Top 10 Utility Magic Rings in DnD 5e

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in this video we're going to be covering the best utility magic rings we already covered the most powerful magic rings on the list so we'll look purely at utility rather than the combat power or defensive abilities to start us off at number 10 we have ring of jumping this is an uncommon item which requires attunement and what it does is while wearing this ring you can cast the jump spell from it as a bonus action at will however you can only target yourself with it and what the jump spell does is triple your jump distance to learn more about jumping you can check out the video on the channel about commonly misunderstood rules part 2 but the basics of it is that with long jumps you can jump a distance equal to your strength score if you get a running start or a half without a running start as for high jumps you can jump 3 plus your strength modifier with a running start or half without one while under the effect of the jump spell both of these options have triple distance so a running long jump by a character with a strength score of 10 allows you to go from 10 feet of jumping to 30 feet and a high jump by the same character would go three feet to nine feet jumping is not often used but still the only potential downside of this ring is that it requires a two mint and unless you are an artificer you only have three of these but you get basically at will access to the jump spell so it has utility just not all that much utility which is why it makes it the bottom spot on this list and at number nine we have the ring of water walking this is an uncommon ring that does not require to mint and all it does is let you stand and move across liquid surfaces as if they were solid ground now walking on water is pretty situational and in some games you may never end up needing to however when you need it you need it and this ring doesn't require too much so you can just take it on your hand and forget about it until you need to cross a rushing river or something but while it is a nice utility item it is still pretty situational so it takes another low spot on this list and at number eight we have the ring of swimming this is an uncommon ring that has no tument and just gives you a 40 foot swim speed in a water based game this could be a godsend as it makes the average player faster in water than they would be on land in some games like dungeon crawls you may never even need to swim in the six games i've run for my players i've only had two underwater sections and both were completed without my players having a swim speed still in a game that takes place on a ship or heavily involves water this could be very useful so it takes a lower spot on this list but it beats out the previous two spots because while situational it is a more common situation and at number 7 we have the ring of truth telling this is an uncommon ring from water deep dragon heist that requires a tubant and what it does is give the wearer advantage on inside checks to determine whether someone is lying to you this is an excellent help in more role play heavy or intrigue games where the campaign is focused more on information gathering rather than combat but even in combat heavy games you will likely at least run into a merchant who may or may not try to swim to you and just being able to know that you're getting a fair deal is nice so because this ring shines when haggling or interrogating it is an excellent utility ring and at number six we have the ring of warmth this is an uncommon ring that requires attunement and what it does is while wearing this ring you gain resistance to cold damage and in addition you and everything you wear and carry your unharmed part temperatures as low as negative 50 degrees fahrenheit now you may not get much use out of extreme weather negation unless you're in a game like rhyme of the frost maiden which takes place at the far north but resistance to cold damage is always nice to have but also if you're in a game where extreme cold weather is an issue this is an excellent utility item because while it does require tubement it means that you don't have to worry about finding cold weather clothing and in addition to that you also get cold resistance which is a nice mechanical benefit funny enough this would be a great item to use against someone wielding the ring of winter which took the top spot in the top 10 most powerful rings video and it has the ability to lower the temperatures in massive areas at negative 30 degrees while this ring keeps you fine until negative 50. also the spells it grants you access to all deal cold damage go check out the top 10 most powerful rings video if you want to learn more about it but just know that if you want your players to go against a villain wielding it you could give them some of these items to make it a bit easier and at number 5 we have the ring of x-ray vision this is a rare ring which requires attunement and what it does is while wearing this ring you can spend an action to speak its command word and when you do so you can see into and through solid matter for one minute this special vision has a 30 foot radius and to use solid objects of the radius appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them the vision can penetrate one foot of stone one inch of common metal and three foot of wood or dirt anything thicker than that blocks vision but so does lead as this vision is obstructed by even a thin sheet of it the ring can technically be used an infinite number of times a day however the downside is that for every time you use it beyond the first without taking a long rest you must make a dc-15 constitution saving throw or you gain one level of exhaustion and that is a really bad condition to get as on the sixth level of exhaustion you just die still being able to see through walls is super good in my rhyme of the frostbiting campaign a couple of my players had chosen this one homebrew race from a book on roll 20 that i bought called the shade race and had an ability to face their walls and see what was inside and it completely broke so many encounters that i made sure to ban it for all future games and this ring lets you accomplish a similar feat being able to spy on meetings without any chance of being seen in an entry game you could use this item as a reason why your secret business dealings are done in a land-lined room to prevent prying eyes but even if you don't use it like that it's still an excellent utility item for