Top 20 Funniest Videos That Broke the Internet

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there's nothing quite like millions of strangers coming together to watch something silly welcome to oh for this list we'll be looking at the all-time funniest and goofiest videos that went viral number 20 the dangers of working from home and what will it mean for for the wider region I think one of your children's just walked in i mean shift is shifting shifting sands in the region shooting relations with the north may change on March 10th 2017 political scientist Robert E Kelley was professionally conducting an at home interview with the BBC about South Korean politics and then his children walked in there's just so much good stuff packed into this video that we don't even know where to start there's the girl opening the door and proudly strutting around in the background there's the baby wheeling his way into the room there's the BBC interviewer trying not to laugh you've got Kelley trying to push his daughter away and of course you have Kelley's wife Jung ah Kim ninja sliding into the room and ushering the children out the door while Kelley closes his eyes in exasperation it's like a scene out of a surreal comedy and we love every second of it it's been pretty unreal we didn't really expect any kind of attention like this at all almost certainly never had anything like this in our life before number 19 apparently kid it was great I've never been on live television before apparently this video went viral because apparently it has millions of views on August 4th 2014 little Noah Ritter was interviewed by a local news channel about the Wayne County Fair apparently Ritter had just learned a fancy new word because he used it every chance he got even if it didn't make a whole lot of sense while it was great because the brownie you're spinning around or apparently every time you get dizzy fully stools get busy not only that but Ritter used his precious time on television to explain that he a five-year-old does not watch the news and even when he does he's forced to watch the Powerball with his grandfather children really are a gift not for the love but for the laughs and the love is well we suppose ya know probably went down the super slide went down a little scared half to death I get freaked out number eighteen Miss Teen USA poor Caitlin Upton no matter how smart and successful she may be she will forever be known as that Miss Teen USA you know the one we're talking about during the 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant Upton was asked why a fifth of Americans can't locate the United States on a world map what follows is one of the most hilariously incoherent things the internet has ever heard people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq everywhere like such as what makes the video even better is the hosts desperately trying not to laugh in Upton's face the clip quickly spread through Facebook and YouTube becoming the most viewed internet video of September 2007 it is now a certified classic yes everything they come at me at once I was overwhelmed and I made a mistake everybody makes mistake I'm humans number seventeen keyboard cat if there's one thing the collective internet loves its cats and in a time of intense political division the keyboard cat brought us all together the video itself was actually filmed in the mid 80s and it shows a tabby cat named fatso dressed in a bright blue outfit and playing a keyboard the cat's owner Charlie Schmidt uploaded the old footage to YouTube in 2007 but it didn't gain traction until 2009 when youtuber brat O'Farrell use the footage in a video titled play him off keyboard cat the footage was used to mockingly play off a man falling down an escalator this in turn influenced videos of a similar nature and before long the late fatso was an internet sensation [Music] number 16 greatest freakout ever okay my mom just canceled my brother's world Warcraft account in his video game freak outs are always good for a laugh but nothing will ever beat the iconic World of Warcraft freak out the video shows a young teenager going absolutely ballistic in his bedroom after his mother cancelled his World of Warcraft account the meltdown includes flailing around on the bed hiding himself under a blanket while professing his desire to run away from home and let's just say we do not envy his remote some people have doubted the video's authenticity probably because the meltdown is just so bizarre but fake or not it's still hilarious and over 100 million people seem to agree number 15 afro ninja it's amazing to see what passed as a viral video back in the day in this very short video clip a man named Mark Hicks can be seen falling flat on his face after doing a backflip and staggering off camera that's literally it modern fail compilations have made videos like these a regular occurrence but this took the internet by storm back in the mid-2000s the video could be seen on sites like Yvonne's world where it quickly spread and became famous it was eventually uploaded to YouTube in January 2006 and has since amassed nearly 20 million views number 14 double rainbow double rainbow oh my god if you need proof that happiness is contagious just watch this video in January 2010 youtube user Yosemite bear 62 uploaded a video showcasing a rare double rainbow in Yosemite National Park Yosemite bears 62 real name Paul Vasquez can be heard yelling in amazement and crying at the vibrant beauty of the view the video gained national attention after Jimmy Kimmel shared it on Twitter and many people reported feeling happy for Paul's elated happiness sadly Vasquez passed away on May 9th 2020 aged 57 wherever he is we hope he's enjoying the heavenly sight of a double rainbow [Music] number 13 Potter Puppet Pals M Jeremiah is detect foul-mouth Ignace a pre-youtube