Top 100 Places To Visit in Europe - Ultimate Travel Guide

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What's up guys my name is Ryan and I spent  the last few years exploring Europe and I   want to share with you my favorite places, so here's my Europe top 100. [Applause] There are very few places, if any that can  match the beauty and wonder of Europe. From the   Mediterranean Coastline, to the scenery of the Alps,  Europe remains unmatched to the rest of the world.   This video is a long one, so I've made timestamps  of all the places in the description below so you   can jump around to your favorite destinations.  Let's start this video off at France's Mont Saint Michel I have to say this is easily one of my  favorite places I've visited in Europe. It's truly   magical. Now to get there it's a four hour drive  from Paris. You can't drive directly to the   tidal Island, instead you can park in the parking  lots outside and either take a shuttle or walk   about four kilometers. I definitely recommend  walking if you can. As you approach the island it's   quite the experience and it just made me think  of how the people must have felt throughout   the ages as they came here. I mean it's just truly  something out of a fantasy film. When you reach   the island and walk through the gates you feel  like you're walking into a Harry Potter movie. It   was as if I was walking down the Diagon Alley.  Around Sunset the tides started to come in. I was   amazed by how fast the water levels were rising. I understand now why it was so dangerous for   the medieval pilgrims to walk to the island.  On our way back we met up with some sheep in the   fields. It definitely was the perfect way to  end our time at Mont Saint Michel. While we're still   in northern France we're going to visit Etretat.  Located about three hours drive from Paris, Etretat   is a charming seaside town. The main reason I  wanted to come here was to witness the impressive   Sea Cliffs. When we reached Etretat we walked  through the beautiful coastal town and arrived   at the beach. It had this nice pebble stone sand  and you could get a view of the cliffs. They   were freaking huge, a lot bigger than I expected. After we decided to walk on top of the cliffs. we strolled along the beautiful boardwalk and made  it to the top. My favorite features of the cliffs   are the sea arches. There are three of them and I  also like the pointed sea stack called the L' Aguille.   If you can, I recommend staying until sunset. The  sun will hit the cliffs perfectly lighting them   up with a orange glow. Afterwards we're going to  visit the island of Corsica. Located right above   the island of Sardinia, Corsica is this massive  Island full of so many diverse landscapes. It's   home to jagged mountains and some of France's  best coastline now one of my favorite spots on   the island is Bonifacio. It's this medieval town  built upon these limestone cliffs. It's nicknamed   the Mediterranean Sentinel. It's located right  in the most southern point on the island. Nearby   there are some more incredible White cliffs with  crystal clear waters. After Corsica we're going to   visit the nearby island of Sardinia. With some  of Europe's best Coastline, pristine beaches, and   the clearest water you've ever seen, Sardinia is  the place to be. The main reason I wanted to go   to Sardinia was to visit Cala Goloritze. I think  it's easily one of the most beautiful beaches   in all of Italy. It has these massive pointy rock  formations, coupled with green Cliffs and Gatorade   blue water. We anchored and immediately we went  for a swim. I mean the visibility was absolutely   incredible, it's some of the best I've ever swam  in. Another reason I wanted to go to Cala Goloritze is   because there's a sea arch where you can cliff  jump. I sent a few jumps off and it was just so   much fun. There's no better feeling than  sending a Gainer into the ocean. There's just   so much to do and see in Sardinia I hope you  can all visit one day. After Sardinia let's   head over to the Amalfi Coast. I have to say  this is one of the most beautiful places not   just in Italy, but all of Europe! It's just hard to  believe this place exists. One of the most   well-known towns on the Amalfi Coast is Positano.  When you see this place in real life you won't   believe it. It's hard to beat the backdrop of the  mountains filled with colorful Villas against the   Mediterranean Sea filled with boats and yachts. One  of my personal favorite places on the Amalfi Coast   is Fiordo di Furore. This is easily one of the most  scenic beaches I've ever been to. It's located in   this little fjord complemented with an incredible  Arch Bridge and it's a paradise for cliff jumping!   There's so many places you can jump from. Now just  off the Amalfi Coast there's an incredible island   called Capri. I think it's easily one of the most  beautiful islands in the world and it's a classic   Mediterranean island surrounded by crystal clear  water and sheer cliffs. If you do go to Capri, I definitely recommend renting a boat. That'll be  the best way you can see the island and find its   hidden grottos and gems of the Coastline. One of  my favorite features of Capri is the Faraglioni.   They are these incredible sea stacks that jump  right out of the sea and I just had such a good   time jumping off the boat there and marveling  at the Faraglioni. Afterwards we're gonna head   over to Northern Italy to visit Varenna. Located on  Lake Como, this is one of the most idyllic places   I've ever been to. Varenna was found all the  way back in the 8th Century by local fishermen. I stayed several nights here and it was such  an enjoyable and relaxing time. I loved walking   around the village through all its cobblestone  alleyways. There's a great Plaza and an impressive   church. One of my favorite places I went to in  Varenna was its northern Shore. There's restaurants   and a little stone beach where you can watch the  small waves roll in. I think one of my favorite   things I did was just enjoying the sunset on the  docks there. I mean this place is truly incredible. After we're gonna visit one of my favorite  towns in Switzerland, Zermatt. It's a charming   village shadowed over by the daunting Matterhorn  mountain and there's just something magical about   this place. The city is full of shops and  restaurants including my favorite McDonald's.   One thing you gotta do while you're there  is take the Gornergrat railway. It starts in Zermatt   and takes you up to 3100 meters to enjoy some  of the best views of the Matterhorn. We got up   super early to take the first train and climbed  up the mountain I was just baffled by the views   now we got off at the Rotenboden station and I  was just so freaking excited. I've been wanting   to come here for years and it lived up the hype.  There are two lakes that offer some of the best   views of the Matterhorn, and if the conditions are  just right, you can see a perfect reflection of the   world famous peak. Not only is the views magical,  but there are some of the cutest sheep I've ever   seen. They have the curliest hair and twisted  horns and look like an animal you would find   in a fantasy novel. Afterwards we're gonna head  over to some warm weather in Portugal to visit one   of my favorite beaches Praia da Ursa. Located on  Sintra's Coast, about 50 minutes from Lisbon, this   is probably my favorite beach in all of Portugal. One reason I like it so much is for its rock   formations. There's several of them and they look  like wizard hats. To get to the beach it's a   decent hike it only took us like 20 or 30 minutes  to get down. It is just a little steep descent but   it's nothing you can't handle. When you reach  the beach I was just amazed by the rock formations.   They're just huge and really fun to walk around.  The water was a little bit chilly but would be so   nice on a hot day. If you can it's an amazing  place to go for sunset, the beach lights up with   an orange glow and just hard to beat. Afterwards  we're gonna head over to the nearby Pena Palace.   It's this stunning colorful castle that sits  on top of the Sintra mountains the palace was   completed in 1854 and today it stands as one  of the seven wonders of Portugal. When we reached the palace, I was just amazed by the architecture  and the colors. It was so vibrant and I love the   contrast between the red and yellow structures. Right next to the Palace is the Castle of   the Moors. It was built all the way back in the 8th  and 9th centuries, I actually liked this place a lot   better than the Pena Palace. There was way less  people, and there was just like so much history.   One of my favorite things that you could do is you  can walk around the perimeter of the Fortress and   get a little taste of what it must have felt like  to live in Portugal during medieval times. After   we're going to venture to the Atlantic Ocean to  visit the enchanting island of Madeira. I recently   returned from exploring this island and it just was  a phenomenal time. One of my favorite beaches on   Madeira is Ponta do Sol. It's this beautiful town  that reminded me of Italy's Amalfi Coast. The beach   there wasn't sandy, instead it had smooth rocks and  this swimming was spectacular in the crystal clear   waters. The main reason I wanted to go here was  do some cliff jumping. On the east side there's   this pier area with this super cool arch bridge  and then there's some little cliffs to jump off. I sent a few jumps and it was just freaking fun  the water felt so nice and was such an enjoyable   spot. After we relaxed on the beach and did some  more swimming and just enjoyed the sunset. After   we're gonna visit my favorite place on Madeira  Pico do Arieiro. I love this spot so much I came   up four times. It's located about a 40 minute  drive from Funchal, Pico do Arieiro is the third   highest point on the island with an elevation of  1818 meters. Since it's so high up you'll often   be in, or above the clouds, which creates the most  epic landscape. To reach Pico de Arieiro, you   don't need a hike. You can drive a car to the top  and from there you can go explore the mountains.   