Top 10 ugliest ships

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[Music] hello everybody it is i captain oblivious mist and i am back here with a brand new video the top 10 ugliest ships now this video will not be including cargo ships and uh ferries fairies because if we did a video including the fairies that would just be the whole list ugliest fairies i do not like the look of fairies uh and if we did a video on cargo vessels it wouldn't seem fair as cargo vessels aren't designed to look nice they're designed to be utilitarian so yeah uh but um apart from that uh this list is subjective so you know my opinions have to match up for yours i'm not saying this is the definitive list uh please feel free to leave your um thoughts and opinions below the aquitania while she is beautiful on the inside and this may be quite controversial with what i'm about to say in my eyes on the outside she is well hideous with her big blocky superstructure i just don't like it um there's not really much to say on this one i don't see anything i don't like about her outside i absolutely love her interiors and i absolutely love her career which is why i can't wait to do the research for my aquatani video which is currently being worked on so um yeah it's really not much to say on this one that is literally it i just don't like a big bulky superstructure uh it's kind of evident which i'll make it evident in my accutane video most likely with the fact that i would keep on insulting it and it's why i've had to reshoot parts of it so many times uh the parts i have researched um apart from that yeah that's why the video on the acting is called the ugly duckling but yeah my eyes she it's quite beautiful on the inside but on the outside she just looks like they've just got a cardboard box and plopped four funnels on there that's literally what it looks like they did ah the great eastern a ship that can be described in so few words as no seriously not only was a career absolutely horrible with the way it went but in my eyes she looks horrible too with her five funnels and her giant tall masks she just looks like one big ugly floating piece of steel she doesn't even have a super structure which doesn't help much at all her patty her paddle wheel make her just look even more unbalanced than she already does she looks too top heavy and in my eyes she's just one big failure i'm kind of glad she got used as a billboard in the end in fact i'm still trying to figure out what uh ismart kingdom brunel was thinking on your designer because quite frankly he wasn't thinking on the right place or in the right place as she is just horrible i do plan to make a video on her in the future similar to what i will do with the campaign here in the future but uh yeah that video will be a bunch of ranting apart from that uh on to number eight ah this ship's design can be summed up with one big why just why the percy designer deserves jail time no seriously she is such a downgrade from many other cunard ships from the last century i mean if you had one look at the first queen mary or actually hell look at the queen elizabeth ii she looks way better than the queen victoria though the queen victoria has better interiors she just looks like they've built a giant cruise ship which looks as hideous as itself and just slaps an ugly little box on the top she looks horrible just horrible are you gonna rant about this in fact i would if i had the time or the effort to edit a video that long but i absolutely hate this ship and i could rant about it for eternity but obviously i haven't got the time and there's the fact that there's like many other bigger abominations to call themselves ships but uh yeah i just absolutely hate this ship completely and the boy looks things the brand new queen anne's following the same route so i'm disappointed with further ado let's uh go on to number seven here's another ship i hate purely just because they're outside the brand new or she's not exactly brand new anymore but the queen mary 2 in my opinion looks hideous while i admit she is not the ugliest ship in the world and not the ugliest cruise ship by any standards i can't and i can't put my finger on what i don't like about it per se but she just looks hideous in my opinion if i had to say anything though it would be that front end of the ship and the fact that it extends out yet then the rest of the ship's slightly thinner than the stern and the bow and the superstructure and i still can't figure out precisely though what i don't like about it all i know is it's really annoying but anyways let's move on to number six just want to start this one off by saying this is the version of the ss norway after the conversion to a cruise ship um not the ss francis says france was an amazing looking ship but as soon as she was given to the uh cruise lines that she was given to oh sold too she didn't look that bad initially she's the main problem i have for the ms queen victorious who decided to add the most random upper deck ever it looks horrible it completely ruins this [ __ ] right it just looks ugly and to be fair i'm surprised no one actually hit their head off looking at photos it looks pretty low down to the bridge so probably blocked visibility and all most likely so whoever thought that deserves to be brought into our back room and shot it looks horrible just horrible and to make matters worse the ss norway uh was believed not believed was found out to be carrying asbestos everyone's favorite nice little substance so you know that's a problem ah it's my main problem with the ss norway and css norway not the ss france i absolutely