I Owned The Most Valuable Super Mario Bros 3 - My Retro Life

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Super Mario Brothers three yeah over $150,000 worth a video game and it's captured forever in time in this video clip our trip to New York in 1990 became known as the Nintendo vacation this has become the Nintendo vacation my cousins Mikey and Manny they were fullblown Nintendo Maniacs man you win these off you by tomorrow yeah I could win that today every morning we would wake up and the first thing we would do was go right up to the Nintendo machine my dad even says it on camera because that's what was happening now you guys get up and the first thing you do is walk right up to the Nintendo machine huh that was our routine every day of this trip and one of the games that was introduced to me that my cousins had was Super Mario Brothers 3 now you can win the new Super Mario Brothers 3 cartridge because in specially marked bags of chips aoy and Oreo cookies there's a game card show show the camera how you Dunk Dunk your cookie now take your hands [Music] down that's a good Oreo commercial I loved watching my cousin Manny play the game he was so good at it it was like watching the Master at work the king of games that was Manny that's what we called him and he proved it time and time again maybe tomorrow do you want to see me win Super Mario 3 yeah I think my aunt Michelle took notice of the fact that I was really really enjoying Super Mario Brothers 3 it was one of those games where I would want to play it first thing in the morning when we woke up I think I got to 36 on Gauntlet you did yeah I have the code but that goes to 34 though hey not fair that's mine hey I'm Mario got got that and Tyler got it now I got it no and so aunt Michelle she just loved to give she really did and she wanted to give to me at this time this highly impressionable time in my life she saw the joy that was coming into my life and into my heart thanks to these Nintendo [Music] games later on in this trip aunt Michelle decided to surprise me with Super Mario Brothers 3 but for any of you who were around back then and can remember the ins Insanity that was trying to get Super Mario Brothers 3 you already know what happened Super Mario Brothers 3 the hottest Nintendo game [Music] around my family could not find the game anywhere they went it was sold out this game was one of those titles I tell you probably one of the first definitely one of the most infamous games to sell out and be unattainable early on in 1990 when the game was released this was one of those white whales one of those games that you just couldn't find but you just had to have and if you saw it Oh My Gosh Insanity ensued it's it's like a challenge and and you you have you feel you have to to you know finish it you had people fighting each other for this game it was that kind of game Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario [Applause] [Music] Mario he's back all you had to do was asked Super Mario Brothers 3 from Nintendo now you're playing with power happy birthday to you my birthday came and went and I opened up all of my pres from my family that's cool the camera Super Mario Brothers 3 was not one of them it sucks wow and look at the nice T-shirt oh look wow that's how that one Super Mario Brothers 3 eluded me it seemed as though Super Mario Brothers 3 was going to have to be a game we would need to find later perhaps we wouldn't even find it on this trip but before the vacation was over before all was said and done my aunt decided you know what let's try one more store we were visiting some extended family cousin Teresa and cousin Mark we were visiting them at their house and she decided you know what this is a different area of town let me try the Toys R Us on this side of town bingo bango aunt Michelle found Super Mario Brothers 3 at the local Toys R Us near cousin Teresa's house and she decided to surprise me with the game they thought it would be this amazing thing that I would lose my my mind over this it was going to be one of the biggest surprises of the trip I'll just let my aunt Michelle explain how they found the game everybody snuggle up if anyone could have made aeal wow look at this Mario Brothers three yeah we were lucky one of the Chosen Few we found you find us right here what do you think look up look was a beautifuls he drool he drooling jelly beans all over your you like R I know what you're probably thinking after looking at this clip you're probably thinking what's wrong with him why is why does he seem like he's so disappointed well well I wasn't disappointed I think I was just a young four-year-old kid who didn't really understand the concept of getting a game like this it was weird getting games was becoming a new thing for me and my cousins Manny and Mikey they already had established the fact that Super Mario Brothers 3 was their game I think in some weird way I thought it was their game I was getting that it wasn't mine that Aunt Michelle was literally giving me their copy of the game f then I'm going to keep on playing I felt odd about it I felt strange sitting there with them celebrating this I remember I remember kind of thinking like aren't Manny and Mikey going to miss this when I take it back home with me to Texas I mean those are the weird kind of things that go through your head when you're four years old and still understanding the concept of consum consumism and owning things but the the bigger mystery here guys is not my reaction to getting Super Mario Brothers 3 no the bigger mystery here is that the copy of Super Mario Brothers 3 that my aunt Michelle is holding and that was given to me as a kid was in fact the rare variant version of Super Mario Brothers 3 now what makes it so rare you ask well it's a simple mistake