MLB Worst Effort Plays

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coincidence stronger at the d8 spot what in the world is that what is he [Applause] doing he was going to take a pitch but he forgot there was two strikes wow I have no explanation for that folks we can't explain that so let's just go on to the second hit popped up Third Base side a out in Jeter and who's going to get it they drop it oh man this is uh this is an Amnesia game for they want to forget they played this one I think Jeter thought he caught [Applause] it I I think you could see Derek's lips move like he's saying I got it Tapper back to toward the mound Wilson looks Borge's back to First Phillies have made some changes Pete McCannon immediately went over to adubo Herrera after he tapped back to the mound and didn't run and he said something to him this is odubel just Taps it back to the mound and then shuts it down and possibly could have been safe if he had run the whole way because Wilson was having trouble getting the ball out of his glove it pop up Lee will will take it himself made that look easy that was a rather nonchalant grab guys in the World Series that's out number two here in the six get excited will [Laughter] you ho from the Philadelphia Phillies Dominic Brown and Cliff Lee altered their game plan hard hit ball cedy gets up but can't come down with it Casey didn't know he didn't catch it the throw by Ozuna got it oh [Music] yes probably ever again it's the first time I've ever seen it there you see Tracy now he recognizes his mistake and there's a base hit extra Bas is coming the breaking ball and ri's on his way to Second and BJ taking a lot of time to get to that ball and it's going to be a three base hit for Riley and I don't know what that was all about sees it in the seam right here let's see where BJ is and he's jogging he's jogging right there he's not running full speed oh and the Rays uh came back off the field after the top half of the fifth inning Longoria took exception to BJ Upton's lack of effort in center field and you can't blame Longoria for that listen I would rather see teammates get on teammates for talking about what you and I just talked about because it looked like BJ was was jogging after that ball in the Gap rman squares to bun and gets it down nicely Martinez with the flip to First safe now the Yankees are going to contend as the ball rolls away and Wilson's being wav home he stumbles they may have a play on him he slides in safely it's going to be a close play KN block covers the ball hits Fryman there's nothing wrong with where Fryman is despite the Yankees contention well now noblock just stands there yeah he's letting the ball roll and everyone's running breaking ball grounder Marshall lets Jeff get it Toss The Cone he tags the bag and they say safe watch the runner he's not watching the runner the runner scores and coach still arguing here comes the second runner the second runner scores I don't believe I just saw that
Channel: Sporting Videos
Views: 1,316,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, highlights, compilation, worst effort, lack of effort, palys, moments, lack of hustle, lazy, laziest
Id: T1wbpevA0CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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