Trying to Fix this Ugly Ship

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well listen guys I'm really sorry we didn't get to do our uh ship Improvement we can do a quick one I mean I've been here a little while you guys not sick of me yet we can do a really quick one what ship shall we do give me give me an idea just a quick ship makeover oh the Hellenic prints floating kitchen knife oh you're really gonna make me do the Hellenic Prince all right um okay all right let's do it let's do the Hellenic Prince guys yep there's a lot of a lot of uh a lot of Hellenic print stuff going on yeah a Hellenic Prince okay how am I going to do this this is chip is unfixable oh man this is gonna be so tough I said a quick one this is this isn't quick unfixable sounds like a true challenge where do you even start with this all right okay um I've got some ideas okay so the first thing we need to do is kind of like obviously shift the kitchen knife situation um so we're going to take the entire superstructure like this whole chunk of superstructure here we're going to copy that and paste it we're going to lift it up um so it's about maybe hilarish kind of this will make sense in a minute trust me so already the ship looks a little bit more like a normal a normal ship cut and paste the jvo over the image Oh no I got an idea I got an idea how many of you know what I'm about to do and I fixed this uh never gets old we are going to keep this Promenade here we're going to get rid of this one though because um she doesn't need it and what I want to do is raise this part of the stern up uh with that bit there to about there so she's still got to cruise a Stern because I think the cruiser Stern is very very handsome and then we're going to fix this bit now you know this is going to be a little rough but you get the idea that's I mean close enough you guys you know what I'm going for here that's just like that's the ship's Cruiser's turn okay very good all right and then we're going to just simply uh get rid of that as well unfortunately the rust I can't fix uh we're just going to come in over the top it's like Bob Ross but for ships and then look at the happy little portholes at the little portals here guys and um remember there are no mistakes only only happy little accidents except in the case of the Hellenic Prince because the entire ship was a mistake roughly there I mean again very very rough very very rough uh we're gonna put those there and then another layer there okay now the other issue with this ship is that the superstructure is a little too a little too far aft for my liking so what I'm going to do is try this is going to be hard to photoshop I'm going to try and copy and paste this bit I'm gonna put that there I'm going to shrink it down a little bit because it's now further away from the camera uh we'll put it about there and get rid of that much of it and then this part I'm just going to straight up delete this part of the superstructure but try and keep those Lifeboat debits intact sorry guys very rough this isn't gonna be pretty but it wasn't pretty to begin with so if this ends up looking like a dog's breakfast it's not my fault this does look like a mess but bear with me while I just fix this up real quick uh that'll do pick that'll do this ship May yet prove to be unfixable but I am absolutely going to do my best we're going to give her a second funnel here so this is all ready it's not great it's not great but it does look a little bit more like a like a a liner right like come on I mean that was that was a pretty horrendous looking ship it looks like Canton yeah it looks like a piano ship um what we want to do I guess is maybe like an aft Mast I think I'd balance that out so I'm not even gonna like Photoshop that I'm just gonna come in very roughly and dump that in this I mean that's not bad I it's still all Hull you know what I mean like um I'm not thrilled by the fact that it's all Hull but I can't I can't add any superstructure because there's just nothing to get rid of those boats like the the ship is a Mess by its very nature you know what I mean I don't think there's anything else I can do to this I think this is honestly the best you're gonna get out of the Helen Prince or maybe add like a little smoke coming out of the funnels I don't know if you guys have any more ideas I I truly think this is like the best we can get what's bugging me is this is this Promenade like not a fan uh I wonder if you continued this forward like nah that looks even more utilitarian jeez all right now get rid of that that was a bad idea [Music] let's do a before and after and see just because again when you're doing these um it's easy to kind of like Get Lost in You know trying to make it look really good but you forget what it looked like before uh before you started so here here's the before and there's the after what do you guys think [Music] make it make it less kitchen knife like I did I did make it less kitchen knife-like what are you talking about before okay there you go before after [Music] again it's not pretty well it's not pretty but it does the job and it looks a lot less like a knife what do you mean make it less kitchen knife like how can I how can I make how could I possibly improve this there's nothing else I can do now I'm calling it this is done improved it the I know the Promenade makes it look like a kitchen knife but I don't think I can get rid of it I mean short of like all right let's plate over what we're gonna do we're gonna play it over the Promenade just to see if it looks any better all right I think it's gonna look more boxy [Music] I don't like it I don't like it guys it's just boxy maybe maybe if you had like a nice little little elegant Promenade like one of these ones you know that's nice so there you go okay all right we'll we'll split the difference we'll call we'll say that's that's a lot nicer right that's nice that's okay that you know honestly this now just looks like one of those like um D's budget cruise ships that they had operating should we rename it as well as is tradition when we do these kinds of things we'll give it um because this is no longer the Hellenic Prince do you do you do you two think God stays in heaven because he fears what he has created guys you know what I'm gonna say we did a good job with the kitchen knife I think um I think that's an improvement uh you know part of why this looks so horrendous I just realized is that we didn't touch the funnels I forgot to improve the Livery on the on the funnels no wonder it looks terrible let's just get in here real quick and fix these up we'll give it you know what we'll even give it nice little black tops and get rid of that awful soot residue on top of the funnels there you go that's quite nice and you know what I wonder even if we gave her a black hole I'm sure she'd look pretty let's try that out give the hull a little love that's better hey before after hey ladies and gentlemen congratulations the kitchen knife was was born today in fact I'm just gonna highlight the name pick it out in in goals there we go let me drop the opacity on that there you go top impressive line says now it kind of looks like a Multan I agree listen I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna call this improved are you not entertained the more I squint at it it looks a little bit homeric we accidentally made a white star liner damn it live uh cool kitchen knife there you go she's a white Starliner there you go that's the running mate to her Merrick um I'm going to go and make a coffee have a wonderful day I'll see you guys soon ciao [Music]
Channel: Mike Brady
Views: 38,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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