on the cover of the game in the original run of the game they accidentally put the brothers in Super Mario Brothers 3 on the left side of the Box this looks odd it looks like bad graphic design there's a space under the word Mario that clearly is where this Brothers belongs this the word Brothers needs to be underneath Mario in this little space here and that's not what happened there was a mistake and Nintendo corrected it after the next shipments and after the next pressings of the game came through now man this game's sold like hot cakes so so many copies sold out rather quickly very quickly Nintendo corrected the error of their ways and put Brothers where it was supposed to be in further printings of the game and it's not just the Box the cartridge also had the mistake so there were two things that needed to be fixed the cartridge and the Box itself now finding this game today it's it's hard to find the cartridge version like this and you definitely want to keep an eye out for it what's infinitely harder is finding a good copy mint copy boxed version of the game with this Miss stake that is definitely something to covet it's definitely something that's worth some money but guys what is infinitely more valuable and rare is owning a copy of this version of the game that is unopened and sealed as recently as 2022 this game and this version a sealed copy of Super Mario Brothers 3 with the rare variant on the cover sold at auction for over $156,000 what absolutely blows my mind is that when I look back at this video clip I don't just see Super Mario Brothers 3 now I don't just see my childhood copy of the game no I see me and my family my aunt Michelle holding over $150,000 worth of video game just got in only it's not open it's brand new it's sealed and it's captured forever in time in this video clip oh my gosh it's crazy if only I could have had a Marty McFly moment or a Biff tannan moment and gone back in time with Doc Brown's time machine and told my family told my young self or even my aunt Michelle my dad whatever you do do not open this copy of this game buy another one when you find it leave this one sealed for over 30 years okay wait till the year 2024 and you're going to cash in you're going to hit the jackpot you're going to be set for so long because this game goes for over $150,000 what you're holding in your hands is over $150,000 oh my gosh guys it's so crazy really I can't put a dollar amount on the joy that Super Mario Brothers 3 gave me as a child I'm glad I opened that game I'm glad it wasn't kept perfect and behind glass you no games were me to be played they were meant to inspire us as kids and they were meant to help us and Super Mario Brothers 3 is is definitely one of those those heart games you know it's one of those games I can look back to and I can remember obsessing over this game I can remember lying in bed at night wanting to return to the world of Super Mario Brothers 3 like this place is called [Music] Dark finding the hidden whistles throughout the game and using them to go to different warp zones and help me get through the game faster all the different costumes that Mario could change into and superpowers he gained from those costumes the raccoon suit the mini games in between stages the wild airship battles as you fought the Koopa Lings and ultimately tried to save Princess toad stool as we called her back then so much of my childhood happiness came from Super Mario Brothers 3 and uh I'm glad really glad I opened it it's fun to think about going back in time that making different decisions right but you can't change the past and this is definitely one of those things I never would have wanted to change because Super mar Mario Brothers 3 experiencing it at that age in that time period oh man was one of the greatest moments of my retro life well that about does it for this video guys I hope you enjoyed traveling back in time with me to Spring of 1990 when my family got me Super Mario Brothers 3 aunt Michelle she came through in the clutch and got me the game little did I know back then it was the the rarest game in my collection had I never opened it and kept it sealed kept it behind glass but you know what I didn't do that I opened it up and it became one of the most greatest games I ever played in my life and I'm thankful for it it's fun to look back and realize man I had quite a treasure in my hands on that night if this this is your first time to the Channel please do consider subscribing I love talking about my game crazy family and all of the Amazing Adventures we had with video games so many of which were caught on tape by my dad so you tell me guys write in the comments below if you had a time machine and could go back in time and tell yourself don't open this game or go and buy this game what would you do as a gamer with that sort of foresight and Power what would you say to your younger self that would maybe change your life as a gamer today please let me know in the comments below I'd love to know and thank you guys so much for watching I really do appreciate it hey that's it I'm Tyler I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: My Retro Life
Views: 169,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, my retro life, retro nintendo, super mario bros 3, super mario 3, super mario, mario, mario bros 3, super mario bros 3 nes, super mario bros 3 1990, super mario bros, nes games, mario games, nintendo games, nes, most valuable nintendo games, most valuable games, rare nes games, most valuable nes games, rare nintendo games, the rarest video games, rare video games, retro games, rare retro games, mario bros, nes mario games, nes 1990, nintendo 1990
Id: _ftL1ei8dv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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