Top 10 Unique Items in Divinity Original Sin 2 (Part 1)

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hello and welcome to another Divinity original sin 2 video I did a poll like a month and a half ago now it's been a while since I actually made a new video life has gotten busy I'm gonna pull about two different top 10 list videos to make and you guys voted for uh top 10 best items in the game now there's a slight issue with that in that uh the majority of all the good items in the game come in in the last act and you only get to use them for a few hours in this game I mean your first time through this game will take like a hundred plus hours typically for a lot of people um so I figure doing a video on just some items you get to use like the last five ish six hours that was a very good video so we're gonna actually break this up into two separate top ten lists so this video will be top 10 best items before the last Act of the game before you get to arcs um and then we'll make another video in the near future I'll actually be recording it immediately after this but it'll probably posted a few days later it'll be another top 10 video the top 10 best items in arcs and before we get started I do want to say that this is a top 10 uh best items list in my opinion your opinion may vary that's totally fine but I'm going to just go through where to find each item how to get each item and why I think it deserves a top 10 spot uh they're in no particular order um it's mostly just gonna be the order you find them in the game I'm not going to say this is the best item or this is the 10th best item they're just top 10 in the first three acts of the game for this video so we're gonna start off with right here you can find the gloves of teleportation after killing these crocodiles now the reason I think the gloves of teleportation are so good is because you can get them as early I mean technically you could get them at like level two um usually I don't get them until level four because I like to level up to level four and then do all the actual combat and side Fort Joy but even though you can get teleportation itself as a spell pretty early on or at the same time you would be able to get these gloves the fact you can just throw these gloves on anybody they have no actual requirement like intelligence tent everybody starts off with intelligence 10. they are really good you can just throw them on and you can have maybe a second person with teleport if you've built your team around it you could have three people with teleport but it's just teleport is such a good skill and being able to just throw that on early in the game you can just move enemies around the battlefield Clump them up together for your big AOE attacks something like you know uh I forgot the name battle stomp uh if you've got you know uh Ricochet which I don't have right there if you've got some big old Fireball you want to launch and you can't hit more than one person teleport another person in range you hit two people now teleport is great also you need to get your person out of the way and it's not their turn teleport can help it will damage them a little but most the time it's going to be worthwhile teleport great scale gloves of teleportation able to get you that skill super [ __ ] early fantastic ability all right fantastic item and now we're going to move on to the next one our next one here I'm not sure if that shaky transition is gonna work but that's what I'm trying for this video if you'd like or don't like that shaky transition let me know in the comments below um it's easier for me than the fade out because it has to do an auto save anyway uh next item up is going to be shadows I uh which did I already grab it here these are all old saves so nope I did not grab it so you're gonna come up here you need iPhone in your party with this and you need to have done ifin's personal quest line up till here which is very easy you need to read a note that he starts with talk to a Magister who's mentioned by name in that note and then I think you just come and talk to this guy he might I don't think he has the Griff thing I always talk to Griffin just kind of skip through the dialogue you might need to talk to Griff but I think his doesn't require that maybe it does point is you got like one or two very easy steps that can all be done right inside Fort Joy within like three minutes of getting iPhone to be recruited even if you don't want anything in your party I think it's a good idea to dismiss a party member talk to him do all that stuff real quick and then get over here um so we're gonna have ifan come up and talk to this guy let me do the talking I want to wave him forward and now I'm just going to skip through he gets this item called Shadows I all right this one right here we're gonna equip that so there's electric damage here goes from 34 to 37 with uh houndmasters crossbows we got 34 37 is our damage here we're gonna Swap this one over only there's only one level higher yeah it's only one level higher that Amber is going to go from a minimum 33 to a minimum of 49. that's it's like a 50 boost um and part of the reason this is so cool is because it first off gives you chameleon cloak lets you just go invisible which is very nice especially for an Archer you kind of want them out of the way um so you know if you enter your turn with like barrage or if you've got life in using it and you start with like encourage one action point then like a sky shot use two extra points you got one lone action point left over which I find you get that a lot with archers honestly uh mainly because Elemental arrowheads barrage whatever it's One X point you go invisible and then nobody's gonna hit your Archer who's probably squishy because they're one of the few classes that physically cannot have a shield um so I think it's really good for that and the other cool thing about this one uh first off for level five just getting a guaranteed crit chance added in that