Top 10 Best Action Figures | 2023

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hey what's up guys this is Anthony from Anthony's customs and for this video we are counting down the top 15ish uh figures for 2023 the reason I say 15ish is because I have more than 15 on the list like a bunch more but they're in groups some of them are all at one spot so you're going to have to just bear with me and just suffer through the extra action figure goodness if you can manage that and yes I'm doing 15 there were just a lot of good figures this year and I wanted to include them it's it serves everybody who's collecting to see the good figures so why limit us why limit us to only 10 who said we had to we're going to do 15 plus in this video so the way I figure this is I have to consider price and quality essentially that's that's about it um it's a very subjective thing like obviously those are to some degree objective but I have to pick somehow between a bunch of really good figures which ones are the best so yeah I'm there's going to be things on here that you don't necessarily agree with you might have an entirely separate different list than me so if you do let me know in the comment section below if you disagree if you agree if you have your own list or it doesn't have to be 15 it could be five or two or 10 or 100 let me know in the comment section below and we'll talk about it but these are the ones I think are the best sure some of them could be moved around but this is the way I came up with it based on a variety of things that I not even going to be able to list because a lot of them are just subjective so let's go ahead and dive in with the five honorable mentions that get us up to 15 actual spots in no particular order the first one is the bore Predator from NECA the reason it's not higher on the list despite being an incredible example of how good NECA can be with their predators which is obviously most of them are pretty darn good uh this one's one of the best but the reason it's not higher up is just that it is another Predator it does reuse a lot of the same parts that we've seen before but it's a shining example of how good they can be the paint job on this one is phenomenal I love it the next one also from NECA is the TMNT 4 pack I know a lot of people were expecting this to be higher on the list the reason it's not as strictly Financial it's an expensive four pack of essentially and this is not I mean it's not a it's not a problem per se but it's four of the same figure for the most part so it's the Ninja Turtle so I get it but hopefully you understand where I'm coming from that you're paying a lot of money to just get four of basically the same thing so it's like I feel a little weird putting that higher on the spot on on the list without you know something else in the package to differentiate it I didn't realize this but we have another NECA one in the honorable mentions it's the uh Predator from prey now this one's really good uh I promise I didn't put it this far back because I don't like the goofy face design for this one the reason I did it is I don't think think it's in scale I've done a little bit of research and I've read some comments also and it seems like it's the wrong scale that it's too big or was it too small I can't remember now I don't sleep anymore but it's just out of scale I think so that's why it's on here but it is a really good figure so I wanted to make sure to get that in front of people okay the next thing I wanted to talk about number four of the honorable mentions is Turles this is one of figurearts better looking figures overall it has some really Dynamic options with the cape and couple extra accessories it's an excellent excellent release in almost every way but two things are holding it back one is the shoulder pad situation is not good on him so posing is a problem not even counting the cape cuz that's a cape uh but also he has discolored joints his knees in particular are just really obviously the wrong color so that does throw off the look a little bit but it's a really strong release otherwise so I wanted you guys to see it and then the last honorable mention goes to the Marvel Select Beta Ray Bill this guy's just on here cuz he's a a really good release and I wanted to put him personally I wanted to put him farther forward but I just couldn't do it because his skin tone was really weird and since I'm mentioning that you kind of see here how I I have to just find the tiniest of things to separate these figures and his skin tone could have been painted so much better and his jaw wasn't articulated so it just like little things like that that keep something from being farther up on the list still an excellent excellent figure though so that's why it's here all righty so coming in at number 10 we have the blade Master Wang figure in Indie Studio oh was it f Furay Planet there was two different names on the package I'm not sure who's taking credit for what's happening here but either way super cool character design lots of their figures are really unique looking and and very creative and it came with a truckload of accessories lots of paint detail lots of articulation lots of options just everything you really want to have fun with an action figure except two things one is you had to remove a bunch of his clothing in order to really get him to pose well otherwise he's kind of a a static action figure which still looked good but he also had some paint issues with parts of mind having really dirty limbs for instance or parts of Limbs things like that little issues like that that hold an otherwise awesome figure back just a little bit so he's not farther up on the list but he is one of my personal favorites this year and he made this as objective as I could make it list so that's pretty good coming in at number nine we have the sh figure Arts second form Frieza another great release obviously they all I'm going to say a lot of the same things for all these releases because they're