crazed Potter Puppet Pals is a series of video spoofing the Harry Potter series using what else puppets creator Neal sister Riga made a flash animated Potter Puppet Pals called bothering Snape in late 2003 before turning the series live-action in September 2006 ready let's go bother him the following March Scizor Riga made another video titled the mysterious ticking noise and this was the first Potter Puppet Pals to go viral it accrued over 70 million views in its first two years on YouTube and has since become an important part of the site's history does Snape Severus Snape Dumbledore Snape Severus Snape do we still love it after all this time always number 12 zombie kid likes turtles Jonathan you're looking good Jonathan just got an awesome facepaint job what do you think I like turtles here we have another kid on another local news channel and this one is even more iconic the video concerns ten-year-old Jonathan ware who is visiting Portland's rose festival when asked about his new zombie face paint where simply turns to the reporter and gives one of the greatest answers to ever grace local news we don't know it's funnier the answer itself the reporters bemused reaction or the fact that the clip opens with Jonathan silently staring into the camera for a solid five seconds the video saw millions of views spawned dozens of remixes and parodies and I like turtles was subsequently entered into urban dictionary yeah I was nervous yeah and I didn't know what to say number 11 ain't nobody got time for that the longer this video goes on the more we realized that we should be watching the local news apparently it's a goldmine of memes said Oh Lord Jesus is a fart while covering a local apartment fire Oklahoma City's kfo are interviewed resident sweet brown and asked her about her experience what follows is one of the funniest stories the internet has ever heard as well as a catchphrase that has entered the internet lexicon I've been in a smoke get me gab bronchitis I don't know buddy got to have put it the video spread through the internet thanks to sites like Yvonne's world and Gawker amongst others and the YouTube video earned over 1 million views in 48 hours a true internet classic was born and we always have time for it strangers have been coming to your house knocking on your door but to take pictures with you take pictures I'm sweet brown I'm like number ten leprechaun in mobile some people in the Triton area of mobile say a leprechaun has taking up residence in their neighborhood a leprechaun whenever the news covers alleged sightings of mythological creatures you know it's gonna be good in March 2006 news station W PMI covered an alleged leprechaun sighting in Mobile Alabama the news story opens with the anchors literally laughing at the prospect of a leprechaun and it only gets better from there we get colorful commentary from mobile residents a hilarious amateur sketch of the supposed leprechaun and a man clad in body armor with a leprechaun flute that Ward's off spells this is a special leprechaun flute which has been passed down from thousands of years ago for my great-grandfather who was Irish the video went viral thanks in large part to the amateur sketch and was later parodied on South Park once you're made fun of on South Park you know you've made it he jumped down from the fire-escape stairs and then he just ran off we barely got a look at him number 9 shoes shoes shoes shoes one of YouTube's first and finest viral videos has to be Liam Sullivan shoes Sullivan appears as Kelly a stereotypical materialistic girl who finds comfort and happiness and shoes the skit was part of Sullivan's stand-up routine and after it received a favorable reception at his shows he decided to film it as an Internet skit stupid boy let some a shortened version of the full scale was uploaded to his YouTube channel on may 5th 2006 and it quickly spread thanks to endorsements from Margaret Cho and Andy Samberg the full video was eventually uploaded in February 2007 and has remained on the site ever since number eight dramatic look if we had five seconds to show an alien the magic of the Internet we would choose dramatic look the video is simple a prairie dog looks back at the camera while dramatic music from Young Frankenstein plays in the background but the simplest videos are always the funniest and that is certainly the case here the clip comes from an old Japanese variety show called hello morning but we can thank YouTube user magnets 99 for adding the dramatic music yiannis calm denied alright teachers no market all night she the video took off throughout June 2007 complete with remixes reaction videos and reenactments the prairie dog was even named one of People magazine's 10 wildest YouTube stars of the year number 7 raped lady falls right here these buckets are filled with grapes what kind of great these are filled with sham bursts and grapes and the winner this Saturday he stomps the most juice will actually win an overnight stay here at shot so a lot you're ready ready to try you know we really hate laughing at people's misfortune but come on how can you not laugh at this the famous grape lady was reporting on a grape stomping competition at Atlanta's Chateau in LA winery and resort she decided to play along but tripped out of her basket falling off the raised platform and flat onto her face stop what follows are perhaps the most bizarre pain sounds anyone has ever heard what makes the video even funnier are the anchors back in the studio who are trying their absolute hardest not to laugh on air great lady was obviously in a lot of pain but those noises are just too funny number six antoine dodson and here we have more local news gold he's clamming your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids hide your wife because they rapin errbody out here on July 28th 2010 Alabama's WAFF 