My first try at customizing

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hello guys this is um a video of the Customs that I have made myself I am no customizer at all um most of these for example especially this Craven is literally just swapping a lot of parts um this one is the beetle someone requested uh somebody asked what did I do with the beetle um and this is what I did with it yeah I literally just um painted three different kinds of colors I wanted some kind of like military type of style um I used these weapons from uh the Iron Patriot I think the wor machine from the last movie of the uh Avengers um I think it came out uh okay this one was my first try oh I took off the wings and I and in those same plugs I glued the guns down um which just happened to be like a pretty good match I didn't have to do anything but just screw them down and then then just paint the whole figure um oh and like to uh paint different parts of it I literally just put like a painting tape um for this uh blade comes from a a GI Joe uh I think his name was BR block painted him just all black doesn't look that good you can kind of see the green right there two I didn't want to paint on the on the the Flesh on the skin so it would like look awkward um bought the new blade I didn't like it used his parts to make this other one I didn't have to do much either on this one didn't have to pain no skin or anything um so that's my blade I really like that one I really like the Craven too I had those two GI Joes and I feel like this were good use for him I try to remove that tattoo from his chest didn't really remove it very well and then definitely one of my favorite Customs that I've done now you might recognize if y'all have seen my previous videos you might recognize this uh Abomination and you you might be like you already had that one if you got it done I did um and I actually used another figure um so what I didn't like about the this other figure that the previous one that I had to this one which looks exactly the same just kind of like different paint um is the that I couldn't really move the the legs like as soon as I would move them it would pop off so I put screws and completed it like I'm able to move everything now just fine like nothing's going to come off I tried to do it with the arms and I failed I wanted to keep both Customs um I wanted to keep the custom that I got made and then the one I I made um I wasn't able to do that um the My Arms kept breaking with the screws the screws were too fat and I didn't know what else to do so I used the arms from the previous custom and I put it on this one and I'm okay with with that um because I'm able to move this entire figure now like no problem this is definitely one of my favorite customs in my collection but yeah I have really no idea how he made this uh arms work I don't know if he used cruise I really don't want to like pop them off to see what he did no idea what he did with those arms but those arms are from the original custom that I got made and then the rest like the head I also used the screw um the leg both are screwed um and then I try to paint it but you in the camera you can really tell like the difference um of the color but I didn't want to ruin the paint that he that he had painted for me it doesn't really look painted but I swear in the other figure really does look like a big difference like I'm not a painter I really do enjoy it I'm trying it um but I'm not the best but for this one for the red eyes I literally didn't know how to paint that I I also don't know how that dent got in there but I didn't know how to paint the the red once again I'm not a customizer I really didn't know much about paint still don't so I literally just grabbed a piece of paper uh kind of like measured it um andt painted the paper red and then put it in there um you can you can probably tell or I don't know if you would been able to tell if uh if I said it or not but um you can still to tell the blue from right here as well um there's some I mean the paint is not the best you can see right there not the best but I mean I really ended up liking how this figure came out if you want to see it next to like uh like here's some Android they're about the same hiy here's uh I mean this just the beetle the old toy Bist Beetle so that looks also pretty cool but yeah I just wanted a character that was not like not a character I guess and just wanted like a armor uh for like a mandroid type of thing um but these are my two Customs I also done a little bit of like uh for example over here this Venom this is I don't even know which one this one is I think this one is from the three pack or four pack whatever um I I switched this head that I had on the old toy bis I really like this head um I didn't like the any of the new ones I like this one for uh that one which is the the one I think it came with but uh I didn't like it for this tiny uh body um well this I mean it's smaller than that one so I kind of like did a hole the hole bigger ended up fitting just fine didn't have to do not much with it just to drill it a little bit also another thing that I did I painted uh this Hulk pants uh a little bit pink and a little bit White um I mean I don't really know how how to compare it I got this other Hulk um which had already kind of done that but I I wanted this one more like a pink more of like a classic um which I think it looks great um I haven't done into any of my other hulks I kind of just wanted to like that classic Hulk look I really like this figure a lot more now cuz my favorite Hulk was this one and now it's kind of like between these two um but yeah um I don't think I have any other Customs that I have tried um I mean but um yeah that's that's what these figures turn out that's what I did with the with the beetle figure that's what I ended up doing with it I really like that figure as well like alone too but I kind of got bored with it and um well I really like the body so that's what I did with it thanks for watching
Channel: ImproVizerr
Views: 210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LA2iar10po0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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