I was surprised how well maintained the trail was. It's a stone path with guard wires for majority of   the way. It's just so nice. If you hike for about  15 minutes, you'll reach the first lookout   point called the Miraduro Ninho da Manta. Now  the views there are just absolutely incredible.   It has a phenomenal vantage point. We went up here  for sunrise and sunset and both were amazing, but   I'd say sunset was my favorite because there was  like hardly anyone up there and I basically had   the whole place to ourselves. I mean just felt like  a dream up there with the clouds and the setting   Sun. While we're still in the Atlantic, we're gonna  visit Portugal's archipelago of the Azores.   The Azores are a group of nine islands like none  other. They remind me of a hybrid of New Zealand   and Hawaii, with rolling pastures and green scenery. It's basically the Garden of Eden in real life The largest island on the Azores is Sao Miguel. One of the most stunning places on the island is   Lagoa das Sete Cidades, it's a Twin Lake situated in the crater of a  volcano. One lake is green while the other is blue   the nearby Santiago lake, is also a really unique  place. Now another one of my favorite Islands on   the Azores is Pico, it's home to the highest point  in all of Portugal called Mount Pico. it's a strata   volcano that reaches 2,351 meters high and it last  erupted in 1,720. I just can't believe how huge it is.  I mean it's just hard to beat the scenery  of this volcanic archipelago. After we're gonna   head over to Spain to visit possibly my favorite  island in the world Mallorca. When you think of a   Mediterranean Paradise this is it. Mallorca is home  to crystal clear waters, windy roads, and some of the   world's best cliff jumping spots. Whe I started  solo traveling this is one of the first place I   went so it will forever have a special place in my heart.  One of my favorite places in Mallorca is Cala Varquez. You're just going to be blown away by the  beauty of this place, it literally has everything   from sandy beaches, to prime cliff jumping spots.  When I was there, I did one of my biggest cliff   jumps ever and jumped off a massive 60-foot Arch.  It was terrifying but it became one of my all-time   favorite travel memories. Another cool thing I did  is me and my brother found this underwater cave   and we swam through it. I just couldn't believe how  clear the water was. On the other side of Mallorca   you can visit the famous road to Sa Calobra. If  you love driving you'll definitely enjoy this   place. It's full of hairpin turns and loops that  wind down the mountain as you can take the road   to the bottom and you'll visit this place called  Torrent De Pareis. It's this awesome beach between   these two cliffs. I mean it's hard to match the  vibes of Mallorca. I couldn't recommend this island   enough. After we're gonna head over to Greece to  visit the iconic island of Santorini. This may be   Greece's most popular destination. I went here  a few summers ago and it lived up to its hype   one of the most famous places on Santorini is Oia.  When you think of Greece this is it. White houses,   blue roofs, and an insane backdrop. I went there  early in the morning and had the most incredible   sunrise ever. Another town on Santorini is Thera.  It's this little town that's built on the rim of   a volcano. A really cool beach on the island is Red  Beach, it's famous for its maroon colored sand and   Red Cliffs that make you feel like you're on Mars.  After we're gonna head up to Ireland to visit the   dramatic Skellig Islands. Located off the coast of  southern Ireland the Skelligs are set of two islands   that are easily one of the most epic locations.  The only way to reach the islands is by boat, we   left from the town of Portmagee and it took us  about an hour to reach the great Skellig. We got   off the boat and I was just so freaking stoked we  just started walking up the Island's path until we   reached the stairs that lead up to the top to the  monasteries. Now the history of the island is just   absolutely fascinating. The monastic settlement  dates back to the 6th Century where the monks   of Saint Fionan live simple lives on this isolated  island. They built these beehive huts completely   out of stone they were precisely designed to  make sure no water could get into them. It's   believed there were about 12 monks that lived here  at a time. In the 13th century, the monks left the   island for Mainland Ireland and since then Skellig  has become a place for pilgrimage. All in all the   Skelligs Islands were one of the coolest places  I've ever been and I couldn't recommend them   enough. Afterwards we're going to visit the most  famous place in all Ireland, The Cliffs Moher! Located on Ireland's West Coast, about three  hours drive from Dublin, the cliffs stretch over   14 kilometers, with the highest reaching 214 meters  above the sea. When we reached them, I was just amazed   by the size of the cliffs. I mean they were way  bigger than I imagined and they just drop off   straight into the ocean. If you want to walk to the  end of the cliffs you can make the Trek to Hags Head.   If you can I definitely recommend waiting  for sunset as the light hits the cliffs giving   it a strikingly orange glow. It's easy to  see why it's one of the most popular places in   all Ireland. After we're gonna head up to Norway  to visit Geirangerfjord. Located about a   six hour drive from Oslo, Geirangerfjord is one of  Norway's most popular destinations. The main   reason I wanted to go to Geirangerfjord was to  visit Skagefla. It's his historic farm built on a   cliff 270 meters above the Fjord. now you can only  access the hike by taking a ferry over. It costs   about fifty dollars per person and the ride had  some amazing views. When we got off the boat   the hike was no joke. It just goes straight up the  mountain, where you get some amazing views on your   way up. When you reach the farm you'll feel like  getting your fairy tale. The cabins are covered in   moss covered roofs and the views you get up there  are just astounding. I'm just jealous of whoever   owns those cabins. Farmers used to live here all  the way back in the Middle Ages and it wasn't   inhabited until the early 1900s. Today it's easily  one of Norway's most beautiful hikes and one of   my favorite places I've visited during my time in  Norway. After we're going to visit one of my   favorite lakes in Norway Lovatnet. located about  a two hours drive from Geirangerfjord. Lovanet is this   glacier lake with turquoise colored water coupled  with an incredible backdrop of the mountains.   When we were there, we drove to the other side  of the lake to this place called Lodalen.   There is this insane waterfall called Romnefjellfossen that was easily one of my favorites that I   saw in my time in Norway. the only regret I have  When I visit Lovatnet is not going for a swim or   at least taking a boat out so if you go don't  make my mistake and enjoy the waters of this   incredible lake. Afterwards we're going to  visit Romsdalen. When I got to Norway   this summer this was the first place I went, it's  about a five hours drive to get there from Oslo   and it's this phenomenal Valley surrounded by  some of Europe's highest Cliffs. One reason   I wanted to come here was to witness Trollveggen. It is the tallest vertical rock face in all of   Europe with a height of 1,700 meters. One of  the best places to view Trollveggen is from Litlefjellet or Little Mountain. To get there you take a  toll road that costs about ten dollars and it's   a fairly easy hike that takes about 20 minutes.  When you're up top you'll be facing the daunting   Trollveggen Mountain across the valley when I  was there it was pretty cloudy but I still got   a good look at it. You also get great views of  the winding river and valley below. I mean this   place is just freaking amazing overall one of my  favorite places I visited in Norway. While we're   still in the nordics we're going to head across  Atlantic to visit Greenland. Although it's located   in the North American continent, Greenland is  politically and culturally associated with   Europe as it's part of the Kingdom of Denmark.  Greenland is just absolutely huge it's the biggest   island in the world but due to its harsh living  conditions only 56,000 people live there making   it the least densely populated place on the planet.  