extra five percent it's not a lot but it's nice it helps uh the 25 accuracy also not going to be super helpful but it does still help gonna be very very unlikely to have any issues hitting stuff at this stage of the game with that much extra accuracy but the cool thing is it has six to eight extra piercing damage so piercing damage ignores armor and archers are already pretty high damage to begin with but if it does it says the normal amount of physical damage for a bow of this level like it still has that physical damage it's just some of it will also just go straight through the armor straight to their health which means if you're near the end of combat you only got one or two Targets left and the one target you've got left is like a night type setup where they have a lot of physical armor and not a lot of magical armor you can still attack them not have to waste your magic arrows this will still just go straight through ignore the physical armor hit their health directly I think it's great if you do Elemental arrowheads with this too get like water electric fire damage whatever you can hit all three bars of health and you're gonna hit I guess guys he's got his physical armor magic armor Health you can hit all three of them at the same time with this I think it's very good even at level five I'll usually keep this right up until the Alexander fight at the end of act one uh and at that point I'm like level nine so by the time I get to like level eight or nine I'll get a new crossbow this one it'll carry you from level six seven eight and until you level up to nine which is like the whole second half of the first Arc for your first playthrough that's like 10 hours worth of use you're gonna get from this one crossbow which I think is pretty cool all right and then once you're in that second act we're gonna swap over to the next magic item and our next magic item over here uh that's gonna be uh this section of the map here if you find the secret Scamp you're just going to leave it uh over here on the uh I mean I say right hand side but I guess you could technically have the map or I guess this brand you can't I'm gonna exit on the east side of the Seeker cam I'm going to come around this little Beach have some crocodile salamander things to kill um and I don't know what the minimum width is to find this little pile but you're gonna dig up this pile right here by an illusionary cave over there for more which is where it's located reference and I kind of froze up there because my computer sucks but when you do that you'll see three items shoot out you'll see a mask of strength over here Second Skin these gloves over here and this ring of intelligence the Ring of intelligence is the one I'm gonna grab and the one we're gonna look at right here so that one is right here and the Ring of intelligence we're just gonna get it into some equipment without a whole lot of stuff cluttering up the screen ring of intelligence right there now on the surface level this doesn't look like much right it's just a ring whatever um guarantees winning times but it has a rune slot because it has a room slot that means you can throw in in my opinion the best option is a um fire room because that will give you extra crit chance and early on in the game it's very hard to come by extra chance and later in the game um you don't really need a whole lot like once you get going you're focused more on offense than defense you can take one or two pieces of armor to have a hit on how much armor they're actually giving you you can keep this ring throw on a giant flame Rune you can put a rune on it and that Rune will give it an extra free intelligence it'll give you and with a giant Rune it'll give you six percent extra [ __ ] chance which rings do not get a room slot this is the only ring in the game that has a rune slot unless you're using some other mods um but this will give you a room slot and I can just give you some extra crit chance which is very useful so I like it because it gives you a free crit Chance free Rune slot uh you could use other runes in there as well I suppose but I would use the fire one for that extra crate it's like having an extra amulet that has a room slot um it's just really nice and I like it because of that it's nice simple doesn't take up like a weapon slot or anything that usually gives a lot of armor it's just a little bit of magic armor which you can give that up for some quick chance the offense is usually more important in this game than your defense so I like ring of intelligence I think it's pretty good uh for the free room slot so we are going to move on nice quick simple explanation of that to our next magic item on the list and next up on the list here uh once you're in the middle of the second half of act one you escape the fort and I just didn't let the woodsy marshy area you're going to come across this guy I blew up his corpse uh so I don't really see what he looks like but he's avoid woken deep dweller he's gonna be perched right up here when you get into his area he's going to summon a bunch of Undead to fight you uh when you fight him you're going too fine you're gonna find a bunch of crap on him that you may or may not find useful but the one that you're always going to find on him is Amulet of the deep um now this one again it's just an amulet uh you're gonna get in your basic amount of magic armor for this level a little bit of constitution is nice especially if you are somebody who likes using Shields and you don't want to waste the actual permanent Point putting it in the Constitution um because you really don't want to put a lot of permanent points in the Constitution but the main reason I like this is that one of the biggest difficulties in running a glass Cannon build is that you're always getting stunned and Frozen and knocked down and you can throw this on a glass Cannon character if you have a enchanter type build in your party and you don't ever need to worry about them accidentally