Top 10 Worst Action Figures | 2023

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hey what's up guys this is Anthony from Anthony customs and for this video we are going to be counting down the 10 worst figures of 2023 now I have to give you guys a couple of warnings ahead of time the first warning is the very first thing we talk about may upset some of you but just hear me out and you'll probably understand where I'm coming from the second thing is this is a top 10 worst list I don't really mean worst I kind of mean disappointing most disappointing cuz some of these are like obviously better than garbage Dollar Store figures you know they're not the worst things ever but they're probably overpriced or let people down in some way and that's how I'm deciding to put them on the list some of them might just be straight up garbage but most of them are just disappointing so that's one of the things and then the other thing is like I said this is a top 10 worst if you don't want to hear bad things don't watch this when I did a top 10 the last top 10 video I did did that was like the worst ones I got a few people complaining he's so negative or he's just being picky it's a top 10 list of the worst things what did you expect me to be saying that's what we're doing here so if you don't like that just don't watch it but otherwise I I definitely suggest you do it should be entertaining and probably informative so we're going to look at the top 10 worst or most disappointing figures of 2023 plus one honorable mention and that honorable mention is stay with me at stage figure Arts trunks I know you guys love Trunks and you love the figure some of you but a lot of you don't and you have reason to not they screwed some stuff up mostly it's the QC he's got floppy hips he's got arms that fall off he's got a sword that doesn't stay on it's just not up to Snuff there's lots of problems with this figure that make it not good enough and so it's very disappointing that it's such a beloved character with what looked like was going to be a great figure that it came out not so great uh there are some other issues too that aren't even QC you know like we have the weird hips and the weird jacket design and some people like it some people don't whatever but you can't argue the QC if you have a figure that falls apart and is all jiggly and wobbly that's not good so yeah unfortunately trunks is the honorable mention for being very disappointing despite being an otherwise okay release all right now that that's out of the way let's look at number 10 uh you guys are probably going to no a trend here lot of expensive import figures on this list because they are expensive and when they have problems it's so much more obvious we have the S figurearts one piece Zoro this guy my personal favorite character from One Piece probably uh it's just it's he's a sword wielding guy who wields three swords and has all these special moves and things and he can barely pose it all the legs barely work and the arms barely work what the heck that's all I really have to say he's not the most expensive figure in the world world and that's why he's not farther up on the list but and he does look good don't get me wrong he looks great in a normal hero pose very neutral standing there looks wonderful but he's not great for posing not at all so yeah had to put him on the list coming in at number nine I wanted to put pan farther up on the list but it didn't disappoint me that much because it looked bad from the start it's a weird weird scale it's way overpriced even if this figure was great at this size it's way overpriced but it's not not it it doesn't do very much well at all and it is ridiculously expensive and ridiculously small so yeah there's just there's not a whole lot to like about this unless you really wanted a pan figure then there's that but this isn't the kind of thing that anybody would ever pick up unless they had a connection to the character okay coming in at number eight we have another sh figure Arts it's Broly which uh you guys are going to get mad at me don't get mad at me I'm just the messenger the things that I'm talking about they're right there for you to see believe your eyes he's got the wrong legs they took the legs from the other Broly which is like twice as big his legs are gigantic they're they're way too big for him and then on top of that they did a really bad job with his upper body which is just basic superhero build they screwed it up the articulation doesn't work very well but really it's just that he has gigantic legs it's the most ridiculous thing they've ever done I think well almost there's more list to go all right coming in at number seven we have the Marvel Legends X-Men 97 Magneto and okay so this list could easily just be straight up Marvel Legends cuz there are so many bad ones but they're not all disappointing as disappointing as this one for instance and there's a couple others they made Magneto small when is he small he's not always huge but he's definitely not small and this Magneto is smaller than Gambit and everyone else it's probably their worst Magneto why can't say that they've had some bad ones but you get where I'm going with this it's just like they made a whole new figure or at least parts of a new figure and then made it this bad when they haven't made a good one yet are they ever going to give us a good Jim Lee Magneto or something close to it at least doesn't look like it certainly not this coming in at number six we have the Marvel Legends Spider-Man no way home 3 pack I don't I don't know what they were thinking other than we can get people to buy just about anything we'll do this and then they'll buy them all again in individual release with more accessories cuz this pack had no alternate heads uh bad selection of hands bad selection of webs and horrible figures uh the Tom Holland Spider-Man was just a repaint basically and the other two new sculpts and uh the Toby McGuire one looks ridiculous it's just horrible paint job sculpt everything and the Garfield Spider-Man's the best of the bunch but still not anywhere near as good as it should have been like they keep doing this thing where they make brand new sculpts and they still don't articulate well or don't look good or the paints are b or whatever but yeah this whole pack is just way overpriced let most people down and then they're re-releasing the figures anyway with better accessories so it's like what the heck they just got people to buy it because we didn't know that they were going to make more and then they did anyway that were better so you know it's just usual Hasbro garbage in at number five we have the McFarland toys Flash movie Ben Affleck Batman what happened here this is maybe the worst domestic let me let me be clear worst domestic release