Top 10 Video Games Dad HATED (THAT I LOVED!) - My Retro Life

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growing up in the late 80s and early 90s my dad and I were the best of Pals and video games were what we bonded over most but believe it or not out of all the video games we owned and played together there were some I loved that Dad simply hated what's up guys it's your buddy Tyler coming at you with a brand new video here on my retro life and as you can probably tell from the title and thumbnail of this video I'm going to be diving into a top 10 list that really was very fun to put together because I had to go back into my memories of all the games that my dad and I loved and played together and think about those that I I liked but he really didn't like and we didn't see eye to eye believe it or not there were a bunch of them and that's why this list exists coming in at number 10 is Super Mario RPG we took a trip up to New York in 1996 that very little home video footage was recorded of this trip but this was the trip that my cousins introduced me to Super Mario role-playing game and I remember my cousins they just loved it they showed me the ropes I remember them intricately teaching me how to do turn-based combat and really I started really enjoying role-playing games because of this game it was my Gateway into RPGs and my good old aunt Michelle actually bought me a copy on that trip she realized and noticed how much I was enjoying the game that she bought me a copy dad was not a fan of role-playing games just every single one of them he hated the genre he could not get especially into turn-based jrpgs they were just not his cup of tea and that's why we didn't really see eye to eye on Super Mario RPG he actually would tell me as I was playing the game he would say why why is Mario at a role-playing game like it's supposed to be an action game why I would rather be playing a Mario action game why make a Mario role-playing game I remember him constantly saying stuff like that coming in at number nine is military Madness on the turbo Graphics 16. now I mentioned just before that Dad was not a fan of turn-based combat and so you know a strategy war game was not his cup of tea either and so when I first got introduced to military Madness it was my friend who owned a turbo Graphics 16 Chris who lived across the street was a big fan of the console he and his dad owned it the only game that his dad would play Really Ever Was military Madness and really it's a great turn-based strategy game from Hudson soft an incredible developer one of my favorite developers back in the day really they made an excellent game here but oh man my dad would not have it he just was not into it and it's so funny when I start started getting into this sort of game I remember him watching me play it but really always just tuning out because it wasn't his thing he never ever played turn-based games like this I mean it was just not in his wheelhouse at all it's known as nectarus in Japan which actually there's many more games in the series that got released but military Madness that's the one that I remember most that's so funny that Dad did not like this game I better if I really back in the day had sat with him and like taught him and really worked on getting him to like this game I think he would have liked it coming in at number eight it's Bart's nightmare The Simpsons yes my dad did not like Bart's Nightmare on the Super Nintendo and you're probably asking well well you know I can understand why you're probably saying to yourself yeah it's not that great again yeah a lot of people don't like this game but I've got to come to its defense when this game came out it really truly looked like The Simpsons cartoon come to life on your Super Nintendo and sure the gameplay is a little strange with this like surreal world that you're walking through I mean it's Bart's nightmare you're supposed to be in a dream like State and yes the controls aren't the best it's kind of odd with the different mini games you have to play to collect the different homework pages that Bart has lost and he's he's living out this dream it's such a strange bizarre game that I can't help but love it but here's the thing dad did not like The Simpsons I know it's crazy right I mean everybody like The Simpsons right you think so but my dad he did not like the character animations and the design of the characters them all being yellow and I think he also had seen the Tracy Ullman Show Where The Simpsons first debuted and he just didn't like Matt greening's style and I remember him always complaining about how ugly the characters look and so the Simpsons was so out of left field and really crude looking to him but I loved it coming in at number seven is Earthbound on the Super Nintendo now you guys are probably thinking to yourself what Earthbound Earth pounds one of the greatest Super Nintendo games one of the greatest role-playing games of all time now here's the thing I told you guys I told you he didn't like role-playing games here's the thing Earthbound I loved EarthBound and a lot of you have seen the clip I already released of me getting Earthbound when I was a kid dad got it for me for my birthday and so he hated RPGs and so on top of that he hated the fact that Earthbound was such a very simplistic looking game to him it looked like an 8-bit NES game and I remember him complaining about that when we when we had it and even looking at it in the magazines he wasn't a fan of the ad campaign that they put out about the you know with the you know this this game stinks and stuff like that you know he really agreed with that it's so funny the the marketing from Nintendo he actually completely 100 agreed with that marketing he he would watch me play this and just be like this doesn't look 16-bit this this looks like a Nintendo Gammon