Top 10 ugliest ships part 3: Dumb ways to die edition

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[Music] hello everybody it is I captain oblivious mist and today we're going to be planning my funeral as we are going to be doing a part three of my ugliest ships list and the reason why I say I'm going to be planning my funeral is just look at the thumbnail I have a sneaking suspicion as soon as I upload this video I'm going to walk outside my house to go get a box of cherry B hles maybe a packet of wine GS and some Cherry Coke and I'm going to be assassinated oh dear but anyways uh before we get into the list um this is just my opinion uh so if you have any disagreements put them in the comment section sure just don't be a complete and total um familyfriendly word uh ass about it that's about it just don't be a fool about it there are uh second of all uh we will not be doing doing fairies or cargo ships on this list as they can be a list of their own in fact they're going to be a list of their own uh I am working on a list of that so stay tuned for that uh and I believe that's about it um so yeah apart from that I hope you all enjoy this video and uh well let's get into the video and let's get to play my funeral uh I leave everything to my uh dogs all right sorry for the sudden drop in audio quality that is because by the time I made this decision I had already recorded the entire video and I can't be bothered to pull out all my recording equipment just to record like a 12C line uh but yeah I would like to take a moment to say despite what I say in the alberic section and I think in a few other sections this list is in no order particularly whatsoever I decided to make this change after I realized many people would chop my head off and shove it on a stick if I put this in the order that the ships showed in so yes anyways enough bling on and let's get into the video okay this one's probably going to get me shot and somewhat understandable but I do not like the alberic that much well I say it's not that I don't like the alberic that much I just don't like how there's one very obviously discolored part of a bridge that is it it's on certain other liners as well that I don't think suits it very well and it just triggers me it it genuinely just triggers me um as I said it's a very controversial one with this one which is why it's in the number 10 spot on this list um but yeah apart from that the alberic is really nice I just do not like that one slightly dark part of a bridge oh actually no another thing nothing I think her funnels are too tall for her as well like you have the ship and she's looks proportionally tiny and then her funnels look way too big for her apart from that as I said though the alberic is a very nice ship and quite frankly I think on the inside which is quite nice so quite redeemable for that [Music] one okay I can already hear the angry mob marching to my house with this one and I would just like to say this is for the exterior purposes only interior wise my God is she stunning but exterior wise I think she's a bit hideous and this is the emperator for you um especially before she had the uh eagle head taken off I think afterwards she looked way better but before the eagle head was removed she looked like an icea okay not only this but she was poorly designed as she was almost constantly on a list often ging in the nickname as limper but personally I think she did get better as time went on even though she still had a list um especially when she was the baron garer like she was much better as the baron garer but overall this is she's still pretty hideous in her early days and you know it's this is the ugliest ships list for a reason interior wise though I do think she is absolutely stunning and she has a very interesting career and overall I think she's a pretty good ocean line herself she just is not very well designed on the outside okay to make this list seem fair and like I'm not attacking everybody else's favorite ships I'm going to say one that I like quite a bit and that is the Great Britain okay I like the Great Britain she is a beautiful ship I personally think she is absolutely amazing to a degree I say beautiful ship to a degree her career was beautiful and amazing but outside wise she just doesn't look good okay I'll admit it her super structure is next to non-existent which I am aware is common for the era so before you go angrily commenting that in the comment section I'll address that now but the Great Britain is the most I think the most familiar example I could think of to address this by but she looks more like a sale or like clipper ship than an actual steam ship and that is my problem with her as well as that on the inside she is very cramped and very warm and she has got some really good points of her Interiors but most of her Interiors feel like I'm walking for a stable than anything else which once again I am fully aware is common for the era but still makes her ugly so you know just just to put that out there anyways enough blabbering on about the Great Britain as I need to go to the next part of the list why do I get that feeling I'm about to die again and the um hm weird anyways the reason why I've chose the Columbus and not the homeric is because I mean why not the Columbus uh second of all I feel like I'm more likely to get shot if I chose the homeric anyways the thing I don't like about the Columbus and the homeric and it's very it's very small complaint um first of all her bow looks like it comes to a sudden halt looking at it like it it looks like the they were going to make it longer and then at some point they just gave up and