Now the capital city is Nuuk and about a third   of all the people in Greenland live there. Another  interesting place is Ittoqqortoormiit, it's this little   commune located on Greenland's northeast coast  and is considered to be one of the most remote   settlements on Earth. I just think Greenland has  some of the most untamed and wild places. There are   just endless fjords and wonders to explore. Such  a fascinating place. Afterwards we're gonna head   over to Czechia to visit Prague. When it comes  to European cities, it's hard to beat the charm and   beauty of Prague. Located right in the middle  of the Czech Republic ,Prague is known as the   political, culturalm and economic Center of Central  Europe. The city was founded around the 9th century   and flourished during the Renaissance and Baroque  eras. Prague was the capital of the kingdom of   Bohemia and was the main residence of many Roman  emperors such as Charles IV and one of my favorite   attractions in the city is the Charles bridge. It's  construction began in 1357 and it wasn't finished   until the beginning of the 15th century. The bridge  is decorated with an alley of 30 statues, it's so   scenic and such a great feature. Now the Old Town  Square is also a great place to explore. I mean   Prague just has such a historic Vibe and I hope  you all can visit. Now afterwards we're going to   visit the Fairytale Town of Cesky Krumlov.  Located about two hours drive from Prague,   Cesky Krumlov is a medieval fantasy. As I was doing  research I was just blown away by the beauty   of this place it looks like something straight  out of a fairy tale. The town arose around the   year 1240 when the Cesky Krumlov Castle  was built and a settlement emerged beneath it.   Cesky Krumlov thankfully escape the bombings of  World War II which is the main reason the city   is so well preserved today. it stands as one  of Czech Republic's most beautiful towns. One   of the main attractions of the town is the castle  it's the second most visited in the country it's   surrounded by a moat that's not full of water  but bears instead. That's pretty crazy. You can   also visit the castle tower to get an incredible  view of the town. I mean it's just such a magical   place and I can't believe it exists. After we're  gonna head over to Germany to visit the city of   Dresden. Located in Eastern Germany near the  Czech Republic borde, Dresden is an incredibly   beautiful City built upon the Elbe river. It's  famous for its Baroque and Rococo architecture.   Leading up to the 20th century, Dresden was  just a remarkably beautiful place but tragically, during World War II, the city was almost completely  destroyed by Air Raids. I mean the whole city was   just turned into rubble. Now the restoration  of the city took decades to complete.Today   Dresden is one of Germany's most visited cities  and has been nicknamed the Florence of the Elbe.   Afters we're going to visit Heidelberg. Located about an hour's drive from Frankfurt,   Heidelberg is a historic City situated on the  Neckar River. Heidelberg is probably best known   for its University that was founded over 600 years  ago making it Germany's oldest university, I mean   it would be so cool to study there. What I love  about the city is its bridges that cross the Neckar   River and Germany knows how to design a beautiful  city. While we're still in Southwestern Germany   we're going to visit the Black Forest. Located  right on the border of France, the region is famous   for its dense forest, picturesque villages, and  is often associated with the brothers Grimm's   Fairy Tales. now one of the most prominent cities  in the Black Forest is Freiburg, it's a vibrant   University Town with some incredible architecture.  Another nearby fairy tale location is the Hohenzollern  Castle. I have to say this is one of the most  impressive castles in all of Germany, it sits   perfectly on Mount Hohenzollern and can be seen from  miles away. Hohenzollern is the last of 3 castles that   was built upon this hill it was completed in 1867  as Memorial to the Prussian royal family. Today   it's one of Germany's most visited castles and  I understand why. Afterwards we're going to visit   Germany's highest peak the Zugspitze. With  a height of 2962 meters, it's easily one of the most   impressive mountains in all of Germany. Zugspitze is located south of Garmisch Partenkirchen and the   easiest way to reach the top of the mountain is by  a cable car. It costs around 60 Euros and it's one   of the biggest gondolas I've ever been in. It holds  several world records including the longest free   spend in a cable car with a distance of more than  3 00 meters. Honestly an engineering phenomenon.   Once you reach the top you can explore the  mountain station, I mean it really blew me away up   there. It totally reminded me of an evil villains  lair. One thing that I thought was interesting is   you can walk through this tunnel and it'll take  you to the Austrian side of Zugspitze. Now from   the platform on the German side, you can see the  summit cross. Me and my brother decided we wanted   to climb to the top. The snow made it a little  sketchy but we held on tight to the iron wire   and climbed a ladder and made it to the cross.  I mean the views were unreal up there. I mean   if you go in the summertime I'm sure it's not as  sketchy to summit this. Now after Zugspitze, you   can take the cable car down to visit the lake Eibsee. It's known as the Maldives of the Alps with   its clear water and tree dotted Islands. I mean the  color of the water there is astounding. If you   have time I definitely recommend walking along  the lake, it's full of beautiful grove of trees   and a perfect place to relax on the shoreline  and enjoy some Bavarian nature. While we're still   in the Bavarian Alps we're gonna head over to the  Eagle's Nest. Now I'm really fascinated with World   War II history and I had to see this place for  myself. The Eagle's Nest was built in 1939   To get to the Eagles Nest you can take a bus  up, when you get to the top you'll walk through a   deep tunnel into the mountain. At the end of  the tunnel there's a circular room that leads   you into a golden elevator. Thankfully the Eagle's  Nest wasn't destroyed in World War II and today   it's a restaurant with Panorama views now while  you're there you can hike up some walking paths   into the Berchtesgaden National Park enjoying the  incredible sights of this historical destination.   after we're gonna head over to the Austrian  Alps. I was lucky enough to spend several days   road tripping Austria and I was just shocked by  the beauty of the country. Now one of my favorite   places I went to is the town of Gosau. It was just  this little town that I stumbled upon and had one   of the most incredible backdrops of the nearby  mountains. Just up the road from Gosau is a   lake called Gosausee. One incredible place  there is the ladder to Heaven, I tried to do it   but unfortunately I didn't have the right gear. After we're gonna visit the nearby Village   of Hallstatt. Located just 20 minutes from Gosau,  Hallstatt looks like it could be in a fairy tale .  it's rumored to be the inspiration of the Town  Arendelle from the Disney film Frozen and I can   totally see the resemblance. Hallstatt began as  a salt mine nearly 7000 years ago and today   day the village is one of Austria's most popular  tourist attractions. While you're there you can   walk the Cobblestone alleys and Marvel at the  16th century Alpine houses. I mean just such an   enchanting place. If you like mountains you'll  love the Glossglockner High Alpine Road. It's   the highest Road in Austria at 2504 meters.  When I was there I went to the park during   sunrise it cost about 35 dollars to enter and I  drove the road I was just stunned by the view of   the surrounding mountains. While you're there you  can also visit the Pasterze Glacier. Which is just   a short drive over. After we're gonna head back  to Switzerland to visit Zurich, located in North   Central Switzerland, Zurich is one of the world's  largest financial centers. It's often labeled as one   of the most expensive cities in the world.  Zurich was founded by the Romans in 15 BC and   today it's the most populous city in Switzerland.  I mean it's just hard to beat the scenery of the   city there. I love how it sits at the edge of the  lake and the Limmat river runs right through it. Switzerland doesn't mess around when it comes  to it cities. If you want to do a challenging hike   near Zurich, you can visit Limmernsee. This is  one of my favorite hikes I did in Switzerland.  You start by taking up a cable car and when  you reach the top you're going to go through   a three kilometer tunnel through the mountain. I  believe it was originally built by a company who   made the dam and now you can walk through it. We  reached the end and we arrived to the lake it's   a striking turquoise color surrounded by an  Amphitheater of mountain walls. The hike   to the top was freaking hard it's very steep and  felt like it went on forever but after about an   hour we made it to the iconic viewpoint. It's this  Rocky Peninsula that gives you a perfect view of   the reservoir below. I just had a blast running  around up there. There's no greater feeling   than running free in the mountains! Afterwards  we're gonna visit one of my favorite places in   Switzerland, Lauterbrunnen. This is possibly the  most beautiful village on Earth. It's a valley of   over 72 waterfalls and it inspired J.R.R Tolkien's  Rivendell. To get to Lauterbrunnen, it's about a   two hours drive from Zurich. The Staubach Falls is one  of the most magical features of Lauterbrunnen. It   falls over 297 meters into the valley. if you do  visit Lauterbrunnen, I recommend just walking around   the village and marveling at all the beauty Lauterbrunnen has to offer. Another thing you can   do in Lauterbrunnen is visit the nearby Village of Wengen.  