getting stunned they will never lose a turn because they're being stunned if they are wearing this will not happen just makes glass Cannon builds so much easier to run especially because I like running glass cannons as Rogues because they get just a lot of movement options that can usually make use of those extra AP um it's just I like it and they're melee characters and I like mixed party setups there's usually a lot of electrified water all over the place so I like this makes my glass cannons not ever get stunned pretty early out in the game it's phenomenal for that reason alone love it and that's Amulet of the deep another really good act one item that you don't want to miss out on and now we're gonna move on to another act one item you don't want to miss out on and the next item we have in act one that you don't want to miss out on is going to be right in here now this is going to be not something I can show on here be able to pull up a larger mat from here I never really use this map so I don't know if you can pull it out anyway uh you're gonna find a castle that's kind of beat up um you're gonna find Gareth a Seeker in that castle um when you're done fighting him there's a little like gated off area in between the two combat areas I mean I guess technically it's in second combat area from the way I usually go but it's in the lower combat area I'm gonna go through that gate you're gonna find some stuff now you are going to have to have the I think you're gonna yeah you have to have the bless skill at this point to open up this door to get into this section once you do you're going to need a source point which is really easy because there's a source Fountain right over there if you're going to come over here with a source point and you're going to grab this Shrine of brackets you're going to focus power calling source to your fingertips you're just gonna put your Source into this thing so it is going to consume a Source Point and then it opens up and you have the corrupted tyrants Helm now look you can uh use this one as is uh however if you use the purge skill on there three times uh it gets rid of that minus one leadership part and it's just plus one strength um I think it gets something else but the main reason that I like this one very very similar to The Amulet of the deeper image of the Void I already forgot the name of that point is so the last item the amulet that gives stun immunity this one um it's cursed quote unquote um I'm gonna just use encourage so my strength goes up so I can wear it real quick it also while being a strength item gives you plus one strength so yeah once you hit equips it just maintains its own requirements to stay equipped um but the reason I like it is because it sets a permanent warm status on you which yeah okay it's gonna make you a little bit less resistant to fire damage it's gonna make him more resistant to water damage but the main reason I like this one is because if you have somebody who again is an enchanter which is my you know one of my favorite builds for a mixed party team um or mixed damage party team um they can't free Frozen like they you'll get frozen but because this warm status gets reapplied at the beginning of every turn you will thaw out immediately and not lose a turn so once again especially on glass Cannon builds I love throwing this one on because it fulfills its own strength requirement and then they cannot be frozen they will never ever ever lose a turn because they were frozen if they are wearing this helmet later on in the game when you're probably high enough level where you're not going to want a level 6 helmet but later on in the game there are some scenarios where you can be frozen for two turns this will still thaw you right the [ __ ] out one turn it's fantastic love it um yeah not like the whole curse of it is that your permanent reform which I don't mind at all even once you use the purge ability on it three times and it just becomes I think it just becomes tyrant's home not corrupted Tyron sound at that point um it's it still has the curse to set them warm so I think it's phenomenal because you cannot be frozen which I think is pretty cool pretty useful uh even a little bit past act one not a whole lot past act one but you'll get two or three levels worth at least of good use out of this one and now I believe we're moving on to the last item in act one so we're gonna spin on over there okay and our last item in act one is when you have to get by killing slain of the Dragon now I did this in a way where I get experience for completing his quest and then still got experience for her fighting him uh so his body is currently in this uh lizard form rather than the big dragon form because he probably morphs himself into a blue lizard kind of the opposite of the red Prince's red lizard anyway uh once you defeat slain the winter dragon he will always drop a thing of the winter dragon this is a level nine sword in act one act one is a balanced around the idea of you ending it at level eight so getting a level nine item in act one is pretty nice um it's got cleave damage great for a spark build like what I've got here uh it's got plus one strength plus one intelligence plus one Warfare plus one hydrosophist has a chance to set chilled on enemies which has a chance to freeze them if they're already chilled or wet um and then it's got a 10 extra crit chance does a little bit of water damage your standard physical damage for a weapon that level it's great it's got a little bit of everything I love it and it's just a really great one-handed sword uh it's pretty good um I wouldn't recommend using a sword and shield build but if you're doing a dual wielding build um it's pretty good which dual wielding swords or just a dual wielding two one-handed melee weapons that aren't daggers um so you have Mason ax as well those are very good for a sparking swings or a Master of Sparks build because especially with the cleave on there because every Target they