to change the color to something a little bit more subtle without losing the pronounced lines luma key essentially helps you cut out the black and create an alpha layer without using a blending mode and then when you apply your tint or other effects it doesn't get as lost within the shot okay warp stabilizer is just an absolute incredible plugin i've used it a ton to really save my butt in situations where you know my handheld movement was a little too rough around the edges but it even helps polish you know really nice smooth you know steady cam or gimbal moves too this clip just has a little bounce to it it was shot in a gimbal but you can kind of feel the ops steps here let's throw on warp stabilizer and we'll need to analyze the clip before you see the results but as soon as it's done you can immediately see a huge difference typically i like to dial the intensity from 50 down to 20 or 30 or something like that so that it feels a little bit more subtle and i also typically change the setting from subspace warp to position scale and rotation i just find it to be a little bit more natural feeling overall all right lumitri you know you've probably used lumetri a ton for basic color corrections but here's a couple of my favorite less well-known tools within this plugin first is the hls secondary tab which you can use to select specific colors in a clip and edit those on their own let's look at this clip where we want to sort of isolate and edit this one color we can use these knobs here to sort of hone in our selection and we can use this mask tool to get a better idea of what's being selected then we can adjust the hue saturation and lightness of that color on its own this is crazy helpful especially in settings where you're trying to get you know a true white background that just feels a little bit too yellow and one more thing here did you know that you can actually create your very own lut presets and export them out of lumetri when you've got your look all dialed in just make sure the color panel is open on the right side of the screen go to this tab and select export cube and you're good to go alright rapid fire again for these last two effects number 10 we've got time code and honestly i just like this one because sometimes time code makes things feel more official and finally mosaic i like using this one to turn footage into sort of blocky motion graphics and also to censor things i'm just kidding it's a thumbs up
Channel: EZCO
Views: 630,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vG45arltWXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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