It's located above Lauterbrunnen and I believe Wengen is   home to the most beautiful view in the world as  it overlooks the valley. The village is home   to around 1300 residents year round but gets many  visitors during the summer and winter months.   To get to Wengen, you can't drive there. It's one  of Switzerland's car free Villages. You can   either hike or take one of the most scenic train  rides it costs around 13 a round trip and winds   up the mountain. The views on the train ride will  take your breath away. Once you get to Wengen   you can walk around its paths and just marvel at  all the Swiss chalets and incredible views of the   valley below. After we're gonna visit the village  of Mürren. Just from Lauterbrunnen, it's just a few   minutes drive down the valley. The city is  just enchanting. It's filled with Swiss chalets   and incredible views. The main reason I want to go  to Mürren was to do the iconic via ferrata. I rented   some gear at the intersport store for about 25  dollars and I was all ready to go! Before you   start you walk through this tunnel it's a good  initiation and gets you pumped or nervous for   what's to come. You then follow the path and it's  pretty chill for the first bit, just walk through a   little Forest, but then you get to the cliffs. there  was this base jump platform to jump into the valley   below. Just standing on it made my stomach drop.  Anyways after that the Via ferrata gets a little   wild. My favorite part is the section that goes  across this sheer cliff face with the thousand   foot drop right below you. I mean it's perfectly  safe as long as you're clipped in to the iron   wire with your gear. After the cliff section, I  continued on the trail and the final obstacle is   the bridge that goes over a deep Canyon. This was  honestly the scariest part for me because it was   kind of shaky towards the middle and the thousand  foot plus drop is intimidating. But nonetheless I   finished and made it to the town of Gimmelwald. It took me about two hours to do it was so freaking   fun. After we're gonna visit the Aletsch  Glacier. Located in the Bernese Alps, the   Aletsch glacier is over 23 kilometers long making  it the longest glacier in Switzerland. It's just so   freaking huge. When I got to the top it was just  hard to fathom the scale of this Glacier. I   found the uniform dark lines of shattered rocks  so interesting. When you're up at the top you can   enjoy a meal at the restaurant or you could hike  to the cross on Eggishorn Peak to get a panoramic   view of the glacier. After we're gonna head over to  Western Switzerland to visit the Charming medieval   town of Gruyeres. I was here this last summer  and I was just blown away by this little town .  The crowning feature of Gruyere is its Castle. It  was built in the 13th century and today it stands   as one of Switzerland's most famous fortresses.  I just love the backdrop it has of the Alps. It's just such an insane location. Aside from the  castle, the town it's just fun to walk around and   it's also known for being the home of the famous  gruyere cheese which is one of the most popular cheeses   is in all of Switzerland. Afterwards we're  going to head to the nearby Glacier 3000.   Located about an hour from Gruyere, Glacier 3000  is this incredible mountain area. The main   reason I wanted to go here was to visit the Peak Walk, which is the only Peak to Peak bridge in all   of Switzerland. We had to take two gondolas up to  get there and when we reached the top we were at   the edge of some clouds. I mean it was just so wild  to be up there and I'd love to go back on a clear   day to get a better view of the mountains.  Afterwards we're going to visit one of my favorite   cities in all Switzerland, Geneva. Located on the  southern dip of Lake Geneva in Western Switzerland,   Geneva is Switzerland's second most populous city  after Zurich. I was lucky enough to live here for   a summer I just absolutely loved it. It's where  the headquarters of the United Nations are so   there's a lot going on. The Geneva water fountain  is one of the city's most famous landmarks as it   jets out water that shoots over 140 meters high.  I just love Geneva and I hope you all can   visit one day. Now if you want to explore more  of Lake Geneva, I recommend and checking out the   Vineyards that border the lake. one of my favorite  places is near this Village called Epesses. Its full   of Terrace Vineyards that accompany the view of  the massive Lake I mean it doesn't even feel like   you're in Switzerland. I felt like I was in France  or Italy. The North shore of Lake Geneva is called   the Swiss Riviera and I totally understand why. Afterwards we're going to head over to nearby   France to visit the French Alps. This is easily  one of my favorite regions in all of France it's   home to the incredibly massive Mont Blanc which  is the highest mountain in all the Alps at 4807   meters. Mont Blanc doesn't have the most prominent  Peak compared to other mountains but just hard   to comprehend how huge this mountain is. The  town located at the base of Montblanc is Chamonix   it's a hub for some of Europe's best skiing and  hikes. I really enjoyed walking around the town it   reminded me of a French Zermatt. One thing you  gotta do while you're there is take the gondola to   Aiguille du Midi. To get there you can take a 20 minute  cable car ride which holds the world record for   the highest vertical ascent by a cable car with  an altitude gain of over 2807 meters. It costs   about 69 Euros for a round trip ticket to the top  now while I was there it was extremely packed. I   think there was like some holiday going on so just  plan accordingly. You'll take two lifts up, I mean it's just wild how steep it is. When you reach the  top, you'll be at an elevation of 3843 meters. You   can definitely feel the shortness of oxygen in  your lungs when you get off the lift. You'll walk   through this Labyrinth of tunnels carved straight  out of the Granite. There's tons of walkways and   platforms to explore you'll get an excellent view  of Mont Blanc and the other mountains. One thing   I thought was crazy is that there's a place  where the Mountaineers exit to either go hike   to Mont Blanc or just explore the glacier.  Augille du Midi was such an incredible experience   and definitely the highlight of our time in the  French Alps. afterwards we're going to visit in   the nearby city of Annecy, now looking at the foot  of the Alps about an hour's drive from Chamonix,   this Alpine town is famous for its canals hence it's  called the Venice of the Alps. The city is   just absolutely magical but what I love about the  region is the lake Annecy. Its surrounded by Scenic   mountains and it's known as one of the cleanest  lakes in all Europe and I can't think of a better   place to enjoy on a hot summer day. after we're  gonna head down to Southern France to the   French Riviera. Located on the Southeast corner of  France, I have to say that the French Riviera   is home to some of the world's best Coastline. one  stunning City on the French Riviera is Menton. It's   strikingly beautiful with its colorful buildings  complemented with a backdrop of the maritime Alps.   We stayed several days here and I really enjoyed  just walking around the city. Menton was a part   of Italy until 1860 when it and the rest of  Nice County was added to Franc.e There's a great   Boardwalk that walks along the coast and I really  enjoyed going out to the lighthouse Pier to get   panoramic views of Menton. Afterwards we're  going to visit the medieval town of Eze. Located   on a Hilltop Tower looking over the French Rivier,a  I have to say this was easily the coolest medieval   place I visited in my time in southern France. It  was only a short 30 minute drive from Menton.   Eze was founded during the Middle Ages around the  14th century, and today is known worldwide for its   medieval Vibe and views of the French Riviera.  I mean you really feel like you're walking back   in time everything is so old yet it's perfectly  preserved, and the village is just full of like   these tunnel walkways and trees that were just  built around. Truly is such a cool place now one   of the main features of the village is the Exotic  Garden. It's this beautiful place that sits on top   of the village it not only has beautiful plants  and cactuses but it offers one of the best views   of the French Riviera. It's definitely worth the  hike and six Euro entry fee. Afterwards we're   going to visit the town of Saint-Tropez.  This is one of my favorite towns I visited on   the French Riviera. Saint-Tropez is located about an  hour and a half drive from Nice. Saint Tropez grew as a fishing Village and Military stronghold  until the 20th century and it was the first town   to be liberated on the French Riviera. During  World War II in the 1960s Saint Tropez started   gaining popularity amongst jet setters and today  is renowned for its beaches nightlife and Yachts.   now the main part of Saint Tropez is pretty small  but I love just walking around its streets and   Alleyways there was this path that walks along the  coast and it was just really nice to explore all   in all Saint Tropez is a really beautiful town and  I understand why it's so popular. Afterwards   we're going to visit Cassis, now I think this was  my favorite place we visited in southern France.   