hit will have a spark come off of it and if you have two weapons then each weapon will cause a spark and if each weapon has cleave like this one does then every Target hit with each individual sword will all cause Sparks so I really like this because I really like this skill and even if I didn't I I'll actually I'm gonna throw this on Seville just because she uses Hydro sofa skills and she uses necromancy skills so the strength intelligence Warfare and hydrosophist are all boosting her damage the crit chance is still helping her out I believe she got seven storage at eight on this run um it's just it's really good even if you're not gonna use it to attack it is also just a brilliant stat stick for this level of the game for any a melee build that can use a one-handed sword or a necromancer because Necromancer should also have hydrosophist in their build it's just it's a great weapon I love it and that is the last item for act one we are now moving on to act two and on to act two now act two for as big as it is doesn't actually have a whole lot of unique items well let me let me adjust that it doesn't have a whole lot of good unique items uh there are a lot of unique items but not many of them are particular rubsies so uh so once you defeat mortis uh and you get all the flow stuff out of the ways [Music] pretty quick quick okay uh so you will get a lot of stuff there but low hars two-handed Source Hammer sorry that's the full name I think I just called it lohar's hammer uh lohar's two-handed Source Hammer it's a level 12 item which if you look over on the left there we are at level 12 at this point in the run so it's a weapon that is at your level um you could be at level 13 at this point I don't think you're gonna be taking longer than that to get to this part uh you could potentially get this a little bit earlier as well which means your accuracy is going to be a little low however it gives 20 critical chance which is a phenomenal most non-unique two-handed weapons that you can get at this point in the game if they give a crit chance bonus uh they'll only give 14 this one gives 20 which is nice um it gives plus two strength which fulfills its own like strength requirement so you could just use it as a crit chance booster on a spellcasting character who doesn't actually use melee weapons because that chance does carry over it's got plus one uh Warfare and two-handed so if you are using it as an actual weapon which you probably should do that way you get extra damage on that it has a 25 not 25 has a 15 chance to knock down your Target and it's kind of unique in that because it has a two turn knockdown that means if you attack somebody there is a 15 chance they are out for two turns which is a lot and it also gives you the onslaught skill is a two Source Point skill which allows you to attack somebody I believe five times in a row could be four times but I think it's five times in a row we could just uh strengthen it high enough gotta gotta hit ourselves with uh encourage here first I don't know why things disconnected from the party uh this was a save from a couple weeks ago uh five times so it does cost four action points so it'll be like probably your whole turn unless executioner procs or you have adrenaline or if you're a glass Cannon or Lone Wolf but in most circumstances it's going to be all of your action points but it attacks five times now that damage is really low because I don't I have 12 strength on this character so that damage will be much higher on somebody who's actually using it this one's also good with a spark Master build because it's five hits back to back to back to back which means you'll get five Sparks coming off uh skills like that it doesn't matter if you're using one one-handed weapon or two-handed weapons or you know one hand or one weapon two weapons doesn't matter um so it'll be five Sparks so I like it it's a good weapon um I it does not have cleave which is my one issue with this but for the 20 crit chance fulfilling its own strength requirement two turns of knockdown it's really good and I believe that two turn knockdown actually if you use something like battle stomp like it just it creates battle stop as if it has the two turn knockdown so you can hit somebody with battle stop and some of them will be down for a turn some will be down for two turns it's really nice it's got a pretty big range on Whirlwind as well like you can get a lot of people knocked down for two turns again it's a 15 chance that you'll probably get like one or two people Max but it is still very nice if you use that Onslaught though it's almost definitely Gonna Knock person down all right so that is our first item in act two and we actually only have one more item in act two and we're gonna hop on over there right now and on to our next item we gotta come up to blood moon Isle Island I was caught blood moon Isle but it is blood moon Island all right uh so this guy right here basitan the wish Master he's over by the advocate in his gang uh first spoiler Reasons I'm not gonna say wire over here what you doing over here uh but best 10 the wish master has a unique item in his inventory there are two ways you can get that here well I guess there's three ways uh the two ways I was thinking of is you can sneak and you can go pickpocket him which I'm not gonna do because I don't want to accidentally get caught while doing a video so you could sneak pickpocket from him that's probably your better option if you're you know able to talk to a bunch of these guys get them to turn away from bacitating and actually pickpocket in with a low risk and then just Waypoint out of there the other option is to go into his inventory and buy it my question is emrak I don't know how to pronounce I think it's amrak is how you say that but no matter what level you are at he will always sell this as a level 15 item this just is level 15. some stuff you buy from vendors that are unique items will be whatever level you are when you