of all time from a company that that knows better at least it's just nuts like the everybody knows that that look for Ben Affleck was the worst thing ever in the movie This figure they didn't even try it looks like it's melted crayons I don't know what happened there's just nothing for me to really say there's nothing good about it there there's nothing good to good to say it's just that horrible you can see for yourself it's ridiculous oh all righty in at number four we have the figma Dooms Slayer much the opposite of the figma Samus Aaron that just came out Dooms Slayer is about as bad as they could have done for articulation and proportioning and it's missing paint details the paints are wrong it broke like everyone every single person I've talked to it's broken because the way they designed it it just breaks it's not well put together and it looks ridiculous it doesn't look the way it's supposed to at all and Dooms Slayer doesn't exactly have a ton of good figures out there and first Todd screwed it up at least this type this version not the classic one the classic one was decent Todd screwed it up and then vigma screwed it up and this thing cost a ton and it should have been great but they made it horrible just no way around it coming in at number three nobody's surprised at this guys on the list it's punga here's the problem with punga mine didn't work properly lots of people are saying it can I've seen other peoples who had it work just fine I don't think there's a difference I think I'm just showing it such that that it looks like it actually looks rather than making it look like it's lighting up better but let's just say the lights work perfectly on mine it's still not anywhere near good enough because it cost $300 you could go buy a beat up car for $300 I mean don't don't go do it it's probably not very reliable but you could do that $300 is a lot of money and punga here sucks his articulation is not good the paint's not good the mimics as we already talked about aren't good even if they do work properly they're not good this thing is just the price killed it and honestly they made so many bad decisions with it that it wouldn't even have really mattered if it was only a 100 bucks it'd be acceptable you could tolerate it but it would still be a bad figure uh the only thing they really got was like the general look of the thing is decent like pera's cool looking and they got the silhouette but it doesn't work well in any way really very disappointing coming in at number two we have the sh figu Arts Griffith berserk fans how long have you wanted good figures from this line or from this IP I know it's since figma made them because nobody makes anything for this probably because of the source material being particularly dark but much like any IP when there's a new license acquired everybody gets excited and it's like okay they're going to do something with this license that everybody loves there's so much fan interest they have to deliver they're going to do a good job why would they not and Bandai is usually pretty reliable like they don't do everything perfectly but you can count on them not this time they are really taking this berserk license and running it into the dirt and I don't know why it's so weird uh Griffith not as bad as guts but he doesn't pose well he falls apart his face won't stay on his hair won't stay on the horse looks like it's from a Barbie's toy from the '90s the only thing good about this figure is he's shiny if you like shiny silver plastic it's nice I guess but that's it what's the point of it if you can't pose it the horse looks bad he doesn't look accurate it he falls apart it it's just so bad really really bad there's only one figure worse honestly and we're going to go ahead and just talk about it number one it's guts what the heck how do you screw up guts this bad it's like they were trying there are a few people out there that keep trying to defend this figure and say it's just me no read the comments read my comments there are many many people with the exact same experience I had which is that the figure is garbage even if you don't care about the long arms granted they're way too long even for the artwork where his arms are drawn a little bit long this doesn't look like that but even if you don't care about that everything else is still a problem it can't hold the sword the hand doesn't stay on it's the world's tiniest hand Peg for the world's biggest sword it makes no sense he's floppy he falls apart nothing is good about this figure other than the paint job he does have very nice paint job for the face and for the neck thing that's it it is a travesty and I've been told that there are reviewers saying that these are good figures uh I don't know who they are I don't know what they've said but if that's true I would suggest you guys use a little bit of caution when uh heeding advice cuz you can trust your own eyes that's why I show you everything and I give you explanations as to why things are good or bad go watch my review on this guy I don't just say oh it's bad and that's that I explain everything it's a horrible release coming at a really high price point for a really popular IP that hasn't had enough attention couldn't be more disappointed couldn't be more let down and it couldn't really be much of a worse figure so that's why it's number one so there we go guys that was a fun list right it's always so negative but that's what a top 10 worst figure list is like so that's my list if you guys disagree about anything on there which I'm sure probably everyone does because it's a very subjective thing let me know in the comment section below what you think what do you hate about my list what would you do differently what's your list all that kind of stuff we'll talk about it it's always good fun at the end of the year so let's do that and that'll do it for me so that's another year in the books I think we're going to have a total of four top 10 lists this year so they're either already out or they're coming out so keep an eye out or look for those and uh and that'll do it so we'll go ahead and do this again next year and in the meantime keep collecting [Music] n
Channel: AnthonysCustoms
Views: 60,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s.h. figuarts, marvel, marvel legends, action figure, action figure review, review, gaming, let's play, x-men, wolverine, avengers, captain america, hulk, iron man, spider-man, dc comics, batman, joker, halo, master chief, cortana, play arts kai, figuarts, xbox, custom action figure, gundam, dragon ball z, street fighter, pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, infinite, halo infinite, no way home
Id: iKO7YeOgH-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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