This is the world's DEADLIEST cruise ship | it's still sailing!

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this is potentially the deadliest and most horrifying cruise ship in the world and it's still actively sailing today usually when we think of cruising we imagine a fun relaxing and rejuvenating experience not so much this ship we are talking about the mv freewinds a ship that is allegedly responsible for the premature death of hundreds of people and has been accused of illegally imprisoning innocent crew members and defrauding passengers and worst of all the ship is still cruising in the caribbean today and few seem to know of the horrors happening on board first let's go back in time the mv3 winds was built in 1968 and was originally planned to be a car ferry constructors soon change their mind however after finding out that the demand for the planned route just wasn't high enough the ship was then quickly reconfigured to become a cruise ship and the owners added a small pool theater and other basic passenger amenities to make up for the change in plans once the ship was delivered it set sail and everything turned out great well not quite within 20 minutes of sailing on its maiden voyage the ship struck an undersea cliff just off the coast of stockholm the hull and the main fuel tank ruptured and passengers had to be evacuated via lifeboats this was the beginning of a crazy journey for a cruise ship there was never even supposed to be one after repairs from the initial crash the ship set sail on the weekly cruises in the caribbean it did so relatively uneventfully for almost 20 years just changing owners several times due to bankruptcies then in 1985 the ship was built by san donato properties corporation don't know who that is well it's owned by transcorp services sa which is owned by fst flagship trust which is owned by fsso flagship service org which is owned by sea org which is owned by the church of scientology to those that don't know the church of scientology is a profit-making religious cult that has previously been convicted of conspiracy and fraud in the united states and abroad they believe in reincarnation and the ability to clear past misdeeds by going through a process called auditing the only catch to audit you need to have a trained scientologist with you and that can cost upwards of several thousands of dollars in a way the free ones was purchased to be scientology's money-making machine after all it's the only location in the world where scientology believers can obtain ot8 the highest auditing level imagine it as being the vatican or the mecca of scientology but the ship also has another unique feature spread throughout the vessel blue asbestos blue asbestos is the deadliest kind of asbestos and when inhaled can cause severe lung cancer or mesothelioma when the scientology architect responsible for inspecting the vessel informed executives of his findings back in 1987 they allegedly shrugged it off stating that if asbestos were truly dangerous their cult founder would have warned them about it thus for the next few decades no one neither passengers nor crew members no guests was ever informed that the ship they're on is filled with one of the world's deadliest and most toxic minerals we'll get back to the asbestos in a bit but let's briefly forget about the deadly minerals on board how's everything else how's the cruise the answer disastrous the cruise ship is staffed solely by members of the sea org scientology's paramilitary religious order consisting only of the most fervent and dedicated believers in scientology when they initially joined the ship's staff they signed an employment contract for the next billion years no actually i'm serious for the next 1 billion years now to make someone sign a billion-year contract you'd expect some incredible employment perks right well you won't be disappointed with 120 hour work weeks and a weekly allowance of 50 dollars your hourly wage comes down to a solid 42 cents not bad so it might surprise you that some crew members claim to be overworked and underpaid and start to realize that scientology isn't as fun and as hip as they thought it would be and decide to leave but it isn't always that easy a former scientologist by the name of veleska paris claims she was sent to live on the ship by the leader of scientology at age 17 to keep her away from her mother that publicly denounced a cult once on board offices supposedly immediately took her passport away and forced a teenager to work below deck in dire conditions she ended up spending almost 12 years on board this is not a one-off accusation another ex-crew member scott campbell asked to leave the ship to visit his dying grandmother after they reportedly refused he escaped the ship while docked in mexico only to be found and dragged back by ship security he was then allegedly confined to his bedroom for six months only periodically given drugged food and a five-gallon bucket to do his business in the church of scientology has been accused by dozens of ex-crew members of severely mistreating crew and forcing them to do hard manual labor once they announce their intention to leave some of these crew members stories are truly heartbreaking and make you question the organization as a whole but it's not only crew members that are treated inhumanely if you think salespeople on your last cruise were annoying imagine being asked on the daily to pay thousands of dollars for special auditing services and constantly being questioned why you didn't book your next cruise yet a passenger that refused to leave money on the onboard account for a future cruise and said he would leave the cult altogether claims he was kidnapped and confined to his room for days before he managed to construct a rope to leap out of his window into freedom but amongst all those horror stories some passengers are having fun we're talking about the ultra rich and ultra famous amongst the ship's celebrity guests with tom cruise katie holmes john travolta and other famous scientologists actors and actresses tom cruise even celebrated his 42nd birthday on board together with the scientology leader in quite an opulent way [Applause] [Applause] meanwhile crew members are reportedly mistreated abused and unjustly imprisoned passengers are allegedly coerced to spend their every remaining day owned and did he forget yet everyone and i mean everyone is unknowingly inhaling blue asbestos only in april 2008 did kurosawa health authorities detect the deadly mineral in an onboard inspection they found a significant amount of raw blue asbestos the most hazardous form of the mineral all over the ship they estimated that it would take months for the ship to be decontaminated and it would cost tens of millions of dollars to do so far more than the ship is currently worth yet somehow within 30 days of the inspection the ship was sailing again with passengers and the church vehemently denies there was ever any asbestos on board at the same time it can be estimated that the contaminated vessel is potentially responsible for over a thousand premature death amongst passengers and crew this figure is completely arbitrary however and we will likely never know the exact number that's because the church of scientology is not releasing any passenger lists and signs of asbestos exposure can take between 10 and 20 years to show that's why health authorities are urging anyone that has been on this ship to be tested as soon as possible yet to this very day the allegedly still hazardous contaminated ship is still sailing the caribbean with unsuspecting passengers crew members and guests it is also possible that at least some of these sea co crew members on board are still being held there against their will others could be mistreated and exploited and passengers are probably still being brainwashed to give their every remaining dime to the cult to sum it up here's what we know about the three winds we have a cruise ship that was originally designed to be a car ferry and that is already over twice as old as the recommended maximum ship lifespan we have a ship filled with asbestos that is potentially responsible for the premature death of many people we have a ship where crew members report being held up against their will being overworked and paid 42 cents an hour we have a ship where passengers report being brainwashed to spend their every remaining dime on board and with a ship that is still sailing today possibly causing more misery and pain and no one seems to [Applause] never care get me out on the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh [Music] to go [Music]
Channel: Cruisedaily
Views: 768,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst cruise ship, deadliest cruise ship, scientology cruise ship, scientology, cruise ship, cruise, cruises, cruise ships, worst cruise line, cruise ship in storm, cruise ship crash, royal caribbean cruise, msc cruises, carnival cruise line, freewinds, freewinds ship, freewinds ship prisoner, world's worst cruise ship, the ship of horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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