adore the ss france yes france looked amazing just the ss norway especially so the cabins were cramped as well and she looks more like she looked on the inside she still looked like an ocean liner and like she was meant to be an ocean liner and not much like a cruise ship you know kind of a bit of a problem when you i don't know have a cruise ship but yeah that is just my opinion though so uh let's move on to the next ship right who thought this was a good idea no seriously who thought that bridge was a good idea just look at it look at it it looks ugly no it's like someone went oh yes what we shall do is we shall design a bridge and we shall make it look really hideous and inconvenient and then then they decided yes what we shall do is we shall add a random deck on top of the bridge that doesn't look like it desert it belongs there but hey ho who cares no seriously it's like someone decided to get a checklist of ugly things to add to a ship and they added it i mean look at the horrible patterning on it oh [ __ ] ship looks horrible no no huh that's actually all i've got to say on this one i'm gonna move straight into number four [Music] jesus i don't really have much wrong with this what this ship here well i just have one let's have this like one tiny little problem you know i don't consider myself to be much of a picky person in terms of ships but uh how do you have such a large gap between funnels and yet nothing going on afterwards no seriously that's geological and then god knows how much space right after the final funnel how just look that is literally my only problem is funnel placement but it's one of those things that's so annoying that it's like right up onto the list because how annoying it is for example you can like food it's like really good but say they haven't brought you sauce and that ruins it for you that's basically what this thing with the funnels are i just don't like how they did the funnels and it's just really aggravating the rest of the ship is amazing it's just the funnels anyways let's move on to number three [Music] i can't really say much on this one because of the fact that well i haven't got enough photos on her and i don't want to reuse the photos more than once but anyways what i don't like about this ship is i don't like her tiny little funnel doesn't look right her paddle wheels look hideous and she doesn't even make up for on the inside well even if it was especially for a steerage passenger there's no upsides to it i see i've read reports of everyone's been crammed into a wet hole ish people said the stuff on the bloody titanic was bad whoever designed this ship really should be burnt because this is not how a ship should be in any way i know it was a custom back in the early 1800s but makes you wonder anyways without further ado let's move on to number two my main problem with this one is the same with the other ships on this list not much of the interior as well mine's well britannia but but mainly her exterior i just think mainly her top part of the superstructure is just too small it just doesn't look right the bridge is too far withdrawn and i don't like how the part underneath it just extends out really far either that doesn't look nice it looks very inconvenient as well they had the fact that in her final days before her you know sinking she did become a bit of a rust bucket but you know it's my main problems with her rarely but it's like the same one with the kaiser wilhelm de grosse it's small problems but problems that are so noticeable and annoying that it brings the ship to a high point onto the list but anyways here's a let's go on to a ship that deserves its place ow he put me with that pitchfork sorry anyways the reason why this ship is on the list and i this is just my opinion alone i absolutely hate her outside her two funnels don't look right at all she looks like discount queen mary she has too many windows on the front that help make her look ugly her interior don't even redeem her she's just enjoying like an art deco kind of mix of traditional style and it doesn't look nice at all i'm a much bigger fan of the good old-fashioned traditional greek pillar type stuff looks amazing her interiors look god awful right um she has a downright horrible atmosphere on board according to the crew compared to her um sister [ __ ] well not really sister [ __ ] but fleet mate queen mary she's got a uh done away with the weld forward well deck which no ford world looks so good she just looks horrible ah funny world war two didn't happen hi there everyone i am still here to clear up a few things uh first of all uh sorry if this video comes off as a bit repetitive um i did have many issues with writing this video so i apologize for that and i'd also just like to point out that this video is for joke purposes only though these opinions are and these are just my opinions so yeah if you don't agree with me then don't kill me but before i put that out there uh my aquatain video should also be coming out this month all being well but you never know accidents happen uh things to happen and yeah it's really all i've got to say here apart from if you don't mind please like and subscribe but you know yeah though i'm not i'm not gonna beg for subscribers anyways uh thank you all for watching uh stay safe with this massive heat wave you know i'm melting myself here but yeah just stay safe and thank you for watching goodbye [Music]
Channel: Captain Oblivious Mist
Views: 11,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OSrjCgmnxUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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