We stayed several days here I'm just so glad we  did it's a Seaside town with that classic French   cheek charm now Cassis is overlooked by Cap Canille  which is home to the highest sea cliffs in all of   France with a height of 394 meters. now one of  the main reasons I wanted to go to Cassis and   just southern France in general was to visit the  Calanues. They are these incredible sea coves   surrounded by daunting cliffs and crystal clear  waters. The one I really wanted to go to is Calanque  d'en Vau Hope I said that right. There's several  ways to get here, you can either take a boat, kayak   or hike. On our first day there we rented a  little boat from the harbor in Cassis and headed   out to the Calanques, now the views on the way were  just absolutely incredible now one downside about   the boat is we couldn't land on the beach, you can  only drive like halfway through then it's roped   off, but if you do rent a kayak or a paddle board  you can take it to the beach which I definitely   recommend if you can handle the long paddle.  We went in as far as we could in the Calanque and   then turned around after we just kept exploring  the coastline heading west as we relaxed in this   other cove with some just really unique Cliffs  and rock formations. It was such a phenomenal   area. The next day I really wanted to go to the  beach in the Calanque d'en Vau so we decided to do a   hike. The hike was about seven kilometers long  and it had this one steep descent to get down to the   beach, nothing you can't handle. Once we reached  the beach, I mean it was really an amazing sight.   Steep white cliffs, coupled with the greens of the  pines and blues of the water were just amazing.   The beach was a decent size with a lot of smooth  Pebbles. We went for a swim and the water were just   so freaking clear. I wanted to find a cliff jumping spot  so after swimming down the cove, I found this rock   about seven meters high and did a few jumps off  of it. I mean there's truly no better feeling than   cliff jumping into the Mediterranean. Afterwards  we're gonna head back to Italy to visit the island   of Ponza. Before this last summer I had no idea  this island existed but after seeing some videos   of this place I had to go see it in person. It's  located off the west coast of Italy and it took   about a two hour ferry ride to get there. Now Ponza  is full of History it was a popular Island during   Roman times with many ruins and tunnels that still  exist today one of the best ways to see ponza is   by boat we rented one and cruised around the whole  island I was just baffled by the volcanic Cliffs   and endless coves and grottos one of my favorite  memories of the island was just anchoring in this   little Cove and spending hour hours they're  swimming and enjoying the Mediterranean sun   it's just hard to beat that lifestyle anyways one  of the most famous places on the island is Chaya   the Luna Beach it's known for its massive White  Cliffs and a Beat shaped like the crescent moon   you can get there by boat or there is an ancient  Roman tunnel you can walk through and I just can't   believe how big the cliffs are now afterwards  we're gonna head over to Sicily to visit the   Aeolian islands. Now the Aeolian islands are an  archipelago made up of seven inhabited Islands   located off of Sicily's northern coast. The  islands were created by volcanic activity and   as a result they are home to some of the most  bizarre Landscapes. To get to the Aeolian   islands there's several ways to go about it. You  can take a ferry from the town of Milazzo or you   can experience them by a sailboat. We sailed around  for a week and went to some of the most phenomenal   places the islands have to offer. The most epic  Island on the archipelago is probably Stromboli. it's nicknamed the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean  and at night you can see lava shooting out the top   we took a boat to the Northern side of the island  and got some of the best views of the volcano now   another one of my favorite Islands was Panarea.  It's the smallest of the Aeolian islands but has   so much charm. I love all the whitewash houses it  reminded me of a Greek island there was also these   huge sea cliffs I mean I just couldn't believe  how huge they were and then there was also these   little islands off Panarea that had these volcanic  sea bubbles we went snorkeled in and explored I   just love the Aeolian islands so freaking much and  couldn't recommend them enough after we're gonna   head over to Sicily's Mainland to visit Cefalu.  now look at about an hour's drive from Palermo   this may be one of my favorite places in Sicily we  spent several days here and just really enjoyed it   Jiffy lute was first mentioned back in 396 BC and  today it's one of Sicily's most well-known towns   one of my favorite things about Cefalu was its  Sunset the light hits the town perfectly giving   it this orange glow I love just chilling on the  beach admiring the town's architecture I mean   walking back through the towns Alleyways made  me feel like I was walking in a Italy from a   different era I mean I couldn't recommend cefalu  enough afterwards we're going to visit Taormina   located on the Eastern side of Sicily, Taormina is  this incredible Hilltop town full of Italian charm   and history the town was founded around ancient  Greek times and has been a popular European   getaway since the 19th century I just had a great  time walking around the Alleyways and streets of   the town I really like the main Piazza one of the  main reasons I wanted to visit Taormina was to   visit the Isola Bella. Also called the pearl of  the ionian sea the Isola Bella is this beautiful   Island located right below Taormina you can get  there by taking a Gondola from the town if you   don't want to make the hike now once you get down  to the Bay you'll find a nice beach perfect for   some Mediterranean sunbathing now afterwards we're  gonna head up to Mount Etna now with a height of   3 357 meters Mount Etna is the highest active  volcano in all of Europe, it's also one of the   most active volcanoes in the world! While we were there, we drove as high as we could on the volcano   from there you can take up a gondola and then you  can ride up on these special cars even higher I'm   so mad at myself because we got there right around  4 30 and that's when the lift closed instead we   decided to hike around some of the craters  right by the parking lot and it's just hard   to comprehend how massive this volcano is there's  volcanic rock that continues down the mountain I   mean you get these insane views from out there I  have just such an incredible spot now afterwards   we're going to head over to the nearby island of  Malta now located in the Mediterranean between   Sicily and North Africa Malta is this small island  country home to some of Europe's best Coastline   and numerous historical sites the capital city of  Malta is Valletta now Logan in the southeastern   region on the main island of Malta Valletta is  a sight to see with only an area of 0.61 square   kilometers it's the European Union's smallest  Capital City Valetta was established back in 1566   after the Knights of Malta defeated the Ottomans  who attempted to conquer Malta in the great Siege   today the architecture of Aletta is absolutely  stunning it's the perfect mixture of Baroque and   modern architecture I just love how the whole city  is dominated by 10 medieval buildings if you visit   the city you can check out the saluting battery  at noon a cannon is fired pretty cool if you ask   me valet just has so much Beauty in history and  I hope you all can witness it in person after it   we're gonna head over to Slovenia to visit piran  located on a narrow peninsula in the Adriatic   Sea piran was part of the Roman Empire back in  178 BC during medieval times it became part of   the Republic of Venice with much of its Italian  influence still prevalent today I just love its   medieval charm and orange roof buildings while  you're there you can visit the tartini Central   Square or take a walk around the edge of the town  marveling at the Adriatic Sea now afterwards we're   gonna head over to the kamnik savinia Alps now  this may be one of my favorite parts of Sylvania   yeah it's time to do stunning Landscapes and  Alpine Towns now one incredible place is the   local Valley it's one of the most beautiful  Alpine Glacier valleys in all of Europe means   truly a spectacular place now one of my favorite  features of Slovenia is its Hilltop churches they   dot the landscape and create some of the most  picturesque sceneries one of the most notable   is the church of Saint Thomas it's located in the  town of selka and has one of the most enchanting   views as it's perfectly placed on a Hilltop with  the cabinet Alps in the distance another Scenic   Chapel is the church of Saint Primos and Felician  it's located in the town of jamnik and the church   was built back in the 16th century and offers  one of the most beautiful settings with a path   that leads up to the church with a backdrop of  the Alps I mean doesn't get more spiritual than   a church in nature after we're gonna head over to  the country of Croatia if you love medieval towns   endless islands and crystal clear waters you'll  fall in love with Croatia one of the most famous   regions in the country is the dalmatian Coast now  consisting of the southernmost region of Croatia   the dalmatian Coast is home to some of Croatia's  most popular destinations you can visit Dubrovnik   as this extremely well preserved medieval Old Town  surrounded by this massive wall that you can walk   on if you want to escape to one of the islands you  can visit corcula it's the second most populated   island in the Adriatic Sea I really like its  Old Town