first talk to that vendor not this one this one is always level 15. um which means you can arrive on the island if you look right now the current armor I have that's comparing to is level nine you can get on the island like the Act II Island and then make your way over to Blood Moon Island without any combat mind you like you don't have to fight anything on the island to get here uh so you could get this level 15 chest armor at level nine or ten when you first get in act two um which is insane just like the armor value I mean look it's giving three times as much magic armor still not a lot because it's a strength based armor but it's giving you three times the amount of magic armor that I currently have and it's giving me over four times the amount of physical armor I currently have and that is a good piece of armor up to level 15. that's basically you can get this armor and a and it doesn't quite fulfill its own strength requirement but it gets two and you need an extra three so it does most of that um and you just give it to a character and they will have chess piece that is good for the whole of act two technically by the end of act two you should be 16 or 17 um but you could still have this at level 16 it's not going to kill you to have level 15 armor at level 16. if you get to 17 yeah maybe swap it out but you could have this armor the entirety of act two a lot of usefulness like like long-term usefulness a lot of armor you get it early enough to where it is very good when you get it and by the time you're ready to get rid of it and upgrade uh it's you're not upgrading a lot it's still pretty good and then it's got a rune slot so you could put a uh Rune frame at this point in the game uh tarko and sells those don't kill Tarpon on the boat uh but targon can sell you Rune frames I believe as soon as you get to act two maybe you have to get a certain level maybe 12 or 13 but you can put a rune slot in there with a Masterwork rune and uh you can get an extra couple of strength and then it fulfills its own strength report put it on literally any type of character you get a lot of physical armor and if you have a shield character that you don't want to invest a lot of constitution it gives you three Constitution as well very very good piece of armor you can get and use for basically the entirety of X2 like we are at level 12 and I could get that right now oh God I'm level 12 on this part and I only had level 9 armor that's awful anyway very good armor you should definitely get it and I guess the third way you could get it is you could just kill him it will drop on his corpse I have occasionally gotten it that way um usually on accident when I initiate combat I'm like oh whoops I guess I'm doing this now but uh yeah so you can steal from him buy it from him or kill him and take it off his corpse either of those three will work to get mrak very good chest armor and now we're going to move on to act three over here all right so this item is in X3 which is the shortest Act of the game now technically act three is the third and fourth island but I hate that I call it 4X so the third island which I'm calling act three shortest island in the game um you can skip a lot of stuff if you're not careful like you don't need to do nearly as much as you're able to do to get past this island and move on the story um but you're able to get up to 19 before leaving this you'll usually start at 16 or 17 depending on how thorough you were on getting everything done in the first two acts but when you get to the third act there is a cave kind of along the beach you got to go kinda not out of your way just gotta explore the beach little you'll find a cave uh Cave looks like this it's not a very big one you come in up here uh there's a little walkway down there and over here in this little pedestal I already did the fight so that we could save some time but on this pedestal and that that middle square right there there will be a sword sitting in that pedestal sword and stone type of setup and it will be somewhere right here the Eternal storm blade oh look at that sabil still has Fang of the winter dragon up at level 17 because it's got a lot of good stats and she doesn't need a good weapon because she's a spellcaster anyway uh Eternal stormblade very good item it gives a 15 crit chance which for a one-handed weapon is very good most of them that you buy are going to give you five or seven percent crit chance and most unique one-handed items in the game uh they'll give you 10 crit chance this one gives you 15 which is very nice it does a little bit of error and physical damage so it's got that extra you know Elemental damage if you are interested in that and if you are interested in that it's also very good that it sets stunned for two turns for a 20 chance which is again phenomenal because that's a two turn crowd control if you hit him with that sword um shocked for one turn which if they're already wet great they'll be stunned for one turn but if you get the stun on there it is two turns and that's actually the more likely outcome with the way those chances are divvied up um the really unique thing about this one is it gives you three extra memory points that is three extra memorized skills that you can use that is fantastic I love that three extra skills you can use don't need to invest points in a memory um it's it's great it's fantastic the sixth initiative is really nice too you might want to give this to your fastest initiative person just bump them up or if you want to change up your initiative order that you normally have and you don't want to like respect a person's wits all over the place or find that right ring that gives four or five widths and everybody else ones that you have two widths or something like that this is just a great way to be like hey there's six initiative you're going first now or hey you're not going to last anymore you know so it's just fantastic sword primarily because because 15 crit chance and