how it allows players to spy on their enemies and at number 4 we have the ring of obscuring from the explorer's guide to wild mount this is an uncommon ring which requires attunement and basically it lets you cast the fog cloud spell three times a day the ring has three charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn then as an action you can use your action to expend one charge to cast fog cloud with a few alterations first the cloud is centered on you when it first appears that does not mean it moves with you it just appears on top of you second the spell lasts for only one minute down from the one hour with the spell and third it does not require concentration this ring is the perfect escape tool because often times when you use fog cloud it's to sneak away and for that purpose you don't need it to last for an hour you just need to last long enough that it can confuse your pursuer and one minute is plenty long enough for that purpose there are a lot of cases where you may need to run away or at least conceal yourself from your foes and with this ring you can do so without wasting your spell slots or losing your concentration like if you cast haste on another member of your party in number three we have the ring of featherfall this is a rare ring which requires attunement and just prevents you from taking falling damage instead you descend at a rate of 60 feet per round and landing safely this just like the featherfall spell is one of those things that you don't think about until you need it and if you need it but don't have it then you're kinda screwed unlike the spell which can target up to five people the ring only targets you still that means that even if your friends plummet to their deaths at least you'll survive and at number two we have the ring of mind shielding this is an uncommon ring that requires attunement and it does a number of things the main effect is that you're immune to magic that allows creatures to read your thoughts determine whether you're lying know your alignment or know your creature type also creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it so as the name may suggest the ring shields you from any sort of attempt to pry into you you can also use an action to make the ring invisible or visible again and this visible or invisible effect lasts until you take off the ring or die this makes the ring an excellent item for a dm to give to the npcs who are very important like a city lord or even a shady small town speaker and the players won't know why they can't get a read on them until they kill them in the ring becomes visible again but this is where the secondary effect comes in where if you die while wearing the ring your soul enters it unless there is already a silt inside so after the party kills the wearer of this ring you can keep the npc around talking to the characters from within the ring because the soul that is inside the ring can communicate with the new wearer telepathically and that telepathic communication cannot be blocked by the ring the soul in the ring can lead to the afterlife whenever it wants but why not let the npc stick around and annoy the people who killed him for a while before departing you could even use as a plot point where to stop the annoyance you have to complete their unfinished business being able to hide your personal information from any potential enemies is some excellent and very unique utility as not much else lets you hide your thoughts as well as this does so this takes the pen ultimate spot on this list well kind of and last but not least at number one we have stonky's ring from candle key mysteries this is basically just a ring of telekinesis plus you gain control of stongi's creations called skittle widgets the ring of telekinesis is very rare and like stonky's ring does not require two mint and just lets you cast the telekinesis spell at will but only to target objects that aren't being worn or carried just moving things around has immense utility benefits removing a door jam clearing a blocked passage using a stone like a lily pad and floating the party across a river or just reaching something on a top shelf the telekinesis spell has a few limitations like how it can only move things that way up to a thousand pounds it requires an action to make the object move it's a concentration spell but aside from that you can really get as creative with it as your imagination allows and stonky's ring can also control skittle widgets these are medium constructs that are from candle case mysteries and are cr5 so being able to control one is pretty good their bite has a grapple effect and their tail attack has a stun they also regain hit points when they would take lightning damage with its multi-attack it makes two attacks with one of its bites and one with its tail if the bite hits the target is automatically grappled with a dc-13 to escape and the tail forces a dc-15 constitution save which when failed stuns the target and while a constitution save isn't the best one to target for creatures the stunned condition is really powerful as it basically leaves your enemy helpless for a turn the skidder widget control range for stanky's wink is only 30 feet but given it's a cr5 creature if you can get your hands on one it would undoubtedly be helpful to you originally the ring of telekinesis was going to take the top on this list already but as donkey's range to straight up a power increase it had to the number one spot as while telekinesis alone is the best utility effect amongst the magic rings and telekinesis plus being able to control a creature that can grapple and stun is even better alright and that's the video i could have made the ring of telekinesis the number two spot but as donkey's ring is almost a carbon copy of it it'd seem more appropriate to keep the two of them together but do you disagree with any spots on this list if so love to hear about them down the comments below as well as ideas for future videos just like this one [Music] you
Channel: TheD&DLogs
Views: 48,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and Dragon, s Dungeon & Dragons, D&D Beyond, DnD, Wizards of the Coast D&D, Heroes Campaign RPG, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, rule, rules, d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, DM, PC, tips, tricks, advice, guide, dice, book, PHB, VGTM, dungeons and dragons, 5th edition, best, overpower
Id: lwMYPszeiOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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