that was built upon this peninsula   it's been part of the Venetian Republic off and  on since the 12th century and some historians   believe that Marco Polo was born here now if  you have a sailboat you gotta experience the   cornati islands it's an archipelago with over  140 islands and islets and some of the bluest   water I've ever seen I mean I love to spend a  week selling around them someday another one   of my favorite places in Croatia is rovin now  located on the istrian peninsula on Croatia's   western coast Ravine is one of the most beautiful  medieval fishing towns I've ever seen from 1283   to 1797 Ravine was governed by by the Republic  of Venice today is part of Croatia and it's one   of the country's most beautiful cities when you  walk the streets you'll feel like you're in Italy   due to its Italian influence now afterwards we're  going to head over to the country of Montenegro   now if mountains like the Alps in a Mediterranean  Coastline I think Montenegro is one of the most   underrated countries in all of Europe now one of  the most popular destinations in Montenegro is   the coastal town of Couture it's located in what  some considered to be Europe's southernmost yard   now from the early 1400s until the end of the 18th  century it was part of the Venetian Republic which   influenced much of its architecture which stands  today it's grown in popularity over the years   and it's a popular cruise ship stop now I think  the whole Bay of Couture is such an incredible   location with its massive mountains that line the  coast coupled with its medieval architecture it   reminds me of a real-life numenor now if you want  to explore some of montenegro's mountains you can   head up to Derby tour it's located about  four hours drive from Couture and offers   some montenegro's best nature and impressive spot  is literally called Sereno jizero that offers an   amazing view of the dineric Alps you can also  drive onto Rico's whining narrow roads that   navigate through the mountains another fastening  spot in Montenegro is the Sereno yavicha River   it's a serpentine waterway that winds into the  skedar lake it creates such unique landscape it   doesn't even feel like you're in Europe and just  so bizarre and beautiful you can get a great view   of the River from the Pavlova strata Viewpoint now  afterwards we're going to head over to Serbia to   visit Belgrade it's the capital and largest city  in Serbia with a population of 1.7 million what's   crazy about Belgrade is that it's one of the  oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe   and the world one of the most notable attractions  of the city is the Belgrade Fortress it was built   all the way back in 279 BC it's sits atop a hill  and offers one of the best views in Belgrade if   you want to see some of Serbia's nature you can  head over to Lake peruchas it's located right in   the Serbia Bosnia border and it's his Reservoir  with some steep mount pounds another interesting   place Downstream from the lake is the Drina river  house it was originally built in 1968 but has been   destroyed seven times from rising water levels but  has been rebuilt every time I mean just such an   interesting little house now after Serbia we're  gonna head over to the neighboring country of   Albania now if Alpine mountains in its own Coastal  Riviera Albania is a gem of a country the capital   city is Tirana it's known for its Ottoman and  Soviet era architecture now from Tirana you can   make the three-hour drive to the Alpine Village of  theft it's located in the Albanian Alps and she's   surrounded by phenomenal views I mean I think  the area is one of the most beautiful places in   Albania the mountains here are just phenomenal  and I would love to spend a few weeks hiking   around them now after Albania we're going to head  over to Greece to visit the nearby island of Corfu   now located in the Northwestern part of Greece  Corfu is one of the greenest Greek Islands in   my opinion it reminds me a lot of the scenery  of the nearby island of zakinthos when fits a   White Cliffs green vegetation and Incredibly clear  Waters now one of my favorite places in Corfu is   Puerto timoni is this incredible horseshoe shaped  Bay with beaches on both sides another interesting   spot on the island is Cape drastus it's this  Cliff area with these really unique shaped   Sea Cliffs that are worth checking out especially  during sunset now another popular Greek island is   Mykonos I mean after Santorini I think Mykonos  is Greece's most famous island it's known for   its vibrant nightlife and white buildings Mykonos  is nicknamed the island of wind and there's some   really cool windmills you can check out I mean  it's an idol Island if you want to relax during   the day and just party it up all night after we're  going to visit the city of Athens it's the capital   and largest city in Greece and it's one of the  world's oldest cities I have to say that Athens   is one of my favorite cities in all Europe which  is such a wild place with so much history now one   of my favorite places in Athens is the Acropolis  it costs about 20 euros to get in so it's a little   expensive but it's totally worth it from the  Acropolis you're able to get incredible panorama   a few of all Athens there's just an Endless Sea of  white buildings with mountains in the background   if you do go to Greece I definitely recommend  exploring Athens for at least a day or two   it's just such a unique place after Greece we're  going to head up to Romania to visit Bucharest now   located in the south of Romania Bucharest is the  country's capital with a population of 1.8 million   it's referred to as the Paris of the East thanks  to its elegant architecture now one of the most   impressive buildings in the city is the Palace of  parliament it's the heaviest building in the world   weighing over 4 million tons I mean that's kind  of crazy to think about now I just love how the   Long Street leads up to the Palace now similar to  Paris Bucharest is the arch a Triumph dedicated to   the heroes of World War One and Romania's war of  independence Bucharest definitely is a European   Capital worth visiting after Bucharest we're going  to take a drive on the transfer garishan highway   now this is definitely the most well-known Road in  Romania and was claimed to be the best road in the   world by the TV show Top Gear the road was built  by Romanian military in the 1970s as response to   the 1968 Envision of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet  Union now the military wanted to make sure they   had quick access across the mountains in case of  invasion today the road is an incredible scenic   drive as it passes through the Transylvanian Alps  the road is usually open from July to October and   climbs to an altitude of 2042 meters now why there  you can make a pit stop and do some hiking in the   Transfiguration mountains I mean such incredible  area and drive afterwards we're going to head   over to the city of Brasov now located near the  caprician mountains in Transylvania Brasov is a   Charming City known for its medieval Saxon walls  and towering Gothic black church sadly in the 17th   century a fire destroyed almost all Brussels wild  City but thankfully it was rebuilt and today it's   one of the most popular cities in Transylvania  and thanks to its location it's a great Hub to   explore other places around Romania now one of  my favorite nearby places is the Run Castle it's   located just 30 minutes outside of Brazil and it's  famously known as Dracula's castle now while there   is no evidence that the Arthur of Dracula knew  anything about this Castle it definitely has a   spooky vibe to it now another impressive Castle in  Romania is the corvine castle now it's located in   Western Romania in the town of hunidora now Corvin  Castle is one of the largest castles in all of   Europe I mean just absolutely massive like brown  Castle it has a creepy vibe to it it was used as   a residence also served as a prison in few areas  I mean I can't imagine what it must have been like   to see this Castle during medieval times I mean  just so enormous needless to say Romania is home   to some incredible castles after Romania we're  gonna head up to Slovakia to visit Bratislava now   located on the border between Austria and Hungary  Bratislava became Slovakia's Capital after the   Velvet Revolution which split Czechoslovakia into  two separate countries making it one of Europe's   youngest Capital Cities today Bratislava has a  population of around 400 000 and it ranks as the   third richest region in the European Union one  of the most prominent features of the capital is   the Bratislava Castle now located on isolated Hill  right above the Danube River the Bratislava Castle   has been the symbol of the city since the Middle  Ages it's just absolutely massive and it can be   seen from all over the city one of my favorite  places in Slovakia is the boynite castle now   located about two hours drive from Bratislava this  may be the most beautiful and visited Castle in   all Slovakia the Bonita Castle was first mentioned  in the 12th century and it was owned by Hungarian   noble families to date you can visit the castle  and explore its grounds now afterwards we're going   to venture to the orava castle now located about  three hours from bratislawa the orava castle is   possibly the most perfectly placed Castle as it  rests on top of a skin any Rock Clift it's also   one of the most spooky castles I've ever seen  it was used in many