three memory but the initiative and the stun chance are also very very nice as well this is one that I would be giving to sabil I believe I did give it to sabil on this run but I had to swap up I think that rune uh from a fire room down there to a Masterwork room to give her more strength to be able to wield it but it's a great one-handed sword the only issue again is it doesn't fulfill its own strength requirements but that's a very easily avoidable issue by the time you get to this point in the game so we have one more item in the first three acts to get to we are on to our 10th unique item on this video and we're going to spin around one more time and teleport over there and we have now spun on over here pretty quickly I don't know how I'm gonna do those cuts it's probably gonna be a very annoying video because of those cuts we'll see how it turns out and maybe change it for the next one uh but you are going to uh kill a guy over here who's uh tied to Sabio and red print season act three um again I don't want to spoil too much uh um but he's over there uh on his body you'll find a bunch of stuff you'll always find his heart and you will always find his little Manifesto notes thing there manifest as a bit of a strike you'll find his notes there and you'll find his ring here the shadow Prince's Signet I don't know if Cygnet is how to spell that or if it's like a silent G and it's like cine I don't know not not familiar with that word outside of this game I just call it the shadow Prince's ring because that's what it is it's a ring but it gives you three finesse three wits one thievery and it gives you Chameleon Club now I've already made a video on very good thievery items in act two once you get to act three this is another one you can get that gives you plus one Theory and you don't typically get rings with thievery as in this is the only ring in the game that will give you a plus one to thievery very very nice also if you look to my rings on the left which I may have used some mods to make it a lot more likely to get some of the items on this run to speed it up and get through here get all these items relatively quickly I have wits on my rings there so even though I can have items with four widths at the moment this one has three widths and that is not at all bad and three finesse is always on there which means that if you have a rogue or a ranger or a spear user anybody who uses finesse really uh it's a great ring for them because you probably want weights to crit with those because they're you know weapon attacks they automatically crit uh you don't need seven sword Lich to make them crit so wits is always nice finesse is nice and there's also a lot of unique items in the game versus good equipment in the game that need finesse and that's an easy way to fulfill the Finesse requirement and chameleon cloak as mentioned earlier is a very very good skill that you're going to want to have I have it on Fame down here I believe I've been nope I even got it a couple of times oh I even got it later in the game by equipping this that's why I thought I even had it on this run anyway Shadow princess Signet Shadow princess cine Shadow princess ring whatever you want to call it this item from the shadow Prince very very good gives you plus one thievery wits and finesse are both at plus three now that is the conclusion of this video um well that's the conclusion of the list of items on this video I don't know why I clicked on red prints there uh we are going to do one more quick thing here uh so I am going to load up this one right here um and I'm going to talk through the loading screen this is normally where I'd be spitting the camera all crazy but after doing it eight or nine times I'm like man that's probably not the best way to do this video so I think I'm going to change that up for the next one um so sorry if anybody had an issue with the wonky transitions there but all these items are good for a little while uh but you're going to out level them and a lot of them have the issue of their armor being very low uh once you get a couple more hours into the game and you're not going to be able to use them very efficiently now as I showed right there sabile still had Fang of the winter dragon the whole act and a half later so some of them are good throughout the whole game if you're just using them for like the extra stats they give but there is a character in the game who you find in act two who is very very useful when you have equipment that you really like but you're upset that you out leveled it now there is a gift bag mod that does this kind of trick automatically I like using another mod that just does it without having to do all the weird stuff the gift bag makes you do um but there's a character where you can sell him items and then when you get to act four arcs which is where all the rest of the items for the second video will be located when you get to arcs uh all the items in his inventory will level up um regardless of what level they were when you sold them to him and that character is Fletcher Corbin day you find him in the Lone Wolf camp and act two so when you find him if you get somebody with decent persuasion uh talk to him tell him to join you on your ship um you can before act four before act four I want to make that very clear sell him any of the unique items or any really at the items at all that you want to keep and uh use later on in the game uh because they will level up so over here we now have eternal storm blade not level 16 but at level 18 so it's got a little bit more damage on it there some of these items the stats will go up some of them they won't it just some do some don't particularly things like um Warfare I don't know Warfare does go up straight or does it let's find out over here right okay Fang of the winter dragon perfect example uh things like Warfare and hydrosophist uh that chunk of the character sheet those skills will not increase uh things that are just your ability score