guys as much as we you know talk about hey Graphics aren't important it's not about the graphics my dad and back in this day you know Graphics were a huge thing um going from 8-bit to 16-bit the bit Wars you know it was it was at the Forefront of everybody's mind and so I know for him looking at Earthbound he thought it was a major step backwards and uh I I didn't care I loved it coming in at number six is Tasmania on the Super Nintendo now you're probably thinking to yourself man your dad must have really hated the Super Nintendo this is not true he did not hate it but he was more of a Sega fan this is true and so Tasmania on the Super Nintendo he felt paled in comparison to the Sega Genesis game that we got both games are very different Tasmania on the Super Nintendo is more of a you know a 3D perspective uh third person behind has running towards the horizon almost like a horizon Chaser kind of game you would think a racing game would be like this and it's very akin to racing games of the time but you're racing against the clock you're not racing against anybody else on this road that you're running on you're really just trying to eat as many Canary birds or whatever I don't even know what kind of birds they are but you're trying to eat as many as possible before the timer runs out and you have to meet a goal so it's very simplistic in gameplay and I remember dad really not liking how simple it was I remember him complaining about how repetitive and how simple every stage was and really I think in his mind he was comparing it to the Sega Genesis game for as repetitive as it was I really enjoyed that gameplay and and that mode 7 effects you know the Super Nintendo was really showing off its mode 7 effects that it was known for with this game and so I think as a small child you know think I was probably six or seven when I played it um it really it really was very Charming to me I I loved it but Dad did not like it he really hated it I remember him complaining about it so much to the point where I think he convinced me to actually return it coming in at number five now I know you all are going to think this is crazy but it's Yoshi's Island on the Super Nintendo oh my gosh Yoshi's Island Super Mario World 2. this was a game that I loved it was like the best game I got Christmas of 1995 one of the best and I played it to completion I loved every bit of it and it was just such a great game to me I I really really enjoyed it one of my favorite Mario experiences but my dad did not like the game now you're probably asking yourself why why didn't he like Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island and that is because of the art design now I mentioned before with the Simpsons he didn't like the art style and so it's so funny coming from a very artistic perspective like he often did he did not like the way the characters were designed to look like a storybook like a children's story book it felt very Kitty and cutesy I remember him complaining and being like why does this look like a kid's coloring book like why do this this is such a oh this is it was not appealing to him he really didn't like that direction that art Direction and that choice felt like it was just a huge mistake and I remember defending this game to him when I was a kid I remember no that you're you're crazy dad you know this is a great game it's so good and I think eventually he saw through the art design and would watch me play and realize there was a lot of cool things in the game but I think with the crying Mario baby constantly every time you get hit and he goes flying off a Yoshi and into that bubble that and the the coloring book kind of look to the game very Kitty look it just did not Jive well with him at all and he couldn't get past it and you got to remember around this time I think Dad just he he saw what Sega was doing and how they were a little more mature and it was it was more for him that he felt like and I think a game like Yoshi's Island really made him feel like the Super Nintendo was not for him and I can understand I can understand where he's coming where he was coming from coming in at number four is Shadow blasters on the Sega Genesis there you go a Sega Genesis game it's not all Super Nintendo games that my dad hated no not by a long shot there were others on other consoles but here we are talking about Shadow blasters and this one's so high up on my list because I loved this game this was one of the early games that we owned on the Sega Genesis I remember it's actually even a part of the Sega Genesis power team tape that my dad and I recorded with us on the couch and we show off Shadow blasters on that tape and in that original video and you know it's a run and gun game without the gun it's really you have mystical powers and you get to choose a character and play as them in each of these stages and it's actually non-linear in how you choose the stages I I used to think that was really cool as a kid because it reminded me of Mega Man and so this was a game that really appealed to me I loved how colorful it was I really thought the characters and their different powers which were all Elemental I I just I really liked that aspect of it but my dad he could not get past how stiff the animations were of the characters the way they walked like you know they were constipated or something like that it was so funny listening to him make fun of this game I had to disagree with him so much back in the day I loved Shadow blasters I actually beat it it was a game that as a small child I beat and it's not that easy a game so it was one I was proud of owning and completing and so I I defended this game like no other back in the day and uh dad just did not see eye to eye with me on this one at all number three we have Beethoven on the Super Nintendo so I I just loved dogs and I I just really