scenes of the 1922 horror   film Nosferatu so you definitely get some Dracula  Vibes here it was built upon a former Fortress in   the 13th century after a Mongol invasion to defend  what was then the Hungarian Kingdom now like many   other castles a Raffa was added on destroyed by a  fire and then restored I just think it's so crazy   that they're able to build this Castle on top of  the stone Peaks I mean it doesn't even look real   if you want some spooky Vibes you definitely gotta  check this castle out now afterwards we're gonna   head over to the mountains to visit the hitachos  now located right in the Polish Slovakian border   the high tatchers are part of the Carpathian  Mountain range and are considered to be the   smallest Alpine mountains in all of Europe the  highest place in the tatras in all Slovakia is   gerlock Peak with an elevation of 2655 meters now  the high tatchers are home to plenty of wildlife   such as the Eurasian brown bear I did just really  love the look of these mountains they have such   a unique appearance to them now after we're gonna  head over to Poland's side of the tatras to visit   zakopane now located right at the base of the  mountains zakopane is a perfect starting place for   your Mountain adventures during the winter time  zakopane is an ideal place to go skiing and in   the summer months it's a prime place to start your  hike into the mountains one of the most impressive   spots in the tatras is the morski OKO Lake I mean  just such a phenomenal view up there now after   we're going to head over to the beautiful city of  rotswaff I mean it's such a tricky pronunciation   ratswaff is such a Charming historical place it's  home to one of the most beautiful Market squares   in all Europe it's lined with elegant townhouses  and cobblestone streets ratswaff also has one of   the most beautiful cathedrals in Poland it was  originally built in 1272 but has been damaged   and rebuilt several times throughout the centuries  fratswaff just the perfect place is walk around   explore for a day after it we're gonna head up to  Northern Poland to visit gadan now located on the   Baltic Sea gedant is one of Poland's older cities  with a fascinating history with periods of Polish   Prussian and German rule the earliest mention  of Gdansk was in the year 997 A.D and during   the Middle Ages could dance crew as an important  Seaport in shipbilling town it Rose to be one of   the wealthiest and largest cities in Poland until  warsaw's rapid growth from the 18th century today   godansk is one of Poland's most beautiful cities I  mean I just can't believe it's old town it's full   of these perfectly placed houses that seem to go  on forever now just an hour's drive from Gdansk   is the Melbourne castle and this is the largest  castle in the world by land area it was built in   the 13th century by the Teutonic Knights who were  German Catholic Crusaders and as the number of the   knights grew so did the castle which encloses  an area of 52 anchors which is crazy to think   that people were able to build such buildings  back then more than half a malware Castle was   destroyed during World War II but thankfully it  was rebuilt to its former glory after we're gonna   head over to the Netherlands famous for its  tulips windmills and endless canals one thing   that's really interesting about the Netherlands  to me is that it's actually grown in size over   the century thanks to The Dutch's ability to use  dikes pumps and polders to remove sea water and   reclaim land if it weren't for The Duchess sea  defending Innovations about 65 percent of the   country would be underwater at high tide now the  most famous city in the Netherlands is Amsterdam   it's known for its elaborate Canal system narrow  houses and countless Bridges Amsterdam just has a   Vibe like none other I was in Amsterdam many years  ago and its impression has always left a mark on   me now an interesting place in the Netherlands  is kinderdyke it's located about an hour from   Amsterdam kindric is this Village famous for  its 19 windmills that were built in the mid   1700s to pump water out the nearby Boulders it  just amazes me that the Dutch were able to make   windmills back then to drain water now while  you're there you can walk along the path and   Marvel at the windmills and canals while we're  still in the Netherlands we're going to head over   to Rotterdam now lucky just an hour's drive from  Amsterdam rotterdam's history dates back to the   13th century due to its location between Germany  and Britain it was completely destroyed in World   War II when Rotterdam was rebuilt the city was  extremely bold with its buildings and unique   architecture today rotterdam's count is full of  Modern Skyscrapers now afterwards we're going to   head over to Belgium to visit Russell's now look  it in the heart of the country Brussels is the   most densely populated region with a population  of 1.2 million after World War II Brussels became   a major Center for international politics it  is the de facto capital of the European Union   one of my favorite places was the Grand Place  it's the Central Square of the city and I just   remember it being blown away by the immaculate  buildings and all the Cobblestone the square is   considered to be one of the most beautiful in  all Europe and I totally understand why while   you're there you can treat yourself to a Belgian  waffle now a really interesting attraction is that   Tommy landmark building it was built in 1958 for  the Brussels World Fair and there's a restaurant   with Incredible panoramic view on top another one  of my favorite places in Belgium is the Riverside   Village of denat located about an hour's drive  from Brussels dinant is a Charming town I just   love how the river runs right through it and the  rock cliff overlooks the town afterwards we're   gonna head over to the nearby country a Luxembourg  now the country of Luxembourg is one of the   smallest in the world it's nestled between Belgium  France and Germany and has a population around six   hundred thousand Luxembourg also has the highest  GDP per Capitol in the world which is pretty crazy   now the crowning feature of the country is its  capital Luxembourg City built among deep Gorges   cut out by surrounding Rivers the city is home to  one of the most impressive medieval old towns now   what made this landscape so appealing is that it's  surrounded by sheer Cliffs that serve as a natural   fortification against invading armies luxembourg's  fortifications grew gradually and became one of   your up strongest fortresses sadly in 1867 the  Treaty of London required luxembourg's Fortress to   be torn down so it could be a place of neutrality  today the fortresses ruined still remain the best   place to see them is the bach Promontory where  you'll find the city's fameless underground   tunnels and fascinating history Luxembourg is such  a stunning Capital afterwards we're going to head   over to the UK to visit Cornwall now located on  eaglin's Southwestern tip Cornwall is home to some   of the best Coastline in all England while the  northern coast is full of impressive Sea Cliffs   such as God revey point the southern coast is  named the Cornish Riviera as it's full of Scenic   Harbor towns and Villages one of my favorites is  Lou it's this picturesque Town that's divided by   the Lou River which empties into the sea there's  incredible Beach full of classic English houses   it very well could be a fairy tale one of  the most impressive locations in Cornwall is   Saint Michael's mall it's a tidal island with an  impressive Castle on top it's believed be the home   of a monastery from the 8th to 11th centuries and  the castle on the island Summit dates back to the   12th centuries and has been renovated throughout  the ages When the tide goes out you could walk   across the stone Causeway to get there I think  it's one of the coolest places in England that   reminds me a lot of France's multi Michelle while  we're still in Southwestern England we're going   to head over to the Isles of skilly located about  28 miles off Cornwall the Isles of skilly are an   archipelago made up of five inhabited islands with  a population around 2 000 people the islands are   full of crystal clear waters historical sites  and Rolling Green Hills to reach the island so   you can take a three-hour ferry from Penzance or  you can take a short plane ride the islands truly   are stunning I'd love to get a boat and just sell  around the islands in the summertime after we're   gonna head back to the coast to visit the White  Cliffs of Dover located about two hours drive   from London the White Cliffs of Dover are not only  a beautiful sieg location but also an intriguing   historical site is especially regarding World War  II history since the cliffs are Britain's closest   point to Continental Europe being only 20 miles  from France during World War II Crossing from   Dover was the primary route to Europe by boat  or plane so the White Cliffs were the first   and last site of Britain for the troops after the  evacuation of Dunkirk the site The Cliffs of Dover   was a sudden relief as the thousands of Allied  troops made it safely back to Britain I mean the   history of these Cliffs is absolutely fascinating  afterwards we're going to visit the Lake District   located in Northwestern England the Lake District  is known for its glacial ribbon lakes and its fell   mountains it's home to Scofield Pike which is the  highest place in all England with an elevation of   3209 feet the area is