all action figures and they all have the same things going on but I'll try to vary It Anyway this guy poses really well he looks pretty darn good he's got some size to him he was at a relatively good price especially by other figure standards wait till we do the 10 worst figures this year um there's a lot going on here I like almost everything about it he would be higher at the higher up on the list closer to the Top If he had some more paint he does look very plasticky and didn't really bring him to life as much as they could have so yeah great release but could have been better coming in at number eight we have balrog from Storm now this one kind of different than than the Frieza is this one had plenty of paint his paint was gorgeous I love the finish on the figure that's probably why he made it on here really nice matte finish really subtle shading looks gorgeous excellent head sculpt the sculpt all around just exactly what I wanted it to look like but posability wasn't as good as it could have been there were some weird issues with the shoulders and the neck and the neck being too short and the Torso having weird overlapping problems that just like not big problems but they kept you from having as much fun as you might otherwise have with him so yeah he could have been farther up but those issues held him back coming in at number seven we have another Duo and this is going to be the war Duke and what was his name stron heart ston heart I don't know these characters so you know I'm not being biased they're just freaking good figures I'm not a dragon Dungeons and dragon type of guy but the wuke and uh I forgot his name again strongheart right goodness gracious they're just so damn good they could pose a little better sure and that's why they're where they are kind of in the middle of the list but these things are sculpted and painted to the nines or whatever that saying is they have good spread of accessories they are wonderful display pieces for an action figure collection even if you don't care like I don't always I don't usually keep figures that I review if I don't have a personal connection to them but these guys are staying in my collection for sure they are gorgeous some of the best looking figures we've seen as a at a mass Market mass production sort of deal ever these things are wonderfully well put together they don't pose as well as you might like but otherwise they are excellent coming in at number six we have the mdlx Megatron from 30 and this guy's a pretty darn good figure and I think their mdlx line is like the best bang for your buck out of most action figure companies like he's cheaper than the next figure coming up so you'll see what I mean about that but very good price point for these guys they the I think the Optimus made it last year maybe uh but yeah they're painted incredibly well they have some really nice engineering a few accessories it it just could be a little bit more and since they're Transformers that don't transform I would expect to see a little bit more going on there little bit more maybe things that light up that kind of thing so yeah he's great for the money but I wouldn't have minded a little bit more to push him over that hump he still made it pretty high up on the list excellent release but you know a light in the gun or in the eyes would have gone a long way coming in at number five we have the mayx Nightwing and like I mentioned before for Megatron that guy's a great bang for your bug this guy costs a little bit too much for what you get I think what you get is great in terms of the sculpt is fine like it's a very basic sculpt so that's whatever they did a good job job with it nothing stands out as being wrong so that's a good thing is good Anatomy probably one of the better figures they've made in terms of the proportioning and Anatomy that's good his articulation is nuts it's really really well done few little issues here and there but overall excellent articulation some cool accessories and that's why he made it on the list those things right there the reason he didn't make it higher on the list and I have to point out these bad things so that you guys can kind of differentiate between the figures and people like to say well why are you talking about the bad stuff on a top 10 because if I just said everything was pretty and good on every figure would be pointless anyway uh Nightwing cost a whole bunch and his paint job is butts it's not good like it's not the worst thing in the world but there's almost none of it and it's not particularly clean and there's about a thousand custom ones out there that people have painted up and it it's like such a simple paint job but it looks so much better so yeah he could have been closer to the Top If he didn't cost as much or if he had better paint okay in at number four we have one of neca's best releases ever there's one little thing holding it back we'll save that for last but I have to say and it's not just recency bias here guys this figure is phenomenal one of the best domestic produced figures ever at the price point like value per dollar like obviously they they made like $1,000 Turtle it would be better but you know for like what was it 35 40 bucks something like that I don't remember now but really really good the sculped on it phenomenal the paints carried it through so well a nice matte finish almost all the details are painted like they didn't skip out on very much at all there's a few little buckles here and there but lots of accessories great sculpt great paint such a wonderful aesthetic they balance the finishes everything looks great on this figure the only reason it's not a little bit higher up on the list doesn't pose all that well which is not really surprising one it's a ninja turtle and to its NECA they favor aesthetic for sure and accessories so it's not surprising that he doesn't pose as well but boy is this if even if you're not like a big turtles fan you should track this down I'm not generally a fan of the