enjoyed the idea of a game back then it was like one of the first of its kind where you played and controlled a dog in the game like that was your main character I'll never forget renting this title and being enamored with it really enjoying it and just turning around my dad would often watch me play games from his recliner that was back behind me and I would often be playing the game sitting on the floor in front of the television and so I remember playing Beethoven and looking back at him almost like what do you think of this and just this look of like foreign this game and it was so funny because I would be like oh yeah it's good I'm not justifying it it's good yeah I like it you know I actually really like it he's like no this is terrible this is awful you like this really because you know when we rented games back then renting a game was always kind of like putting it in contention for possibly buying one yeah I'm buying it and so I remember as I'm defending it he's like oh no please don't don't really like this game that means I'm gonna have to buy it at some point because you're gonna want it either for your birthday or Christmas or whatever and so I remember him having this look on his face like oh this is bad you like this Beethoven it's a terrible game it's such a bad game and I and I it's so funny how I I I defended it and liked it for really a good chunk of my childhood I always thought about this game and I never beat it I probably got to like the second or third stage but needless to say dad never bought it for me coming in at number two is Pokemon Red and Blue for the Game Boy oh man that probably just like you know what you're probably thinking what you didn't like Pokemon well if you've gotten this far in the list and you've listened to me describe some of the games that my dad really didn't like it probably comes as no surprise to you honestly that Pokemon was not a game franchise that he got into because a he didn't like role-playing games that is already a huge strike against Pokemon and B he didn't really like cutesy things that's another thing I've described on this list and so Pokemon was just way too cutesy and ooh pocket monsters and and what is this you're you're catching these guys and it's turn based plus it was an 8-bit Style game those kind of role-playing games were the ones he hated most because the graphics were so simplistic and he just couldn't get behind any kind of 8-bit role-playing game of course yeah this was a game I don't think he ever even tried it but he would watch me play it and I guess he understood the appeal of catching the monsters and catching collecting them gotta catch em all and um he would watch the cartoon with me and just didn't like it just just wasn't his thing and I remember a lot of discussions of like why do you like Pokemon really when are you gonna get out of this Pokemon phase you know he thought but little did he know oh my gosh that I would still be playing Pokemon to this day and with my daughter his granddaughter I think if he were still with us today he would probably approve of Pokemon because he would see if the the amount of joy that it's brought to us for so many years but it's just funny to think that back then this was he hated it all right and that brings us to my number one pick and that is Bubsy 3D on the PlayStation one back when this game came out in Christmas of 1996 I remember getting this from my dad he got it for me reluctantly at Christmas because Super Mario 64 had come out a few months before this game I remember we booted it up and I've got footage of this I did a video about this a long time ago but Bubsy 3D was just a game that was so plagued with glitches and and it felt unfinished it felt like you were playing a demo or something it it really wasn't good it really wasn't that good but I found I found it Charming as a kid even though I knew that Super Mario 64 was a better game I still really enjoyed playing Bubsy 3D and it's so funny during that Christmas he he actually captured me talking about how much I really enjoyed this game and loved this game and he even says at one point you're crazy kid it's so funny I love hearing that it just it's so funny you're crazy kid at the same time I think he got a lot of Joy watching me try to beat it and try to get through it in the back of his mind he's probably thinking why isn't he playing Mario 64 or croc or these other you know 3D Platformers that are so much better I don't know what can I say there was something Charming about Bubsy 3D and you know we didn't always see eye to eye on on games we were both Gamers we were a father-son gaming Duo but man we did not play the same games well that's about it for this video guys thank you so much for watching I really had a blast producing this video it was great reflecting on all of the games that I loved but my dad hated it's funny how he didn't see eye to eye on so many of them if this is your first time to the channel do consider subscribing I love talking about my game crazy family and all the amazing memories that we shared through games most of which were captured by my dad on tape that's it thank you guys so much I'll catch you next time thank you [Music]
Channel: My Retro Life
Views: 145,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, my retro life, retro sega, retro nintendo, retro playstation, hated games, most hated games, most loved games, terrible video games, the worst video games, bad video games, bad retro games, retro games, retro video games, retro gaming community, the worst retro games, my retro life dad, super Mario rpg super nintendo, Super Nintendo, worst Super Nintendo games, worst sega genesis games, bad nintendo games, sega games, most hated nintendo games
Id: vcNC8HoqoTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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