just absolutely beautiful  I think one of the best things you can do in the   Lake District is just drive on the roads that  wind through the mountains while notable road   is the honister pass if you keep driving down the  pass you'll reach buttermere Lake it's surrounded   by massive mountains it's just incredible overall  scenery and couldn't recommend the light district   enough easily one of the most beautiful places  in all England after we're going to head up to   Scotland to visit Glencoe located in the Scottish  Highlands Glencoe is home to some of Scotland's   most beautiful scenery in mountains I found this  place by accident as I was driving around the   highlands it's been the filming location for many  popular movies such as Braveheart my favorite part   of Glencoe is its mountains I mean I couldn't  believe how huge they were I felt like I was   in Switzerland or Norway I recommend just taking  a drive on the a82 road and you can just see all   the Wonders Glencoe has to offer it has one of my  favorite mountains in the area I won't even try to   pronounce that it has an almost perfect pyramid  shape and you get a great view of it from the   road now after we're gonna head over to one of  Scotland's most iconic locations the glenfinan   viaduct located at the top a lock shield in the  west Highlands of Scotland this may look familiar   because it was featured in the Harry Potter movies  while I was there I wanted to get a close look at   the bridge so I walked underneath it I was just  shook how big it actually was after I hiked up   to a good vantage point so I could see the famous  train go across the Via duct it was such a magical   experience afterwards we're gonna head over to  Spain to visit Picos de Europa now looking in   the north of the country I think these are some  of the most underrated mountains in Europe one of   the most impressive places is naranjo De bones as  this massive Rock tower that shoots straight out   of the mountain I just want to go there so bad and  hike around the mountains for days now afterwards   we're gonna head to Central Spain to visit the  historic town of Toledo located right in the   middle of the country Toledo is a stunning ancient  city perfectly placed on a hill it's known as the   city of three cultures due to its influences from  Christians Muslims and Jews the history of Toledo   is fascinating and complex it was taken over  by the Moors for several centuries until it was   conquered in the 11th century by the castilians  today the city has a population around 80   000 one of the most impressive is the Alcazar  de Toledo it was once used as a Roman Palace   and then it was eventually restored in the 16th  Century another one of my favorite cities in   Spain is Ronda and it's home to one of the most  scenic Bridges I've ever seen called Puente Nuevo   it was built in the 18th century to cross the El  Tahoe Gorge it stands 120 meters over the canyon   floor I just can't get over the architecture  of the Arches what a beautiful spot now from   Ronda we're going to make the two hours drive  to Granada now loaded at the base of the Sierra   Nevada mountains the crowning feature of Granada  is the Alhambra it's a fortified Moorish palace   that was completed in 1354 the interior of this  Palace is stunning there's a reflection pool and a   pillared courtyard I mean I totally understand why  it's one of the most renowned Islamic buildings   in Europe after we're gonna head back to Italy to  visit bologna now look about two hours drive from   Venice what I love about bologna is its medieval  Towers they were constructed back in the 12th and   13th Centuries with the highest being over 300  feet tall back in medieval times there were an   estimated 180 Towers which dominated the City  over the centuries many Towers were demolished   or simply collapse and today fewer than 20  Towers Remain the most famous are the two   towers the tallest tower reaches over 97 meters  with an overhang of 2.2 meters I mean they're both   leaning a little bit they look like they're going  to collapse I just can't imagine all the history   these towers must have experienced throughout  the ages afterwards we're going to visit Matera   now you may recognize this town in the most recent  James Bond film but Terra is known all around the   world for its unique cave dwellings and striking  architecture it's believed that Matera was founded   over 9 000 years ago making it one of the oldest  continuously inhabited settlements on the planet   to date Matera is one of Italy's Best Kept Secrets  and definitely a town worth visiting now another   one of my favorite towns is Portofino now this may  be one of the most idyllic towns on the Italian   Coast it's renowned worldwide for its picturesque  Harbor and has been a retreat for royalty and   artists as far back as the 12th century I tried  to get go here during the peak of the summer but   I got turned back because there was no parking  I definitely recommend coming during the less   popular months or early in the morning regardless  it's a beautiful place that deserves a visit   afterwards we're going to head to the incredible  region of Tuscany now located in central Italy   Tuscany is known for its Landscapes history and  artistic Legacy I mean I've been obsessed with   Tuscany ever since I've seen the Gladiator it's  a land full of rolling Golden Hills dotted with   countless little Hilltop towns one of the most  iconic places in Tuscany is Florence I have to   say that Florence is my favorite city in all  of Italy it's considered to be the birthplace   of the Renaissance and it was the most important  political cultural and economical city in Europe   and the road during that time the history of  this city is endless and without its influence   our world would probably be very different  today now one thing that makes floors magical   is that almost the entire city is made up of  medieval buildings which really transports you   back in time one of the most impressive height in  Florence is the Duomo and when you look at it you   just can't believe how big it is it was completed  in 1436 and just amazes me that they were able to   engineer such a big dome so long ago the people  of Florence sure dreamed big the Ponte Vecchio   bridge is another historic site it's where the  famous poet Dante encountered his love Beatrice   and also it was the only bridge on the Arno river  that wasn't destroyed in World War II the Palazzo   Vecchio is another site you gotta see now to get  the best view of all Florence I recommend you go   to the piazzale Michelangelo you'll be able to get  pan around views of the city I mean I just can't   say enough good things about Florence you're gonna  fall in love with this enchanting City now for our   final destination we're going to visit the Italian  dolomites I have to say these are my favorite   mountains in all the realed I spent several weeks  exploring these mountains and I consider it to be   some of the greatest days of my life the dolomites  are home to endless jacket Peaks scenic Alpine   lakes and just Fairy Town Villages now one of the  most iconic places in the dolmites is treachimi   the lavarado it's a set of three massive Rock  pillars that Tower over the landscape when I was   here I wanted to watch the sunrise so me and my  buddy George woke up at 5 30 and started hiking   towards this vantage point anyways we made it to  the top right when the sun started to rise over   the Peaks I was just out of breath because  we climbed a freaking Mound but I was able   to experience the most incredible Sunrise of my  life I mean I felt so alive and moments like that   is what traveling is all about now another one of  my favorite places in trade Chima is this place I   like to call Mordor because it looks like a scene  straight out of Lord of the Rings I remember I   was in the parking lot and I saw these mountains  in the distance so I started hiking towards them   they were so mystical and dreary and the whole  landscape reminded me of something out of Lord   of the Rings I decided I wanted to hike to the  bottom of Mordor so I fought this path down and it   led me to this cave I felt like I was walking into  Sheila's Lair luckily there were no giant spiders   in the there I kept walking down the sketches part  was when I got to this long skinny ladder anyways   I made it down to the bottom and it was just  overwhelmed by the epicness of the area I didn't   have much daylight left so I walked back up the  trail and was able to get one of the most iconic   shots ever of me running along this path now in  the moment I really didn't appreciate how crazy   that evening was but looking back that was hands  down one of my all-time favorite trial experiences   who would have thought Mordor was in Italy well  that is it for my Europe top 100 this was part   two so if there was a place that you thought  deserved a spot in this video you can watch my   part one there's still so many places that I want  to put in this video so I'll have to make a part   three let me know where your favorite place is  in Europe in the comments below you can find me   on Instagram and Tick Tock at shirley.films  it's Ryan and we will see you later foreign
Channel: Ryan Shirley
Views: 5,965,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Europe, Europe travel guide, top places to visit in europe, europe travel, where to visit in europe, europe top 100
Id: IQzfprW0Yl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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