turtles with the armor and stuff but this is probably their best release maybe not counting the movie Turtles ever it's wonderful okay coming in at number three we have the figma samis from Metroid dread now I know some of you are going to say what the heck it should be number one and others are going to be like what the heck it shouldn't be on the list because that's how these lists work and also it's a figma and there's a lot of contention around that line but here's the deal this one it does cost a lot that's why it's not farther up on the list your price concerns those of you who have them are valid you're paying a lot for what you get this however happens to be one of the best action figures I own they did an incredible job with the engineering the paints are really good the accessories are sufficient not as much as I would like that's another thing holding it back low accessory count for high price point but it looks great the sculpt and paints are on point could be a little better here and there of course but it looks really good and here's the best part its articulation is phenomenal probably the best butterfly joint in terms of functionality especially with somebody with the crazy armored chest like this crazy shoulder pads the shoulder pads and and Butterfly joints work perfectly it's it's a articulation 101 sort of deal it's wonderful the torso's good like like everything works you can pose the crap out of this thing and it looks good doing it they really stepped up their game and figma has been not stepping up their game at all lately so I mean here and there but again wait for the top 10 worst figures of the year but this was definitely one of the best figures probably in my collection definitely of the Year all right coming in at number two this may surprise some of you but I've always told you I am not biased against IPS I don't like if they make good figures they make good figures and Bandai really did a good job with the narudi line this year uh particularly n Rudy and Kakashi those are the two we're talking about here both of these guys they pose really really well they look really good doing it they have a great spread of accessories they're at least good enough I know there could be there's a couple things people wanted that they didn't get but these two are some of the best posing sh figurearts that I have handled sculpts are good like there's not really anything to dislike about them other than maybe a little bit lack of accessory here and there like a like a particular effect part or something like that but like like I said before I don't usually keep things I'm not attached to I'm keeping this new batch of narudi figures they are really strong even the sasuki that he's he's pretty good too but he's not as good as These Guys these two really stole the show from Bandai this year all right and coming in at number one to a probably nobody's surprise we have the Jada Street Fighter line you can pick which one you like I'll give you a rundown of which ones I think are the best I'll put them in order uh but it's all like this line it's just they have no right to be as good as they are no business being as good as they are at the price point 25 bucks are you kidding me paint accessories articulation it's unheard of I mean it's not but sort of these days it's kind of getting to that point so I'll do them in order I think the weakest of the bunch unfortunately is Ryu his skin tone is weird his sculpt isn't as good for his actual musculature but otherwise he's pretty good uh he probably had the worst face paints out of all the ones I had also but he posed really well super fun figure love the details love this line don't get me wrong I'm just separating them one way or the other um I would say phong's probably I'll put Phong and Chun Lee tied for number one they both have wonderful sculpts good paint good accessories really no complaints for these two like other like little tiny things that could be adjusted that kind of stuff but otherwise great figures and then the repaint of Ryu which is much better the Evil Ryu I'm just going to count that because I feel bad for Ryu being the worst of the bunch he's a much better version of Ryu but yeah this line is even if you're not into street fighter guys give it a shot it'll show you what can be done with action figures if you're only collecting things like Hasbro or McFarland try something else and see what's out there cuz these things are the perfect example everything you want they're fun they're well sculpted well painted well articulated well accessorized it's everything you want at a reasonable price point from a company that seems to give a damn that's the biggest deal here so yeah these figures stole the show this year Well Done Jada very very well done and like I said guys check them out so that's it guys there it is that's my top 10 15 20 whatever ended up being list of 2023 the best figures you can find this year based on whatever criteria I use to figure out the list I do have more lists coming or I've already uploaded them depending on when you're watching this so make sure you check it out I should have at least four lists this year at the end of the year around Christmas time so make sure you keep an eye out for those or go look for them and otherwise uh that's it so uh we'll do this again next year and in the meantime keep [Music] collecting
Channel: AnthonysCustoms
Views: 66,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s.h. figuarts, marvel, marvel legends, action figure, action figure review, review, gaming, let's play, x-men, wolverine, avengers, captain america, hulk, iron man, spider-man, dc comics, batman, joker, halo, master chief, cortana, play arts kai, figuarts, xbox, custom action figure, gundam, dragon ball z, street fighter, pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, infinite, halo infinite, no way home
Id: 9xOEM_rP6YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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