48 traveled to an apartment complex to report on a break-in and attempted assault the victim's brother Antoine Dodson was interviewed by the news team resulting in one of the most bizarre news stories ever captured Dodson doesn't even appear angry or upset instead using animated and rhythmic language to describe the situation in the most playful manner possible you don't have to come and confess that you did we're looking for you we gonna find you I'm letting you know that so you can run a tale that oh boy the video spread through Reddit and even mainstream media outlets like the Washington Post got in on the discussion the video and Dodson himself became internet sensations and a really catchy auto-tune song called Bed Intruder song was created from Dodson's iconic catchphrase cuz they're rapin errbody on you number 5 charlie bit my finger Johnny bit me this video proves two things one that we all take pleasure in watching children say and do silly things even if those children are not our own maybe it's just human nature to the Internet is really fickle in what it decides to make popular a video with a ton of time and effort put in can hit a couple thousand views but a home video of two children playing around can attain over 850 million the videos creator Howard Davies car was originally going to share the video over email to close relatives but decided to make it public on YouTube for the sake of convenience the video took off in November 2007 and in October 2009 it became the most viewed video in youtube history well um it was just watching TV just decided to buy him he put his finger near my mouth so I just bit and Harry do you still remember the pain of that bite no really not number 4 Star Wars kid we're returning to the dark ages of the internet also known as pre-youtube for the timeless Star Wars kid back in November 2002 high school students Eastland Raza filmed himself wielding a golf ball retriever like Darth Maul's double-sided lightsaber browses classmates eventually found and uploaded the footage to a p2p network called Casa the video struck it big on humour sites like new grounds and by 2006 the video was estimated to have been viewed nearly 1 billion times [Music] sadly Raza subsequently became one of the earliest victims of cyberbullying and he's since spoken out about its effects in response Star Wars fans launched a fundraiser and a petition to express their support because let's face it who hasn't picked something up and pretended it was a lightsaber find another tape [Music] Steve's more number-three numa numa [Music] another classic Newgrounds transfer is numa numa which is arguably one of the most wholesome viral videos of all time the concept is simple Gary Burrell smell lip-synchs Ozone's Drago Scott didn't a while ecstatically pumping his arms this is the type of stuff that went viral back in the Newgrounds days and it was glorious [Music] the video was uploaded to new grounds on December 6 2004 and absolutely took off burl SMO was even interviewed for the New York Times the following February signifying just how popular the video had become when I did the first video that was the first take I didn't edit it or anything I just kind of threw it up there and remember this was pre YouTube this sort of internet fame was unheard of at the time and numa numa has easily earned its place in the internet Hall of Fame number two leave Britney Alone have we learned nothing from Anna Nicole Smith I know it's hard to see Britney Spears's human being but trust me she is Britney Spears was set to have her big comeback at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards following her highly publicized personal struggles however the performance was widely panned by the mainstream media and vlogger Chris Crocker came to Spears his defense in this classic video an empathetic crocker cries and pleads with the media to stop criticizing Spears [Music] everyone ignored his pleas and focused on the video itself which amassed two million views in just 24 hours the video was endlessly parodied and Crocker himself appeared on outlets as diverse as CNN Fox News Jimmy Kimmel Live and the Howard Stern Show it was a bona fide media sensation at least the endless Crocker talk gave Spears a break so maybe he was successful after all hello Betty before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos it will have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one evolution of dance YouTube changed forever on April 6 2006 that was the day that motivational speaker Judson Laipply uploaded his evolution of dance to the site lively used to close his talks with this hilarious dance and decided to upload it to YouTube for the world to enjoy and enjoy it did the video skyrocketed in popularity and amassed 10 million views in just two weeks earning it features on mainstream media outlets like CNN E and Good Morning America it also set numerous YouTube records including the most favorited and most viewed video on the site that is until charlie bit my finger dethroned it in October 2009 but for three long prosperous years YouTube belonged to Judson Laipply and his evolution of dance [Applause] do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 2,739,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funniest videos that broke the internet, videos that broke the internet, broke the internet, break the internet, funniest videos, funniest viral videos, viral videos, youtube, ebaums world, funniest videos of all time, funny internet videos, funniest youtube videos, funniest youtube videos of all time, hilarious internet videos, miss teen usa, potter puppet pals, leprechaun in mobile, antoine dodson, star wars kid, evolution of dance, watchmojo, mojo, list, top 10
Id: 9b_z-JaM8Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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