there's like a quick stub second of all there's like a huge bunch of white paint across her entire super structure up until a bow and then there's one slight lump in the middle of the bow that is annoying of white and it is just annoying because there's nowhere else on the bout and there's like a thin line at the front and it oh God her ping TR just triggers me is another problem and that's another reason why I chose the Columbus over the homeric for this list is I don't think the homeric has the same problem as as well as that um looking at her Bridge her Windows look very small um I would not want to be the guy looking out of those in a morning so you know I'd be really heavily hoping that Lookouts and everybody on the briding were doing their job properly otherwise we would be preparing to have a very bad time but overall I do think the Columbus is still a pretty good ship though in terms of career- wise and I do want to cover the Columbus one day eventually so stay tuned for that but anyways I need to move on to the next ship on this list [Music] okay I probably turning into dangerous territory with this one as many of you like the Elder France in fact I myself love her Interiors uh and just to be completely clear this is for the Elder France exterior preit I think postre she looks amazing pre-re I do not like her I don't know what it is specifically I think it might be the Super structure that super structure just looks way too blocky and I think it look I think it's the fact that it's slightly bigger than the rest of the ship as well and then the three funnels make it all look like one big mess on the Outside Inside I will admit she's pretty good and on that fact I think we can all agree on but outside wise I don't like her and I think she's a pretty big mess and I'm going to die after this video there off I don't upload for a while an angry person has broken into my house and shot me for putting the older friends on this list though as they'll probably soon find out I mostly going to get murdered the other ships on this [Music] list speaking of ships that look like a mess preit may I ask what the hell happened with the Windsor Castle I think it's the same with a sister ship as well it's like they've got a checklist of things I don't like with a ship they made her way too blocky for my liking there's a big check there as well as that she looks very very very much C and very very messy and as well as that when she was launched or when she was completed in 1922 she was outdated even back then but that was because of the war had broken out before like World War I but she even back then she was pretty outdated looking and quite frankly I don't like her for that reason like I don't like the Winds of Castle she is blocky she is messy on her decks and quite frankly this is a controversial opinion I think her Interiors are okay not great as I said controversial opinion I know but heho I do think though she does look way nicer and way better after her refit that she has some point I believe in the 30s and this refit makes it look way more modern and actually makes me really really like the Winds of Castle but before that refit I really want to puke every time I look at her so you know just saying anyways moving on okay I don't care if you like this one I'm putting it on my list what the hell were they thinking when designing this she is extremely blocky overcrowded and holy smokes what the hell is that funnel like do you know how I mentioned about proportions earlier with the alberic how her funnels look too big for her well it's a similar case here but in this case it looks like half of the funnel has collapsed within the ship and we're missing a huge trunk of it as as well as that the ventilation is very lazily placed around said funnel and as I mentioned earlier it is cramped and overcrowded with the amount of equipment that is on the deck while anybody was thinking making this ship I don't know all I know is they deserve to be shot and quite frankly I believe this brings shame to the ocean liners and very controversial I know but whether you agree with me or disagree with me let me know in the comment section below but overall I think this thing is an isce and deserves to be burnt okay what happened no seriously what the hell happened with this ship her super structure looks Bland her well actually no a super structure looks like it got cut off Midway through construction Jesus and a funnel also as well as this is so close to being in the middle yet is just slightly just slightly out of the way of the middle and that is what annoys me okay I want to blow this ship up I want to destroy this ship I want to annihilate it it is a flipping isol person designs this deserves jail time but anyways enough blabbering on as we are now approaching the top too okay where do I begin with this one the L Atlantic I believe it's pronounced um okay let's start off with her funnels proportionally does not work with the actual ship itself it's like I mentioned it with the alberic earlier and with the um a car what the other ship was but either way proportionally the funnels does not work with the rest of the ship then bringing me on to my next question or next part is did they make the super structure in Minecraft there is no curbs in it and it it just looks like one big block the fact that somebody looked at that and went M yes this feels like a good idea and this looks beautiful will forever amaze me now thankfully for me I don't have to burn the ship as she caught fire and I believe sunk not too long after being put in service which is kind of sad cuz I believe she did have a much nicer refit that made her look