or attribute score strength intelligence finesse Constitution those ones will go up from this thing from this little trick again all you do sell them to this guy he'll be on your boat if you convince him to go to the boat and then when you get to act four when you get to arcs go back into the lady Vengeance go into the mid deck he's right there and then anything you sold him will be at level 18 which the game is balanced around you finishing at level 20. if you do everything you get to 21 I've seen people online be like no I got to level 22. I don't think in the current finalized state of the game you can get to 22 without mods which you can use mods no no harm there I use mods a lot because I've been playing the game for five years pretty consistent need to mix things up but so if you my point is if you finish the game level 20 having some level 18 gear is not terribly under leveled you'll probably find some stuff that'll be better but if you're really fond of some of these items or if you're planning on classic or lower I always play on taxation but if you're playing anything lower than that level 18 gear will be fine so low harsh Hammer now a little lot more damage the crit chance is still there Warfare two-handed still there but the strength goes up as well so damage and strength goes up uh Shadows I boom damage numbers all go up uh we got M rack instead of being level 15 it's level 18 so it's really just just a solid chess piece there's nothing special about that one um tyron's Helm now it's got plus two strength um it also has the plus one leadership not negative leadership it's got shackles of pain um but it still sets warm so you can still use it on glass cannons ring of intelligence is given three intelligence still can use the Rune slot but now you're not missing out on the extra like 140 armor gloves of teleportation which with actual stats well I say stats armor stats could be useful uh same with Amulet of the deep if you've got a glass Cannon this is a really easy thing to just throw on and boom don't have to worry about being stunned um that's what one two three four five six seven eight nine the Spy the shadow Masters ring unfortunately it's a flagged item that you cannot sell so that one you cannot do this trick with but you can do it and these items were not in this video but there are the relics of Revlon sets you can in fact sell them to Corbin day and uh he will level them up so these are typically level eight gear I believe and they are all now the armor values bumped up to level 18. so that's another cool trick you can do I also did that with the other uh Relic armor set that you can get completed before act four and sell them to him on time so these are typically level 14. they're now at level 18. again none of the actual uh blue number Buffs have changed but the actual armor amount you get from them will go up so all these items even though they're only good for a little bit of time if you keep them some this guy you can get them right back level 18 you can get another couple hours of good use out of them all right so that is going to be the end of this video uh if you thought there were some other act one to three only unique items that I should have put on this list go ahead and leave a comment below talking about that if you're not subscribed I'd appreciate a subscription because I would like to one day maybe make a little bit of money on YouTube and I need at least a thousand subscribers for that I'm almost at 300 but it was boom in the last couple of months so I'm thinking hey if I keep getting more subscribers that'll motivate me to be more consistent get you guys some amount of entertainment and then maybe I could monetize on YouTube I don't know I think that'd be pretty cool I'm not planning on making a career but it'd be nice to you know make a make like 100 bucks or something a month just making videos that'd be pretty neat I think um yeah so that's the end of this video we will be having another video up short shortly we'll have another video up short what was that we'll have another video up shortly with the top 10 items and arcs that I think are the best items in arcs to get there are a lot of items and arcs there are a lot of good items and arcs and the whole reason this video exists is because the vast majority of the good items are in arcs and I didn't want to just do all items in act four so act four is getting its own separate video for good unique items and because it's individual items you're not going to be including the two armor sets that you complete in act four just how these ones weren't a main part of this video they're just like a fun fact you can level them up with Corbin day at the end the armor sets in act four will not be included in the next video uh so I don't know if you want to make a prediction on what ones I think I'm going to put in the X4 video you can make those below if you think I missed anything in this video that's really good you can put that below there was one honorable mention uh two-handed ax that I want to put in here um I don't know if I still kept it or not but it has a guaranteed chance to set Shield which if you have a mixed damage party you can freeze a lot of people with that one but that's such a niche use I didn't include that one anyway we're gonna wrap up this video because I've been rambling for a few minutes now and I don't want to do that so if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and if you like top 10 videos because apparently the algorithm does I'm gonna have another one out for you guys within the next couple of days here for act four unique items so until that video is out uh have a good time I will see you in the next one
Channel: Pyromus
Views: 35,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divinity, Divinity Original Sin, Divinity Original Sin 2, DOS, DOS2, Divinity 2
Id: KkOXtG7vTcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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