Top 10 Items That Cost Less Than 1 Silver in DnD 5e

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in this video we'll be going over the cheapest items you can buy in dungeons and dragons this list is restricted to items that are valued at one silver piece and below but is not arranged in order of price but rather in order of utility so the number two spawn this list is more expensive than the number three spot but is also more useful starting us off at number 10 we have the ink pen this is basically just a specially card stick and sells for two copper pieces the issues with this item is that alone it does nothing special for you this isn't a modern ballpoint pen but rather it's more like a fountain pen just made of wood where you have to dip it into a vial of ink before you can use it to draw or write something down and one ounce of ink costs 10 gold pieces so to use this item it's much more expensive than any other spot on this list still this is an item that can actually see use in a game specifically for wizards as they have the ability to copy down spells into their spell book and to do that they need something to actually write with while typically as long as the player spends the gold in the required special inks for copying the spells the dm won't ask if your character actually has something to write with so even if you do need one of these your dm may forget to ask if you actually have one this item is more useful than some of the other items list but because it requires ink to be useful it only takes the bottom spot as without that it's useless and at number 9 we have rigid vessels for containing liquid specifically the jug pitcher tankard and flask these were all grouped together because they all serve the same purpose just at slightly different sizes and they all cost two copper pieces i don't have to explain to you what these do but as a scriptwriter i get paid by the word and i will increase the length of this video slightly by drawing this out just keep quiet about it so he doesn't realize while he's reading hey wait a minute we should probably cut that out getting back on track there are ways to use all these items in combat if your dm is willing to work with you a little bit they can be used to carry liquids during travel jugs and pitchers hold one gallon while the tanker and the flask hold one pin maybe the party needs to collect blood to complete some sort of ritual you wouldn't want to put that into your water skin you could use them to create some sort of makeshift trap by putting them above a door to spill on a creature when it walks through be that water for a prank or oil which we'll talk a little bit more later on so that you can set them on fire with a firebolt spell you could also keep a vessel full of some sort of powder be it dirt flower or ground-up chalk that you could throw into the direction of invisible creature allowing the party to potentially see their footprints to sort of know where the invisible creature is however despite this there is no mechanical benefits to doing so due to the way invisibility works as while a creature is invisible you can take the height action anywhere due to be considered heavily obscured however until they do other creatures can still hit them just with disadvantage the powder could help you track them if they happen to escape so maybe you could get some sort of views out of this all of these things can also be done with a bucket however a bucket costs 5 copper pieces and is much harder to create a lid for a bucket and is way more expensive than the jug pitcher tankard and flask which took this spot instead anyway the place you will most often find jugs and pictures and taverns as they will be used to search large quantities of alcohol to adventurers after a long day of adventuring while tankards and flasks are what these same adventurers will drink that alcohol from these are incredibly integral to the aesthetic of almost any dnd game and because of that and their marginal usage and their low price they've made it onto this list so the next time you go into a tavern and you want a souvenir maybe ask the tavern cube if you can buy a tanker to commemorate the night that is if you can remember the wild night you had when you wake up the next morning and number eight we have the signal whistle this item cost five copper pieces and as i'm sure you could have guessed this is a small whistle used for signaling now you may have never thought to use this but there are times when you do need to signal things even in a dod game like coordinating in ambush troop movements on the battlefield or maybe even waking up your party members when you're ambushed during the night that said there are spells that do the same thing like the third level spell sending or the first level spell alarm so you don't really ever see this item used at least i have never seen it used and that's why it takes a lower spot on this list it has more potential to be actually useful during adventures in the previous spots on this list although it is still rarely used and at number 7 we have a flask of oil this is the only item on this list that caused one silver piece and what this item allows you to do is splash it on a creature within 5 feet of you or make a ranged improvised weapon attack with it at a 20-foot range shattering on impact if the attack hits the target they become covered in oil the oil will dry after one minute but if the target is hit by fire damage before then they take 5 additional fire damage as the oil burns them you can also pour the oil on the ground coated an area of 5 feet or just 1 square when it lits it burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 damage to any creature that enters or ends its turn in the area however the creature can only take this damage once per turn as we talked about in the number 9 spot this is an excellent item to use for a trap either by dropping it on someone when they come through a door or by coating the ground in front of the door right before you know an end is about to go through given how cheap this item is it's a pretty useful item especially for tier 1 levels of play where 5 damage is a reasonable amount still for a one use item this could be a bit expensive and as it is a flat 5 damage it really falls off the higher level you and by extension the monsters you are fighting get and for that reason while it does make this list it's just at a lower spot in number six we have a simple sack this is another item that i really shouldn't need to explain as it's just a bag that holds stuff a snack only cost one copper piece and you might be wondering why would this be useful to me well backpacks can only hold so much stuff and most of its space will be taken up by your clothes and other adventuring gear even portable holes bags of holding and huert's handy haversacks have limits to their carrying capacity even demi planes have a limit to their space the point being a good sack allows you to carry more treasure on your person for when say your players raid taimot's lair which mine did and despite having four bags of holding one portable hole and two demi planes they could only retrieve a fraction of her horn in a later game i had some npcs who were stuck in a time loop were trying to raid one of those demi planes as an easter egg but you could probably make that an entire campaign getting back on track a sack is just a useful item for adventurers to have as even in low or no magic settings a trusty sack