Top 10 Times Missy Was the Best Character on Young Sheldon

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po verb with Freddy's it's French oh what's a Croc monster welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the Times Missy Cooper was the star of young Sheldon if you're not yet caught up this is your spoiler warning you defac my body with a grammatic layer I guess that's your problem why are you are number 10 missy and Sheldon almost learn that Georgie and Mandy are expecting in this episode the twins are kept in the dark when Georgie and Mandy's baby bombshell catches the adults off guard but have they met Missy Cooper she's super perceptive and nothing gets by her what about last night what about it they were talking in the garage with the door shut what's OD about that nobody in this house talks H what do you think's going on I don't know so when the grown-ups start acting weird she joins forces with cheldon to get to the bottom of it throughout the episode they come up with an array of possibilities each more hilariously wrong than the last by the episode's conclusion they get so close to the truth I heard them talking about a baby oh my you know what that means mom's pregnant exactly so close and yet still so wrong a few episodes later puzzled by her parents rekindled Romance the Cooper's sassiest kid finds solace in watching the parent to be's endless squabbles let's not do this in front of your sister it actually feels normal keep going and let's not forget I only lied cuz you're hot oh my God we don't need to watch a movie about a talking baby you're right here number nine fatherdaughter outings while Mary often dots on Sheldon and George senior bonds with Georgie over football Missy often finds herself charting her own course so those precious moments she shares with her dad always stand out what sounds fun I'd like to be taken to dinner great where to the fanciest restaurant in allive Texas they develop a close bond with George always looking out for his little girl and connecting over their shared interests dinner's ready 5 more minutes she wants five more minutes with her old Dad it was heartbreaking when they started growing apart once Missy settled into her teen years and discovered her father's closeness to Brenda Sparks however in season 6 we see a glimmer of hope for their relationship Big Bang fans know what lies ahead so we hope they get at least one more fatherdaughter date before the inevitable happens pleas stop saying that what daddy daughter D yes okay what would you like me to call our daddy daughter dates you're so annoying number eight bonding with Georgie over homework as mentioned earlier Mary tends to coddle Sheldon more than his siblings this may be why Georgie and Missy share such a special connection still we were just as surprised as Georgie when Missy asked him to help her with homework but we totally got why he agreed sometimes I tell myself I only look stupid because he's so smart give me the book their relatable and hilarious Dynamic shines as they tackle the questions together proving they don't need Sheldon's brilliant mind I don't see an action word neither do I Georgie I don't think this is a sentence I think you're right now I just have to fix it put a verb in there girl and does it get any cuter than George proudly displaying Missy's perfect score in his bedroom we see these two team up on various occasions and it's heartwarming to see that even when Sheldon gets most of their parents' attention they still have each other doesn't matter he doesn't like me anyway sorry I liked it better when you wanted to marry Al I still kind of do number seven her friendship with Paige Paige enters the scene of Sheldon's intellectual rival at Dr sturgis's lectures but eventually becomes comes fast friends with Missy it starts innocent enough with trips to the Hello Kitty store and sleepovers however as their teenage angst sets in their escapades get more rebellious like stealing George's car to run away think your parents know you're gone they barely know when I'm there sure they're not always the best influences on each other but Missy proves she's got Pages back when it truly matters when Sheldon loses paig at a college party Missy abandons her own rule breaking to ensure her friend is safe Bradley do you know how old she is she said she was 18 lower 16 lower yeah I got to go as Paige shares her struggles and loneliness Missy reminds her that she'll always be there for her what good is being smart if you're all alone let's go to Sheldon's and get you cleaned up thanks just so you know you're not alone you've got me number six saving Sheldon from a splinter Sheldon and Missy might be twins but sharing a birthday and a family is pretty much where their similarities end when Mary gets a full-time job at the church George convinces her the twins can handle a few unsupervised hours at home first aid kit is in the hall closet and you won't be needing it but under the kitchen sink is a power extinguisher ooh that looks fun faced with a potential danger Shelton is like a deer in the headlights while Missy well she's more resourceful when a simple Splinter causes Sheldon stress Missy unable to find tweezers resorts to Creative Solutions my sister performed a medical procedure using a children's board game while I bravely sat very still let's just say it's a good thing she was raised on board games because it turns out that operation teaches some valuable life skills Missy saves the day but their mother has a few questions why do the kitchen smell like whiskey ask her oh dear lord wait till you hear what I did to Mimo number five making the baseball team and making that boy eat dirt Missy initially shows interest in baseball to impress her Crush but ultimately strikes out she truly develops a passion for the sport after a hilariously impressive winning streak at the church Carnival this is a lot of fun but why don't we let somebody else take a [Applause] shot however she faces a devastating curveball when Dale a team coach initially dismisses her because of her gender but with Connie in her Corner Missy not only makes the team but also scores a home run against gender bias I need you to give her the same chance you would a boy or what were you and me going to have problems well we wouldn't want that would we she still has some bases to cover whether it's showing her friends there's no one right way