way better and she never really got to experience much of that but and I think if she if she'd gone on long enough and received some more refits I believe she would have probably eventually been one of the most beautifullest ships as it's a few things that I think could make her look way better but overall like I think she just looks like an eyes saw but hey ho once again just my opinion but um yeah if you're angry over that you're really not going to like what's in my number one spot I should probably start planning out my funeral we unrefrigerated pie okay before you start typing in your angry comments hear me out and I'm going to try and be very delicate about this matter cuz I know to very few people this ship is amazing and this is just more of a preference thing uh speaking and I'm aware that this is very subjective and I'm aware that this is probably going to result in my demise but let's begin Charlie first of all I don't like her Interiors let's get that part out of the way why I hear you ask I just find her Interiors extremely overwhelming that is why that that is literally the reason why I just find our Interiors I think someone said it feels more like walking for an art gallery and that describes it best is the feeling I get looking at uh her Interiors it just no it it doesn't look it just feels more overwhelming than great like there's a line to cross I think before he goes into oh my God this is amazing too why I think this is a bit over the top okay and the next point I will say and then this is going to really get me shot is I don't like out outside now why don't I like the outside I don't actually know like I say I don't actually know right I don't like her outside but I can't put my finger on what I don't like about her outside I think it might be the funnels that is a very real possibility okay very big and very thick and makes it looks like they've just went and got some toilet tubes and cut them that is what it looks like they've done there then you've got a super structure forward of the bow where it just sort of like I like the curve all right that looks nice but then you got the part right in front of it on the actual bow itself which isn't really part of the super structure which I'm aware where I don't know what happened there but it does not work for me it does not look good okay it looks kind of hideous actually looking at it and it just looks like a slide no seriously I feel like getting a slide and just going off it and stone I don't think really works with the Normandy okay I don't think the stone really works with it though to be fair I think she would look better with a cruiser St okay in my opinion but once again I am aware that this is a very subjective one and I'm aware that many of you guys really like her so I am trying to be very gentle with it how how I feel about this ship but I do not feel great about her I I will admit though I have started to warm up to her as i' as time's gone on but personally warm up to her but personally I don't like her okay not my cup of tea she may be yours but she's not mine and I hope that we can respectfully disagree with each other but anyways before some before that person outside of a sniper rifle shoots me let's get to the appal okay I'm going to start off by saying I hope we can all respectfully disagree with each other and I hope in the comment section we can all respect each of's opinions okay I personally don't like the ships on this list exter wise or interior wise or for a variety of reasons you may like them and this does not go only just for me but this goes for anybody else if you go into the comment section and you somebody says oh would I like this ship oh I don't like this ship and then you comment something hateful on it please don't do that and most importantly please do not go and start commenting hate on this video because you had a slight disagreement okay if you don't agree with my videos okay or this specific particular video don't go and start insulting me or don't start in my Channel please don't it's not nice it's very rude actually cuz that's like going into that's like going into someone's house and then insulting them cuz you don't like their interior Decor it's like cool good for you I like it it's my opinion and what I like and I get that with many people I've probably gone and attacked many of your guys' favorite sh you guys' favorite ship and for that I say I apologize but personally they are not my cup of tea okay so while you may be angry with it I don't like them so I hope we can all respectfully agree to disagree with each other the next thing I'm going to say is I would like to start to gather some opinions on what you guys think are the ugliest ships as I plan to do a sequel to 10 more of the ugliest ships called 10 more of the ugly ship well no my view decide the ugly ship sorry called views my views decide the ugly ships part two and basically just comment down what you think of the ugliest ships in the description below or I'll might do a community tab announce on it soon and then chances are it'll appear in the video with your comment if you the first one to comment it will first comment I see with it so you know hopefully that'll probably come out in like November or December or something but anyways enough blabbering on as there is wait who are you uh we can talk about this right oh no and it was a bad idea putting the norm [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Captain Oblivious Mist
Views: 1,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mzlVnMiHHhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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