will increase the amount of treasury party adventures can bring back with them when they leave the dungeon that they were exploring into number 5 we have sling bullets like with all ranged weapons the sling requires ammunition and while arrows and crossbow boats only cost one gold piece for 20 you can get 20 sling bullets for only 4 copper pieces in the real world the sling when used as a weapon of war was actually pretty deadly however in dungeons and dragons it only deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage so it's not used very often still if you're tight on cash this could be a great option as this link itself only costs one silver piece while 20 bullets cost 4 copper a dart costs 5 copper pieces so the price of 3 darts you can get a sling and 20 shots which is a lot more useful not to mention longer range as the close range for a sling is 30 feet with a long range of 120 feet while the short range of a dart is 30 feet with only a long range of 60 feet the same as the hand crossbow just 75 gold cheaper sling bullets aren't the best ammunition but they certainly are the cheapest and so it makes this list and at number 4 we have piton a single puton cost 5 copper pieces and while you would probably need more than one to effectively scale a wall the dungeoneers pack which on many classes you get as a starter equipment comes with 10 of them for those who don't know a piton is a steel pipe with an eye that you can loop rope through and can be used to climb at walls that don't have good handholds think of it as a giant needle specialized for climbing you wedge them into cracks and rocks faces so that if you fall the rope can catch you instead of plummeting when you slip when it comes to adventuring you never really know what you might face so it's always good to be prepared and a few of these are an excellent thing to keep in the bottom of your pack just in case you happen upon a section of your adventure where you must climb up a cliff or something which depend on your campaign could be pretty common or never come up once still these are pretty useful so they take a higher spot on this list and starting off on our top three we have one piece of chalk which cost one copper piece while you can't use it to write in your spell book chalk can be still very helpful to an adventurer especially when you're going through a maze or really any dungeon crawl a single chalk mark on the wall with directional arrows so that you might know where you have already been and the way out if you end up running into a creature that you can't beat this is one thing that cannot be replaced by magic however this is also something that probably wouldn't actually come in a game because usually the players know their way out and by extension the characters do as well so this is what so many other items falls into the category of technically useful but practically never used however if your dm allows it you might be able to grind it up into a powder and throw it into the eyes of your opponents or throw the dust on the ground to see the footprints of visible creatures or you could use a chalk on your hands to improve your grip on something like a rope or for climbing the face of a mountain still it is cheap and it has uses that range from dungeon delving to children's games so it takes a higher spot on this list and at number two we have the 10 foot pole this is a classic item after all sometimes you do need to touch things and why touch it with your ungloved bare hand when you could touch it with a 10 foot pole instead going through a rumor hallway where you expect traps keep your 10-foot pole in front of you to trigger those traps before they trigger on you things like pressure plates can be triggered potentially before you walk into their killing zone and pit traps can be revealed before you step into them if you want to learn about some other types of traps you can check out my video on the top 10 dungeon traps some of which can be dealt with with a 10 foot pole others not so much a 10 foot pole is an excellent item that any adventurer could carry around if you can figure out how to make a collapsible one that would be even better but i highly recommend you keep one of these on hand at all times and last but not least at number one we have the torch and candle these both cost one copper pieces and fulfill the exact same function providing light now before you all chime down in the comments letting us know that you have dark vision there are a few things to point out here because even in a party where everyone has dark vision it's a good idea to have a torchlit you see dark vision lets a creature see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light but dim light makes everything lightly obscured which gives you disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight and the last thing you want when checking for traps is disadvantage in the roll although this is another point in favor of having a 10 foot pole so with 60 feet of dark vision and no torch lit you can only see 60 feet and everything is lightly obscured a torch provides 20 feet of bright light and then 20 feet additional dim light giving someone with dark vision 40 feet of normal or bright light vision and then 60 more feet of vision into the darkness as if it was dim light pushing your vision out to a total of 100 feet up from just 60. long story short even with dark vision unless you need to remain hidden just lighting up a torch will make a world of difference another thing with dark vision is that with it you are basically using a sort of night vision where you can't see any color so your dm could throw in a trap that involves color in some way where unless you see color you will end up trigging it like a sign that says press the green tile to deactivate the dragon's breath and then there's a bunch of tiles but unless they have some light they cannot tell which one is green if they don't press the right one then it activates a trap spoon fire into the room the candle does the same thing as a torch but on a much smaller scale as it provides only five feet of bright light and then five feet of dim light beyond that but if your characters are worried about getting spot in the dark yet still need a source of light the candle is a great option to get light but just much less of it while still being super cheap again only at a single copper piece these are both excellent adventuring items that are simultaneously cheap useful and actually see playing games in fact unless you are in a game where you never go inside there is probably a torch used in every dnd game if not by the players then at least buy the npcs in their taverns temples or secret layers alright and that's the video what do you think should we make another video similar to this but like top 10 best items under one gold let me know what you think about that as well as any ideas for future videos just like this one down in the comments [Music] you
Channel: TheD&DLogs
Views: 29,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons and Dragon, s Dungeon & Dragons, D&D Beyond, DnD, Wizards of the Coast D&D, Heroes Campaign RPG, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, rule, rules, d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, DM, PC, tips, tricks, advice, guide, dice, book, PHB, VGTM, dungeons and dragons, 5th edition, best, overpower
Id: iYGAiHi4TXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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