to be a girl or proving to the boys that she deserves her place on the team as much as anyone she's even willing to make anyone who challenges her eat dirt oh well here we go e eat it number four messing with her mother I know what you're doing okay I just feel bad for my friend that poor son of a mitch Melissa Cooper Miss's puzzling relationship with religion and God is tied to the belief that much like Santa God might be keeping tabs on who's been naughty or nice you're unhappy just ask God for help I don't believe in God shh he can hear you he knows if you've been bad or good like Santa he can send you to hell that said it doesn't stop her from throwing in a playful jab at her mom's Faith every now and then for instance when Sheldon asks Mary about his chances of winning class president Missy cracks a joke reminding her that the big guy values honesty whether you win or not I think it's great that you're trying but you think I'll win right God's listening mom however one of the funniest moments comes when Missy decides to read certain Bible exerpts out loud in front of her mom she asserts she's just trying to make her happy but Mary is too astute to believe that that thine ox and thine ass May rest that is it you are grounded for reading the Bible the way you are doing it yes go to your room okay I don't have a donkey but if I did I'd take my ass out of here number three participating in a twin study with Sheldon we we all know that Sheldon's a genius but it seems like Missy may have gotten the Lion Share when it comes to other kinds of intelligence when the siblings participate in a twin study Sheldon Nails the analytical problem solving questions while Missy shines in the emotional and social intelligence rounds must be something juicy cuz he's smiling anything else it might be dirty cuz this girl monkey is sending the kid monkey out of the room he doesn't want to go he looks sad watching her bond with the scientist and describe a monkey tea party is pure joy but our heart sank when she explained why she thinks she developed such refined perception skills and my mom and me m spent all their time fussing over Sheldon so they're like a team too so no one's on your team nope it's just me still she proves brighter than Sheldon when she demands a cut of their fee but let's just say that if she and Sheldon had approached these negotiations together they'd be unstoppable well I won't have that which is hang on sh number two Missy apologizes season six hits Missy hard with teenage angst and things haven't been too easy lately either in the season finale a tornado disrupts their Journey as she and George drive home compelling them to take cover D I'm scared it's okay we're almost home keep an eye out for phone clouds what happens if I see one we got the car and we lay down low till it passes over George Shields his daughter with his body and they weather the storm together as the Tempest subsides so does much of Miss's anger in a touching moment she breaks down and apologizes for everything sorry I'm sorry for everything I've been awful I don't even know why I really do love you and Mom and I don't actually ha George quickly reassures her and forgives easing the tension it's not common for Missy to show her vulnerable side so this scene really Cuts deep George's loving response gives us hope that their reconciliation marks a promising new chapter in relationship we'll be better every I know you will I love you too before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions defending Billy her heart is bigger than her desire to be popular Billy she doesn't like you what do you mean she's having a party at her house on Saturday she's not going to the movies it's a prank oh I'm sorry dealing with her father's infidelity she might not have Sheldon's IQ but you can't pull the wool or chicken's feathers over her eyes he said he saw y'all leaving there the other day we were talking chickens and he said it wasn't the first time they got a lot of chickens getting a job to help out her family Missy does her part when the Coopers face some money troubles they act as a metaphor for Outsiders trying to find their place in society who's your favorite all of them M too and I got the job playing favorites we guess she doesn't want to be mom's favorite that bad since I didn't cost you all that money who's your new favorite me or Georgie you know I don't have favorites yeah right okay whoever takes the trash out first is my favorite she thinks we stupid Missy the genius imagine an alternate universe where Miss's the family Brainiac Dr seres is correct if indeed we grew up in another Universe our sense of normality would be for by that Universe before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one helping Sheldon find his courage many of us have spotted parallels between Missy and the big bang theories Penny both enjoy teasing Sheldon but Harper a deep affection for him too remember when Missy tried to use twin telepathy to communicate with Sheldon when he started school in Dallas but I think mom misses you real bad all right I can't hear you so I'm going to hang up now good night or how she sought comfort in his bed while he was in the hospital but she displays top tier sister qualities when both twins face big changes she reassures Sheldon that it's okay to be scared and that the best thing they can do is face those fears head on so what do we do I guess be scared and do it anyway in a moment reminiscent of Sheldon's Nobel speech he dedicates his valid dictorian address to her seeing Missy's face light up just melts our hearts Missy this is for you what's your favorite Missy moment let us know in the comments I don't need to be good at math I have beautiful hair do you agree with our piics check out this other recent clip from M Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 273,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, TV, best of missy, list, missy and dad moments, missy and mom moments, missy and sheldon moments, missy apologizes, missy cooper, missy episodes, missy moments, missy moments on young sheldon, missy young sheldon, missy young sheldon moments, mojo, msmojo, raegan revord, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, young sheldon, young sheldon final season, young sheldon season 7, young sheldon missy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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